
(c) Photo: Stuart Hill/UK Ministry of Defence 2017, OGL 3
Typútočná puška
lehká podpůrná zbraň
Místo původuSpojené královstvíSpojené království Spojené království
Historie služby
Ve službě1985[1]–dosud
PoužívánaBritské ozbrojené síly
Válkykonflikt v Severním Irsku
válka v Zálivu
válka v Iráku
válka v Afghánistánu
Historie výroby
Navrženo70.–80. léta
VýrobceRSAF/BAE Systems
Vyrobeno kusůcca 350 000
VariantyL85 IW, L86 LSW, L22 Carbine, L98A1 CGP
Základní údaje
Hmotnost4,52 kg
Délka785 mm
Délka hlavně518 mm
Typ náboje5,56 × 45 mm NATO
Kadence610–775 ran/min
Úsťová rychlost930 m/s
Účinný dostřel300 m
Maximální dostřel1000 m
Zásobování municí30ranný schránkový zásobník STANAG, 30ranný Magpul
Hledíprůhledové (dioptr)

SA80 (Small Arms for the 80s) je série pušek, které byly v 80. letech zavedeny jako standardní zbraně Britské armády.

Mechanická část byla odvozena z pušky ArmaLite AR-18, kterou ve Velké Británii v licenci vyráběla firma Sterling Armaments Company. Prvky designu pušky a systém bullpup byly inspirovány dřívější zbraní EM-2. První prototypy byly zkoušeny od roku 1976 a výroba skončila v roce 1994. Očekává se, že zbraně budou ve službě do roku 2025.[2]

Varianta L85 je standardní zbraní britské armády od roku 1987, kdy nahradila pušku L1A1 – variantu pušky FN FAL. Vylepšená verze L85A2 je ve službě dodnes.


L85 IW

L85 (Individual Weapon) je standardní útočná puška britských jednotek. Ve výzbroji ozbrojených sil nahradila bitevní pušky L1A1 a samopaly Sterling. Ve výzbroji Royal Marines byla v roce 2019 oficiálně nahrazena karabinou L119,[3] postupně zařazovanou do služby u jednotek.


L86 LSW (Light Support Weapon) vznikla za účelem palebné podpory družstva, plnila tedy funkci lehkého kulometu. Ve výzbroji nahradila zbývající kulomety L4 a část L7. Vyznačuje se delší hlavní, zkráceným předpažbím a dvojnožkou. Později ji ve funkci LSW nahradily zbraně L108A1/L110 a tato zbraň začala plnit převážně úlohu jako "marksman's rifle". I v této roli začala být nahrazována, typem L129A1, variantou pušky AR-10 od americké firmy LMT, a v roce 2019 byla definitivně vyřazena ze služby.[4]

L22 Carbine

L22 je karabina s hlavní zkrácenou na 442 mm.[5] Do služby byla zavedena v letech 2003/2004[6] a je užívána zejména jako zbraň pro osobní ochranu posádkami obrněné techniky a vrtulníků.

L98 Cadet Rifle

Zbraně vzniklé pro výcvik kadetů.

jednoranná zbraň ráže .22 LR, s přímotažným závěrem a bez možnosti nasazení bajonetu.[7]
poloautomatická verze pušky L85A2.[7]




  1. Grant 2016, s. 65.
  2. Janes Defence Weekly, 2 Oct 13, page 6, UK Considers Small Arms Updates, Nick Brown
  3. FISHER, Lucy. Green beret is the sole survivor as Royal Marines get a modern makeover. The Times. 2019-11-04. Dostupné online [cit. 2024-02-12]. (anglicky) 
  4. Soldier Magazine [online]. 2018-08-11 [cit. 2023-12-26]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne 2018-08-11. (anglicky) 
  5. Grant 2016, s. 68.
  6. Grant 2016, s. 25.
  7. a b Grant 2016, s. 24.


  • GRANT, Neil, 2016. SA80 Assault Rifles. 1. vyd. Oxford: Osprey. 80 s. (Weapon; sv. 049). ISBN 978-1-4728-1104-2. (anglicky) 

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Média použitá na této stránce

Soldier firing L85A2 in Afghanistan (MoD).jpg
(c) Photo: Army/MOD, OGL v1.0
A soldier with the 4th Mechanised Brigade is pictured engaging the enemy during Operation Qalb in Helmand, Afghanistan.
  • Organization: ARMY
  • Object Name: 20130101_OP_QALB13_L59_BRF-242
  • Category: MOD
  • Supplemental Categories: People, Army, Operations, Theatres, Afghanistan, Equipment, Weapons, Guns, SA80
  • Keywords: Army, Personnel, Identifiable, Soldiers, Male, Man, Operation, Op, Campaign, Herrick, Afghanistan, Helmand, Equipment, Weapon, Gun, Firearm, Small Arms, Assault Rifle, SA80, A2, 5.56mm, Underslung Grenade Launcher, Heckler & Koch AG-36
  • Country: Afghanistan
SA80 A2 (L85A2) 5.56mm Rifle MOD 45162152.jpg
(c) Photo: Stuart Hill/UK Ministry of Defence 2017, OGL 3
Pictured is the SA80 A2 (L85A2) 5.56mm Rifle fitted with the ELCAN SpecterOS 4x and Close Quarter Battlesight (CQB) stripped down.

The Rifle 5.56mm L85A2 is the personal weapon system for British Land, Sea and Air Forces.

SA80 is the designation for a revolutionary family of assault weapons. On its introduction, it proved so accurate that the Army marksmanship tests had to be redesigned.

The L85A2 is magazine fed, gas operated rifle locked by a rotating bolt engaging in lugs behind the breech and carried in a machined carrier running on two guide rods; a third rod controls the return spring.

It is capable of firing in both single shot and fully automatic.

The individual weapon can be fitted with SUSAT, ACOG,ELCAN SpecterOS 4x OR thermal VIPER 2sights. A Vario Ray Laser aiming module can also be fitted. Other attachments including the L123A1 40mm Underslung Grenade Launcher (UGL) and forward grips. The L22A2 is a shortened carbine used primarily by vehicle and helicopter crews for self-defence.

The weapons system has been modified in light of operational experience. A major update in 2002 resulted in the current SA-80A2 series-the most reliable weapons of their type in the world.

This reliability is combined with accuracy, versatility and ergonomic design. It is considered to be a first class weapons system and world leader in small arms.

  • Organization: MOD
  • Object Name: ADSL1702262_0255
  • Supplemental Categories: SA80, Equipment, Weapons, Guns
  • Keywords: Forward, Hand Grip, Attachment, SA80 A2, SA80, Assault Rifle, Small Arms, Firearm, Gun, Weapons, Equipment, Army, Support Weapons, Ammunition, Rounds, 5.56mm, ELCAN SpecterOS 4x, Close Quarter Battlesight, CQB
  • Country: England
SA80 A2 (L85A2) 5.56mm Rifle MOD 45162150.jpg
(c) Photo: Stuart Hill/UK Ministry of Defence 2017, OGL 3
Pictured is the SA80 A2 (L85A2) 5.56mm Rifle fitted with the ELCAN SpecterOS 4x and Close Quarter Battlesight (CQB).

The Rifle 5.56mm L85A2 is the personal weapon system for British Land, Sea and Air Forces.

SA80 is the designation for a revolutionary family of assault weapons. On its introduction, it proved so accurate that the Army marksmanship tests had to be redesigned.

The L85A2 is magazine fed, gas operated rifle locked by a rotating bolt engaging in lugs behind the breech and carried in a machined carrier running on two guide rods; a third rod controls the return spring.

It is capable of firing in both single shot and fully automatic.

The individual weapon can be fitted with SUSAT, ACOG,ELCAN SpecterOS 4x OR thermal VIPER 2sights. A Vario Ray Laser aiming module can also be fitted. Other attachments including the L123A1 40mm Underslung Grenade Launcher (UGL) and forward grips. The L22A2 is a shortened carbine used primarily by vehicle and helicopter crews for self-defence.

The weapons system has been modified in light of operational experience. A major update in 2002 resulted in the current SA-80A2 series-the most reliable weapons of their type in the world.

This reliability is combined with accuracy, versatility and ergonomic design. It is considered to be a first class weapons system and world leader in small arms.

  • Organization: MOD
  • Object Name: ADSL1702262_0252
  • Supplemental Categories: SA80, Equipment, Weapons, Guns
  • Keywords: Forward, Hand Grip, Attachment, SA80 A2, SA80, Assault Rifle, Small Arms, Firearm, Gun, Weapons, Equipment, Army, Support Weapons, Ammunition, Rounds, 5.56mm, ELCAN SpecterOS 4x, Close Quarter Battlesight, CQB
  • Country: England
New SA80 A3 Assault Rifle MOD 45163882.jpg
(c) Photo: Graeme Main/UK Ministry of Defence 2021, OGL 3
Pictured is the new SA80 A3 Assault Rifle.The current issue SA80 A2 assault weapon is being upgraded into the A3 spec under the Mid Life Improvement (MLI) project, which will ensure the rifle has the enhancements needed to remain in service until 2025 and beyond.This multi-million-pound upgrade will give British troops a lighter, more hardwearing, better-camouflaged combat rifle so our personnel can perform on the frontline of some of the most dangerous locations across the world.The changes to the rifle include a more durable hardwearing coating in a“Flat Dark Earth” colour offering better camouflage in a range of environments.A weight saving of 100g over the A2, and a more streamlined fore grip making the weapon easier to handle.The A3 rifle has a bracket to secure new innovative low light sights which can clip on or in front of the day sight without the need to remove it.These sights are smaller, lighter and require fewer batteries whilst operating just as effectively in low light/night conditions.
British Assault Rifles MOD 45162601.jpg
(c) Photo: PO Phot Owen Cooban/MOD, OGL 3
Pictured left to right are the SA80-A2, XL 60 and EM-2 assault rifles.

The EM-2, also known as Rifle No.9 Mk1 or Janson rifle, which was an experimental British assault rifle.

It was briefly adopted by British forces in 1951, but the decision was overturned very shortly thereafter by Winston Churchill's incoming government in an effort to secure NATO standardisation of small arms and ammunition.

An innovative weapon with the compact bullpup layout and an optical sight, it used one of the early intermediate cartridges (a concept introduced by the Germans with the 7.92×33mm Kurz) as a result of combat experience and German advances in weapons design during World War II. As the EM-2 could not be easily adapted to the longer and more powerful 7.62×51mm NATO round, it faded from use. However, the bullpup layout for a British service rifle was finally adopted some years later in form of the SA80 assault rifle, the EM-2's spiritual successor, which remains in service today.

The XL60 series of experimental firearms was the first generation of what was initially known as the ‘485 Weapon System’, designed and produced at the Royal Small Arms Factory (RSAF) Enfield, located in North London, United Kingdom.

The term ‘485 Weapon System’, so-named for the weapon’s 4.85×49mm calibre, was later dropped in favour of ‘Enfield Weapon System’ or EWS, which persisted until at least 1982 but was ultimately also side-lined. Instead, the name ‘Small Arms of the 1980s’ or ‘SA80’ was adopted and remains in use to this day. This term is used alongside the land service or ‘L’ designations (e.g. L85A2). Interestingly, this name was in use from the very beginning by the Ministry of Defence (MoD), sometimes with the prefix ‘Section’ as in ‘infantry section’ or squad.

As per the preliminary study and MoD specification, the EWS/SA80 system comprised rifle and light machine gun variants, known by their period NATO euphemisms of ‘Individual Weapon’ or IW for short (today simply ‘Rifle, 5.56mm’) and ‘Light Support Weapon’ or LSW (a term still in use today, sometimes considered interchangeable or overlapping with ‘squad automatic weapon’, or SAW; automatic rifle; and light machine gun, or LMG). Several variants emerged during development which all received their own designations.

SA80 (L85A2) is the personal weapon system used by British Land, Sea and Air Forces. On its introduction, it proved so accurate that the Army marksmanship tests had to be redesigned.

SA80 A2 comprises the Individual Weapon (IW) and the Light Support Weapon (LSW).

These are the British Army's standard combat weapons. Made by Heckler and Koch, they fire NATO standard 5.56 x 45mm ammunition. Other attachments including the L123A1 40mm Underslung Grenade Launcher (UGL) and forward grips. Both weapons have been modified in light of operational experience. A major mid-life update in 2002 resulted in the SA80A2 series - the most reliable weapons of their type in the world. This reliability is combined with accuracy, versatility and ergonomic design. It is considered a first-class weapon system and world leader in small arms.

  • Organization: MOD
  • Object Name: DDC-17-144-056
  • Supplemental Categories: EM-2, Guns, Weapons, Equipment, XL 60, SA80
  • Keywords: Historic Weapon, EM-2, Equipment, Weapons, Gun, Firearm, Small Arms, Assault Rifle, SA80, Army
  • Country: UK
L86A2 LSW.jpg
Autor: Ministry of Defence, Licence: OGL v1.0
L86A2 Light Support Weapon