
Znak expedice
Údaje o expedici
Členů expedice7
Trvání8 dní, 1 hodina, 14 minut, 44 sekund
Datum startu22. ledna 1992 14:52:33 UTC
KosmodromKennedyho vesmírné středisko, Florida (USA)
Vzletová rampaLC-39A
Datum přistání30. ledna 1992 16:07:17 UTC
Místo přistáníEdwardsova letecká základna
Fotografie posádky
Zleva: Oswald, Bondarová, Thagard, Grabe, Hilmers, Merbold, Readdy

Zleva: Oswald, Bondarová, Thagard, Grabe, Hilmers, Merbold, Readdy


STS-42 byla mise raketoplánu Discovery. Celkem se jednalo o 45. misi raketoplánu do vesmíru a 14. pro Discovery. Cílem mise bylo vynesení mezinárodní laboratoř mikrogravitace IML-1.


V závorkách je uvedený dosavadní počet letů do vesmíru včetně této mise.



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Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Flag of Canada introduced in 1965, using Pantone colors. This design replaced the Canadian Red Ensign design.

STS-42 Mission Insignia

Designed by the crewmembers, the STS- 42 Intemational Microgravity Lab- 1 insignia depicts the orbiter with the Spacelab module aboard. The spacecraft is oriented in a quiescent, tail-to-Earth, gravity-gradient attitude to best support the various microgravity payloads and experiments. The international composition of the crew is depicted by symbols representing Canada and the European Space Agency. The number 42 is represented by six white stars --- four on one side of the orbiter and two on the other. The single gold star above Earth's horizon honors the memory of astronaut Manley L. (Sonny) Carter, who was killed earlier this year in a commuter plane crash. A crew spokesperson stated that Carter ...was our crewmate, colleague and friend. Blue letters set against white give the surnames of the five astronauts and two payload specialists for the flight.
The STS-42 crew portrait includes from left to right: Stephen S. Oswald, pilot; Roberta L. Bondar, payload specialist 1; Norman E. Thagard, mission specialist 1; Ronald J. Grabe, commander; David C. Hilmers, mission specialist 2; Ulf D. Merbold, payload specialist 2 and William F. Readdy, mission specialist 3. Launched aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery on January 22, 1992 at 9:52:33 am (EST), the STS-41 served as the International Microgravity Laboratory-1 (ML-1 ) mission.