Portál:Biologie/Obrázek dne/2009-02


Wonder eye.png
Odraz v oku


Anhinga americká (Anhinga anhinga)


Octopus marginatus.jpg
Octopus marginatus


Blackbird female.jpg
Kos černý (Merula)


Bihoreau Gris 3.jpg
Kvakoš noční (Nycticorax nycticorax)


Papilio machaon - ComputerHotline (by).jpg
Otakárek fenyklový (Papilio machaon)


Xerocomus badius 2008.JPG
Hřib hnědý (Xerocomus badius)


Sahuaro in bloom 2.jpg
Kaktus Carnegiea gigantea v poušti Sonora v Mexiku


Craticulina sp.jpg
Moucha z rodu Craticulina


Tigerwater edit2.jpg
Tygr ve vodě


Adansonia digitata MS 6682.JPG
Baobab prstnatý (Adansonia digitata)




Aythya fuligula Hires.jpg
Polák chocholačka (Aythya fuligula)




Giraffe Ithala KZN South Africa Luca Galuzzi 2004.JPG
Dvě bojující žirafy (Giraffa camelopardalis) v parku Ithala na severu jihoafrické provincie KwaZulu-Natal


Chickens in market.jpg
Kuřata na trhu v Mazatlan v Mexiku


Miomantis paykullii


Plž Nembrotha lineolata


Stinkhorn Springbrook.jpg
Houba Aseroë rubra z čeledi hadovkotvarých na tábořišti v australském národním parku Springbrook


Vřecko s výtrusy Morchella elata (Smrž). Vyfotografovánou metodou fázového kontrastu.


Leaf epidermis.jpg
Snímek povrchu listu rostliny Nicotiana alata pořízený rastrovacím elektronovým mikroskopem, jsou zde vidět např. trichomy a průduchy.


Australia Cairns 01.jpg
Mangrove Avicennia marina na pláži Cairns, Austrálie


Desinsertion du muscle CO.jpg
Operativní odstraňování šilhavosti (strabismu)


La Boqueria.JPG
Ovoce vystavené na trhu La Boqueria v Barceloně ([Španělsko])


Oxalis triangularis Stereoscopy Richard Bartz.jpg
3D fotografie květiny Oxalis regnellii


Ophrys tenthredinifera Mallorca 01.jpg
Tořič hnědopyský (Ophrys tenthredinifera)


Höckerschwan Cygnus olor 10 Richard Bartz.jpg
Labuť velká (Cygnus olor)


Ctenophora edited.jpg
Trubýš (řád Siphonophora)

Média použitá na této stránce

Craticulina sp.jpg
Autor: Muhammad Mahdi Karim, Licence: GFDL 1.2
A Craticulina sp fly, most probably Craticulina seriata, the only species of the genus found in Tanzania. The fly was around 6-7mm long. Pictured in Dar es Salaam.
Giraffe Ithala KZN South Africa Luca Galuzzi 2004.JPG
Autor: Luca Galuzzi (Lucag), Licence: CC BY-SA 2.5
Fighting giraffes in Ithala Game Reserve, northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Wonder eye.png
Autor: Jalal Volker, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Reflection in eye. Looking up at the ceiling of the Bahá'í Centre of Learning, Hobart, Tasmania.
Autor: Daniel Schwen, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Samec anhingy americké (Anhinga anhinga) v Přírodní rezervaci Loxahatchee na Floridě.
Leaf epidermis.jpg
Scanning electron microscope image of Nicotiana alata upper leaf surface, showing tricomes and a few stomates. Instrument: ZEISS962 SEM.
Desinsertion du muscle CO.jpg
Strabismus surgery—medial rectus muscle being disinserted following pre-placement of vicryl sutures. A Castroviejo locking forceps is grasping the superior pole of the muscle, while a Manson-Aebli scissors does the cutting. The eyelids are being held by a Cook speculum.
Ctenophora edited.jpg
Autor: user:uwe kils, edited by Arne Nordmann (norro), Licence: CC-BY-SA-3.0


Really? Does not look like one, but more like a Ctenophora. -- dysmorodrpeanis
Might be a Calycophorae, more precisely a Diphyes sp.
Chickens in market.jpg
Autor: Tomás Castelazo, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Chicken meat displayed for sale at public food market in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico.
Bihoreau Gris 3.jpg

This Picture was taken by Alain Carpentier ( talk , www )

Please credit this with: Alain Carpentier.
Also, it would be greatly appreciated if you notify me of the use of my photo by email or on my discussion page.


, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Black-crowned night heron Nycticorax nycticorax with a sucker fish
Oxalis triangularis Stereoscopy Richard Bartz.jpg
Autor: Richard Bartz, Munich aka Makro Freak Makro Freak bar.jpg, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.5
3D image of the flower of a love plant, Oxalis triangularis.
Adansonia digitata MS 6682.JPG
Autor: Marco Schmidt, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flower of baobab (Adansonia digitata) in longitudinal section, Burkina Faso, between Fada N'Gourma and Ouagadougou
Sahuaro in bloom 2.jpg
Autor: Tomascastelazo, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Saguaro cactus at the Sonoran Desert, Mexico.
La Boqueria.JPG
Fruit on display at La Boqueria market in Barcelona.
Aythya fuligula Hires.jpg
Autor: Richard Bartz, Munich Makro Freak, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.5
Polák chocholačka
Australia Cairns 01.jpg
Autor: Guillaume Blanchard, Licence: CC BY-SA 1.0
Mangrove seedling (Rhizophora sp.), Cairns's beach, Australia.
Autor: Peter G. Werner, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Vřecko s výtrusy Morchella elata (Smrž). Vyfotografováno metodou fázového kontrastu. Foto: Merritt College, Oakland, CA.
Stinkhorn Springbrook.jpg
Autor: Mike Young, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Stinkhorn (Aseroë rubra) in the camping ground at Springbrook, Queensland. Note: The lack of the brown spores may be a result of recent heavy rain, or may simply not have yet appeared.
Autor: Nick Hobgood, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Nudibranch (Nembrotha lineolata) laying an egg spiral on a sea squirt (Polycarpa aurata) near Metinaro, East Timor.
Tigerwater edit2.jpg
Autor: Bob Jagendorf, Licence: CC BY 2.0
A tiger in the water. Six Flags, Jackson, New Jersey.
Octopus marginatus.jpg
Autor: Nhobgood Nick Hobgood, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Amphioctopus marginatus. This small octopus was found on a night dive off the Northern coast of East Timor approximately 40 kilometers West of the capital Dili. This individual used the two shells as protection by pulling them around itself when it sensed danger. Other individuals have demonstrated the ability to carry the shells with them as they travel across the bottom in search of prey. The dive site where this individual was observed is called "Sandy Bottom".
Höckerschwan Cygnus olor 10 Richard Bartz.jpg
Canon EF 70-300mm.jpg
This picture was realized by Richard Bartz by using a Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM Lens

Makro Freak bar.jpg
, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.5
Description: The Mute Swan (Cygnus olor is a common Eurasian member of the duck, goose and swan family Anatidae. Both cygnus and olor mean "swan", in Ancient Greek and Latin, respectively.)