
Znak expedice
Údaje o expedici
Členů expedice7
Trvání9 dní, 23 hodin, 39 minut, 59 sekund
Datum startu26. dubna 1993 10:50:00 EDT
KosmodromKennedyho vesmírné středisko, Florida (USA)
Vzletová rampa39A
Datum přistání6. května 1993 10:30:59 EDT
Místo přistáníEdwardsova letecká základna
Fotografie posádky
Zleva sedí Henricks, Nagel, Precourt, stojí Harris, Schlegel, Ross, Walter

Zleva sedí Henricks, Nagel, Precourt, stojí Harris, Schlegel, Ross, Walter


STS-55 byla čtrnáctá mise raketoplánu Columbia. Celkem se jednalo o 54. misi raketoplánu do vesmíru. Cílem letu byl let laboratoře Spacelab-D2.


V závorkách je uvedený dosavadní počet letů do vesmíru včetně této mise.

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STS-55 Mission Insignia

The official insignia of the STS-55 mission displays the Space Shuttle Columbia over an Earth-sky background. Depicted beneath the orbiter are the American and German flags flying together, representing the partnership of this laboratory mission. The two blue stars in the border bearing the crewmembers' names signify each of the backup (alternate) payload specialists -- Gerhard Thiele and Renate Brummer. The stars in the sky stand for each of the children of the crewmembers in symbolic representation of the space program's legacy to future generations. The rainbow symbolizes the hope for a brighter tomorrow because of the knowledge and technologies gained from this mission's multifaceted experiments. Each crewmember contributed to the design of the insignia.
Sts-55 crew.jpg
The seven astronauts included in the STS-55 crew portrait are: (front left to right) Terence (Tom) Henricks, pilot; Steven R. Nagel, commander; and Charles J. Precourt, mission specialist. On the back row, from left to right, are Bernard A. Harris, mission specialist; Hans Schlegel, payload specialist; Jerry L. Ross, mission specialist; and Ulrich Walter, payload specialist. The crew launched aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia on April 26, 1993 at 10:50:00 am (EDT). The major payload was the German Dedicated Spacelab, D2.