Portál:Loďstvo/Návrhy fotografií měsíce
Tato podstránka obsahuje návrhy vybraných fotografií pro portál Loďstvo. Po využití na hlavní stránce je přesuňte do archivu.
- Francouzský predreadnought třídy Liberté Justice
- Francouzské lodě potopené v Toulonu, 1944
- Nosič hydroplánů Giuseppe Miraglia
- Nedokončená italská letadlová loď Aquila v roce 1946
- Italský torpédoborec Sauro
- Japonský dělový člun Fušimi
- Japonská hybridní bitevní loď Ise v bitvě u mysu Engaño
- Německé ponorky na kotvišti v Kielu
- Z2 Georg Thiele
- SM UB-110
- SM UB-110
- SM UB-110
Rusko (SSSR)
- Ledoborec Krasin během výpravy na pomoc posádce ztroskotané vzducholodě Italia v roce 1928
- Ruský torpédoborec projektu 956 Nastojčivyj (ex Moskovskij komsomolec) v suchém doku v Kronštadtu
- Sovětská ponorka projektu 651 sloužila jako nosič letounových střel
- Ruský pancéřový křižník Rossija
Spojené státy americké
- Ledoborec americké pobřežní stráže USCGC Mackinaw (WAGB-83) při poslední plavbě k vyřazení v roce 2006
- Kutr americké pobřežní stráže třídy Reliance USCGC Diligence s výletní lodí Disney Magic
- Ledoborec americké pobřežní stráže USCGC Mackinaw (WLBB-30)
- Americký dělový člun USS Commodore Perry
- Americký dělový člun USS Benicia (PG-96)
- Agawam
Velká Británie
- Britská ponorka třídy S HMS Shark (54S) krátce před potopením
- Instalace pohonu do rozestavěného britského torpédoborce třídy M HMS Opal v loděnici William Doxford & Sons v Sunderlandu
- Rozestavěný britský torpédoborec HMS Janus v loděnici Palmers Shipbuilding and Iron Company
- Britský torpédoborec HMS Lynx (autor ilustrace James Scott Maxwell)
- První britský torpédoborec HMS Havock
- Nosič hydroplánů HMS Campania
- Sea Hurricane na palubě eskortní letadlové lodě HMS Avenger (D14)
- Rozestavěná letadlová loď HMS Ark Royal (R07)
Ostatní loďstva
- Španělský nechráněný křižník Infanta Isabel
- Zničení španělské Armady v bitvě u Gravelines na malbě od Philipa-Jamese de Loutherbourga
- Španělská Armada na malbě od Cornelise Claesz van Wieringena
- Rumunský monitor Smârdan (178)
- Turecká ponorka Saldiray
- HMAS Australia
- Řecký chráněný křižník Elli
- Vyřazený kolumbijský eskortní torpédoborec třídy Crosley Córdoba (DT 15) před replikou Tádž Mahalu v zábavním parku Jaime Duque Park
Civilní lodě, lidé, loděnice
- Royal Clipper
- HMS Surprise je replika britského plavidla HMS Rose z roku 1757. Ve filmu Master & Commander: Odvrácená strana světa si zahrála britskou fregatu.
- Loď organizace Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior. Dne 10. července 1985 ji v Aucklandu potopili agenti francouzské tajné služby, aby tak zabránili protestům proti francouzským zkouškám jaderných zbraní na atolu Mururoa.
- Trajekt Mega Express Four na Korsice
- Osobní loď Motoscafo 216 v Benátkách
- (c) A Dazzle ship at Leith by M J Richardson, CC BY-SA 2.0Muzejní loď MV Fingal v zebří kamufláži (dazzle camouflage), kterou vytvořila umělkyně Ciara Phillips v rámci oslav 100. výročí bitvy u Jutska. Dílo s názvem Every Woman zároveň připomínalo práci žen.
- Plavidlo Wind Surf u ostrova Elba
- Osobní loď Bellevue v Kolíně nad Rýnem
- Norská výletní loď MS Fram v Antarktidě
- Osobní loď Aviaq Ittuk v Grónsku
- (c) Arne Müseler / www.arne-mueseler.com, CC BY-SA 3.0 deDžunka Duk Ling v Hongkongu
- Výletní loď MS Ocean Endeavour v Grónsku
- Trajekt MV Clansman míjí maják na skotském ostrově Mull
- Trajekt MV Alphonse-Desjardins na řece svatého Vavřince
- Vrak zaoceánského parníku SS Maheno, který ztroskotal roku 1935 na ostrově Fraser
- Kontejnerová loď Maersk Hanoi v přístavu Koper
- Norský trajekt MS Nordnorge
- Trajekt Fantastic v přístavu Sète
- Italský trajekt MV Rhapsody v přístavu Sète
- Historické vyobrazení americké loděnice Philadelphia Naval Shipyard
- Ruská výletní loď S. Obraztsov na řece Oka
- Ferrari Arno XI
- USS Gladiator na palubě MV Condock V
- Minolovka je nakládána na poloponořenou loď Mighty Servant 1
- Vrak v severní Koreji
- Nákladní loď potopená za první světové války německou ponorkou
- (c) By Phil Nash from Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 & GFDL
ViewsSpirit of Discovery - (c) By Phil Nash from Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 & GFDL
ViewsViking Sky - Nerezinac
- Seatrain Louisiana
- Komíny pasažérské lodě RMS Aquitania
- Paluba pasažérské lodě RMS Mauretania
- RMS Mauretania a Turbinia
- Tanker SS Manhattan s upravenou arktickou přídí
Média použitá na této stránce
Cassier's Magazine of August 1897 had an article on page 319-340, written by Henry H. West and titled The Problem of Steamship Design. It was accompanied by a number of illustrations, including this photo of a Janus class destroyer ready for launching at Palmers Shipbuilding, on page 338. The three units of the class were launched between March and September 1895.
Autor: Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, Licence: No restrictions
This photograph shows the U-Boat 110, a German Submarine that was sunk and risen in 1918. This photograph shows the Submarine's forward Torpedo room.
Reference: DS.SWH/5/3/2/14/1/3
This image is taken from an album of photographs found in the Swan Hunter shipbuilders collection at Tyne & Wear Archives. The album is from 1918 and documents the U.B. 110 before she was scrapped on the dry docks of Swan Hunter Wigham Richardson Ltd, Wallsend.
The twin-screw German submarine U.B. 110 was built by Blohm & Voss, Hamburg.
On the 19th July 1918, when attacking a convoy of merchant ships near Hartlepool, she herself was attacked by H.M. Motor-Launch No. 263 and suffered from depth charges. Coming to the surface she was rammed by H.M.S. Garry, a torpedo boat destroyer, and sunk.
In September she was salvaged and placed in the admiralty dock off Jarrow slake. She was then berthed at Swan Hunter's dry docks department with an order to restore her as a fighting unit.
The Armistice on 11th November 1918 caused work on her to be stopped. She was towed on the 19th December 1918 from Wallsend to the Northumberland Dock at Howdon and was subsequently sold as scrap.
The album of photographs, taken by Frank & Sons of South Shields, documents the U.B. 110 in extensive detail. The photographs provide a rare glimpse into the mechanics and atmosphere of the raised German submarine.
- //www.flickr.com/photos/twm_news/sets/72157633570788096/.
- General notes: Use War and Conflict Number 694 when ordering a reproduction or requesting information about this image.
Autor: Timothy H. O'Sullivan / Původně připisováno Mathew Brady / Adam Cuerden , Licence: CC0
La portaerei Aquila a ormeggiata alla banchina del porto di Genova nel 1946 in attesa della decisione sul suo destino
Autor: Cephas, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
The NM Alphonse-Desjardins ferry crossing the Saint Lawrence River between Lévis and Quebec City.
A U.S. Navy Grumman TBF Avenger of Torpedo Squadron VT-51, with battle damage visible on its wing, flies over a Japanese Ise-class battleship and a destroyer during the Battle off Cape Engaño. VT-51 flew from the aircraft carrier USS San Jacinto (CVL-30).
According to The Maru Special No.12 the battleship should be Ise and destroyer Shimotsuki
Autor: VileGecko, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
River monitor VBF-178 Smârdan within Port of Izmail limits during the Riverine 2020 naval exercise
Imperial Russian cruiser Rossiya.
A U.S. Navy Sikorsky MH-60S Sea Hawk of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 5 (HSC-5) and two Spanish Navy SH-60B fly near the Spanish amphibious assault ship Juan Carlos I (L-61) during interoperability training in the Adriatic Sea, 22 February 2023.
Autor: Idaligomezmartinez, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
This is a photo of a Colombian monument identified by the ID
CLEVELAND (June 21, 2006) - The Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw (WAGB-83) sailed for a final voyage from her home port of decommissioning, Cheboygan, MI to a permanent berth at the SS Chief Wawatam dock in Mackinaw City.
German submarines at Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, on 17 February 1914. Identifiable are: U 22, U 20, U 19, and U 21 (first row, left-right); U 14, U 15, U 12, U 16, U 18, U-17, and U 13 (second row, left-right); U-11, U-9, U-6, U-7, U-8, and U-5 (third row, left-right). As U 22 (the newest boat) was commissioned in November 1913, the photo was taken in 1914. Caption says: "Our submarine boats in the harbour" (in German).
Autor: Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, Licence: No restrictions
This photograph shows the U-Boat 110, a German Submarine that was sunk and risen in 1918. This photograph shows the a general view of the Submarine.
Reference: DS.SWH/5/3/2/14/1/84
This image is taken from an album of photographs found in the Swan Hunter shipbuilders collection at Tyne & Wear Archives. The album is from 1918 and documents the U.B. 110 before she was scrapped on the dry docks of Swan Hunter Wigham Richardson Ltd, Wallsend.
The twin-screw German submarine U.B. 110 was built by Blohm & Voss, Hamburg.
On the 19th July 1918, when attacking a convoy of merchant ships near Hartlepool, she herself was attacked by H.M. Motor-Launch No. 263 and suffered from depth charges. Coming to the surface she was rammed by H.M.S. Garry, a torpedo boat destroyer, and sunk.
In September she was salvaged and placed in the admiralty dock off Jarrow slake. She was then berthed at Swan Hunter's dry docks department with an order to restore her as a fighting unit.
The Armistice on 11th November 1918 caused work on her to be stopped. She was towed on the 19th December 1918 from Wallsend to the Northumberland Dock at Howdon and was subsequently sold as scrap.
The album of photographs, taken by Frank & Sons of South Shields, documents the U.B. 110 in extensive detail. The photographs provide a rare glimpse into the mechanics and atmosphere of the raised German submarine.
- //www.flickr.com/photos/twm_news/sets/72157633570788096/.
USCGC Diligence (WMEC-616)
Autor: Marc Ryckaert (MJJR), Licence: CC BY 3.0
Venice (Italy): ACTV waterbus (type: motoscafo) 216
Autor: Christian Ferrer, Licence: CC BY 4.0
Loď Rhapsody, púvodním jménem "Napoléon Bonaparte" kotví v přístavu Sète, Francie.
Turkish submarine Saldıray
Fotografi från svenska undsättningsexpeditionen 1928. Motiv av den ryska isbrytaren Krasin vid King's Bay.
© User:Colin / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0
Looking from the Isle of Mull towards the Ardnamurchan peninsula with Ben Hiant dominating. Sailing past is the Caledonian MacBrayne ferry MV Clansman bound for Oban from the islands of Tiree and Coll. Rubha nan Gall lighthouse, at 18.9m tall, was built in 1857 by David and Thomas Stevenson and automated in 1960.
(c) Photo: Myrabella / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0
The Corsica Ferries fast ferry MS Mega Express Four at Ajaccio, Southern Corsica, France
(c) Photo: Gordon Leggett / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0
Expedition ship MS OCEAN ENDEAVOUR - IMO 7625811, under charter with Adventure Canada, at Qeqertarsuaq Island (Karrat Fjord), Greenland on September 18, 2015
La nave appoggio idrovolanti Giuseppe Miraglia in navigazione nel 1939
Autor: Port of San Diego from San Diego, CA, Licence: CC BY 2.0
HMS Surprise at San Diego's 2011 Festival of Sail Tall Ship Parade
Autor: Cbuske46, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
The 200-passenger sailing ship Royal Clipper, as seen on the Mediterranean
(c) A Dazzle ship at Leith by M J Richardson, CC BY-SA 2.0
A Dazzle ship at Leith

(c) By Phil Nash from Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 & GFDL
View of Viking Sky along the starboard side from the bow
Souda Bay, Crete, Greece - Mine warfare ship USS Gladiator (MCM 11) sits on the deck of Condock V, a Heavy Lift Vessel contracted by Military Sealift Command (MSC), during a brief port visit while transiting the eastern Mediterranean Sea. MSC chartered Condock V after receiving a request to transport Gladiator from Texas to Bahrain. Moving the mine countermeasures ship in this manner prevents the wear and tear of an open-ocean voyage. The 1,300-ton Gladiator was loaded onto Condock V in early December in a process called "float-on," which is used for cargo too large to lift by crane. A second mine countermeasures ship is scheduled to be transferred via heavy-lift on another Condock ship in the near future.
SS Manhattan
Sault Ste Marie, Mich. (Jan. 23, 2004) - The Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw clears a shipping track through the ice of the St. Marys River Jan. 23, 2004. USCG photo by PAC Jeff Hall.
Autor: Hans van Dijk for Anefo, Licence: CC0
Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior in Amsterdam Harbour awaiting departure to Newfoundland, 2 March 1981
De Spaanse Armada voor de Engelse kust in 1588. Een vloot van Spaanse oorlogsschepen, op de voorgrond in het water zwemmen enkele paarden, verder een jacht en enkele kleine bootjes.
Funnels of the 'Aquitania' (1914)
Deck view on the passenger liner 'Aquitania' (1914). A view from the port side of the Flying Bridge, looking aft, showing the four funnels surrounded by cowl ventilators on the tops of the deckhouses. The steam whistles fitted to the first and second funnels are visible. The funnel shrouds were supplied by Bullivant & Co Ltd, London.
Autor: SMU Central University Libraries, Licence: No restrictions
Title: Boat deck promenade
Creator: Bedford Lemere & Co. [attrib.]
Date: ca. 1906-1907
Part Of: R.M.S. Mauretania
Description: This is the 30th photograph in an album containing 30 prints of the Cunard line's Royal Mail Steamship, Mauretania.
Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; 29 x 25 cm. on 42 x 31 cm. mount
File: ag1982_0116_album_58_sm_opt.jpg
Rights: Please cite DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University when using this file. A high-resolution version of this file may be obtained for a fee. For details see the https://sites.smu.edu/cul/degolyer/research/permissions/ web page. For other information, contact degolyer@smu.edu.
For more information, see: http://digitalcollections.smu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/eaa/id/131
Autor: BerryJ, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Tento obrázek zobrazuje kulturní památku Thajska s identifikačním číslem
Autor: Nikolai Bulykin , Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
This is a photo of a cultural heritage object in Russia, number:
Autor: Kok Leng Yeo from Singapore, Singapore, Licence: CC BY 2.0
I left the rest of the tour group I was with and wandered down the beach on my own, something thats technically a big no-no in this country. Few hundred meters down the beach and out of sight from where my group was, is this big rusty shipwreck. As I was making my way to the wreck a KPA soldier started making his way towards me, rifle in hand. Mind you, just 2 months prior to this incident a South Korean tourist was shot dead not far away in Kumgangsan for wandering into a sensitive area on her own. My heart froze as the armed soldier walked right up to me, eyes fixed with a cold, emotionless gaze. Thankfully, he didn't do anything apart from staring at me as he walked right by me.
Shipwreck, Beach Near Lake Sijung, North Korea
Autor: Bob Haarmans, Licence: CC BY 2.0
This ship was huge!
Soviet battleship Parizhskaia Kommuna at Sevastopol, 8 February 1930.
Autor: TWAM - Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, Licence: No restrictions
HMS Ark Royal was the former flagship of the Royal Navy. One of three Invincible class aircraft carriers she was affectionately known as The Mighty Ark. Her keel was laid by Swan Hunter at Wallsend on 7th December 1978 and she was launched on 20th June 1981 and completed in 1985. Major deployments included the Bosnian war (1993) and the invasion of Iraq (2003). More recently, she assisted in the repatriation of air travellers stranded by the 2010 volcanic eruption.
Most photographs and images in this set are taken from the Swan Hunter Collection held by Tyne and Wear Archives Service.
Ref: TWAS:ds-swh-4-ph-5-109-10
(Copyright) We're happy for you to share this digital image within the spirit of The Commons. Please cite 'Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums' when reusing. Certain restrictions on high quality reproductions and commercial use of the original physical version apply though; if you're unsure please email archives@twmuseums.org.uk.
To purchase a hi-res copy please email archives@twmuseums.org.uk quoting the title and reference number.(c) Photo: Gordon Leggett / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0
Expedition ship, MS FRAM - IMO 9370018, at Brown Station (Argentina - Estación Científica Almirante Brown), in Paradise Bay, Antarctica on March 6, 2019.
Autor: Christian Ferrer, Licence: CC BY 4.0
Fantastic (ship, 1996) in the harbour of Sète - Hérault, France
The U.S. Navy patrol gunboat USS Benicia (PG-96) on 17 April 1970.
(c) Photo: Gordon Leggett / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0
Diskoline passenger ship, AVIAQ ITTUK - MMSI 331010000, in Narsaq Harbor, Greenland on September 8, 2017.
Autor: Robert Yarnall Richie , Licence: No restrictions
Title: [Seatrain Louisiana at Refinery Dock, Seatrain Lines]
Creator: Richie, Robert Yarnall, 1908-1984
Date: May 5, 1952
Place: Texas City, Galveston County, Texas
Part Of: Robert Yarnall Richie photograph collection
Physical Description: 1 negative: film, black and white; 10 x 12.7 cm
File: ag1982_0234_3532_21_seatrainlines_sm_opt.jpg
Rights: This image is protected by copyright law. No commercial reproduction or distribution of this image is permitted without the written permission of Southern Methodist University, Central University Libraries. This image may be used for educational purposes, provided it is not altered in any way, and Southern Methodist University, Central University Libraries, DeGolyer Library is cited. A high-quality version of this file may be obtained for a fee by contacting degolyer@smu.edu.
For more information, see:
View the full series:
View Robert Yarnall Richie photograph collection:
digitalcollections.smu.edu/all/cul/ryr/(c) Rolf Heinrich, Köln, CC BY 3.0
River cruise ship Bellevue in Cologne.
Autor: Petar Milošević, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
IMO: 9784295
General vessel type: Cargo - Hazard A (Major)
Detailed vessel type: Container Ship
Navigational Status: Active
MMSI: 563039700
Call sign: 9V5601
Flag: Singapore [SG]
Gross Tonnage: 153744
Summer DWT: 178257 t
Length Overall x Breadth Extreme: 353.02 x 53.5 m
Aerial photograph of the Australian battlecruiser HMAS Australia' sinking after being scuttled off Sydney.
Autor: Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, Licence: No restrictions
This Photograph shows Shipping turbines at Finishing Quay of William Doxford & Sons Ltd, Pallion, 1915.
Reference: DS.DOX/6/8/6
Sunderland has a remarkable history of innovation in shipbuilding and marine engineering. From the development of turret ships in the 1890s and the production of Doxford opposed piston engines after the First World War through to the designs for Liberty ships in the 1940s and SD14s in the 1960s. Sunderland has much to be proud of.
Tyne & Wear Archives cares for tens of thousands of photographs in its shipbuilding collections. Most of these focus on the ships – in particular their construction, launch and sea trials. This set looks to redress the balance and to celebrate the work of the men and women who have played such a vital part in the region’s history. The images show the human side of this great story, with many relating to the world famous shipbuilding and engineering firm William Doxford & Sons Ltd.
The Archives has produced http://www.twmuseums.org.uk/engage/blog/remembering-the-shipyard-workers/
Autor: Otto Domes, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Der Fünfmast-Segelschoner „Wind Surf“ verlässt den Hafen von Cavo, Insel Elba, Italien
French battleship Justice, during the Hudson–Fulton Celebration[1] which took place in New York and New Jersey from September 25 to October 9, 1909. Glass Negative, 8x10in
On negative: "G 6487" Detroit Publishing Co. no. 022622. Gift to LOC; State Historical Society of Colorado; 1949.The steamship Mauretania was an ocean liner designed by Leonard Peskett and built by Wigham Richardson and Swan Hunter for the British Cunard Line in 1906. The Turbinia, alongside, was the first steam turbine-powered steamship; built as an experimental vessel in 1894.
Autor: Alchemist-hp(talk), Licence: FAL
The S.S. Maheno on Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia.
Autor: Harald Groven, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Vraket av den tyske jageren "Georg Thiele", kræsjet på land 13. april 1940. Foto fra ca 1990.
The mine countermeasure ship USS Guadrian (MCM-5) is loaded above the submerged aft section of the Dutch Heavy lift ship Mighty Servant 1 for transport back to the United States.
Autor: Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, Licence: No restrictions
This photograph shows the U-Boat 110, a German Submarine that was sunk and risen in 1918. This photograph shows the control room in the Submarine, including the manhole to the periscope well, hand wheels for pressure gear, valve wheels for flooding and blowing and the air pressure gauges.
Reference: DS.SWH/5/3/2/14/1/26
This image is taken from an album of photographs found in the Swan Hunter shipbuilders collection at Tyne & Wear Archives. The album is from 1918 and documents the U.B. 110 before she was scrapped on the dry docks of Swan Hunter Wigham Richardson Ltd, Wallsend.
The twin-screw German submarine U.B. 110 was built by Blohm & Voss, Hamburg.
On the 19th July 1918, when attacking a convoy of merchant ships near Hartlepool, she herself was attacked by H.M. Motor-Launch No. 263 and suffered from depth charges. Coming to the surface she was rammed by H.M.S. Garry, a torpedo boat destroyer, and sunk.
In September she was salvaged and placed in the admiralty dock off Jarrow slake. She was then berthed at Swan Hunter's dry docks department with an order to restore her as a fighting unit.
The Armistice on 11th November 1918 caused work on her to be stopped. She was towed on the 19th December 1918 from Wallsend to the Northumberland Dock at Howdon and was subsequently sold as scrap.
The album of photographs, taken by Frank & Sons of South Shields, documents the U.B. 110 in extensive detail. The photographs provide a rare glimpse into the mechanics and atmosphere of the raised German submarine.
- //www.flickr.com/photos/twm_news/sets/72157633570788096/.
(c) Arne Müseler / www.arne-mueseler.com, CC BY-SA 3.0 de
Duk Ling (ship), Hong Kong
Inside the hangar of the Royal Navy escort carrier HMS Avenger (D14), showing the lift bringing down a Hawker Sea Hurricane of 802 Squadron, Fleet Air Arm from the deck. Several mechanics are stood on the lift and in the hangar to move the aircraft into position.
Italian Destroyer Nazario Sauro at Taranto
Autor: Gampe, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Motorová plachetnice Nerezinac, festival Dani u Vali 2022, Stari Grad, ostrov Hvar, Chorvatsko
Japanese Gunboat "Fushimi" at Osaka Bay.
Autor: Auge=mit, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Hydroplan-Motorboot "Ferrari Arno XI"
en: Soviet Juliett class guided missile submarine
Der erste britische Zerstörer HMS Havock in seiner Ursprungsform
The Last of Hm Submarine Shark. June 1940, South-east of Stavanger, Norway. HMS Shark, Powerless To Dive Or Steer, Just Before She Was Sunk by Her Own Crew To Prevent Her Capture by the Germans. the Pictures Were Taken From a German Trawler Which Had Been Sent Out To Take the Shark in Tow. They Came Into the Possession of the Admiralty.
Wounded men of HMS SHARK stand on the deck awaiting the arrival of one of the German trawler's boats. At this moment all preparations had been made by the SHARK's crew for the submarine to sink as soon as she was taken in tow by the Germans.
Plan of the new drydock facility for the Philadelphia naval shipyard, 1848. The plans, submitted by a Philadephian firm, Dakin & Moody, incorporated a large sectional floating dock integrated with a stone basin and a number of marine railways. The floating dock was completed in 1851 but not tested until 1853 due to an accident. The drydock facility represented a major upgrade of the shipyard's shipbuilding and ship repair capabilities, and remained in operation until 1875 when the yard was relocated.
(c) By Phil Nash from Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 & GFDL
SAGA cruise ship Spirit of Discovery berthed at Liverpool Cruise Terminal, starboard side from Woodside across the Mersey.
Autor: Christian Ferrer, Licence: CC BY 4.0
Stéphane Cardone (ship) on the breakwater Môle Saint-Louis - Sète, Hérault, France
Autor: Alexxx1979, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Oka River. Konstantinovo. Cruise ship "S. Obraztsov"
The Italian aircraft carrier Cavour (550) participates in maneuvering operations in the Adriatic Sea on 2 February 2022 during the NATO maneouver "Neptune Strike 22".
Autor: Wolfgang Fricke, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Nordnorge 2023 bei Nesna
The Toulon Naval Dockyard, France photographed from the Coaling Station circa late 1944, showing wreckage left from the scuttling of the French fleet on 27 November 1942, plus subsequent bombing damage. The destroyers sunk just off shore are (from left to right): Tartu, Cassard and L'Indomptable (all sunk upright), Vautour (nearly fully submerged) and Aigle (capsized and blown in two). In the right center distance is the partially dismantled old battleship Condorcet. A number of heavy guns, many damaged, are in the left center foreground, with a large bomb crater adjacent to them. Several other bomb craters are in the right foreground.
Velasco class cruiser Infanta Isabel in New York Bay, 1893
HMS Lynx (1894)