Richard James Hieb

Richard James Hieb
Richard James Hieb
Richard James Hieb
Astronaut NASA
Státní příslušnostUSA USA
Datum narození21. září 1955 (67 let)
Místo narozeníJamestown, Severní Dakota
Čas ve vesmíru31 dní, 22 hodin a 34 minut
Kosmonaut od1985
MiseSTS-39, STS-49, STS-65
Znaky misíSts-39-patch.pngSts-49-patch.pngSts-65-patch.png
Kosmonaut do1995
Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky.

Richard James Hieb (*21. září 1955 v Jamestownu, stát Severní Dakota, USA), americký kosmonaut. Ve vesmíru byl třikrát.


Studium a zaměstnání

V roce 1973 zdárně ukončil střední školu Jamestown High School v rodném městě a pak pokračoval studiem matematiky a fyziky na Northwest Nazerene University. Po skončení toho studia v roce 1977 pokračoval studiem elektrotechniky na United States Naval Postrgraduate School a pak i na University of Colorado. Studia ukončil v roce 1979 a získal zaměstnání u NASA.

V letech 1985 až 1995 byl po výcviku zařazen do oddílu astronautů. Po skončení kariéry kosmonauta odešel pracovat v roce 1995 do soukromého sektoru.

Lety do vesmíru

Na oběžnou dráhu se v raketoplánech dostal třikrát ve funkci letového specialisty a strávil ve vesmíru 31 dní, 22 hodin a 34 minut. Má za sebou i tři výstupy do volného vesmíru (EVA), při nichž v něm strávil přes 17 hodin. Byl 247 člověkem ve vesmíru.


Externí odkazy

Média použitá na této stránce

STS-49 Patch
  • STS-49 Endeavour, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 105, crew insignia (logo), the official insignia of the NASA STS-49 mission, captures space flight's spirit of exploration which has its origins in the early seagoing vessels that explored the uncharted reaches of Earth and its oceans. The ship depicted on the patch is HMS Endeavour, the sailing vessel which Captain James Cook commanded on his first scientific expedition to the South Pacific. Just as Captain Cook engaged in unprecedented feats of exploration during his voyage, on Endeavour's maiden flight, its crew will expand the horizons of space operations with an unprecedented rendezvous and series of three space walks. During three consecutive days of extravehicular activity (EVA), the crew will conduct one space walk to retrieve, repair and deploy the INTELSAT IV-F3 communications satellite, and two additional EVAs to evaluate the potential Space Station Freedom (SSF) assembly concepts. The flags flying on Endeavour's masts wear the colors of the two schools that won the nationwide contest when Endeavour was chosen as the name of NASA's newest Space Shuttle: Senatobia (Mississippi) Middle School and Tallulah Falls (Georgia) School The names of the STS-49 flight crewmembers are located around the edge of the patch. They are Commander Daniel C. Brandenstein, Pilot Kevin P. Chilton, Mission Specialist (MS) Pierre J. Thuot, MS Kathryn C. Thornton, MS Richard J. Hieb, MS Thomas D. Akers, and MS Bruce E. Melnick. Each crewmember contributed to the design of the insignia.

STS-65 Mission Insignia

Designed by the mission crew members, the STS-65 insignia features the International Microgravity Lab (IML)-2 mission and its Spacelab module which flew aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia. IML-2 is reflected in the emblem by two gold stars shooting toward the heavens behind the IML lettering. The Space Shuttle Columbia is depicted orbiting the logo and reaching off into space, with Spacelab on an international quest for a better understanding of the effects of space flight on materials processing and life sciences.

STS-39 Mission Insignia

The arrowhead shape of the STS-39 crew patch represents a skyward aim to learn more about our planet's atmosphere and space environment in support of the Department of Defense. Our national symbol is represented by the star constellation Aguila (the eagle) as its brightest star, Altair, lifts a protective canopy above Earth. The Space Shuttle encircles the spectrum which represents x-ray, ultraviolet, visible and infrared electromagnetic radiation to be measured by a variety of scientific instruments.
Richard Hieb.jpg
Portrait of astronaut Richard Hieb