
Znak expedice
Údaje o expedici
Členů expedice5
Trvání8 dní, 21 hodin, 21 minut, 25 sekund
Datum startu2. srpen 1991 11:01:59 EDT
KosmodromKennedyho vesmírné středisko, Florida (USA)
Vzletová rampaLC-39A
Datum přistání11. srpen 1991 08:23:25 EDT
Místo přistáníKennedyho vesmírné středisko
Fotografie posádky
Zleva: Lucidová, Adamson, Blaha, Low, Baker

Zleva: Lucidová, Adamson, Blaha, Low, Baker


STS-43 byla mise raketoplánu Atlantis. Celkem se jednalo o 42. misi raketoplánu do vesmíru a 9. pro Atlantis. Cílem letu bylo vynesení satelitu TDRS-5 na oběžnou dráhu.


V závorkách je uvedený dosavadní počet letů do vesmíru včetně této mise.


V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku STS-43 na anglické Wikipedii.

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STS-43 Mission Insignia

  • Designed by the astronauts assigned to fly on the mission, the STS 43 patch portrays the evolution and continuity of the USA's space program by highlighting 30 years of American manned space flight experience -- from Mercury to the Space Shuttle. The emergence of the Shuttle Atlantis from the outlined configuration of the Mercury space capsule commemorates this special relationship. The energy and momentum of launch are conveyed by the gradations of blue which mark the Shuttle's ascent from Earth to space. Once in Earth orbit, Atlantis' cargo bay opens to reveal the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) which appears in gold emphasis against the white wings of Atlantis and the stark blackness of space. A primary mission objective, the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) will enable almost continuous communication from Earth to space for future Space Shuttle missions. The stars on the patch are arranged to suggest this mission's numerical designation, with four stars left of Atlantis and three to the right.
STS-43 Official crew portrait.jpg
STS-43 Official crew portrait shows astronauts standing in front of a landed space shuttle orbiter at sunset. Crewmembers, wearing launch and entry suits (LESs) and holding launch and entry helmets (LEHs), are (left to right) Mission Specialist (MS) Shannon W. Lucid, MS James C. Adamson, Commander John E. Blaha, MS G. David Low, and Pilot Michael A. Baker. The portrait was created using a double exposure.