Peter Jeffrey Wisoff

Peter Jeffrey Wisoff
Peter Jeffrey Wisoff
Peter Jeffrey Wisoff
Astronaut NASA
Státní příslušnostSpojené státy americkéSpojené státy americké Spojené státy americké
Datum narození16. srpna 1958 (64 let)
Místo narozeníNorfolk, Virginie
Spojené státy americkéSpojené státy americké Spojené státy americké
vědec fyzik
Čas ve vesmíru44 dní, 8 hodin a 9 minut
Kosmonaut od1990
MiseSTS-57, STS-68, STS-81, STS-92
Znaky misíSts-57-patch.png Sts-68-patch.png Sts-81-patch.png Sts-92-patch.svg
Kosmonaut do2001
Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky.

Peter Jeffrey Wisoff (* 16. srpna 1958 Norfolk, Virginie), je americký vědec – fyzik a astronaut. Ve vesmíru byl čtyřikrát.


Studium a zaměstnání

Vystudoval fyziku na univerzitách University of Virginia a Stanford University. Studium ukončil získáním doktorátu v roce 1986.

V letech 1990 až 1991 absolvoval kosmonautický výcvik v Houstonu v NASA a do roku 2001 byl členem jednotky kosmonautů. Po ukončení kariéry kosmonauta pracoval u společnosti Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Oženil se, jeho ženou se stala astronautka Tamara Jerniganová. Má přezdívku Jeff.

Lety do vesmíru

Na oběžnou dráhu se v raketoplánech dostal čtyřikrát, vždy jako letový specialista a strávil ve vesmíru 44 dní, 8 hodin a 9 minut. Byl 294 člověkem ve vesmíru. Absolvoval tři výstupy do volného vesmíru (EVA) v délce 19 hodin a 53 minut.


Externí odkazy

Média použitá na této stránce

The crew patch for STS-81 , the fifth Shuttle-Mir docking mission, is shaped to represent the Roman numeral V. The Shuttle Atlantis is launching toward a rendezvous with Russia's Mir Space Station, silhouetted in the background. Atlantis and the STS-81 crew spent several days docked to Mir during which time Jerry M. Lineger (NASA-Mir-4) replaced astronaut John Blaha (NASA-Mir-3) as the U.S. crew member onboard Mir. The U.S. and Russian flags are depicted along with the names of the shuttle crew.
STS-57 Endeavour, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 105, crew insignia (logo), the Official insignia of the NASA STS-57 mission, depicts the Space Shuttle Endeavour maneuvering to retrieve the European Retrievable Carrier (EURECA) microgravity experiment satellite. Spacehab -- the first commercial space laboratory -- is depicted in the cargo bay (payload bay (PLB)), and its characteristic shape is represented by the inner red border of the patch. The three gold plumes surrounded the five stars trailing EURECA are suggestive of the United States (U.S.) astronaut logo. The five gold stars together with the shape of the orbiter's mechanical arm form the mission's numerical designation. The six stars on the American flag represent the U.S. astronauts who comprise the crew. With detailed input from the crewmembers, the final artwork was accomplished by artist Tim Hall. The names of the STS-57 flight crewmembers are located along the border of the patch. They are Commander Ronald J. Grabe, Pilot Brian J.
Peter Wisoffcropped.jpg
Peter Wisoff US astronaut
Designed by the crew members, the STS-92 patch symbolizes the second mission to carry U.S.-built elements to the International Space Station (ISS) for assembly. The black silhouette of the Space Shuttle Discovery stands out against the deep blue background of space in low Earth orbit. In the foreground in gray is a profile view of the ISS as it appears when the shuttle and crew arrive, with the station consisting of the Unity node, its two pressurized mating adapters (PMA), the Zarya functional cargo block, the Zvezda service module, and the Progress cargo vehicle.
Following the shuttle's rendezvous and docking, the ISS configuration will be augmented by the two elements delivered by Discovery–the Z1 truss and PMA-3. These two elements, depicted in red, will be installed using the shuttle's robot arm and be connected to ISS during four spacewalks. The multi-national nature of both the STS-92 crew and the ISS are reflected in the multi-colored Astronaut Office symbol.

STS-68 Mission Insignia

This STS-68 patch was designed by artist Sean Collins. Exploration of Earth from space is the focus of the design of the insignia, the second flight of the Space Radar Laboratory (SRL-2). SRL-2 was part of NASA's Mission to Planet Earth (MTPE) project. The world's land masses and oceans dominate the center field, with the Space Shuttle Endeavour circling the globe. The SRL-2 letters span the width and breadth of planet Earth, symbolizing worldwide coverage of the two prime experiments of STS-68: The Shuttle Imaging Radar-C and X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) instruments; and the Measurement of Air Pollution from Satellites (MAPS) sensor. The red, blue, and black colors of the insignia represent the three operating wavelengths of SIR-C/X-SAR, and the gold band surrounding the globe symbolizes the atmospheric envelope examined by MAPS. The flags of international partners Germany and Italy are shown opposite Endeavour. The relationship of the Orbiter to Earth highlights the usefulness of human space flights in understanding Earth's environment, and the monitoring of its changing surface and atmosphere. In the words of the crew members, the soaring Orbiter also typifies the excellence of the NASA team in exploring our own world, using the tools which the Space Program developed to explore the other planets in the solar system.