Pulitzer Prize for Photography

Pulitzer Prize for Photography
Zlatá Pulitzerova medaile pro laureáty

Ocenění Pulitzer Prize for Photography, česky Pulitzerova cena za fotografii, byla součást americké Pulitzerovy ceny od roku 1942 do roku 1968. Ocenění bylo udělováno za významný přínos v černobílé nebo barevné fotografii. Od roku 1969 se jediná kategorie – Pulitzer Prize for Photography – rozdělila na spot news (od roku 2000 breaking news) a feature photography. Pulitzerova komise s oceněním vydává také oficiální zprávu vysvětlující důvody pro udělení.


RokFotoFotografNoviny / AgenturaNázev / Popis
1942Milton BrooksDetroit News"Ford Strikers Riot", pořízená v průběhu roku 1941 během dělnické stávky ve výrobním závodu Ford a zobrazuje stávkující, kteří surově bijí stávkokaze. Ten se snaží chránit sebe tím, že vytáhl kabát přes hlavu a obličej.
1943Frank NoelAssociated Press"Vodu!"
1944Earle L. BunkerWorld-Herald
(Omaha, Nebraska)
Frank FilanAssociated Press"Tarawa Island"
1945Joe RosenthalAssociated Press"Vztyčování vlajky na Iwodžimě"; ikonická fotografie šesti příslušníků námořní pěchoty Spojených států, kterak během bitvy o Iwodžimu vztyčují americkou vlajku na vrcholu hory Suribači.
1946Cena nebyla udělena
1947Arnold HardyAmatérský fotograf
(Distribuce: AP)
Snímek ženy, která přežila skok z hořícího hotelu Winecoff Hotel.[2]
1948Frank CushingBoston Traveler"Boy Gunman and Hostage", in which a 15-year-old boy held another boy hostage in an alley.[3]
1949Nathaniel FeinNew York Herald-Tribune"Babe Ruth Bows Out", of Babe Ruth at his number retirement by the Yankees.
1950Bill CrouchOakland Tribune"Near Collision at Air Show"
1951Max DesforAssociated PressZa dokumentaci Korejské války, ale především za snímek Útěk uprchlíků přes rozbitý most v Koreji[4]
1952John Robinson a Don UltangDes Moines RegisterA sequence of six pictures of a Drake UniversityOklahoma A&M football game in which Drake player Johnny Bright's jaw was deliberately broken.
1953William M. GallagherFlint Journal
Ex-Governor Adlai Stevenson with a hole in his shoe, taken during the 1952 presidential campaign.
1954Virginia SchauAmatérská fotografkaZáchrana na mostu Pit River, snímek vzrušující záchrany muže visícího nad propastí v Reddingu, Kalifornie.
1955John L. GauntLos Angeles TimesTragédie u moře, mladý pár stojící na pobřeží rozbouřeného moře, ve kterém jen o pár minut dříve zahynul jejich jednoletý syn.[3]
1956StaffNew York Daily NewsFor consistently excellent news picture coverage in 1955, an outstanding example of which is "Bomber Crashes in Street", a photo of a B-26 bomber crash in a neighborhood.[3]
1957Harry A. TraskBoston TravelerPotopení parníku SS Andrea Doria, fotografie byly pořízeny z letadla letícího ve výšce 75 metrů jen devět minut před tím, než se loď ponořila na dno.
1958William C. BeallThe Washington Daily News (D.C.)„Víra a důvěra“, zobrazující policistu trpělivě diskutující s dvouletým chlapcem, který se během přehlídky snaží přejít ulici.[5]
1959William SeamanMinneapolis StarWheels of Death (Kola smrti), „dramatická fotografie náhlé smrti dítěte na ulici“.[6] Na fotografii je zakryté tělo devítiletého Ralpha Fossuma poté, co byl zabit projíždějícím autem v Minneapolisu.
1960Andrew LopezUnited Press InternationalSérie čtyř fotografií desátníka armády diktátora Fulgencia Batisty, který byl popraven popravčí četou Fidela Castra, hlavní obrázek ukazuje odsouzeného muže při posledních obřadech.
1961Jasuši NagaoMainichi Shimbun
(Distribuce: UPI)
Tokyo Stabbing, ukazuje 17letého Otoju Jamagučiho zabíjejícího Inedžira Asanumu, předsedu Japonské socialistické strany
1962Paul VathisAssociated Press"Serious Steps", John F. Kennedy a Dwight D. Eisenhower na společné procházce v Camp Davidu.
1963Héctor Rondón LoveraLa República
(Caracas, Venezuela)
(Distribuce: AP)
Snímek kněze, jak drží zraněného vojáka během venezuelského povstání v roce 1962 Pomoc od kněze (Aid From The Padre);
1964Robert H. JacksonDallas Times-HeraldJack Ruby střílí Lee Harvey Oswalda.
1965Horst FaasAssociated PressZa válečné fotografie z Jižního Vietnamu v roce 1964.
1966Kjóiči SawadaUnited Press InternationalFotografie Útěk do bezpečí zobrazuje vietnamskou matku a děti brodící se přes řeku, aby unikli americkému bombardování.[7]
1967Jack R. ThornellAssociated PressAktivista za občanská práva James Meredith leží zraněný na silnici v Mississippi poté, co byl postřelen střelcem u silnice.



  1. www.pulitzer.org [online]. [cit. 2021-07-22]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  2. Heys, Sam. Pulitzer Photo - Georgia Tech student was the first photographer at the scene of Atlanta's worst hotel fire [online]. Georgia Tech Alumni Association [cit. 2012-04-18]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne 2013-12-22. (anglicky) 
  3. a b c The Pulitzer Prize Photographs. Redakce Rubin Cyma. [s.l.]: Newseum Inc. ISBN 978-0-9799521-3-5. (anglicky) 
  4. "US photographer Max Desfor relives Korean War". Lara Hartzenbusch, BBC News, 25 June 2010. Accessed 15 August 2017
  5. Archived copy [online]. [cit. 2011-05-29]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném dne 2011-06-26. (anglicky) 
  6. "Photography". The Pulitzer Prizes. Cit. 2013-11-13.
  7. Newspapers.com. Boston newspaper wins. Quad-City Times. Davenport, Iowa: 3. 5. 1966. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 

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Média použitá na této stránce

Serious Steps.jpg
"Serious Steps", photograph of U.S. President John F. Kennedy (43, left) and former President Dwight D. Eisenhower (70, right) walking together at Camp David, where they met to discuss the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs Invasion. This photograph won the 1962 Pulitzer Prize for Photography.
James Meredith wounded.jpg
Civil rights activist James Meredith (then 32) lies on the ground after having been shot thrice while walking in his March Against Fear in Mississippi. The gunman, Aubrey James Norvell (40), is seen in the bushes on the left. This photograph won the 1967 Pulitzer Prize for Photography.
Héctor Rondón Lovera (1962).jpg
Autor: Harry Pot , Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0 nl
World Press Photo 1962, de winnaar Héctor Rondón Lovera
  • 27 november 1962
Andrea Doria sinking 2.jpg
Photo of the SS Andrea Doria half submerged after colliding with the Swedish ship Stockholm off the coast of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts in July 1956. When Trask won the 1957 Pulitzer Prize for Photography for his photos of the sinking ship, this image was cited as the "key photograph" in the sequence.
Boy Gunman and Hostage.jpg
"Boy Gunman and Hostage", photograph of 15-year-old Edward Bancroft holding another 15-year-old boy, William Ronan, hostage with a pistol during a stand-off with police. This photograph won the 1948 Pulitzer Prize for Photography.
Homecoming by Earle Bunker.jpg
"Homecoming", a photograph of Lt. Col. Robert Moore greeting his family upon returning home for a visit to Villisca, Iowa, during World War II. This photograph won the 1944 Pulitzer Prize for Photography (sharing the honor with "Tarawa Island").
Adlai Bares His Sole.jpg
"Adlai Bares His Sole", also known as "Adlai's Worn Sole", photograph of Adlai Stevenson at a campaign appearance in Flint, Michigan during the 1952 U.S. presidential campaign with a hole worn through his shoe. This photograph won the 1953 Pulitzer Prize for Photography. G. Mennen Williams sits behind Stevenson.
Faith and Confidence.jpg
"Faith and Confidence", photograph of police officer Maurice Cullinane talking to 2-year-old Allan Weaver during a Chinese New Year parade in Chinatown in Washington, D.C. Winner of the 1958 Pulitzer Prize for Photography.
Woman jumps from Winecoff Hotel.jpg
Daisy McCumber falls after leaping from a window to escape the Winecoff Hotel fire. This photograph won the 1947 Pulitzer Prize for Photography.
Rescue on Pit River Bridge.jpg
"Rescue on Pit River Bridge", photograph of two truckers being rescued after driving their truck over the railing of the Pit River Bridge. Winner of the 1954 Pulitzer Prize for Photography.
Near Collision at Air Show.jpg
"Near Collision at Air Show", photo of a stunt plane having almost collided with a B-29 bomber during an air show at Oakland Airport. This photograph won the 1950 Pulitzer Prize for Photography.
Wheels of Death.jpg
"Wheels of Death", photograph of the covered body of 9-year-old Ralph Fossum after he was killed by a passing car in Minneapolis. Winner of the 1959 Pulitzer Prize for Photography.
Tarawa Island by Frank Filan.jpg
"Tarawa Island", a photograph of dead Japanese soldiers at a destroyed pillbox following the Battle of Tarawa. This photograph won the 1944 Pulitzer Prize for Photography (sharing the honor with "Homecoming").
Water! by Frank Noel.jpg
"Water!", a photograph of an Indian sailor on a lifeboat adrift in the Indian Ocean, pleading for water. Photograph was taken in January 1942 but not published until April 1942. Winner of the 1943 Pulitzer Prize for Photography.
Tragedy by the Sea.jpg
"Tragedy by the Sea", photograph of John & Lillian McDonald minutes after their 19-month-old son, Michael, was swept out to sea and presumably drowned in Hermosa Beach, California. This photograph won the 1955 Pulitzer Prize for Photography.
Bomber Crashes in Street.jpg
"Bomber Crashes in Street", photograph of the aftermath of the crash of a B-26 bomber in a residential area in East Meadow, New York. This image was singled out as an "outstanding example" of the work of the Daily News staff in their shared citation for the 1956 Pulitzer Prize for Photography.
Yasushi Nagao (1961).jpg
Autor: Harry Pot , Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Opening World Press Photo 61 . Nagao tijdens toespraak
  • 2 oktober 1961
Kyōichi Sawada (1965).jpg
Autor: Eric Koch for Anefo, Licence: CC0
Prijsuitreiking World Press Photo 1965; winnaar Kyoichi Sawada bij zijn foto "Flee to Safety "
  • 10 december 1965
Last rites of Jose Rodriguez.jpg
Jose "Pepe Caliente" Rodriguez, a former corporal in the army of Fulgencio Batista, receives the last rites from Father Domingo Lorenzo at San Severino Castle in Matanzas. Rodriguez faced execution by firing squad after having been convicted of the murder of two rebel members of Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement. Lopez received the 1960 Pulitzer Prize for Photography for his sequence of four photographs of the scene, of which this was cited as "the principal picture".
Ford Strikers Riot.jpg
Members of the United Auto Workers beat a "strike breaker" during a picket-line protest at the Ford River Rouge plant in Dearborn, Michigan. Winner of the 1942 Pulitzer Prize for Photography.
Johnny Bright incident (Robinson).jpg
Sequence of photographs depicting part of the Johnny Bright incident, the first hit on Johnny Bright by defenseman Wilbanks Smith. These photos were taken by Robinson with a high-speed "machine gun" camera. They were published alongside a collage of two photos taken by Don Ultang using a large-format "Howitzer" camera. Robinson and Ultang shared the 1952 Pulitzer Prize for Photography for their photographs of the incident.
Babe Ruth Bows Out.jpg
"Babe Ruth Bows Out", photograph of Babe Ruth during a ceremony at Yankee Stadium to retire his number. This photograph won the 1949 Pulitzer Prize for Photography.
Flight of Refugees Across Wrecked Bridge in Korea.jpg
"Flight of Refugees Across Wrecked Bridge in Korea", photograph of refugees fleeing Pyongyang during the Korean War across a destroyed bridge over the Taedong River. This photograph was named as an exemplar of Desfor's work in his citation for the 1951 Pulitzer Prize for Photography.