
Znak expedice
Údaje o expedici
Členů expedice5
Trvání3 dny, 1 hodina a 33 minut
Datum startu24. ledna 1985 19:50:00 UTC
KosmodromKennedy Space Center, Florida (USA)
Vzletová rampa39-A
Datum přistání27. ledna 1985 21:23:23 UTC
Fotografie posádky
STS-51-C crew.jpg
Raketoplán Discovery startuje na misi STS-51-C

STS-51-C byla mise raketoplánu Discovery. Celkem se jednalo o 15. misi raketoplánu do vesmíru a 3. pro Discovery. Cílem letu mise byla doprava dvou satelitů (DOD a ELINT) na oběžnou dráhu.


V závorkách je uvedený dosavadní počet letů do vesmíru včetně této mise.


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The crew insignia for STS Flight 51-C includes the names of its five crewmembers. The STS 51-C mission marked the third trip of the Space Shuttle Discovery into space. It was the first Space Shuttle mission totally dedicated to the Department of Defense. The U. S. Air Force Inertial Upper Stage Booster Rocket was successfully deployed. Due to the nature of the mission, few additional details of the flight were made available. Landing was made at the Kennedy Space Center, FL on January 27 at 4:23 PM EST. Mission duration was three days, one hour and 33 minutes.
STS-51C launch.jpg
Space Shuttle Discovery launches on STS-51C
STS-51-C crew.jpg
The crew assigned to the STS-51C mission included (kneeling in front left to right) Loren J. Schriver, pilot; and Thomas K. Mattingly, II, commander. Standing, left to right, are Gary E. Payton, payload specialist; and mission specialists James F. Buchli, and Ellison L. Onizuka. Launched aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery on January 24, 1985 at 2:50:00 pm (EST), the STS-51C was the first mission dedicated to the Department of Defense (DOD).