Portál:Letectví/Návrhy fotografií týdne
- Aerotec A-122 Uirapuru
- AgustaWestland AW139
- Airbus A319 aerolinek United Airlines
- Airbus A319 aerolinek United Airlines
- Airbus A319 aerolinek British Airways
- (c) Ken Fielding/https://www.flickr.com/photos/kenfielding, CC BY-SA 3.0Prototyp letounu Airbus A320
- Airbus A320 společnosti Travel Service
- Airbus A330-222 aerolinek Korean Air
- (c) Julian Herzog, CC BY 4.0Airbus A350 na veletrhu ILA 2016
- Airspeed Courier
- American Champion Decathlon
- Armstrong Whitworth A.W.15
- Armstrong Whitworth A.W.52
- PWS-A polského letectva
- Aviméta 132
- Poslední letuschopný Avro Anson Mk.1
- (c) Photo: Cpl Paul Oldfield/MOD, OGL v1.0
- Beck-Mahoney Sorceress
- Závodní letoun Bell P-39Q
- Beneš-Mráz Be-50 Beta-Minor a Beneš-Mráz Be-51 Beta-Minor vítězí v roce 1937 na Raduno del Littorio (při uvítání na pražském letišti zleva kpt. J. Polma, npor. Červenka, npor. Škop a por. Maláč)
- Bennett Airtruck
- Berijev MBR-2 finského letectva
- Blériot XI při přeletu Lamanšského průlivu
- Blériot 127
- Blohm & Voss Ha 139 s nosičem hydroplánů Friesenland
- Boeing 80
- Boeing 247 aerolinií United Airlines
- Boeing 767 aerolinek Air Pacific
- Zadní střelec bombardérů Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (foto Robert Yarnall Richie)
- Boeing F4B
- Upravený Boeing F4B-4
- MBB Bo 209 Monsun
- Cvičný letoun Boulton Paul Sea Balliol T.21
- Trojice cvičných letounů Boeing Stearman NS-1 námořnictva Spojených států amerických
- Breda Ba.32
- Breguet Type IV s přibližně deseti pasažéry v roce 1911
- Bréguet 730
- Bréguet 393T
- Bréguet 941 byl v USA označován jako McDonnell 188
- Breguet G.111
- British Army Aeroplane No 1
- Bristol Brabazon
- British Aircraft Eagle
- (c) 航空自衛隊ホームページ, CC BY 4.0Japonských letoun British Aerospace U-125 nad horou Fudži
- Budd RB Conestoga
- CAC Boomerang „Suzy-Q“
- CAC Winjeel
- Canadair Challenger dánského letectva
- Prototyp těžkého bombardéru Caproni Ca.90 vedle menšího bambardéru Caproni Ca.36
- (c) The Flight magazine archive from Flightglobal, CC BY-SA 4.0CASA C-201 Alcotán
- Caspar U.1
- Caudron C.460
- Cessna Model AF
- Cessna 185
- Cessna A188B AgWagon
- Cessna 210 Centurion
- Cierva C.8
- Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS) je bezpečnostní systém navržený pro záchranu celých lehkých civilních letounů
- Cirrus SR22
- Předválečné předvedení dvoumístného pozorovacího draku, který pro britskou armádu navrhl Samuel Franklin Cody
- Colomban Cri-cri
- Convair C-131 Samaritan
- Convair Model 200
- Convair NC-131H Total-In-Flight Simulator
- Proudové motory General Electric J47 amerického strategického bombardéru Convair B-36 Peacemaker (foto Robert Yarnall Richie)
- Convair XFY Pogo (foto Robert Yarnall Richie)
- Výroba bombardéru B-24E Liberator v továrně Fordu ve Willow Run
- Curtiss SBC Helldiver francouzského námořnictva
- Průzkumný hydroplán Curtiss SOC Seagull uložený v hangáru těžkého křižníku USS Savannah (CL-42)
- Curtiss P-40 Kittyhawk
- Cvičný letoun Curtiss-Wright AT-9A (foto Robert Yarnall Richie)
- Dassault MD 315 Flamant
- (c) Bidgee, CC BY-SA 3.0 au
- de Havilland Canada DHC-1 Chipmunk
- de Havilland Canada DHC-4 Caribou
- de Havilland Mosquito PR Mk.XVI 140. perutě RAF
- Stíhací letoun Dewoitine D.27 švýcarského letectva
- Dewoitine D.333
- Dewoitine D.338
- Německý experimentální letoun DFS 39
- DFS 193
- Dornier Komet III
- Prosklené přídě bombardérů připravené v továrně společnosti Douglas Aircraft
- Douglas D-558-2 Skyrocket
- Douglas DC-3 ve zbarvení aerolinek Pan Am
- Karavan vyrobený z letounu Douglas DC-3
- Vyřazený Douglas C-117 vystavený v americkém Pima Air & Space Museum. V akci the Boneyard Project letoun pomaloval brazilský street artový umělec Nunca.
- Vrak letounu Douglas C-117 na Islandu
- Havarovaný Douglas DC-6 aerolinek Swissair
- Douglas M-4
- Douglas World Cruiser „Chicago“
- Margański & Mysłowski EM-11 Orka
- Embraer/FMA CBA 123 Vector na Mezinárodním aerosalonu ve Farnborough
- První vzlet amerického letounu vybaveného pomocnými raketovými motory. Lehký letoun ERCO Ercoupe s motory JATO (Jet Assisted Take-Off) vzhlétl dne 12. srpna 1941 z letiště March Field v Kalifornii.
- Fairchild FC-2
- Švýcarský Farman HF.20
- Fiat G.12
- Fiat G.80 – první italský proudový letoun
- Fiat G.212 aerolinií Avio Linee Italiane v Curychu
- Flight Design CT
- Dochovaný Focke-Wulf Fw 200 na letišti Berlín-Tempelhof
- Fokker D.XIII
- Fokker F.II
- Fokker F.VII/3m před Grand Hotelem ve Svatem Mořici
- Diváky obklopený Fokker F.VII/3m „Southern Cross“, se kterým australský průkopník letectví Charles Kingsford Smith v červnu 1928 přeletěl přes Tichý oceán ze San Franciska do Brisbane.
- Fokker F.XX na letišti Berlín-Tempelhof
- Fuji FA-200 Aero Subaru
- General Aviation GA-43 společnosti Swissair
- Australský General Dynamics RF-111C vystupující na leteckém dnu
- Globe GC-1 Swift
- Gloster F.5/34
- Grob Viking
- Upravený Grumman Ag Cat závodí s kamionem „Shockwave“, který pohání proudové motory
- Northrop Grumman EA-6B Prowler přistává na letadlové lodi USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74)
- Japonci ukořistěný Grumman F6F Hellcat, nalezený po válce na letecké základně v Jokosuce
- Grumman F7F Tigercat „Bad Kitty“
- Grumman F7F Tigercat v korejské válce
- Závodní letoun Grumman F8F
- Grumman F-11 Tiger akrobatické skupiny Blue Angels
- Shin Meiwa UF-XS byl americký létající člun Grumman HU-16 Albatross přestavěný japonskou společností Shin Meiwa k provádění zkoušek pro vývoj jejího létajícího člunu Shin Meiwa US-1
- Grumman TBM-1 Avenger poškozený na letišti na ostrově Bougainville
- Mudry CAP 10
- První sériový North American AJ Savage v roce 1950
- North American P-64
- Gulfstream G550 izraelského letectva přestavěný na průzkumný letoun Oron
- Snímek obrazovky britského radaru H2S při přeletu nad hrází Zuiderzee pořízený z výšky 19 000 stop (5 800 m)
- Hafner Rotachute
- Handley Page Halifax poškozený v noci na 29. června 1943 při náletu na Kolín nad Rýnem pumou vypuštěnou z jiného bombardérů
- Handley Page H.P.42 (G-AAUD, „Hanno“)
- Harbin Y-12
- (c) Photo: POA(Phot) Owen King/MOD, OGL v1.0Harbin Z-9
- Harbin Z-19
- Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIB 134. perutě RAF na sovětském letišti poblíž Murmansku
- Prototyp stíhacího letounu Hawker P.1081 v roce 1950
- Heinkel HE 12
- Vrak bitevního letounu Henschel Hs 129B v Tunisku v květnu 1943
- Experimentální jaderný pohon letadel HTRE-3 kombinoval jaderný reaktor a dva upravené proudové motory General Electric J47
- (c) FOTO:FORTEPAN / Szent-Istvány Dezső, CC BY-SA 3.0
- Kokpit dopravního letounu Junkers F 13 (1920)
- Junkers Ju 86 aerolinek Swissair
- Vrak letounu Ikarus 214 v bělehradském Muzeu letectví
- První jugoslávský proudový letoun Ikarus S-451M
- Prototyp finského stíhacího letounu IVL Haukka
- Podvozek transportního letounu Iljušin Il-76
- Stíhací letoun Jakovlev Jak-3
- Palubní bitevní letoun VTOL Jakovlev Jak-38
- Vrak létajícího člunu Kawaniši H8K
- Testovací letoun Kawasaki C-1FTB
- Kawasaki EC-1
- Experimentální letoun Kawasaki C-1 QSTOL Asuka
- Japonský bombardér Kawasaki Ka 87 konstrukčně navazoval na létající čluny společnosti Dornier
- Kawasaki KAL-1
- (c) 航空自衛隊ホームページ, CC BY 4.0
- Detail americké vzducholodě třídy K K-84 v roce 1943
- Latécoère 26
- Ukořistěný Lavočkin LaGG-3 ve zbarvení finského letectva
- Kokpit Let L-200 Morava
- Havarovaný Letov Š-328 v německé pilotní škole za druhé světové války
- Lioré et Olivier LeO H-193
- LTV XC-142
- Lockheed Constellation izraelských aerolinií El Al
- Lockheed C-40B byl letoun Electra experimentálně vybavený příďovým podvozkem
- Vyřazený Lockheed VC-140B Jetstar vystavený v americkém Pima Air & Space Museum. V akci the Boneyard Project letoun pomaloval street artový umělec Andrew Schoultz.
- Lockheed Model 8 „Tingmissartoq“
- Lockheed Model 8 „Justice for Hungary“
- Havarovaný švýcarský Lockheed Model 9 Orion
- Lockheed R6V Constitution
- Lockheed XH-51
- Loening OL nad letadlovou lodí USS Lexington (CV-2)
- Lohner Typ AA
- Torzo letounu LWD Zuch
- Macchi M.3 švýcarských aerolinek Ad Astra Aero letící nad Alpami
- Martin 2-0-2 aerolinek Transocean Air Lines
- Experimentální průzkumný letoun Martin MS pro ponorky
- Prototyp XPB2M-1R Mars
- Max Holste MH.1521C Broussard
- McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II startuje z výsadkové lodě USS Kearsarge (LHD-3)
- McDonnell Douglas DC-10 upravený k hašení požárů
- McDonnell XP-67
- F/A-18C Hornet na palubě letadlové lodě USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69)
- Microjet 200
- MiG Je-152M (E-166)
- Micubiši G4M v kapitulačním zbarvení s bílým trupem a zelenými kříži
- Japonský bombardér Micubiši G4M s podvěšeným sebevražedným letounem Jokosuka MXY7
- Morane-Saulnier MS.130
- Morane-Saulnier Alcyon
- Morane-Saulnier MS.880
- Vrak stíhacího letounu Messerschmitt Bf 109 v Severní Africe v květnu 1943
- Messerschmitt M 18 švýcarských aerolinií Ad Astra Aero
- Vrak transportního letounu Me 323 v Severní Africe v květnu 1943
- Vrak průzkumného letounu Nakadžima C6N na mořském dně poblíž Weno
- NAMC YS-11
- Nanchang CJ-6
- Nieuport 31
- North American YF-93 byl prototyp dálkového stíhacího letounu vyvinutého na základě F-86 Sabre
- Northrop M2-F3
- Northrop YC-125 Raider
- Závodní letadlo P-51 Dago Red
- Závodní letadlo P-51 Galloping Ghost
- Závodní letadlo P-51 Red Baron
- Francouzský experimentální letoun Payen Pa 49
- Transportní letoun Percival Pembroke
- Percival Petrel
- Petróczy-Kármán-ŽurovecPetróczy-Kármán-Žurovec
- Piaggio P.166 jihoafrického letectva
- Piasecki H-21B
- Pilot se snaží za letu nastartovat motor letounu Piper J-3 Cub
- Piper PA-20 Pacer
- (c) Bidgee, CC BY-SA 3.0 auPiper PA-24 Comanche
- PZL-106 Kruk
- Švýcarský průkopník letectví a fotograf Walter Mittelholzer vyfotografoval Potez 25TOE francouzských koloniálních sil, který jeho letoun F-VIIb/3m doprovázel část jeho letu k Čadskému jezeru.
- Republic F-105 Thunderchief doplňují palivo
- RFB Fantrainer
- (c) Bidgee, CC BY-SA 3.0 au
- Rockwell Commander 112
- Rutan Defiant
- Rutan Quickie
- Ryan Navion
- Ryan ST
- Ryan ST-3 v zátoce San Diego
- Saunders-Roe SR.53
- (c) Mil.ru, CC BY 4.0
- Shenyang J-8
- SIPA S.200 Minijet
- Socata TB 30 Epsilon
- Short Scion aerolinek Palestine Airways při slavnostním otevření přistávací plochy v Tel Avivu dne 22. září 1938.
- Protiponorkový letoun Short Seamew
- Short C-23 Sherpa
- Short C-23 Sherpa
- Schleicher Ka 3
- Scheibe SF-25B Falke
- Silence Twister
- Slingsby T.66 Nipper Mk.III
- SNCASE SE.161 Languedoc
- SNCASE SE.212 Durandal
- SNCASO SO.1221 Djinn
- Sopwith Tabloid v roce 1914 na soutěži o Schneiderův pohár
- Replika stíhacího letounu Sopwith Triplane
- Starck AS.20
- Spitfire LF Mk.IXE (SL633) ve zbarvení 312. čs. stíhací perutě RAF. Tato peruť jej za války skutečně využívala, přičemž po válce jej od Československa získal Izrael.
- Průzkumný hydroplán Supermarine Walrus z britského těžkého křižníku HMS Suffolk (55)
- Vrtulník UH-2 (vojenská varianta Subaru Bell 412EPX) japonských pozemních sil sebeobrany.
- Tachikawa Ki-9
- Tačikawa Ki-94
- Tecnam P2006T
- Transavia PL-12 AirtrukTransavia PL-12 Airtruk
- Průzkumný dron Tupolev Tu-123
- Tupolev Tu-134 aerolinií Jamal na letišti Šeremeťjevo
- (c) Piergiuliano Chesi, CC BY-SA 3.0
- Van's Aircraft RV-4
- Van's Aircraft RV-6
- Vertol VZ-2, první funkční konvertoplán
- VFW VAK 191B
- Vickers Venom
- Vought O2U Corsair
- Hangár s plovákovými letouny Vought OS2U-3 Kingfisher (vlevo) a Naval Aircraft Factory N3N-3 (foto Robert Yarnall Richie)
- Konstruktér Ken Wallis ve svém vírníku Wallis WA-116 Agile „Little Nellie“, který si zahrát v Bondovce Žiješ jenom dvakrát
- Werkspoor Jumbo
- Dvojice letounů XtremeAir XA41 akrobatické skupiny Red Bull Matadors
- (c) Julian Herzog, CC BY 4.0
- Akustický předchůdce radaru. (USA, rok 1921)
- Horkovzdušné balony na White Sands Balloon Invitational v roce 2012
- Hromadný start horkovzdušných balonů na Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta v roce 2007
- Šest žen sedí kolem letecké nádrže a ručně šije její kryt. Podílely se na výrobě letounů Beaufort a Beaufighter.
- Technici opravují ocas stíhacího letounu Supermarine Spitfire 601. perutě RAF
- Člen posádky Lockheedu Hudson 269. perutě RAF
- Jan Anderle s letounem Letov Š-331
- Konstruktéři Pavel Beneš a Miroslav Hajn (Letectví, July 1926)
- Oskar Bider s letounem Nieuport 23
- Willa Brown
- Samuel Franklin Cody
- Jacqueline Cochran s letounem Northrop Gamma
- Albert Scott Crossfield
- Nelly Diener
- Heinrich Ehrler u cvičného letounu Bücker Bü 131
- Elizabeth L. Gardner příslušnice americké civilní organizace pilotek z období druhé světové války Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP)
- Josef Heřmanský
- Jorge Chávez
- Pilot František Klepš a mechanik Bárta u letounu Avia BH-11 při závodu Challenge International de Tourisme 1929
- (c) Mil.ru, CC BY 4.0
- Joseph P. Richter a první česká pilotka Božena Laglerová
- Raymonde de Laroche ve svém letounu Voisin (1909)
- Zdeněk Lhota se stíhacím letounem Avia BH-21
- James MacLachlan
- František Novák po návratu z Mistrovství světa v akrobacii 1934 (uprostřed). Zleva škpt. Ján Ambruš, gen. Faucher, štrtm. František Novák, Dr. Juraj Slávik - předseda ARČs, gen. ing. Jaroslav Fajfr - velitel čs. letectva.
- Guy Gibson
- František Peřina (kolorováno)
- Kiffin Rockwell
- Robert Lee Scott
- Josef Smítka na letadle v rámci výcviku 1000 pilotů republice
- Bohuslav Šimůnek v kokpitu letounu Fokker F-VIIb/3m
- Letov Š-1, zleva konstruktér Alois Šmolík a pilot Klement Adamec (1920)
- Jules Védrines startuje 21. května 1911 s letounem Morane-Borel k rekordnímu letu z Paříže do Madridu
- Hans Wind
- Mechanik u letounu Lockheed 12A Electra Junior (foto Robert Yarnall Richie)
- Stíhací esa 303. polské perutě RAF Jan Zumbach a Mirosław Ferić s jejím maskotem
Média použitá na této stránce
U.S. Air Force Republic F-105D Thunderchief fighters refuel from a Boeing KC-135A Stratotanker en route to North Vietnam in 1966. The aircraft were from the 334th Tactical Fighter Squadron, deployed from the 4th Tactical Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson AFB, North Carolina (USA) to Takli RTAFB.
Autor: Alexey Reznichenko, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ilyushin Il-76MD-90A with aurora and meteor
Wreck of German Messerschmitt Bf 109 F/G fighter at El Aouiana airport, Tunis, Tunisia, May 1943. It wears the marking "White or Yellow 6", which would have been the 6th plane of the 1st (white) or 3rd (yellow) squadron of a fighter wing (maybe JG 77).
Beneš-Mráz Be-56 Beta-Major (2)
(c) Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-12384 / CC-BY-SA 3.0

Das Katapult-Flugzeug "New York", das Schleuderflugzeug des Lloyddampfers "Bremen" verunglückte mit seiner gesamten Postladung. Von den Flugzeuginsassen fehlt jede Spur. Unser Bild zeigt das verunglückte Katapult-Flugzeug kurz vor einem Start.
Armstrong Whitworth A.W.XV Atalanta photo from NACA-AC-167
Autor: National Air and Space Museum, Licence: CC0
[_T8A3662.2] [NASM2020-07126]
* Otakar Černý (1919–2009) byl český válečný letec, příslušník československého protinacistického odboje.
- Na fotografii ve věku 27 let jako kapitán letectva. Rok 1946.
Autor: Robert Yarnall Richie , Licence: No restrictions
Title: [Tail Gunner in Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, World War II]
Creator: Richie, Robert Yarnall, 1908-1984
Date: April or May 1943
Place: Mitchel Field Air Force Base, Long Island, New York
Part Of: Robert Yarnall Richie photograph collection
Physical Description: 1 transparency: film, color; 13 x 10 cm
File: ag1982_0234_2526_K_997_sm_opt.jpg
Rights: This image is protected by copyright law. No commercial reproduction or distribution of this image is permitted without the written permission of Southern Methodist University, Central University Libraries. This image may be used for educational purposes, provided it is not altered in any way, and Southern Methodist University, Central University Libraries, DeGolyer Library is cited. A high-quality version of this file may be obtained for a fee by contacting degolyer@smu.edu.
For more information, see: digitalcollections.smu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ryr/id/3208
View the full series: digitalcollections.smu.edu/cdm/search/collection/ryr/sear...
View Robert Yarnall Richie photograph collection: digitalcollections.smu.edu/all/cul/ryr/330-PS-8332 (111-SC-498460): First tilt-wing aircraft. Working with the Naval Research Laboratory, this unusual-looking aircraft was the first tilt-wing model ever built and developed by Vertol Aircraft Corporation. When the wing and rotor-propellers are tilted vertically (top), the new aircraft took off and landed like a helicopter. When tilted horizontally, (bottom), it flew like an airplane. Photograph released on April 4, 1957. (1/29/2015).
Autor: Willem van de Poll, Licence: CC0
Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Van de Poll
Reportage / Serie : Reportage Schiphol
Beschrijving : Een vliegtuig wordt weggesleept bij Schiphol
Datum : 1933
Locatie : Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Trefwoorden : vliegtuigen
Instellingsnaam : Schiphol
Fotograaf : Poll, Willem van de, [onbekend]
Auteursrechthebbende : Nationaal Archief
Materiaalsoort : Glasnegatief
Nummer archiefinventaris : bekijk toegang
(c) 航空自衛隊ホームページ, CC BY 4.0
The HiMAT (Highly Maneuverable Aircraft Technology) subscale research vehicle, seen here after landing to conclude a research flight, was flown by the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, from mid 1979 to January 1983. The aircraft demonstrated advanced fighter technologies that have been used in the development of many modern high performance military aircraft.
Autor: Harold Wahlberg, Licence: CC0
Photo of a Martin B-10 variant of the 23d Bombardment Squadron taken in 1941 over Oahu, Hawaii.
Squadron Leader Douglas Bader, CO of No. 242 Squadron, seated on his Hawker Hurricane at Duxford, September 1940.
British Personalities: Squadron Leader Douglas Bader DSO DFC CO of 242 Squadron, Royal Air Force seated on the cockpit of his Hawker Hurricane.
80-G-55200: Maintenance crew at work on the K-84, the first U.S. blimp to operate on anti-submarine patrol from a South American base. Shown at Pici Field, Fortaleza, Brazil. The trip from Naval Air Station, Lakehurst, New Jersey, to Fortaleza was the longest ever made by a craft of this kind. The crew is preparing for the next day’s flight. Photographed by CPU 6, October 8-14, 1943. (4/28/2015).
Autor: Ian Kirk from Broadstone, Dorset, UK, Licence: CC BY 2.0
The busiest day ever in the history of this charming airfield. A hot sunny day was the icing on the cake!
A Royal Air Force Avro Lancaster B Mark I (Special) (PB996 'YZ-C') of No. 617 Squadron RAF, flown by Flying Officer P. Martin and crew, releasing a 22,000-lb (10,000 kg) MC deep-penetration bomb (Bomber Command executive codeword 'Grand Slam') over the viaduct at Arnsberg, Germany. The viaduct was attacked on 15 March with one bomb in poor weather, with no hits. It was destroyed four days later, using 6 "Grand Slam" and 13 "Tallboy" bombs.
Autor: Alan Wilson , Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
The Sokol was the first post-war Czechoslovakian aircraft. This was a company demonstrator which carried out a distance flight from Prague to Capetown, some 33,000km. msn 118. National Technical Museum, Prague. Czech Republic.
07-10-2012Autor: PepaHolik, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Letoun Š 18 zkonstruovaný v společnosti Letov.
Václav Pilát, český stíhací pilot
H-21B, 5017th Operations Squadron, Elmendorf AFB, early 1960s from http://www.elmendorf.af.mil/3wing/units/history/webdocs/H-21B.htm
Autor: Robert Frola, Licence: GFDL
Korean Air Airbus A330-222 HL7539 cn 226. Location: McBride Road near Brisbane International Airport. File: HL7539_YBBN_20110529_8657
- Set: Korean Air
- Set: Airbus A330-200 Series
- Set: YBBN 29.05.11
- Tags: HL7539; 2011; Airbus A330; Airbus A332; Nikon D90; Airbus; Korean Air; YBBN
Origem: Acervo pessoal, tirada no Aeroclube do Brasil, em Jacarepaguá, no Rio de Janeiro.
Portrait of Wing Commander Guy Gibson VC, 1944.
Aircraft of the Royal Air Force 1939-1945- Vickers Warwick
Warwick C Mark I (Vickers Type 456) commercial transport, G-AGFK, in flight, 1943. This aircraft was originally BV256, the last of fourteen B Mark I airframes converted for use by BOAC on a mail service to British forces in North Africa and the Mediterranean from February 1943. In early 1944 the transports reverted to the RAF, and BV256 was operated by No. 525 Squadron RAF.
Autor: Srđan Popović, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Ikarus 214 wreckage at Belgrade Aviation Museum.
Autor: Unknown author, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Gen. Jaroslav Fajfr (Letectví, no. 2, 1933)
The McDonnell 188 (Breguet 941) on its American demonstration tour in American Airlines markings in front of McDonnell Aircraft's main St. Louis factory.
Autor: Alan Wilson , Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
The Ka-18 was a 4-seat development of the Ka-15 2-seater. As with the Ka-15, it served with the Soviet Navy also with Aeroflot. On display outside at the Russian Air Force Museum. Monino, Russia.
13-8-2012Inauguration of Tel-Aviv landing ground. Palestine Airways. Close-up of inscription Palestine Airways Ltd in three official languages
Pilot Josef Novák (1893 - 1934)
(c) Japan Air Self-Defense Force, CC BY 4.0
FS-T2改 支援戦闘機(FS-T2改:後のF-1)の実用試験 昭和50年(1975年)7月~51年(1976年)3月
(c) Bidgee, CC BY-SA 3.0 au
Hughes Helicopters (VH-EXD) Robinson R44 Raven II at Wagga Wagga Airport.
Autor: Bill Larkins, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
P-51 Dago Red Reno1988
Autor: Alan Wilson from Peterborough, Cambs, UK, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
c/n 01 Built in 1970 by Lee Mahoney and his father S.C.’Mickey’ Mahoney as a racing biplane powered by a 135hp Lycoming O-290. It was the first sport biplane to exceed 200mph on a closed course and ultimately reached 245mph. Already a successful racer, it was purchased by Don Beck in 1972 and he carried out minor modifications before achieving further racing successes. When it was retired in 1984 the Sorceress had become the world’s most successful racing biplane, although that title has since passed to Tom Albere’s ‘Phantom’. Don Beck donated the Sorceress to the Smithsonian Institute in 1984 and it is seen on display at the Steven F. Udvar Hazy Center as part of the National Air and Space Museum. Washington Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, Virginia
7th May 2015Autor: Stupper, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
American Champion 8KCAB Super Decathlon performing at AirVenture Oshkosh in Oshkosh, Wisconsin July 31, 2008
Breguet 393T photo from L'Aerophile January 1935
Autor: Hunini, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
陸上自衛隊 UH-2多用途ヘリコプター(45152号機) 右前面。2023年11月4日 明野駐屯地にて。
Autor: David Álvarez López from Gijón, España, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Helimer. Festival Aéreo Internacional de Gijón. 2023.
(c) Photo: Cpl Paul Oldfield/MOD, OGL v1.0
Two aerobatic Hawk T1 jet aircraft are pictured in the livery for the 2010 display season.
The jets belong to 208 Squadron, Royal Air Force and are based at RAF Valley on the Isle of Anglesey, Wales.
- Organization: RAF
- Object Name: VAL-010-136-OUT-UNCLASSIFIED-288
- Category: MOD
- Supplemental Categories: Aircraft, Equipment, Training, Hawk
- Keywords: Jet, Aircraft, Equipment, RAF, Royal Air Force, Hawk, Display, 2010, Union Jack, 208 , Sqn, Squadron
- Country: United Kingdom
The U.S. Air Force C-131 known as the Total-In-Flight Simulator made its final flight to the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Nov. 7. The unusual aircraft flew some 2,500 research flights and contributed to the advancement of many of the flight technologies integral to today's fleet. Prior to its retirement, the TIFS, a 1955 Convair, was the oldest operating aircraft in the Air Force inventory. (U.S. Air Force photo/Ben Strasser)
Naval Air Station Oceana, Va. (Sept. 25, 2004) – Kent Shockley and his jet truck “ShockWave” race Gene Soucy’s “Showcat” biplane as Teresa Stokes wing-walks at the 2004 "In Pursuit of Liberty," Naval Air Station Oceana Air Show. ShockWave is powered by three afterburning jet engines that can produce 36,000 horsepower. The air show, held Sept. 24-26, showcased civilian and military aircraft from the Nation's armed forces, which provided numerous flight demonstrations and static displays. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 1st Class Anthony M. Koch (RELEASED)
Autor: Stefan Krause, Germany, Licence: FAL
Agrarflieger Gehling PZL-106 AR Kruk beim Oldtimer Fliegertreffen, Flugfeld Hahnweide 2013
Autor: Alan Wilson from Peterborough, Cambs, UK, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Built for the USAF as a standard Grumman SA-16A Albatross, with the c/n G-153 and the US military serial 51-0472. Later allocated US Navy Bureau No 149822 and sold to Japan (as a UF-1?). Heavily converted by Shin Meiwa to carry out development testing for the PS-1 patrol flying boat and redesignated as the UF-XS. It now had four main engines as well as two internal turboshaft engines for a blown high-pressure air system. It also had a redesigned hull. In this configuration it carried out flight testing from 1962 to 1964 and was finally retired at Shimofusa in 1967. Between 1975 and 1993 it was on outside display at Tokai University in Shimizu City, then being restored by Shin Meiwa before moving to Gifu for permanent display inside. Gifu-Kakamigahara Air and Space Museum Kakamigahara City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan 15th March 2019
The following details on the UF-XS are from the excellent j-hangarspace.jp website:-
“To conduct tests using an experimental aircraft in the development of what was to become the indigenously produced, four-engined PS-1 anti-submarine patrol aircraft, the then Japan Defense Agency received the offer from the United States of a Grumman UF-1 Albatross amphibian (BuNo. 149822) and produced the UF-XS experimental amphibian in 1960. Although the Japanese had accumulated advanced flying boat technologies both before and during the Pacific War, the aim was to correct a major shortcoming by improving takeoff and landing performance in rough sea conditions. Fittingly, the UF-XS design team was headed by Shizuo Kikuhara (1906–91), who had been the chief designer of the wartime Type 2 Flying Boat.
To adapt the UF-1 for its role as an experimental flying boat, the main areas of modification thus involved the following: •A newly designed boat hull, based on a unique concept that included wave suppression devices, to enable the aircraft to take off from and land on the ocean in wave heights of the order of three meters. •The provision of a system to blow high-pressure air from two turboshaft engines added within the hull over the main wing flaps, ailerons, elevators and rudder to improve short takeoff and landing (STOL) performance as well as handling at low speeds. •The provision of automatic stabilization equipment to ensure stability and facilitate control at low speeds. •Changing the aircraft from a twin- to a four-engined configuration.
Taking to the skies for the first time at noon on December 25, 1962 (link), the UF-XS carried the tailcode オ(‘O’)-9911, the ‘O’ being the tail code of the JMSDF’s Omura Fleet Air Squadron. The aircraft continued to be utilized in a range of flight tests until 1964. The results obtained and conclusions derived from those tests were incorporated into the design of the PS-1 flying boat, the first aircraft of its kind to be built in Japan after the war, and have been handed down to the current US-2 amphibian.
At the conclusion of its test program, the UF-XS was moved to JMSDF Shimofusa air base in Chiba Prefecture, withdrawn from use in June 1967 and placed in storage there. In 1975, the aircraft was loaned to the Tokai University Social Education Center in Shimizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, where it was kept out in the open (as shown in this January 1980 photo [link]) until acquired for display at the then Kakamigahara Aerospace Museum (now Gifu-Kakamigahara Air and Space Museum) in 1993. At the time the aircraft was brought to the museum, it was missing the two turboshaft engines that had been added to provide the high-pressure air and parts such as ducts. Due to the aircraft having been displayed outside, there were also places where metal corrosion had made inroads. Furthermore, as modifications had been carried out to install an opening and a steel passageway that had enabled visitors to enter the aircraft’s interior, the aircraft had ended up being significantly different to what it had looked like at the time when it was used as a flying testbed. For that reason, repair and restoration work based on the manufacturing plans of the time was carried out by ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd., the company (then known as Shin Meiwa Industry Co., Ltd.) that had originally modified the aircraft. When reproducing parts that had been lost, measures were taken to distinguish between original and other parts, for example by applying identification stamps to tell them apart.
As only one aircraft was produced for the purpose of PS-1 development, the UF-XS is a unique aircraft that represents the starting point of Japan’s postwar flying boat development that has continued to the US-2 amphibian. Having carried out the appropriate repair and restoration work to return the aircraft to the original condition of its flying testbed days, the UF-XS now has value as a cultural asset.
For these reasons, the Aviation Heritage Archive team members deemed that the UF-XS Experimental Flying Boat, owned by the Ministry of Defense/JMSDF and stored and displayed at the Gifu-Kakamigahara Air and Space Museum, can be regarded as an important aviation heritage asset that conveys the history of Japan’s flying boat development.”Konstruktéři ing. Pavel Beneš a ing. Miroslav Hajn (Letectví, červenec 1926)
Autor: Bill Larkins, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Photographed from a BT-13A on December 11, 1948.
A Short Seamew AS.1 anti-submarine aircraft lands aboard the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Bulwark (R08) during trials, 15 July 1955.
PACIFIC OCEAN (April 21, 2009) An EA-6B Prowler from the "Yellowjackets" of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 138 prepares to land aboard the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74). John C. Stennis and Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 9 are on a scheduled six-month deployment to the western Pacific Ocean. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Walter M. Wayman/Released)
(c) ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv/Stiftung Luftbild Schweiz / Fotograf: Swissair / LBS_SR02-10131 / CC BY-SA 4.0
Oskar Bider vor Nieuport 23 C-1 in Dübendorf. Mit diesem Flugzeug verunglückte er im Juli 1919 tödlich
Autor: Filipe Sousa from France, Licence: CC0
Epsilon TB-30 of the French Air Force
Autor: U. A. Saarinen , Licence: CC BY 4.0
Lapland is seen as the destination in the promotional shooting of Aero Ltd at Oulu Airport in Finland on March 16, 1962.
An A-10 Thunderbolt II, assigned to the 74th Fighter Squadron, Moody Air Force Base, GA, returns to mission after receiving fuel from a KC-135 Stratotanker, 340th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron, over the skies of Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, May 8, 2011.
Autor: Miroslav Cika, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Image shows Yugoslav airplane Aero-2D, in the Museum of Yugoslav Aviation, Belgrade, Serbia. Airplane was used for pilot training in YUAF from 1948 to 1959, and later for civilian use.
Autor: Eddie Maloney from North Las Vegas, USA, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Another good shot, did a little something different with the sharpening, came out better to me.
Le Lippisch DFS 39 en vol
127-GW-1627-134955: Occupation of Japan, 1945. Surprise find to Marines of Marine Air Group 31, who flew up from Okinawa to occupy Yokosuka Naval Air Base 30 miles from Tokyo was this wrecked Grumman “Hellcat” fighter plane, decorated with Japanese insignia painted over the American star on the fuselage. Photographed by Sgt C.R. McDade, September 8, 1945. Official U.S. Marine Corps Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives. (2016/10/25).
Autor: Japanbird, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
2018年レッドブル・エアレース・ワールドシリーズ 千葉 ペトル・コプシュタイン
The M2-F3 Lifting Body is seen here on the lakebed next to the NASA Flight Research Center (FRC--later Dryden Flight Research Center), Edwards, California. The May 1967 crash of the M2-F2 had torn off the left fin and landing gear. It had also damaged the external skin and internal structure. Flight Research Center engineers worked with Ames Research Center and the Air Force in redesigning the vehicle with a center fin to provide greater stability. Then Northrop Corporation cooperated with the FRC in rebuilding the vehicle. The entire process took three years.
Jan Andrle a Letov Š-331
Autor: RuthAS, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Bristol 188 prototype XF923 landing at the 1962 Farnborough Air Show
Autor: Archive of Historie a vojenství Magazine, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Antonín Kraus (1908-1951), Czech test pilot on a prototype of Avia S-92 (former Messerschmitt Me-262) in 1946
Autor: Robert Frola, Licence: GFDL
VH-OOI Rutan 74 Defiant c/n Q35. An all composite aircraft built by Clive Canning from plans by Bert Rutan. Year of manufacture: 1988. Aircraft first registered in Australia: 29 April 1988 - Location Redcliffe Aerodrome, QLD. File: VH-OOI_YRED_20070812_9179
- Set: YRED 12.08.07
- Tags: VH-OOI; YRED; 2007; Rutan Aircraft; Rutan Defiant; Nikon D70
An U.S. 112th Observation Squadron, Ohio National Guard North American O-47B of the National Museum of the United States Air Force.
Autor: a4gpa auf flickr.com, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Mass ascension at Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2007
Laté 631-05 was registered as F-BDRB, and its first flight occurred on 22 May 1947 at Biscarrosse.
(c) YSSYguy na projektu Wikipedie v jazyce angličtina, CC BY-SA 3.0
A preserved BA Eagle 2 just prior to landing at Bankstown Airport in Sydney, Australia.
Autor: Ibex73, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Avion au Musée de l'Air, Paris-Le Bourget
Walter Mikron a Koolhoven F.K.53 Junior (1936)
Autor: Bernard Spragg. NZ, Licence: CC0
Top speed: 579 km/h
Wingspan: 11 m Range: 386 km Engine type: Reciprocating engine Unit cost: 44,892–44,892 USD (1944) Manufacturer: Curtiss-Wright
History: Delivered to RAF as ET482. Transferred to RNZAF as NZ3009, April 1942. - Allocated to USAAC 68th PG, Tonga after Pearl Harbor Attack. - Transferred to 14th Squadron RNZAF, served till wars end. - Sold as scrap. Asplin's Supplies, Rukuhia, NZ, 1959. - Scrapyard. d'E.C. Darby & R.H. McGarry, Auckland, NZ, 1959-1994. - Recovered from Rukuhia, NZ scrapyard, 1959. - Loaned to Museum of Transport & Technology, Auckland, NZ, 1964-1994. -- Displayed as NZ3009. -- Static restoration using wings of NZ3203. Old Flying Machine Company, Duxford, UK, 1994-1997. - Restored to airworthy. Pacific Aircraft Ltd, Auckland, NZ, December 9, 1997-1998 - Registered as ZK-RMH. - Final assembly, Whenuapai AB.
- First flight December 1997.Autor: Robert Frola, Licence: GFDL
RAAF A8-126 General Dynamics RF-111C Aardvark c/n D1-2. Delivered to RAAF 1 June 1973. - Day 1 Defence Force Air Show 4-5 October 2008. File: A8-126_YAMB_20081004_2889
- Set: Defence Force Air Show RAAF Amberley 4-5 October 2008
- Tags: A8; YAMB; 2008; Defence Force Air Show 2008; RAAF; F111; Nikon D70; RAAF Serials Numbers - Series 3; General Dynamics
Autor: Alan Wilson from Stilton, Peterborough, Cambs, UK, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
c/n 1340. Built 1988. Duxford Airfield, Cambridgeshire, UK.
26th May 2017Autor: Nežinomas, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Lithuanian Air Force fighters Dewoitine D.501, after 1937.
Avia BH-21 a Zdeněk Lhota, vítězové rychlostního závodu o Cenu prezidenta republiky v kategorii В (s užit. zatíž. 250 kg). (Letectví, říjen 1925)
Mitsubishi G4M2E Model 24 Tei bomber from Kokutai 721 carrying an Ohka.
A U.S. Navy North American AJ-1 Savage (BuNo 122590) in flight over southern California (USA). This was the first production aircraft and it already crashed and burned near Bedford, Virginia (USA) on 22 June 1950 on a ferry
flight from Edwards Air Force Base, California to Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland (USA). The crew of three was killed. Note that it is not fitted with spinners.František Novák po návratu z MS v akrobacii 1934 (uprostřed), odleva: škpt. Ján Ambruš, gen. Faucher, štrtm. František Novák, Dr. Juraj Slávik - předseda ARČs, gen. ing. Jaroslav Fajfr - velitel čs. letectva
Alaparma AM.65 (L´Ala 1949)
Vought O2U-2 Of Scouting Squadron 3-B, takes off from USS LEXINGTON (CV-2), 28 February 1929.
Harlingen Army Air Field, Texas--Elizabeth L. Remba Gardner of Rockford, Illinois, WASP (Women's Airforce Service Pilots), Class: 43-W-6, takes a look around before sending her plane streaking down the runway at the Harlingen Army Airfield, Texas, ca. 1930–1975. Note: Almost certainly this dates from 1942–1944, part of project of having women pilots move aircraft on the home front to free up more male pilots for combat duty. There is a cropped image with the same file name.
Grob G.103 Viking TX.1 (ZE628)
A German Blohm & Voss Ha 139 floatplane being lifted by a crane of a Blohm & Voss crane ship, registered in Hamburg, Germany.
Autor: Aleksandr Markin, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Chel-Avia Tecnam P2006T (RA-1130G) taking off from Bolshoye Gryzlovo Airfield
Autor: ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv / Fotograf: Unbekannt / Ans_05338-01-261-AL-FL / Public Domain Mark, Licence: CC0
Dornier Komet III 360 PS Rolls-Royce Motor (1925)
Autor: Smolik, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Fiat G.59 im Luftwaffenmuseum Vigna di Valle
Autor: Neznámý , Licence: CC0
Avion trimoteur commercial Dewoitine D.338, en vol au dessus de l'Algérie. Cet avion fait partie certainement du loot rquisitionné par l'Armée de l'Air pour ses transports.
This first prototype made it's maiden flight on 27th October 1977 powered by two NSU Wankel engines, these were later replaced with an Allison 250 Turboshaft engine.
A twin-engined attack aircraft in flight
Aircraft of the Royal Air Force 1939-1945-handley Page Hp.54 Harrow and “sparrow”.
Harrow Transport, K6996 ‘N’, of No. 271 Squadron RAF based at Doncaster, Yorkshire, on the ground at Aldergrove, County Antrim. The type was also known unofficially as the “Sparrow”.
Kawasaki-Dornier Do N, Kawasaki Ka 87, Kawasaki Type 87 Heavy Bomber (sometimes referred to as Kawasaki Type 87 Night Bomber)
The Rockwell-MBB X-31 aircraft on a research mission from NASA's Dryden Flight Research Facility, Edwards, California, is flying nearly perpendicular to the flight path while performing the Herbst maneuver. Effectively using the entire airframe as a speed brake and using the aircraft's unique thrust vectoring system to maintain control, the pilot rapidly rolls the aircraft to reverse the direction of flight, completing the maneuver with acceleration back to high speed in the opposite direction. This type of turning capability could reduce the turning time of a fighter aircraft by 30 percent. The Herbst maneuver was first conducted in an X-31 on April 29, 1993, in the No. 2 aircraft by German test pilot Karl-Heinz Lang.
Arrival of Charles Kingsford Smith in "Southern Cross" at Eagle Farm Aerodrome, Brisbane, Australia, after first crossing of the Pacific Ocean from San Francisco, 9 June 1928.
Key West, Fla. (Mar. 3, 2004) – Lt. Allen Karlson, a student pilot assigned to the “Tigers” of Training Squadron Nine (VT-9), with instructor Cdr. Joe Kerstiens (USNR) sits “shotgun”(rear seat) evaluating Lt. Allen Karlson before his solo formation training. 1st Lt. Tim Miller flies his T-2C Buckeye down to cross under the lead, on his first formation solo, during a formation training mission over Key West, Fla. VT-9 came to Key West to teach Navy and Marine Corps student pilots formation flying and gunnery techniques. The instructors are part of Squadron Augment Unit Nine (SAU-9), the Reserve component for Training Squadron Nine (VT-9), one of two training squadrons that operate from Naval Air Station Meridian, Miss., under Training Wing One (TW-1). U.S. Navy photo by Ens Darin K. Russell
Autor: Farawayman, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ex SAAF Piaggio P166 Albatros now privately owned
Named "Big Hairy Bird"
B-26B-55-MA Marauder Serial number 42-96165 599th Bomb Squadron, 397th Bomb Group, 9th Air Force
Taken 1 December 1944Autor: Tomás Del Coro from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
- Las Vegas - McCarran International (LAS / KLAS) USA - Nevada, October 12, 2012
Photo: Tomás Del CoroThe Lockheed XH-51A, BuNo 151263, following its conversion into a compound rotorcraft testbed.
The Frenchman Breguet with around 10 passengers in his plane above the airport of Douai. The plane was airborne around 10 minutes with speeds up to 100 km/h. We are on our way to the introduction of an airtram, and who knows some years from now, complete trains will snore above our heads. The 20th century brings wonders.
Autor: Neznámý , Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Baujahr 1947, am 4.5.1949 zerstört durch crash in Torino
Patches -- Nearly 400 holes and it still flies. This Marine Torpedo Bomber was hit by flying shrapnel March 8th, when the Japs started throwing shells into the Air Strips on Bougainville. the plane was repaired and ready to fly the next morning. Location: Bougainville Unit: 1st MAW
Autor: El Grafo, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
A Bölkow Bo 209 during the „Bergfliegen 2011“ at Schmallenberg airfield. (cropped and rotated)
Letov S-328, pilot school FFS A/B 121 - student pilot with "flying memorial" ca. 1940/41 in Straubing (Mitterharthausen) or Michelsdorf near Cham/Upper Palatinate. The unknown student pilot, who obviously survived the "landing with rollover", is marvelled at by a woman who happened to be passing by on her bicycle after a shopping trip (with a shopping bag on her handlebars): in the background on the right!
Autor: Rob Schleiffert, Licence: GFDL 1.2
Uruguay Naval Aviation North American T-28S Fennec Maldonado (Punta del Este) - International / Capitan Corbeta Carlos A Curbelo / Laguna del Sauce (PD
Flettner Fl 265 in flight
German aviation engineer and inventor Anton Flettner (1885-1961)
Louis Blériot (1872-1936), the first man to fly the English Channel.
Autor: Robert Frola, Licence: GFDL
VH-NBQ Vans RV-6A c/n 21060. Year of manufacture: 2004. Aircraft first registered in Australia: 7 June 2004 - Location Redcliffe Aerodrome, QLD. File: VH-NBQ_YRED_20070812_9252
- Set: YRED 12.08.07
- Tags: VH-NBQ; YRED; 2007; Van Aircraft; RV6; Experimental Amateur-builts; Nikon D70
Autor: kitmasterbloke, Licence: CC BY 2.0
A visit to Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson, Arizona is a must for all aircraft enthusiasts as this is the home of AMARC (Aircraft Maintenance And Regeneration Center). The aircraft re-cycling division of the USA forces. The great aircraft boneyard in the Arizona desert holds around 4400 airframes with a book value of $23.6BN . Large numbers of KC-135, Lockheed Orion, C-130 Hercules and F-16 Fighting Falcons are currently stored here (2020); but there are plenty of more interesting aircraft too. In some cases, like the Delta Dart and Canberra, just one example is in store. The Short Brothers C-23A Sherpa was a military development of the successful SD3-30 short-haul turboprop airliner, built in Belfast. The US army found it ideal for troop transport and light communications duties. Many have found homes in the secondary market, as the civil "N-" registrations on some of these stored examples testify to.
The Campini Caproni CC-1
Boeing 80A-1 (NC224M) in flight
Autor: RuthAS, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Starck AS.75 Jac two-seat light aircraft at Guyancourt airfield near Paris
Jacques Trempe collected aircraft photos that were sent by government agencies, aircraft manufacturers and the like from childhood. The photo in question was taken by a member of the British government and intended for use as a promotional piece in the 1950s.
Autor: Robert Frola, Licence: GFDL
VH-MHR/A46-122 Commonwealth CA-13 Boomerang c/n 945 - Day 2 Avalon 2011 Australian International Airshow. File: VH-MHR_YMAV_20110302_7133
Autor: ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv/Stiftung Luftbild Schweiz / Fotograf: Swissair, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Ju-86 Swissiar in front of todays hangar number 11 at Dubendorf airfield
Autor: Australian War Memorial collection, Licence: No restrictions
ID number: P00784.189
Photographer: Unknown Date made: c. 1944 Six women sit around an aircraft tank sewing on the final cover by hand. They were involved in the manufacture of Beaufort and Beaufighter aircraft Rights information: No known copyright restrictions. This photograph is from the Australian War Memorial's collection www.awm.gov.au
Persistent URL: cas.awm.gov.au/item/P00784.189Sydney Camm seen here at Windsor Model Aeroplane Club during Circa 1915. Looking on is what is probably his wife and two young sons. His favourite hobby was making model aircraft, here he is no doubt thrilling his boys with his stories of his inventions.
Lioré et Olivier LeO H-193 photo from L'Aéronautique July,1929
(c) RIA Novosti archive, image #477421 / Vladimir Rodionov / CC-BY-SA 3.0
Yak-38 fighter." Yak-38 fighters of the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Novorossiysk, part of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet
Départ de Védrines sur Morane, Paris - Madrid [21 mai] 1911 : [photographie de presse] / [Agence Meurisse]
(c) Mil.ru, CC BY 4.0
Иван Никитович Кожедуб (1920 — 1991) — советский военачальник, лётчик-ас.
Autor: Alan Wilson from Peterborough, Cambs, UK, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
c/n 338 Built in 1926 as a Douglas M-4 and believed to be the last surviving Douglas mailplane. She was purchased by Western Air Service from the Post Office Department in 1927 and registered as NC1475. She remained operated by them until a crash in 1930, after which she was sold to the Continental Air Map Company of Los Angeles. She then had several owners before being bought back by Western (then called Western Air Lines) in 1940 and re-registered as NC150 to represent Western’s first M-2. She had a static restoration in 1946 and remained on display until an airworthy restoration was begun in 1974. She flew again on 2nd June 1976 and carried out a transcontinental flight before being donated to the Smithsonian Institute in 1977. From her history she is clearly an M-4 painted as an M-2, so I find it very strange that even the Smithsonian incorrectly refer to her as being an M-2. Whatever you call her, she is the last of her breed, has been beautifully restored and is seen on display at the Steven F. Udvar Hazy Center as part of the National Air and Space Museum. Washington Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, Virginia
15th March 2018Autor: Alan Wilson from Stilton, Peterborough, Cambs, UK, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
c/n 16021. Built 1953. Taxiing in at California City Municipal Airport, CA, USA.
29-2-2016Autor: El Grafo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Scheibe SF 25 B D-KAGR at german airfield Schmallenberg-Rennefeld
Karel Huppner, český pilot
Autor: Pline, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Experimental helicopter Breget G-111 (1951), Museum of Air and Space Paris, Le Bourget (France)
Autor: Phil Vabre, Licence: GFDL
Piper PA-22-150/TD Tri-Pacer inflight over Victoria
Autor: Archive of Letectví Magazine, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Margarethe Ferraris-Kohnová and Karla Exnerová, Czechoslovakian female pilots and Czechoslovakian female aviation records holders (1933)
Autor: Robert Yarnall Richie , Licence: No restrictions
Title: [Floatplanes in Hangar at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, Bethlehem Steel Corporation]
Creator: Robert Yarnall Richie
Date: September 1942
Place: Corpus Christi, Texas
Part Of: Robert Yarnall Richie Photograph Collection
Description: Sailors standing in a hanger, between two aircraft, at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi. The aircraft on the left is a Vought OS2U-3 Kingfisher, while the aircraft on the right is a Naval Aircraft Factory N3N-3.
Physical Description: 1 negative: film, black and white; 10.1 x 12.5 cm
File: ag1982_0234_2463_06_bethlehemsteel_sm_opt.jpg
Rights: Please cite DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University when using this file. A high-resolution version of this file may be obtained for a fee. For details see the https://sites.smu.edu/cul/degolyer/research/permissions/ web page. For other information, contact degolyer@smu.edu.
For more information, see: http://digitalcollections.smu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ryr/id/2479
Autor: André Cros , Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Hall de l'Aérogare Blagnac 1. 2 mars 1969. Plan rapproché de 3/4 face d'André Turcat (directeur des essais en vol de Sud Aviation et pilote du 1er vol d'essai du Concorde) pendant son discours, micros. Cliché pris pendant la conférence de presse organisée lors du 1er vol d'essai du Concorde.
Beneš-Mráz Be-150 Beta-Junior s motorem Walter Junior 4 (1937)
Autor: Rapaceone, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Un SPAD A.2 de la N49 à Corzieux.
A de Havilland Mosquito PR Mk XVI of No. 140 Squadron RAF warms up its engines at Melsbroek in Belgium, before taking off on a night photographic reconnaissance sortie, 15 February 1945.
A De Havilland Mosquito PR Mark XVI of No. 140 Squadron RAF, warms up its engines in a dispersal at B58/Melsbroek, Belgium, before taking off on a night photographic-reconnaissance sortie.
Autor: RuthAS, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Sud SE-212 Durandal No. 02 at the Paris Air Salon at Le Bourget airpart
The sole Hawker P.1081 (s/n VX279) in flight. The P.1081 originated from a proposal to meet a specification put out by the Australian government. The first flight of the P.1081 took place on 19 June 1950 but, in November of that year, the Australian project was discontinued. The aircraft was handed over to the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE). Its swept tail increased the Mach number above that of the P.1052 into the Mach 0.9-0.95 region, providing valuable information for the Hawker Hunter fighter. The sole P.1081 was lost with its pilot, Squadron Leader T.S. "Wimpy" Wade, in a crash on 3 April 1951.
(c) 航空自衛隊ホームページ, CC BY 4.0
Autor: Ltosnar, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Replika Beneš-Mráz Be-60 Bestiola (1935), Letecké muzeum Mětoděje Vlacha Mladá Boleslav
Autor: User:VargaA, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Let L-200D Morava touring and light passenger aircraft (displayed at the Museum of Hungarian Aviation)
Armstrong Whitworth AW 52 Flying Wing. This is the second of two prototype Flying Wings, designed to Specification E 9/44. This aircraft made its first flight from Boscombe Down on 1 September 1948.
Pilot Štkpt. František Klepš a mechanik Bartl s letounem Avia BH-11. Závod "Okolo Evropy" (Challenge International de Tourisme) 1929.
Bomber Farman F.221
A captured Focke-Wulf Ta 152H fighter in extempore British markings after the war.
PictionID:42252250 - Title:Percival Pembroke Percival Pembroke - Catalog:15_003243 - Filename:15_003243.tif - ---- Image from the Charles Daniels Photo Collection album "English Aircraft"----PLEASE TAG this image with any information you know about it, so that we can permanently store this data with the original image file in our Digital Asset Management System.----SOURCE INSTITUTION: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
Autor: Ad Meskens, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Silence SA1100 Twister OO-162 (c/n 31) at Brasschaat Flying Festival 2016.
Catalog #: Movie-28 Notes: Photo of Clarke and Roy Wilson flying airplanes in the movie Hell's Angels.
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum ArchivePictionID:38275126 - Catalog:AL-135B 177 - Filename:AL-135B 177.tif - This image is from a photo album donated to the Museum by JL Highfill which includes images taken in the Pacific during the Second World War-----------PLEASE TAG this image with any information you know about it, so that we can permanently store this data with the original image file in our Digital Asset Management System.-----------------SOURCE INSTITUTION: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
This image shows the Zuiderzee as seen by the H2S radar at an altitude of 19,000 while operated by Flight Lieutenant Tolchard.
Willa Brown as a young woman, standing on an airfield, between two planes
(c) Ken Fielding/https://www.flickr.com/photos/kenfielding, CC BY-SA 3.0
Although it's the original A320-100 prototype, it had been fitted with -200 winglets.
Autor: Mojmir Churavy, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Dne 10. června 2015 (v den 55. výročí jeho smrti) byla ve vnitřních prostorách Gymnázia Pierra de Coubertina v Táboře (Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina v Táboře, Náměstí Františka Křižíka 860, 390 01 Tábor) odhalena pamětní deska upomínající na osobnost brigádního generála Karla Mareše. Pamětní deska je zhotovena z černého indického mramoru a pochází z dílny Petra Šebesty. Na pamětní desce je nápis: „gen. Karel Mareš / 3.11.1898 - 10.6.1960 / první velitel / 311. čs. bombardovací perutě RAF / student táborské reálky 1909 - 1917 / čest jeho památce“.
Autor: Mirmircze, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Četař František Peřina na závodech v Curychu; 1937
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Ikarus 451m - Testing in Aeronautical Testing Center
Royal Air Force Fighter Command, 1939-1945.
Squadron Leader J A F MacLachlan, the one-armed Commanding Officer of No 1 Squadron RAF, standing beside his all-black Hawker Hurricane Mark IIC night fighter, 'JX-Q', at Tangmere, Sussex. MacLachlan flew bombers in France in 1940, but transferred to fighters in June 1940 and shot down 6 enemy aircraft during the Battle of Britain. He joined No. 261 Squadron RAF in Malta, as a flight commander, and was shot down in February 1941, as a result of which his left arm was amputated. He quickly returned to operations after being fitted with an artificial limb, flying with No. 73 Squadron in North Africa, but in July 1941 returned to the United Kingdom to take command of No. 1 Squadron. The Hurricane is sporting his personal emblem showing his amputated arm waving a 'V' sign. He was again shot down in 1943 and became a prisoner-of-war, by which time his score had risen to 16.5 victories.
Autor: Alan Wilson from Stilton, Peterborough, Cambs, UK, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
c/n CBAF IX.571. RAF & Czech serial ‘SL633’ Israeli Air Force serial ‘20-42’ Burmese Air Force serial ‘UB-425’ Wears the markings of 312(Czech)sqn, RAF. Operated by the Historic Flight Foundation in the United States, but has returned to the UK for the 2015 season. 2015 Flying Legends Airshow. Duxford, Cambridgeshire, UK. 12-7-2015
The following info is from the Flying Legends website:-
“The No. 312 (Czechoslovak) Squadron, Royal Air Force (RAF) of Duxford consisted of pilots who fled their homeland during the Nazi occupation. It became one of the most famous RAF Squadrons of the war. Karel Posta helped establish the No. 312. Flight Lieutenant Posta survived the Battles of France and Britain, and almost six years of combat sorties. This Spitfire, produced at the Castle Bromwich factory of Vickers Supermarine, flew with the No. 312. It was one of 54 machines given to the newly re-formed Czechoslovak Air Force and was assigned to Posta. Throughout 1945-46, Posta performed solo aerobatic demonstrations in this aircraft for hundreds of thousands of people at significant national holidays, such as National Day, October 28, 1945, to raise the self-esteem of a vanquished nation. The “K” on the nose is the unique identifier of an aircraft flown by Karel Posta. During the summer of 1948, Czechoslovakia was among the first countries to recognize the new Jewish state in Palestine and provided British-made Spitfires. Ironically, the Avia Kunovice Aviation Repair Shop of Moravia modified the donated Spitfires to receive German-made Me109 extended range fuel tanks for the long trip to the desert war, the only air war to see Spitfire pitted against Spitfire. When the Israeli Air Force converted to turbine power in 1954, our Spit was sold to Burma. Having sustained a “wheels up” landing accident, our Spit was displayed in a Mandalay museum with a T-6 tail and cellophane windscreen. After several private transactions, the essential components returned to Duxford as a Historic Flying, Ltd. project.
Acquired by HFF in 2007, Historic Flying restored our Spit to its 1945 specification. The aircraft was delivered to HFF and test flown in October 2010.”Autor: Cpl. Christian Cortez, Licence: CC0
U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Ryan Gettinger, an AV-8B Harrier II jet pilot with Marine Attack Squadron (VMA) 231, vertically lands an AV-8B Harrier II jet on the flight deck aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3), Dec. 4, 2022. VMA-231 trained with U.S. Sailors to strengthen interoperability and conduct carrier qualifications prior to their upcoming deployment with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit. VMA-231 is a subordinate unit of 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, the aviation combat element of II Marine Expeditionary Force.
Savoia-Marchetti S.73 a Walter Pegas III-M-2 (OK-BAD)
Autor: Robert Yarnall Richie , Licence: No restrictions
Title: Navy Convair XFY-1 Pogo VTOL
Title: Air views of Palestine. Aircrafts etc. of the Imperial Airways Ltd., on the Sea of Galilee and at Semakh. Flying boat anchored on Sea of Galilee looking toward the eastern shore from Tiberias
Abstract/medium: G. Eric and Edith Matson Photograph Collection
Physical description: 1 negative :Royal Air Force Transport Command, 1943-1945.
The interior of a Vickers Warwick C Mark I of No. 525 Squadron RAF based at Lyneham, Wiltshire,, looking towards the cockpit from the passengers' cabin. The wireless operator sits at his position on the left.
Autor: Swissair, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Swissair DC-6B HB-IBA at Zürich International Airport after an accident that occurred during a go-around training.
Autor: Fabrizio Gandolfo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Reg: N818UA
Aircraft: Airbus A319-131 Airline: United Airlines Serial #: 882 at Los Angeles Int'l Airport - KLAX
(USA - California)Autor: tataquax from Japan, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
I pray for victims of the tragic crash.
Autor: Robert Frola, Licence: GFDL
British Aerospace Hawk Mk.127 LIF A27-19 cn DT19. In service with No 76 Squadron - Day 2 Avalon 2011 Australian International Airshow. File: A27-19_YMAV_20110302_6674
Autor: Alan Wilson from Peterborough, Cambs, UK, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
c/n 8001 This is the first prototype C-1 and first flew on 12th November 1970. Still in use as a test aircraft, it is operated by the Air Development & Test Wing (AD&TW), Japanese Air Self Defence Force Gifu Air Base, Kakamigahara City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
15th March 2019A former Japanese Tachikawa Ki-9 "Spruce" pictured at airfield K-1 (Pusan-West) in South Korea during 1951. Note that it is painted in South Korean markings on the wings and a 1944-1946-style US insignia on the fuselage.
A stunning air-to-air shot taken by Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer Walter Mittelholzer during his flight to Lake Chad (flight back to Switzerland). Departing from Colomb-Béchar (now Béchar) his Ad Astra Aero Fokker trimotor (CH-192) was escorted for a while by this Potez 25TOE of the French colonial forces.
Lockheed C-40B 3/4 front view. (U.S. Air Force photo)
A U.S. Navy Budd RB-1 Conestoga (BuNo 39295) in flight, circa in June 1944.
Autor: Asuspine, Licence: GFDL 1.2
Pakistan Air Force Chengdu F-7PG inflight
Autor: Aero Icarus from Zürich, Switzerland, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Royal Danish Air Force Canadair Challenger; C-168@AEY;23.07.2009/546ah
(c) Bidgee, CC BY-SA 3.0 au
Piper PA-24-260 Comanche (VH-OIB) taxiing at Wagga Wagga Airport.
Autor: Robert Yarnall Richie , Licence: No restrictions
Title: B-36 engines, B-36 plane
Autor: Bill Larkins, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Oakland 1951.
Vickers Type 279 Venom
Autor: Swissair, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Fokker-Grulich F.II der LUFT HANSA (D 783) in Dübendorf
Aviméta 132 photo from NACA Aircraft Circular No.63
Swissair Titel:
Fokker F.VII a der Swissair am Aero Port des Grand Hotel auf dem St. Moritzer-See Beschreibung: Sightseeing-Flüge fanden vor allem Anfang der 1930er-Jahre statt, bei der Swissair zwischen 1932 und 1934 Datierung: 1932-1934 Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0 Nutzung: Download und Nutzung frei Bildnachweis:
ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv/Stiftung Luftbild Schweiz / Fotograf: Swissair / LBS_SR02-10480 / CC BY-SA 4.0, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0Grand Hotel St. Moritz 1904-1944: Sightseeing-Flüge Anfang der 1930er-Jahre statt, bei der Swissair zwischen 1932 und 1934
Ing. B. Šimůnek na letounu Letov Š-118 s motorem Walter NZ-85 zvítězil v Národním letu RČs. (1934)
Partially sectioned turboprop engine Walter M601E
Autor: Bill Larkins, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Jesse Bristow's modified F4B-4 (USN 9251) airshow plane at Oakland in August 1947.
Vilda Jakš, Czech boxer, 1935
Autor: Toshiro Aoki, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Japan Air Self-Defence Force Kawasaki EC-1
Title: Aircraft Hanno
Abstract/medium: G. Eric and Edith Matson Photograph Collection
Physical description: 1 negative :Autor: Tomás Del Coro from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
12th Annual Apple Valley Air Show
Apple Valley Airport (APV) (KAPV) California, USA TDelCoro
October 12, 2013Savoia Marchetti S.55
(c) Julian Herzog, CC BY 4.0
Airbus A350-941 (reg. F-WWCF, MSN 002) in Airbus promotional CFRP livery at ILA Berlin Air Show 2016. Takeoff from runway 25L on Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER).
A party of riggers working on the tailplane of a Supermarine Spitfire of No. 601 Squadron at Lentini West, Sicily, 7 September 1943.
A party of riggers working on the tailplane of a Supermarine Spitfire of No. 601 Squadron RAF at Lentini West, Sicily.
Ryan Navion.
Autor: Bergfalke2, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Dornier Do 28 A1 at Dornier Museum
Autor: Tim Rees, Licence: GFDL 1.2
PT-ZVE (cn 123801) Displaying at Farnborough '90
Autor: Thomas Tucker through_these_eyes_photography, Licence: CC0
Solheimasandur Plane Wreck, Iceland
Colonel Robert L. Scott Jr. in his P-40 Warhawk in 1943.
The second prototype Kellett XR-8 helicopter undergoing evaluation by the United States Army Air Forces.
A U.S. Air Force Lockheed C-141B-10-LM Starlifter (in October 1984?). This aircraft (s/n 63-8085, c/n 300-6016) was later converted to an C-141C. It was retired to the AMARC as CR0190 on 14 October 2003. The date given (Oct 1964) has to be wrong, as the C-141B was converted from the C-141A starting in 1977.
Autor: Ralf Manteufel, Licence: GFDL 1.2
Registration: 55-0297
Construction Number: 322
Code Number: 50297
Model Convair C-131D
Operator: US Air Force
Airport: Berlin - Tempelhof (THF / EDDI), Germany
Photographer: Ralf Manteufel
Date Taken: 09/03/1970
Date Submitted: 21/09/2008Autor: Lestocq, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Porsche-powered version at the Deutsches Museum Flugwerft Schleissheim, Munich, Germany
Autor: Zala, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Prototyp polskiego samolotu szkolno-akrobacyjnego LWD Zuch SP-BAD, eksponowany w Muzeum Lotnictwa Polskiego w Krakowie.
Autor: Stefan Krause, Germany, Licence: FAL
Eine Boeing E75 Stearman beim Start beim Oldtimer Fliegertreffen, 2013 am Flugfeld Hahnweide bei Kirchheim unter Teck.
Autor: David Álvarez López from Gijón, España, Licence: CC BY 2.0
EC-135 Policía nacional. Festival Aéreo Internacional de Gijón. 2023.
Pioneering American aviatrix Matilde E. Moisant (September 13, 1878 – February 5, 1964) in 1912. She was the second woman in the United States to earn a pilot's license.
Autor: Dezidor, Licence: CC BY 3.0
C-3A, license build Siebel Si.204 ; Letecké muzeum Kbely
(c) Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1980-117-02 / Hoffmann / CC-BY-SA 3.0

The first production Martin P4M-1 Mercator patrol plane (BuNo 121451) in flight in 1949.
A series of photos of the Cirrus Aircraft Parachute System being deployed in flight
A U.S. Navy Loening OL-8 amphibian flying over the aircraft carrier USS Lexington (CV-2), circa in the late 1920s or early 1930s. Note that the aircraft carries the two-star flag of a rear admiral.
Autor: Alan Wilson from Peterborough, Cambs, UK, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
c/n 138 Built 1956 for French military service. Now privately owned and wearing l'Aéronavale markings. Seen taking off to display at the 2019 Fête Aérienne Le Temps Des helices (Aerial Festival – The Time of the Propellers). Aérodrome de Cerny-La-Ferté-Alais, Cerny, France
9th June 2019Autor: Robert Yarnall Richie , Licence: No restrictions
Title: [Aviation Mechanic with Lockheed 12A Electra Junior]
Creator: Robert Yarnall Richie
Date: March 1940
Place: Dallas, Texas
Part Of: Robert Yarnall Richie Photograph Collection
Description: An aviation mechanic making adjustments to the propeller of a Lockheed Model 12A Electra Junior, belonging to the Superior Oil Company, at Dallas Love Field Airport.
Physical Description: 1 transparency: film, color; 10 x 13 cm
File: ag1982_0234_2116_93_sm_opt.jpg
Rights: Please cite DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University when using this file. A high-resolution version of this file may be obtained for a fee. For details see the https://sites.smu.edu/cul/degolyer/research/permissions/ web page. For other information, contact degolyer@smu.edu.
For more information, see: http://digitalcollections.smu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ryr/id/1412
One of the Fairchild Hiller FH-227B aircraft used in the production of the 1993 film "Alive", painted to appear as the aircraft involved in the 1972 crash of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571.
Morane-Saulnier MS.130
Autor: Draceane, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Plukovník Pavel Vranský, veterán 2. světové války, během besedy na pražském Gymnáziu Budějovická
Breda Ba.32 photo from NACA-AC-166
Darin: Flieger Truppen
Original: Negativ; Glasplatte; Silberbromid; 13x18cm
Signatur: CH-BAR#E27#1000/721#14095#136*
Image from the Charles Daniels Photo Collection album "British Aircraft."
Autor: Alan Wilson , Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Two Ye-152 fighter prototypes were built. The first 'Ye-152-1' carried out several record breaking flights in 1961 & 1962, for which it was registered with the FAI as the Ye-166. This is the second aircraft 'Ye-152-2' which was later rebuilt as the Ye-152M with canards on the forward fuselage. These were later removed and the aircraft was painted to represent the record breaking Ye-152-1. It is in this condition that the aircraft remains on display at the Russian Air Force Museum. Monino, Russia.
13-8-2012Bücker Bü 180 Student (D-ELIO)
Le Lippisch DFS-193 en vol
Vuelo Invertido de Quiñones durante su ceremonia de graduacion.
A Ryan ST-3 floatplane in San Diego Bay, circa 1950.
Autor: Robert Yarnall Richie , Licence: No restrictions
Title: [Pilot Standing on Aircraft, Randolph Field]
Creator: Robert Yarnall Richie
Date: February 1943
Place: San Antonio, Texas
Part Of: Robert Yarnall Richie Photograph Collection
Description: Pilot standing atop a Curtiss-Wright AT-9A aircraft.
Physical Description: 1 negative: film, black and white; 10.0 x 12.7 cm
File: ag1982_0234_2510_17_randolphfieldtx_sm_opt.jpg
Rights: Please cite DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University when using this file. A high-resolution version of this file may be obtained for a fee. For details see the https://sites.smu.edu/cul/degolyer/research/permissions/ web page. For other information, contact degolyer@smu.edu.
For more information, see: http://digitalcollections.smu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ryr/id/2466
Lieutenant Hans Wind, Knight of the Mannerheim Cross, our famous fighter pilot who has shot down 33 1/2 enemy planes.
Chipmunk T.1 (WB550)
Messerschmitt Me 262 wn 111711, captured and used for postwar evaluation by the United States Army Air Forces as T-2-4012.
Autor: DVIDSHUB, Licence: CC BY 2.0
An A-10 Thunderbolt II from the 23rd Fighter Group, Moody Air Force Base, Ga., peels away after being refueled from a KC-135 Stratotanker, assigned to the 340th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron, while flying over Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Feb. 26, 2011. U.S. Air Forces Central Public Affairs Photo by Master Sgt. William Greer Date Taken:02.26.2011 Location:SOUTHWEST ASIA, AF
Related Photos: dvidshub.net/r/iwnmqyAutor:
The Sopwith Triplane was a British single seat fighter aircraft designed and manufactured by the Sopwith Aviation Company during the First World War. Pilots nicknamed it the Tripehound or simply the Tripe.[2] The Triplane became operational with the Royal Naval Air Service in early 1917 and was immediately successful. The Triplane was nevertheless built in comparatively small numbers and was withdrawn from active service as Sopwith Camels arrived in the latter half of 1917. Surviving aircraft continued to serve as operational trainers until the end of the war. Role: Fighter Manufacturer: Sopwith Aviation Company Designer: Herbert Smith First flight: 28 May 1916 Introduction: December 1916 Primary user: Royal Naval Air Service
Number built: 14Autor: Charles gervais, Licence: CC0
Dewoitine DE.333 F-ANQB "Cassiopée" 1939
Fotograf: Mercanton, Paul-Louis Titel: Jagdeinsitzer Dewoitine D-27 im Flug über Aigle und Leysin, Blick nach Ostnordost (ENE) Beschreibung: Paul-Louis Mercanton zugeschrieben Datierung: 4.7.1935 Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0 Nutzung: Download und Nutzung frei Bildnachweis:
ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv / Fotograf: Mercanton, Paul-Louis / Hs_1458-GK-B000-1935-03 / CC BY-SA 4.0, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0Jagdeinsitzer Dewoitine D-27 über Aigle und Leysin, Schweiz, Louis Mercanton zugeschrieben, 1935
PictionID:40957634 - Catalog:Array - Title:Array - Filename:16_000341 Martin MS-1 A-6521 USN.tif - Ray Wagner was Archivist at the San Diego Air and Space Museum for several years and is an author of several books on aviation --- ---Please Tag these images so that the information can be permanently stored with the digital file.---Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum
Viewed in this 1954 photograph is the NACA High Speed Flight Research Station’s D-558-2 #2 (144), an all rocket powered Skyrocket. Like the X-1, the D-558-2 had a fuselage shaped like a .50 caliber bullet. Unlike both the X-1 and the D-558-1, it had swept wings. To accommodate them required a completely different design than that used for the earlier straight-wing D-558-1.
Savoia-Marchetti SM.73
Autor: Robert Lansdale. Federal News Photos. Library and Archives Canada, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Unveiling of CF-105. Pilots Ron Hodge (left), Ed Wright (right).
Sopwith Tabloid on floats which won the 1914 Schneider Race
Autor: Bill Larkins, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
William E. Boeing's personal plane "Rover" at Oakland in April 1941.
Autor: Steve Lynes from Sandshurst, United Kingdom, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Wings & Wheels 2012, Surrey
Autor: Bill Larkins, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
F8F-2 taking off from Crissy Field
Beneš-Mráz Be-50 a B-51 Beta-Minor vítězí v roce 1937 na Raduno del Littorio (zleva kpt. J. Polma, npor. Červenka, npor. Škop a por. Maláč)
Starck AS-20 photo from L'Aerophile April 1943
The enormous Caproni Ca.90 prototype (in 1929, the largest aircraft in the world) close to a relatively small Caproni Ca.36.
French entrepreneur and aeronautical pioneer Pierre-Georges Latécoère (1883-1943).
Autor: Alan Wilson from Peterborough, Cambs, UK, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
c/n 58, l/n 005C Built in 1957, this is the seventh civilian Broussard and was initially used as a company demonstrator. In 1974 it was registered as F-BICX to the Paris based French ministry of youth and sports, but this was cancelled in April 1983. It was Canadian registered as C-GRBL from 2006 to January 2020, when it came to the UK as G-CLLK. Since it’s restoration in Canada it has been painted in full French Air Force markings, very nicely done but not actually relevant to this airframe. Seen on static display at the 2022 Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, UK 16th July 2022
Interestingly, the two Broussards on static display at Fairford in 2022 were purely civilian G-CLLK in full military markings and ex-military G-HOUR which is in a civilian colour scheme!Title: Yakolev, Yak-3 Notes: USSR Catalog #: 01_00089805 Manufacturer: Yakolev Designation: Yak-3 Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
Tags: Yakolev, Yak-3, USSRJindřich Svoboda, český pilot
Photo of an acoustic aircraft detection apparatus at Bolling Field, (now Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling), Washington D. C., USA, in 1921. Before radar was developed in WW2, acoustic horns like this were used by air defense forces to detect the sound of approaching enemy aircraft at a distance. The system shown here, apparently being tested, consisted of two conical horns attached by rubber tubes to a stethoscope earpiece in the observer's ears. The stereo receptor allowed the observer to determine direction of the aircraft. The building in the background is the Army War College at Fort McNair.
Autor: Wingtipvortex, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
A Caudron C.460 Rafale at the French Valley airport in October of 2010.
Ray Wagner Collection Image
PictionID:43933124 - Catalog:16_005058 - Title:Blohm & Voss Bv 142V-2 Nowarra photo - Filename:16_005058.TIF - - - - - - Image from the Ray Wagner Collection. Ray Wagner was Archivist at the San Diego Air and Space Museum for several years and is an author of several books on aviation --- ---Please Tag these images so that the information can be permanently stored with the digital file.---Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum
Walter Mikron I (1934)
Autor: Jim van de Burgt from Wijk bij Duurstede, Netherlands, Licence: CC0
Netherlands Military Museum depot days 2020
The French SNECMA Coléoptère vertical take-off aircraft, which first flew on 6 May 1959. It was a single-person aircraft with an annular wing designed to land vertically, therefore requiring no runway and very little space to take-off. There were several prototypes developed and tested, however the design proved to be very unstable and flying it was dangerous.
Photographed of a parked Piper PA48 Enforcer
Finnish Air Force LaGG-3
Samoloty PWS-A podczas defilady z okazji Święta 3 Maja w Krakowie w 1932 roku. Koncern Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny - Archiwum Ilustracji. Sygnatura: 1-P-2901-10
Autor: Tomás Del Coro from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
North Las Vegas Airport (IATA: VGT, ICAO: KVGT, FAA LID: VGT) Photo: Tomas Del Coro
January 14, 2011OV-1 Mohawk is a two-seat, twin-engine turboprop armed military observation and attack aircraft (U.S. Army)
Autor: Clemens Vasters from Viersen, Germany, Germany, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Vereinigte Flugzeugwerke VFW-Fokker VAK 191B
Józef Frantisek, czeski pilot, służył w polskim dywizjonie myśliwskim 303 - fotografia pozowana.
Autor: Neznámý , Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
General Aviation GA-43 HB-ITU in service with Swissair, Dübendorf
(c) Piergiuliano Chesi, CC BY-SA 3.0
Czech Airlines Tupolev Tu-134A on charter flight to Pisa Galileo Galilei Airport from Prague in May 1975.
Cierva C.8 photo from Le Document aéronautique December,1928
Autor: Ken H / @chippyho, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Aircraft: NAMC YS-11M(61-9042 s/n:2058)
Squadron: JMSDF Fleet Air Force / 61SQ (海上自衛隊 航空集団直轄 第61航空隊)
Base: Atsugi AB(RJTA) Kanagawa-ken, Japan
Fokker D.XXIII fighter, 1939.
pilot Oldřich Doubek v roce 1934
Autor: Bernard Spragg. NZ from Christchurch, New Zealand, Licence: CC0
Avro 652A Anson Mk 1 Series II
The only remaining airworthy Avro Anson Mk1 from WWII, the twin-engine aircraft were a popular coastal reconnaissance bomber that performed anti-submarine, convoy protection and crew training duties. Around eleven thousand were produced between 1935 and 1952 and it may have been one of the first aircraft flown in combat by a New Zealander in the second World War. Avro MH-120 operated post-war in Australia as a passenger and freight hauler and also appeared in a film about a famous air race, called “Half a World Away”. Once in New Zealand it was restored to its former military configuration from nearly 70 years ago. The Avro has a wingspan of nearly 17m and is over 13m long.
The turret and military equipment had been re-installed and the aircraft had been painted to represent a machine that flew with 206 Squadron of the Royal Air Force. MH-120 had seating for two pilots, a navigator and a radio operaton.Autor: Bene Riobó, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Dornier Do 27 do Exército do Aire español nos actos polo 25 aniversario da Academia Básica do Aire de León.
Aviation in Britain Before the First World War
A close up of Cody wearing his flying helmet in the cockpit of the Cody aircraft mark V. Note that the cockpit is not covered unlike any of the other photographs of this aircraft. The second seat can just be seen behind Cody. With the help of his family and friends Cody built the mark V mainly from the remains of the mark III in just four weeks, after both the aircraft that he intended to enter in the trials were written off. It was powered by the 120 hp Austro-Daimler engine which was relatively unscathed from the crashes it had been in. Note the triangular rudders similar to those on the monoplane.
It was with this machine that Cody won both the International Division and the British Division (�GBP5000 prize in total) of the 1912 military trials, a competition to find an aircraft for the army. 32 machines were entered from 21 companies in a series of tests. These tests covered areas such as rate of climb, speed (both fast and slow), glide angle, landing distance, time of assembly and ability to fly in a high wind. The aircraft had to meet certain other criteria such as having dual control and room for an observer, having an endurance of at least three hours, having good visibility, being able to land in a ploughed field along with various other performance stipulations. Out of these nineteen competed and eleven aircraft completed enough of the tests to be considered for prizes with four completing all the tests.
Cody's victory was however more of a reflection on his skills as a pilot and showman. Unlike his monoplane the design was rather dated and could not in the long term be used by the military. Just the competition aircraft (later involved in a fatal crash) and one other (on display in the "Flight Gallery" at the Science Museum, London) were bought by the military .
With a 100hp Green engine fitted to this aircraft (entrants had to be all British) and increased fuel capacity Cody also won the Michelin Trophy No. 2 (2nd series) and it's �GBP600 prize for making the fastest tour of a 186 mile circuit - in fact due to fog Cody flew 220 miles but to his surprise still won.
Cody was never a Colonel in the British or any other army. This title probably stems from Colonel Bill Cody the famous American showman who like S F Cody toured Britain and Europe with his wild west show. S F Cody never encouraged people to use this title (it did annoy certain people in the military in particular) until the king called him Colonel after his success in the military trials after that he was known by everyone as Colonel. As Cody said "...as His Majesty has referred to me as Colonel Cody, so in the future Colonel Cody it has to be.Autor: Willem van de Poll, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Vliegveld Berlijn - Tempelhof. Vliegtuigpersoneel bij de Fokker F.XX PH-AIZ Zilvermeeuw
- oktober 1934
(c) FOTO:FORTEPAN / Szent-Istvány Dezső, CC BY-SA 3.0
Junkers A-50 Junior hidroplán kiképző repülőgép a Balatonon.
The miniature Autogyro, Little Nellie, as seen in the James Bond movie You Only Live Twice, here at a convention with its creator and pilot, Wing Commander Ken Wallis.
(c) Bidgee, CC BY-SA 3.0 au
de Havilland DH89A Dragon Rapide (VH-UXZ) taxiing at Wagga Wagga Airport.
RWD 8 trainer
Eclipse program QF-106 aircraft in flight, view from tanker
Autor: allen watkin from London, UK, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
China Aviation Museum,Datangshan,Sep 2008
Bell P-39Q Airacobra s/n 44-3908, Reno racer "Mr. Mennen".
Autor: unknown, Licence:
A pre-First World War demonstration of a two man kite designed by Samuel Franklin Cody for use by the British Army's Royal Engineers Balloon Section.
Demonstration of a two man kite designed by S F Cody for use by the British Army Royal Engineers Balloon Section. Such kites were intended for use when high wind speeds (above twenty miles an hour) prevented the use of observation balloons. The kite could ascend to heights of 2,500 feet in the right conditions.
Autor: Cialowicz, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
The photo shows a Nanchang CJ-6A aircraft flying over the Palos Verdes Peninsula, California.
Autor: Alan Wilson from Peterborough, Cambs, UK, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
c/n 1002 Built 1953 The KAL-1 was the first aircraft to by designed and built by Kawasaki after WW2. This was the second of two built and was used by Kawasaki for general duties until retired in 1965. It was preserved in the Modern Transportation Museum in Osaka from 1966 until 2014 when it came here. Gifu-Kakamigahara Air and Space Museum Kakamigahara City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
15th March 2019Autor: Bidgee, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Royal Australian Air Force DHC-4 Caribou (A4-299)
Autor: Achive of Křídla vlasti, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
František Janča (1905-1952), Czech test pilot of Avia Co. and first Czechoslovakian helicopter pilot (cca 1950)
Take-off of America's first "rocket-assisted" airplane, an Ercoupe fitted with a GALCIT developed solid propellent 28 pound thrust JATO (Jet Assisted Take-Off) booster. The Ercoupe took off from March Field, California and was piloted by Captain Homer A. Boushey Jr.
Boeing-Stearman NS-1 Bi-plane
Autor: Alex Snow, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Gromov Flight Test Institute Ilyushin Il-76LL with one Aviadvigatel PD-14 engine
Polski samolot sportowy RWD 13 zbudowany w Doświadczalnych Warsztatach Lotniczych na Okęciu w Warszawie - sylwetka samolotu w locie. Egzemplarz oznaczony SP-WDL, własność firmy E. Wedel (zakupiony w 1936 r.).
Fotografía de Jorge Chávez Dartnell que se encuentra en el Museo de la Aviación Mundial de París.
A Hawker Hurricane Mk IIB of No. 134 Squadron RAF taxies out past Russian sentries at Vaenga, near Murmansk, October 1941.
A Hawker Hurricane Mark IIB, Z5253 'GA-25' of No. 134 Squadron RAF taxies out past Russian sentries at Vaenga.
A girl team working on a center wing section of a B-24E (Liberator) bomber in Ford's big Willow Run plant. The Liberator is capable of operation at high altitudes and over great ranges on precision bombing missions. It has proved itself an excellent performer in the Pacific, in Northern Africa, Europe and the Aleutians. Ford's Willow Run Plant, Michigan"
Anti-Submarine Weapons: Leigh Light used for spotting U-boats on the surface at night fitted to a Liberator aircraft of Royal Air Force Coastal Command.
1916 photograph of American WWI aviator Kiffin Rockwell (who flew for France.)
Autor: Alert5, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Harbin Z-19 reconnaissance/attack helicopter making a low-level pass at Zhuhai Airshow 2012
Lentoveneitä Hirvirannassa.
Phantom Eye- Second Flight Edwards AFB. UAS unmanned flight.
CANT Z.511 in decollo
Caravan made from a converted aircraft, Kalinga, 1950
Autor: Rodinný archiv, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Joska Smítka na letadle v rámci výcviku 1000 pilotů republice
Autor: Marek Studnicki, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
EM-11C Orka SP-MAR nad lotniskiem w Kaniowie
Letov Šm-1 1920 (konstruktér Alois Šmolík a pilot Klement Adamec)
Lieutenant General Claire Lee Chennault (September 6, 1893 – July 27, 1958, shown as Major General in this photo), was an American military aviator. A contentious officer, he was a fierce advocate of "pursuit" or fighter-interceptor aircraft during the 1930s when the U.S. Army Air Corps was focused primarily on high-altitude bombardment.
Autor: Armchair Aviator's, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Fairchild FC-2 (NC3569)
Autor: San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives, Licence: No restrictions
Catalog #: 10_0015674
Title: Douglas World Cruise Date: 1924 Additional Information: Douglas Around the World Flight Douglas World Cruiser Tags: Douglas World Cruise, Douglas Around the World Flight Douglas World Cruiser , 1924
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum ArchiveMitsubishi G4M "Betty" bomber on Ie Shima, August 19, 1945, having carried a Japanese surrender delegation to the island. Note white paint with green cross insignia.
(c) Photo: POA(Phot) Owen King/MOD, OGL v1.0
A Chinese Haifan II helicopter from the missile frigate 'Zhoushan' leaves the flight deck of HMS Cornwall.
Members of the Chinese Public Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) were visiting the Type 22 frigate to discuss anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden.
- Organization: Royal Navy
- Object Name: FB09002219
- Category: RN
- Keywords: Royal Navy, NATO, SNMG2, F99, CTF 508, FFG-529, Haifan II, PLAN, Chinese, China, Helicopter, Foreign
- Country: Gulf Of Aden
The U.S. Navy Martin XPB2M-1R "Mars" (BuNo 1520) in flight over the Golden Gate Bride, at San Francisco, California (USA).
Autor: Alan Wilson , Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Designed to the same specification as the MiG-15, the La-15 first flew in January 1948, and served until 1953. It was allocated the NATO codename 'Fantail'. Although popular with pilots, the type was complicated to build and the rival MiG-15 became the Soviet fighter of choice, with only 235 La-15 being built. When the type left service, the engines were reused in KS-1 air to surface missiles, while the airframes were used as targets in Nuclear testing. This is believed to be the only surviving example and is on display at the Russian Air Force Museum. Monino, Russia.
Of 412 Squadron based at Lahr AFB, Germany, seen appearing at the International Air Show. Later sold in Canada as C-GILE.
Jan Březina (1914-1938), český polární letec
This is the prototype Bristol Type 167, Brabazon, which made its first flight on 4 September 1949.
Autor: Collectie Van Beek, Licence: CC0
Het prototype van de Fokker D.17, voorzien van een Curtiss Conqueror motor.
NACA pilot A. Scott Crossfield next to the D-558-2 after first Mach 2 flight.
(c) Amit Agronov / IDF Spokesperson's Unit, CC BY-SA 3.0
The 122nd ("Nachson") Squadron received its new aircraft - the "Oron", which will grant the IAF unprecedented intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities. The advanced aircraft was formally introduced in a ceremony led by Commander of the IAF, Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin.
Autor: Swissair, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Nelly Diener, the first air stewardess in Europe, standing in front of the Curtiss AT-32C Condor II, regn. CH-170, in which she would lose her life on 27 July 1934.
Autor: Ralf Manteufel, Licence: GFDL 1.2
British United Airways Bristol 170 Freighter Mk32 G-ANVR at Berlin Tempelhof International Airport
Autor: , Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Alliance Airlines Fokker 100 VH-XWP on final approach to Perth (PER/YPPH), Western Australia, at the end of a flight from Busselton (BQB/YBLN) as QQ6081. Photo taken from near West Parade, South Guildford, Western Australia.
Photo of Nieuport 31 WW1 fighter front samf4u.jpg
The 303 Polish Fighter Squadron in the Battle of Britain
In the summer of 1940 the first Polish squadrons were formed in Fighter Command. No 303 'City of Warsaw' Squadron was the top-scoring RAF unit in September 1940, with nine of its pilots claiming five or more kills. Pilot Officers Jan Zumbach (left) and Mirosław Ferić, two of its aces, playing with the Squadron's mascot - a puppy dog. This photograph was taken at Leconfield in October 1940.
Autor: Alan Wilson from Peterborough, Cambs, UK, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Built 1954 but stored until May 1964 when she was allocated to the Aeroplane & Armament Experimental Establishment at Boscombe Down. She flew with them for a variety of light duties including conversion training for new BBMF pilots. Retired in 1969, her final flight was to RAF Coltishall for her engine to be installed in BBMF Spitfire V AB910. She was then allocated to the RAF Museum and stored at Henlow until moving to Cosford in 1979. Repainted in Royal Navy colours, she has been on display there ever since and is currently on display in Hangar 1. RAF Museum Cosford, Shropshire, UK.
14th August 2016(c) W. T. Larkins na projektu Wikipedie v jazyce angličtina, CC BY 2.5
A U.S. Navy Lockheed XR6V-1 Constitution landing at Naval Air Station Moffett Field, California (USA).
A Royal Air Force Douglas Havoc Mk.II (Turbinlite), serial AH470 "F", of No. 1459 (Fighter) Flight based at Hibaldstow, Lincolnshire (UK), on the ground.
Autor: Dirk1981, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flughafen Tempelhof Überdachter Vorhangarbereich mit Focke-Wulf 200 des Berliner Technikmuseums
Walter Mikron III a Avia Av-36 Bojar (1946)
PictionID:38235845 - Catalog:Array - Title:Array - Filename:15_002312.TIF - -------Image from the Charles Daniels Photo Collection.----Album: German Aircraft.-----------PLEASE TAG these images with any information you know about them so that we can permanently store this data with the original image file in our Digital Asset Management System.-----------------SOURCE INSTITUTION: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
Autor: happy days photos and art, Licence: CC BY 2.0
F-PDHE SIPA 200 Minijet
Autor: Airwolfhound, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Bristol Sycamore at RIAT 2018
A U.S. Navy Curtiss SOC-3 Seagull scout-observation floatplane stripped for maintenance in the hangar of the light cruiser USS Savannah (CL-42), circa 1938. The plane's engine is a Pratt & Whitney R-1340 nine-cylinder radial.
Bennett PL-11 Airtruck ZK-BPV
Autor: Alan Wilson from Peterborough, Cambs, UK, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
c/n JT10 Built 1960 This T-1 flew its entire career as a test aircraft at Gifu and joined the museum immediately after retirement. It is preserved wearing special marking applied to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Air Proving Wing, which later became the current Air Development & Test Wing (AD&TW). Kakamigahara Aerospace Science Museum Kakamigahara City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
15th March 2019Autor: Richard Vandervord, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
JQ8501 (cn 8501) Based on the successful Kawasaki C-1 transport, this was a one-off Quiet STOL research aircraft, developed by the National Aerospace Laboratory. Powered by four FRJ710 turbofan engines and making use of the Coandă effect. It was built to research STOL using upper surface blowing, aircraft noise reduction, fly-by-wire systems and composite materials construction and is now displayed at the Kakamigahara Aerospace Museum outside Gifu Air Base
Mráz Zobor I (OK-SOA)
Autor: Christian Volpati, Licence: GFDL 1.2
Swissair BAC One-Eleven 501 EX operated by British United Airways
A Lockheed P2V-7 Neptune (BuNo. 148352) of patrol squadron VP-56 Dragons, deploying to South America for exercise "Unitas IV" on 6 August 1963.
(c) Mil.ru, CC BY 4.0
Командир эскадрильи Герой Советского Союза гвардии майор Александр Иванович Покрышкин. Лето 1943 г.
Autor: Dmitry Terekhov from Odintsovo, Russian Federation, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Beriev Be-12PS "Chayka"
(c) Julian Herzog, CC BY 4.0
Zlin Z-526ASM (reg. HB-TRQ, cn 1027, built in 1967). Engine: Avia M137A.
An Italian Fiat G.80 trainer taxiing.
A group of Ohio Marines serving with the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing in Korea are shown with their "Yuletide gift to Korean and Chinese Reds" (original caption) in front of a U.S. Marine Corps Grumman F7F-3N Tigercat in December 1950. Left to right are: M/Sgt. Robert T. Hunt, 1st. Lt. David W. Bowman, M/Sgt. Thomas H. Allom, Lt. Arnold J. Hammons, Lt. Walter J. Waldo, Capt. Leland A. Gaug, Capt. William G. Diar, Jr., M/Sgt. William R. Goodall III, and Maj. George A. Hanna.
Josef Heřmanský byl český vojenský pilot a velitel.
Autor: ERIC SALARD from PARIS, FRANCE, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
EX IRAK AS 316 / N56SFNorth American YF-93A.
A crewman on board an RAF Coastal Command Lockheed Hudson of No. 269 Squadron, using an F.24 camera during an ice patrol from Kaldadarnes in Iceland, 5 May 1942.
A crewman on board a Lockheed Hudson of No. 269 Squadron RAF based at Kaldadarnes, Iceland, takes a photograph from one of the starboard windows, with a Type F.24 aerial camera, while flying on an ice-pack patrol.
I.V.L. D.26 Haukka I HA-39 Suomenlinnassa Ilmailuvoimien Lentokonetehtaalla. Haukka oli Ilmailuvoimien Lentokonetehtaan pääsuunnittelijan, insinööri Kurt Bergerin suunnittelema kaksitasoinen hävittäjälentokone vuodelta 1927.
Autor: Vladimir Pochekutov, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Russian Air Force Tupolev Tu-134UBL (RF-65733) on final approach at Abakan Airport
Ad Astra Aero S.A. : BFW-M-18-d (CH 191) , powered by an Armstrong-Siddeley Lynx engine.
Autor: Sergey Ryabtsev, Licence: GFDL 1.2
Tupolev Tu-123 UAV at Khodynka Field, Moscow
Image from the Charles Daniels Photo Collection album "British Aircraft."
Autor: Mickydee2066, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Classic Aero Adventure Flights Winjeel over the Pacific Ocean
Title: Amphibian aircraft Abstract/medium: 1 negative : glass ; 4 x 5 in. or smaller
Autor: FOTO:Fortepan — ID 129153:



Adományozó/Donor: HEINZELY BÉLA., Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Endresz György és Magyar Sándor "Justice for Hungary" repülőgépe Bicskétől nem messze, Felcsút határában, egy kukoricatáblában a kényszerleszállás után.
Autor: Bill Larkins, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Starting an engine in flight.
Autor: RuthAS, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
SNCASE/SE-161 Languedoc No.92 of 61 Escadre French Air Force visiting Blackbushe Airport during the Farnborough Airshow.
Autor: Jeroen Stroes Aviation Photography from Netherlands, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Autor: Guillaume Paumier (user:guillom), Licence: CC BY 2.5
Photograph taken at the AirExpo 2007 air show in Muret-Lherm aerodrome near Toulouse, on May, 12th 2007.
An aircrew from the California Army National Guard's Detachment 1, Company I, 185th Theater Aviation Brigade, flies a C-23 Sherpa aircraft over San Diego.
Aviation in Britain Before the First World War
British Army Aircraft I during the first sustained flight. Cody began building the British Army Aircraft I in 1907 with the design similar to the kites and glider that he had successfully flown. It had twin propellers, chain driven by a single 50 hp Antoinette engine, the propellers were situated behind the leading edge of and between the upper and lower wings. When he had finished building the aircraft Cody carried out an extensive period of tests to the aircraft often involving hops off the ground. Throughout this period of testing there was intense public and press interest with Cody often being ridiculed for his apparent lack of progress in comparison with foreign pilots and designers particularly the Wright brothers who were touring Europe at that time.
Cody made the first sustained flight (lasting 27 seconds and for a distance of around 1390 feet) on the 16th October 1908. Though he had made previous short flights or leaps this was the first one to exceed quarter of a mile, the distance which the Royal Aero Club deemed in 1958 to be the minimum for a "powered leap" to be termed a "sustained flight". The flight ended in a crash caused by him trying to turn the aircraft too quickly at too low a height. Cody was largely unhurt in the crash apart some cuts to his forehead.Miss Harriet Quimby, Boston aviator who lost her life trying to entertain the public at Squantum
Autor: Aleksander Markin, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Fligt. Zlin Z-142 RA-1958G
A Ling-Temco-Vought XC-142A tested at the NASA Langley Research Center in 1969.
Official description: Ling-Temco-Vought XC-142A: A tilt-wing prototype used in vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) studies. After vertical takeoff with the wing pivoted upward, the wing pivoted horizontally and the craft would fly as a conventional airplane." Langley was extensively involved in wind-tunnel testing of XC-14A models, and in the actual flight evaluations of the actual airplane. Photograph published in Winds of Change, 75th Anniversary NASA publication, by James Schultz.
Autor: Pavel Adzhigildaev, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Royal Navy during the Second World War
Framed by the entrance of its hangar, the Supermarine Walrus amphibious aircraft of HMS SUFFOLK is out on the catapult deck receiving attention from the maintenance staff whilst the ship is on Arctic Patrol. This cruiser along with HMS NORFOLK played a crucial role in the shadowing the BISMARCK.
Catalog #: 01_00091365
Title: Boeing, 247 Corporation Name: Boeing Aircraft Designation: Type 247D Tags: Boeing, 247 Additional Information: USA
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum ArchiveHafner Rotachute
Autor: Clemens Vasters from Viersen, Germany, Germany, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Grumman F7F Tigercat "Bad Kitty"
(c) Clément Gruin (Wikimedia, CC-BY-SA 4.0)
North American P-64 (NA-68) of the USAAC taken at Luke Field in 1941.
Autor: Clemens Vasters from Viersen, Germany, Germany, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Autor: Robert Frola, Licence: GFDL
Air Pacific Boeing 767-3X2(ER) DQ-FJC cn 26260 'Island of Taveuni'. Location: Acacia Street - Loop Road Brisbane International Airport. File: DQ-FJC_YBBN_20110703_1515
- Set: Air Pacific
- Set: Boeing 767-300 Series
- Set: YBBN 03.07.11
- Tags: DQ-FJC; Air Pacific; 2011; Boeing; Boeing 767; Boeing 763; Nikon D90; YBBN
A Fokker D.VII flying a looping. This is probably an aircraft brought to the U.S. after the war.
Autor: Smithsonian, Licence: CC0
Photo of an Allison V-1710-7 V-12 Engine an early Allison 1710 engine
Original description: "U.S. Army troops pause for a look at a Japanese seaplane during the battle of Makin. The plane was under repair in the lagoon when the invasion started. The Japanese used it as a machine gun nest until American fliers took care of it., 11/1943"
Franišek Taiber v uniformě kapitána Československé armády po druhé světové válce
Heat Transfer Reactor Experiment-3. A nuclear powered jet engine developed as part of the Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion program.
Autor: W-R-Hesse-Fotos, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Bücker Bü 131 Jungmann Werk Nr. 4075; re. Heinrich Ehrler, späterer Geschwaderkommodore des Jagdgeschwader 5 (JG 5) "Eismeer". Ort der Aufnahme und Flugzeugführerschule (FFS A/B) sind unbekannt. Lt. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Ehrler befand sich Ehrler vom 1. Febr. 1940 bis 4. Nov. 1940 (9 Monate) in der fliegerischen Grund- und Vollausbildung. Am 1. Febr. 1941 wurde er - seit 1.1.1941 im Rang eines Leutnants - sehr wahrscheinlich* zur 1./JG 77 (1. Staffel des Jagdgeschwaders 77) nach Norwegen versetzt. *Zzt. verschiedene, sich widersprechende Angaben lt. Internet: 4./JG 77 und 13./JG 77, die 4./JG 77 lag jedoch nicht in Norwegen, sondern vom 20.11.1940 bis 4.4.1941 in Brest-Süd in Frankreich.
Im Hintergrund, rechts, eine Klemm Kl 35. Die Bü 131 und Kl 35 waren weit verbreitete Schul- und Verbindungsflugzeuge, welche bis 1945 auf den meisten von der dt. Luftwaffe genutzten Flugplätzen anzutreffen waren.
Aircraft of the Royal Air Force 1939-1945- Percival Q.6 Petrel.
Q.6 “Petrel”, P5634, of the RAF Northolt Station Flight, parked alongside Bristol Blenheims at Wyton, Huntingdonshire.
Autor: Both-mar, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
František Vavřínek v kabině Spitfiru Mk.Vb, 313.peruť RAF
The experimental U.S. Army Air Forces McDonnell XP-67 Bat (s/n 42-11677). This aircraft was damaged beyond repair by a midair fire in September 1944.
Former Soviet Pilot Viktor Belenko’s Military Identity Document, CIA Museum.
38th Reconnaissance Squadron Boeing RC-135V Rivet Joint 64-14846 Electronic Intelligence Aircraft
Airspeed AS.5 Courier photo from NACA-AC-178
Plaketa v Lípové ulici - naproti budově Židovské obce Teplice
Aspect à flot de l'hydravion de croisière BREGUET 730, à 4 moteurs GNOME-RHÔNE 14 No
Tanker 910 dropping water during a training exercise.
A U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancer, assigned to 34th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, flies behind a U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker, assigned to 506th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron, during a Bomber Task Force mission over the Pacific Ocean, June 25, 2022. Bomber Task Force missions provide opportunities to train alongside our allies and partners to build interoperability and bolster our collective ability to support a free and open Indo-Pacific.
Hot air balloons fly above the White Sands National Monument, N.M., during the 21st Annual White Sands Balloon Invitational Sept. 16. Balloonists came from Colorado, Arizona, Kansas, California, Texas and New Mexico for the two-day event, at which more than 50 balloons launched from both the balloon park in Alamogordo, N.M., and the White Sands National Monument. The event committee obtained a permit for balloons to fly over the monument, as normally private aircraft are not allowed in the airspace. Members of Team Holloman volunteered at the event.
Unit: Holloman Air Force Base Public Affairs Office
Autor: Alan Wilson from Peterborough, Cambs, UK, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
c/n 169 The Quickie was designed by Burt Rutan and was offered in kit form by the Quickie Aircraft Corporation. It was available in single or two-seat variants and with different engine options. This example was built by Mr C.M.Cunningham, who donated it to the Smithsonian Institute in 1983. It is seen on display at the Steven F. Udvar Hazy Center as part of the National Air and Space Museum. Washington Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, Virginia
7th May 2015Hero of the Soviet Union Valery Pavlovich Chaklov
letecký motor Walter Major 4 a letoun Be-52 Beta Major (1936)
Autor: Slaunger, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
The only KZ IV still able to fly (OY-DIZ) landing at Danish Air Show 2014. First flight May 4 1944. Restored to its wartime configuration after a crash in 1977. Cropped version.
Autor: Simeon87, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Pima Air & Space Museum
(c) Bangladesh Air Force, CC BY-SA 4.0
Bangladesh Air Force K-8.
RED SEA (May 2, 2007) - A plane director signals to the pilot of an F/A-18C Hornet from the "Wildcats" of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 131 aboard Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69). Eisenhower and embarked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 7 are on a scheduled deployment in support of Maritime Security Operations (MSO). U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman David Danals (RELEASED)
Royal Air Force Bomber Command, 1942-1945.
Sergeant D Cameron, the pilot of Handley Page Halifax B Mark II, HR837 'NP-F', of No. 158 Squadron RAF, poses with two of his crew amidst the damage caused when it was hit by a falling bomb from another aircraft while raiding Cologne on the night of 28/29 June 1943. In spite of the severe damage to the fuselage, none of the crew were injured and Cameron managed to fly HR837 back to the Squadron's base at Lissett, Yorkshire. HR837 was repaired and flew a further 11 operations with the Squadron before being turned over to No. 1656 Heavy Conversion Unit.
Autor: Rol, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Blériot in the Channel, La Route de l'air, Berget Alphonse, Gallica
Tachikawa Ki-94 I
Autor: Alan Wilson , Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
'The Boneyard Project: Return Trip' was created by Eric Firestone and used retired military aircraft from Tucson scrapyards as canvasses for contemporary artists. This ex USAF Lockheed Jetstar became 'Back to Supersonica' by Kenny Scharf. Full military serial 62-4200. c/n 5044. The exhibition is housed by the Pima Air & Space Museum. Tucson, Arizona, USA.
10-2-2014Autor: RuthAS, Licence: CC BY 3.0
The second SR.53 XD151 exhibited at the Farnborough Air Show
Autor: Stiopa, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Česká akrobatická skupina Flying Bulls - Vůdcovství Radka Máchová (lider)
Augustin Přeučil (1914-1947), voják, příslušník RAF, agent gestapa
Autor: Tomás Del Coro from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Las Vegas - McCarran International Airport (LAS / KLAS) USA - Nevada May 17, 2017
Photo: Tomás Del Coro