
Znak expedice
Údaje o expedici
Hmotnost lodě102 283 kg - orbiter s nákladem při přistání
12 374 kg - náklad
Členů expedice7
Trvání9 dní, 2 hodiny, 14 minut, 20 sekund
Datum startu5. června 1991 9:24:51 EDT
KosmodromKennedyho vesmírné středisko, Florida (USA)
Vzletová rampa39B
Datum přistání14. června 1991 8:39:11 PDT
Místo přistáníEdwardsova letecká základna
Parametry dráhy
Perigeum287 km
Apogeum296 km
Doba oběhu90,4 min
Sklon dráhy39°
Počet oběhů146
Prolétnutá vzdálenost6 083 223 km
Fotografie posádky
Zleva Gaffney, O'Connor, Fulfordová, Jerniganová, Seddonová, Gutierrez, Bagian

Zleva Gaffney, O'Connor, Fulfordová, Jerniganová, Seddonová, Gutierrez, Bagian


STS-40 byla jedenáctá mise raketoplánu Columbia. Celkem se jednalo o 41. misi raketoplánu do vesmíru. Cílem letu byl let laboratoře Spacelab SLS-1. Šestý den letu (10. června) uspořádala posádka raketoplánu televizní reportáž a tiskovou konferenci pro společnost CBS.


V závorkách je uvedený dosavadní počet letů do vesmíru včetně této mise.

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STS-40 Mission Insignia

The STS-40 patch makes a contemporary statement focusing on human beings living and working in space. Against a background of the universe, seven silver stars, interspersed about the orbital path of Columbia, represent the seven crew members. The orbiter's flight path forms a double-helix, designed to represent the DNA molecule common to all living creatures. In the words of a crew spokesman, ...(the helix) affirms the ceaseless expansion of human life and American involvement in space while simultaneously emphasizing the medical and biological studies to which this flight is dedicated. Above Columbia, the phrase Spacelab Life Sciences 1 defines both the Shuttle mission and its payload. Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian man, silhouetted against the blue darkness of the heavens, is in the upper center portion of the patch. With one foot on Earth and arms extended to touch Shuttle's orbit, the crew feels, he serves as a powerful embodiment of the extension of human inquiry from the boundaries of Earth to the limitless laboratory of space. Sturdily poised amid the stars, he serves to link scentists on Earth to the scientists in space asserting the harmony of efforts which produce meaningful scientific spaceflight missions. A brilliant red and yellow Earth limb (center) links Earth to space as it radiates from a native American symbol for the sun. At the frontier of space, the traditional symbol for the sun vividly links America's past to America's future, the crew states. Beneath the orbiting Shuttle, darkness of night rests peacefully over the United States. Drawn by artist Sean Collins, the STS 40 Space Shuttle patch was designed by the crewmembers for the flight.
STS-40 crew.jpg
The STS-40 crew portrait includes 7 astronauts. Pictured on the front row from left to right are F. Drew Gaffney, payload specialist 1; Milli-Hughes Fulford, payload specialist 2; M. Rhea Seddon, mission specialist 3; and James P. Bagian, mission specialist 1. Standing in the rear, left to right, are Bryan D. O'Connor, commander; Tamara E. Jernigan, mission specialist 2; and Sidney M. Gutierrez, pilot. Launched aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia on June 5, 1991 at 9:24; am (EDT), the STS-40 mission was the fifth dedicated Spacelab Mission, Spacelab Life Sciences-1 (SLS-1), and the first mission dedicated solely to life sciences.