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US Navy 040303 VT-9 (Buckeye).jpg
Key West, Fla. (Mar. 3, 2004) – Lt. Allen Karlson, a student pilot assigned to the “Tigers” of Training Squadron Nine (VT-9), with instructor Cdr. Joe Kerstiens (USNR) sits “shotgun”(rear seat) evaluating Lt. Allen Karlson before his solo formation training. 1st Lt. Tim Miller flies his T-2C Buckeye down to cross under the lead, on his first formation solo, during a formation training mission over Key West, Fla. VT-9 came to Key West to teach Navy and Marine Corps student pilots formation flying and gunnery techniques. The instructors are part of Squadron Augment Unit Nine (SAU-9), the Reserve component for Training Squadron Nine (VT-9), one of two training squadrons that operate from Naval Air Station Meridian, Miss., under Training Wing One (TW-1). U.S. Navy photo by Ens Darin K. Russell
Key West, Fla. (Mar. 3, 2004) – Lt. Allen Karlson, a student pilot assigned to the “Tigers” of Training Squadron Nine (VT-9), with instructor Cdr. Joe Kerstiens (USNR) sits “shotgun”(rear seat) evaluating Lt. Allen Karlson before his solo formation training. 1st Lt. Tim Miller flies his T-2C Buckeye down to cross under the lead, on his first formation solo, during a formation training mission over Key West, Fla. VT-9 came to Key West to teach Navy and Marine Corps student pilots formation flying and gunnery techniques. The instructors are part of Squadron Augment Unit Nine (SAU-9), the Reserve component for Training Squadron Nine (VT-9), one of two training squadrons that operate from Naval Air Station Meridian, Miss., under Training Wing One (TW-1). U.S. Navy photo by Ens Darin K. Russell
L-39 Czech Rep. (22201257796).jpg
Autor: Rob Schleiffert from Holland, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Autor: Rob Schleiffert from Holland, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Caslav, 16 August 1994.
Still in use today, 21 years later, is L-39ZA Albatros 5017.
2020. 06.22 總統出席「空軍新式高教機首飛展示」 (50031617758).jpg
Autor: 總統府, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Autor: 總統府, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Official Photo by Chien Chih-Hung / Office of the President
Spanish AF CASA C-101EB Aviojet.jpg
Autor: Javier Bravo Muñoz, Licence: GFDL 1.2
CASA C-101EB Aviojet E25-88 (cn EB01-88-102)
Autor: Javier Bravo Muñoz, Licence: GFDL 1.2
CASA C-101EB Aviojet E25-88 (cn EB01-88-102)
Arctic Thunder 160729-F-YH552-021 - edit1.jpg
Lockheed T-33 aircraft at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, in 2016.
Description by original source: "Gregory 'Wired' Coyler pilots his Lockheed T-33 aircraft during the Arctic Thunder Special Needs and Family Day at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska on July 29, 2016. The biennial event is historically the largest multi-day event in the state and one of the premier aerial demonstrations in the world. Arctic Thunder will open its doors to the public, featuring more than 40 key performers and ground acts, July 30 and 31. (U.S. Air Force photo/Alejandro Pena)"
Lockheed T-33 aircraft at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, in 2016.
Description by original source: "Gregory 'Wired' Coyler pilots his Lockheed T-33 aircraft during the Arctic Thunder Special Needs and Family Day at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska on July 29, 2016. The biennial event is historically the largest multi-day event in the state and one of the premier aerial demonstrations in the world. Arctic Thunder will open its doors to the public, featuring more than 40 key performers and ground acts, July 30 and 31. (U.S. Air Force photo/Alejandro Pena)"
20171009133407!66-5748 Kawasaki T-4 Sotai Shireibu (cropped).jpg
Autor: Jerry Gunner, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Kawasaki T-4
Autor: Jerry Gunner, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Kawasaki T-4