
Znak expedice
Údaje o expedici
Členů expedice6
Trvání6 dnů, 22 hodin, 50 minut, 44 sekund
Datum startu24. listopad 1991 06:44:00 EST
KosmodromKennedyho vesmírné středisko, Florida (USA)
Vzletová rampaLC-39A
Datum přistání1. prosinec 1991 02:34:12 PST
Místo přistáníEdwardsova letecká základna
Fotografie posádky
Zleva sedí Hendricks, Gregory, Musgrave, stojí Voss, Hennen, Runco

Zleva sedí Hendricks, Gregory, Musgrave, stojí Voss, Hennen, Runco


STS-44 byla mise raketoplánu Atlantis. Celkem se jednalo o 44. misi raketoplánu do vesmíru a 10. pro Atlantis. Cílem letu byla doprava materiálu pro americké ministerstvo obrany.


V závorkách je uvedený dosavadní počet letů do vesmíru včetně této mise.


V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku STS-44 na anglické Wikipedii.

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STS-44 crew.jpg
The STS-44 crew portrait includes 6 astronauts. Pictured seated, from left to right, are Terence T. Hendricks, pilot; Frederick D. Gregory, commander; and F. Story Musgrave, mission specialist. Standing on the back row (left to right) are James S. Voss, mission specialist; Thomas J. Hennen, payload specialist; and Mario Runco, Jr., mission specialist. The 6 crew members launched aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis on November 24, 1991 at 6:44:00 pm (EST). Dedicated to the Department of Defense (DOD), the mission's primary unclassified payload was the Defense Support Program (DSP) satellite and attached Inertial Upper Stage (IUS).

STS-44 Mission Insignia

Designed by the participating crewmembers, the STS-44 patch shows the Space Shuttle Atlantis ascending to Earth orbit to expand mankind's knowledge. The patch illustrated by the symbolic red, white and blue of the American flag represents the American contribution and strength derived from this mission. The black background of space, indicative of the mysteries of the universe, is illuminated by six large stars, which depict the American crew of six and the hopes that travel with them. The smaller stars represent Americans who work in support of this mission. Within the Shuttle's payload bay is a Defense Support Program Satellite which will help ensure peace. In the words of a crew spokesman, the stars of the flag symbolize our leadership in an exciting quest of space and the boundless dreams for humanity's future.