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Pokud je televize chůva, tak je internet opilý knihovník, který nezmlkne.
— Dorothy Gambrell

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(c) Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0
Stan Lee v roce 2014 na Phoenix Comicon

Stan Lee (* 28. prosince 1922 New York), rodným jménem Stanley Martin Lieber, je americký komiksový scenárista, redaktor, herec, producent, vydavatel, televizní osobnost, bývalý prezident a předseda společnosti Marvel Comics.

Ve spolupráci s několika umělci, nejvíce s Jackem KirbymStevem Ditkem, vytvořil příběhy známé po celém světě, které vycházely dříve v komiksové podobě, především tedy Spider-Man, X-Men, Iron Man, Fantastic Four, Avengers, Hulk, Thor, Daredevil, Doctor Strange a mnoho dalších. Lee následně svými komiksy přispěl k rozšíření společnosti Marvel Comics z malého vydavatelského domu ve velkou multimediální společnost.

Roku 1994 byl oficiálně uveden do Síně slávy komiksového průmyslu. Rovněž byl v roce 2011 o jeho životě natočen osmdesátiminutový dokumentární film With Great Power - The Stan Lee Story.

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Informace upravit
  • Portál vytvořil 17. června 2010 Tvskyfreak
  • Správci
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      • Pechy1422000 – poslední editace portálu 1. září 2013
      • Tvskyfreak – poslední editace portálu 13. února 2013
      • Doctor Who – duplicitní účet Tvskyfreaka
      • Hlavi – poslední editace portálu 5. července 2010
      • RiniX
  • Velký dík patří také Mariovi7 a Vachovci1, bez jejichž rad by se tento portál neobešel.
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Média použitá na této stránce

Star Trek TOS logo.svg
The logo of the television show Star Trek: The Original Series
(c) Sean Devine, CC BY-SA 3.0
Crew members filming The Alamo (2004)
Autor: Elegant Themes, Licence: GPL
We’ve designed a 192 piece set of flat icons, and they are all yours, for free! The icons come in two versions: full color and single color, for a total of 384 variations. This download includes .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .png (64px and 128px). Below is the full set in both styles. These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL, so feel free to use them in your personal and commercial projects alike. We are on a mission to create the best collection of Open Source graphics on the web, so that the WordPress ecosystem can use and enjoy them alongside the freedoms they have become accustomed to. Stay tuned for more great stuff!
Autor: Stefan-Xp, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
A colored drawing of the fictional Stargate in Cheyenne Mountain
Game of Thrones 2011 logo.svg
Logo from the television program Game of Thrones.
Autor: Elegant Themes, Licence: GPL
We’ve designed a 192 piece set of flat icons, and they are all yours, for free! The icons come in two versions: full color and single color, for a total of 384 variations. This download includes .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .png (64px and 128px). Below is the full set in both styles. These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL, so feel free to use them in your personal and commercial projects alike. We are on a mission to create the best collection of Open Source graphics on the web, so that the WordPress ecosystem can use and enjoy them alongside the freedoms they have become accustomed to. Stay tuned for more great stuff!
Stan Lee by Gage Skidmore 3.jpg
(c) Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0
Stan Lee speaking at the 2014 Phoenix Comicon on June 8, 2014.
Autor: Elegant Themes, Licence: GPL
We’ve designed a 192 piece set of flat icons, and they are all yours, for free! The icons come in two versions: full color and single color, for a total of 384 variations. This download includes .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .png (64px and 128px). Below is the full set in both styles. These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL, so feel free to use them in your personal and commercial projects alike. We are on a mission to create the best collection of Open Source graphics on the web, so that the WordPress ecosystem can use and enjoy them alongside the freedoms they have become accustomed to. Stay tuned for more great stuff!
Simpsons tv icon.svg

Original uploader was Sakurambo at en.wikipedia.

Later versions were uploaded by Keyser Söze at en.wikipedia., Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Vectorized version of Image:Simpsons tv icon.png.