
Znak expedice
Údaje o expedici
Členů expedice5
Trvání4 dny, 23 hodin, 38 minut 52 sekund
Datum startu13. březen 1989 09:57:00 EST
KosmodromKennedy Space Center, Florida (USA)
Vzletová rampa39-B
Datum přistání18. březen 1989 06:35:51 PST
Parametry dráhy
Výška308 km
Fotografie posádky
Bagian, Blaha, Springer, Coats, Buchli

Bagian, Blaha, Springer, Coats, Buchli


STS-29 byla mise amerického programu raketoplánů, konkrétně stroje Discovery v březnu 1989. Byl to 28. start raketoplánu a 8. let stroje Discovery. Hlavním cílem letu bylo vynesení satelitu TDRS-4.


V závorkách je uveden dosavadní počet letů do vesmíru včetně této mise.


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STS-29 Mission Insignia
The STS-29 patch was designed to capture and represent the energy and dynamic nature of this nation's space program as America continues to look to the future. The folded ribbon border, the first of its kind in the Shuttle patch series, gives a sense of three dimensional depth to the emblem. The stylistic orbital maneuvering system (ONS) burn symbolizes the powerful forward momentum of the Shuttle and a continuing determination to explore the frontiers of space. The colors of the U.S. flag are represented in the patch's basic red, white, and blue background. In the border, the seven stars between the STS-29 crew names are a tribute to the crew of Challenger.
STS-29 crew.jpg
Five astronauts composed the STS-29 crew. Standing (left ot right) are James P. Bagian, mission specialist 1; Robert C. Springer, mission specialist 3; and James F. (Jim) Buchli, mission specialist 2. Seated (left to right) are John E. Blaha, pilot, and Michael L. Coats, commander. STS-29 launched aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery on March 13, 1989 at 9:57 am (EST). The primary payload was the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite- 4 (TDRS-4).