Zde je archivovaný přehled o obrázcích měsíce na portálu Brno, které byly použity v období roku 2016:
Minská ulice v Brně-Žabovřeskách dne 1. srpna 2016, v první den ostrého provozu po roční rekonstrukci kolejového vedení a vozovky.
Demolice průmyslového areálu bývalého podniku Vlněna vlastníkem, developerskou společností CTP. Stav prací v ulici Dornych v průběhu srpna 2016.
Vstupní portál Baziliky Nanebevzetí Panny Marie na Mendlově náměstí.
Hotel International vybudovaný v letech 1959–1962 v bruselském stylu mezi Husovou a Veselou ulicí.
Zákoutí na hradě Špilberku.
Média použitá na této stránce
Autor: Pokud má díla používáte mimo projekty Wikimedia, ocenil bych upozornění.
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Více z mé práce najdete v mé osobní galerii., Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0Ulice Minská v Brně-Žabovřeskách. První den ostrého provozu po rekonstrukci ulice.
Autor: Pokud má díla používáte mimo projekty Wikimedia, ocenil bych upozornění.
Nekopírujte tento snímek nelegálně tím, že ignorujete níže uvedené licenční podmínky, neboť se nejedná o volné dílo. Chcete-li získat zvláštní svolení k užití, licenci nebo snímek zakoupit, kontaktujte mě prosím pro sjednání podmínek.
Více z mé práce najdete v mé osobní galerii., Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0Demolice průmyslového areálu Vlněna na Dornychu v Brně-střed. Pohled z horního parkoviště obchodní galerie Vaňkovka.
© Scotch Mist / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0
Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic by population and area, the largest Moravian city, and the historical capital city of the Margraviate of Moravia. Brno is the administrative centre of the South Moravian Region and lies at the confluence of the Svitava and Svratka rivers. The city was founded about a thousand years ago, it received city status in the year 1243, and for centuries it served as the capital city of Moravia, until 1948 when the autonomy of Moravia was abolished by the communists. The city flourished mainly during the nineteenth century. Today's Brno is a mixture of many different architecture styles. The most visited sights of the city include the Špilberk Castle and fortress and the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul on Petrov Hill, two medieval buildings that dominate the city skyline and are often depicted as its traditional symbols. The other large preserved castle near the city is Veveří Castle by the Brno Dam Lake. This castle is the site of a number of legends, as are many other places in Brno.
The Scotch Mist Gallery contains many photographs of historic buildings, monuments and memorials of Poland and beyond.
© Scotch Mist / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0
Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic by population and area, the largest Moravian city, and the historical capital city of the Margraviate of Moravia. Brno is the administrative centre of the South Moravian Region and lies at the confluence of the Svitava and Svratka rivers. The city was founded about a thousand years ago, it received city status in the year 1243, and for centuries it served as the capital city of Moravia, until 1948 when the autonomy of Moravia was abolished by the communists. The city flourished mainly during the nineteenth century. Today's Brno is a mixture of many different architecture styles. As well as Brno Basilica, the most visited sights of the city include Špilberk Castle and fortress and the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul on Petrov Hill, two medieval buildings that dominate the city skyline and are often depicted as its traditional symbols. The other large preserved castle near the city is Veveří Castle by the Brno Dam Lake. This castle is the site of a number of legends, as are many other places in Brno.
The Scotch Mist Gallery contains many photographs of historic buildings, monuments and memorials of Poland and beyond.
Autor: Michal Klajban, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Hotel International v Brně