Seznam švýcarských obcí

Mapa obcí ve Švýcarsku (stav k 1. lednu 2025)

Seznam švýcarských obcí obsahuje všechny švýcarské obce. Podle oficiálního registru obcí Švýcarska Federálního statistického úřadu (BFS) bylo k 1. lednu 2025 ve Švýcarsku 2121 politických obcí (oproti roku 2024 úbytek 10 obcí).[1]

Politické obce představují nejnižší úroveň třístupňového státního uspořádání Švýcarska (spolková rada – kanton – obec) a jsou podle kantonálního práva veřejnoprávními korporacemi s vlastní právní subjektivitou.[2]

Název obceJiný názevKantonIdentifikátorRozloha
AadorfTG Thurgau455119,93
AarauAG Aargau400112,36
AarbergBE Bern03017,94
AarburgAG Aargau42714,40
AarwangenBE Bern03219,87
AbtwilAbtwil AGAG Aargau42214,14
AclensVD Vaud56213,90
AcquarossaTI Ticino504861,77
AdelbodenBE Bern056187,64
AdligenswilLU Lucern10516,98
AdliswilZH Curych01317,78
AedermannsdorfSO Solothurn242112,94
AefligenBE Bern04012,06
AegertenBE Bern07312,16
AeschAesch BLBL Basilej-venkov27617,40
AeschAesch LULU Lucern10214,65
AeschAesch ZHZH Curych02415,21
AeschiAeschi SOSO Solothurn25115,41
Aeschi bei SpiezBE Bern056230,93
Aeugst am AlbisZH Curych00017,90
AffeltrangenTG Thurgau471114,40
Affoltern am AlbisZH Curych000210,53
Affoltern im EmmentalBE Bern095111,44
AgarnVS Valais61017,61
AgiezVD Vaud57425,45
AgnoAgno TITI Ticino51412,51
AigleAigle VDVD Vaud540116,50
Aire-la-VilleGE Ženeva66012,88
AiroloTI Ticino506194,40
AlberswilLU Lucern11213,56
AlbinenVS Valais610215,56
Albula/AlvraGR Graubünden354293,97
AlchenstorfBE Bern04026,61
AllamanVD Vaud58512,59
AlleAlle JUJU Jura677110,65
AllmendingenAllmendingen bei BernBE Bern06303,77
AllschwilBL Basilej-venkov27628,91
AlpnachOW Obwalden140153,83
AlpthalSZ Schwyz136122,94
AltbüronLU Lucern11226,72
AltdorfAltdorf URUR Uri120110,19
AltendorfAltendorf SZSZ Schwyz134120,48
AltikonZH Curych02117,71
AltishofenLU Lucern112314,32
AltnauTG Thurgau46416,71
Alto MalcantoneTI Ticino523722,06
AltstättenSG St. Gallen325139,56
AmdenSG St. Gallen331143,04
Amlikon-BisseggTG Thurgau488114,43
AmmerswilAG Aargau41913,20
AmriswilTG Thurgau446118,99
AmsoldingenBE Bern09214,70
AndeerGR Graubünden370146,37
AndelfingenAndelfingen ZHZH Curych003017,00
AndermattUR Uri120262,19
AndwilAndwil SGSG St. Gallen34416,28
AnièresGE Ženeva66023,82
AnniviersVS Valais6252243,37
AnwilBL Basilej-venkov28413,94
AppenzellAppenzell (Bezirk)AI Appenzell Innerrhoden310116,88
ArannoTI Ticino51432,55
ArbazVS Valais626119,25
Arbedo-CastioneTI Ticino500121,43
ArboldswilBL Basilej-venkov28813,46
ArbonTG Thurgau44016,01
ArchBE Bern03816,40
ArdonArdon VSVS Valais602120,34
ArisdorfBL Basilej-venkov28219,98
AristauAG Aargau42228,70
ArlesheimBL Basilej-venkov27636,95
Arnex-sur-NyonVD Vaud57012,09
Arnex-sur-OrbeVD Vaud57437,63
ArniArni AGAG Aargau40613,46
ArniArni BEBE Bern060210,38
ArognoTI Ticino51448,55
ArosaGR Graubünden3921154,72
ArthArth SZSZ Schwyz136242,00
Arzier-Le MuidsVD Vaud570251,87
AsconaTI Ticino50914,94
AssensAssens VDVD Vaud55118,46
AstanoTI Ticino51463,84
AttalensFR Fribourg23219,81
AttinghausenUR Uri120346,90
AttiswilBE Bern09717,66
AuAu SGSG St. Gallen32314,66
AubonneAubonne VDVD Vaud542214,34
AuborangesFR Fribourg20611,93
AuensteinAuenstein AGAG Aargau40915,71
AugstBL Basilej-venkov28221,62
AusserbergVS Valais619115,02
AuswilBE Bern03224,56
AutignyAutigny FRFR Fribourg21736,20
AuwAuw AGAG Aargau42238,55
Avegno GordevioTI Ticino532427,30
AvenchesVD Vaud545119,43
AversAvers GRGR Graubünden368193,08
AvryFR Fribourg21745,79
AvullyGE Ženeva66034,65
AvusyGE Ženeva66045,17
AyentVS Valais608255,02
BaarBaar ZGZG Zug170124,77
BachenbülachZH Curych00514,29
BachsZH Curych00819,18
Bad RagazSG St. Gallen329125,43
BadenBaden AGAG Aargau402114,72
BalernaTI Ticino52422,53
BalgachSG St. Gallen32326,59
BallaiguesVD Vaud57449,10
BallensVD Vaud54238,41
BallwilLU Lucern10238,75
Balm bei GünsbergSO Solothurn25415,47
BalsthalSO Solothurn242215,72
BaltschiederVS Valais628131,32
BannwilBE Bern03234,73
BardonnexGE Ženeva66055,02
BäretswilZH Curych011122,20
BargenBargen BEBE Bern03027,86
BargenBargen SHSH Schaffhausen29318,27
BäriswilBE Bern04032,77
BärschwilSO Solothurn261111,16
Basadingen-SchlattingenTG Thurgau453615,63
BasilejBS Basilej-město270123,89
Bas-IntyamonFR Fribourg216233,26
Basse-AllaineJU Jura680723,00
Basse-VendlineJU Jura681218,67
BassersdorfZH Curych00528,99
BassinsVD Vaud570320,85
BätterkindenBE Bern053310,13
BättwilSO Solothurn24711,70
BaulmesVD Vaud574522,52
BaumaZH Curych029729,51
BavoisVD Vaud57469,30
BeatenbergBE Bern057129,20
BeckenriedNW Nidwalden150124,27
BedanoTI Ticino51481,89
BediglioraTI Ticino51492,52
BedrettoTI Ticino506375,23
BeggingenSH Schaffhausen295112,64
BegninsVD Vaud57044,80
BeinwilAG Aargau422411,34
BeinwilBeinwil SOSO Solothurn261222,68
Beinwil am SeeAG Aargau41313,82
BelfauxFR Fribourg21758,91
BellachSO Solothurn25425,32
BellevueBellevue GEGE Ženeva66064,38
BellikonAG Aargau40224,90
BellinzonaTI Ticino5002164,09
BellmundBE Bern07323,82
BellwaldVS Valais605213,97
Belmont-BroyeFR Fribourg205325,82
Belmont-sur-LausanneVD Vaud55812,61
Belmont-sur-YverdonVD Vaud59026,50
BelpBE Bern086123,30
BelprahonBE Bern06813,82
BenkenBenken SGSG St. Gallen331216,47
BenkenBenken ZHZH Curych00225,67
BennwilBL Basilej-venkov28826,60
BercherVD Vaud55124,24
BergBerg SGSG St. Gallen32113,78
BergBerg TGTG Thurgau489113,19
Berg am IrchelZH Curych00237,03
BergdietikonAG Aargau40236,06
Bergün FilisurGR Graubünden3544190,14
BerikonAG Aargau40625,39
BeringenBeringen SHSH Schaffhausen293218,65
BerkenBE Bern09721,40
BerlingenBerlingen TGTG Thurgau48013,57
BernBE Bern035151,61
BerneckBerneck SGSG St. Gallen32335,60
BernexBernex GEGE Ženeva660712,97
BerolleVD Vaud54249,63
BeromünsterLU Lucern108142,18
BesenbürenAG Aargau42262,34
BettenhausenBettenhausen BEBE Bern09733,96
BettensVD Vaud54713,76
BettingenBettingen BSBS Basilej-město27022,20
BettlachBettlach SOSO Solothurn254312,18
BettmeralpBettmeralp VSVS Valais620528,79
BettwiesenTG Thurgau47163,88
BettwilAG Aargau42274,28
BeverBever GRGR Graubünden378145,66
BexVD Vaud540296,63
BiascaTI Ticino528159,03
BiberistSO Solothurn251312,17
BibersteinAG Aargau40024,10
Bichelsee-BalterswilTG Thurgau472112,12
BielBE Bern037121,20
Biel-BenkenBL Basilej-venkov27644,12
BièreVD Vaud542525,03
BiezwilSO Solothurn24454,15
BiglenBE Bern06033,58
Billens-HennensFR Fribourg20634,90
BinnVS Valais605465,09
BinningenBL Basilej-venkov27654,48
BioggioTI Ticino51516,45
Bioley-MagnouxVD Vaud59034,31
BirmensdorfBirmensdorfZH Curych024211,42
BirmenstorfBirmenstorfAG Aargau40247,76
BirrBirr AGAG Aargau40925,05
BirrhardAG Aargau40933,00
BirrwilAG Aargau41323,45
BirsfeldenBL Basilej-venkov27662,58
BirwinkenTG Thurgau490112,26
BischofszellTG Thurgau447111,61
BissoneTI Ticino51541,86
BisterBister VSVS Valais61725,80
BitschBitsch VSVS Valais61735,86
BlattenBlatten (Lötschen)VS Valais619290,54
BlauenBlauen BLBL Basilej-venkov27817,09
BleienbachBE Bern03245,67
BlenioTI Ticino5049202,17
Blonay – Saint-LégierVD Vaud589231,24
BlumensteinBlumenstein BEBE Bern092215,50
BöcktenBL Basilej-venkov28422,27
BodioBodio TITI Ticino50646,43
BoécourtJU Jura670212,32
BofflensVD Vaud57474,17
Bogis-BosseyVD Vaud57052,43
Bois-d’AmontBois-d’Amont FRFR Fribourg223812,28
BolkenSO Solothurn25142,13
BolligenBE Bern035216,59
BoltigenBE Bern079177,08
BonaduzGR Graubünden372114,45
BoncourtBoncourt JUJU Jura67749,02
BönigenBE Bern057215,08
BoningenSO Solothurn25712,80
BoniswilAG Aargau41922,37
BonstettenBonstetten ZHZH Curych00037,44
BonvillarsVD Vaud55517,49
BoppelsenZH Curych00823,94
BorexVD Vaud57061,96
Bosco/GurinTI Ticino530422,02
BösingenBösingen FRFR Fribourg229514,32
BossonnensFR Fribourg23234,10
BoswilAG Aargau422811,76
BottensVD Vaud55146,94
BottenwilAG Aargau42735,05
BotterensFR Fribourg21234,24
BottighofenTG Thurgau46432,43
BottmingenBL Basilej-venkov27672,98
BöttsteinAG Aargau43037,45
BoudryNE Neuchâtel640416,76
Bougy-VillarsVD Vaud54261,78
BoulensVD Vaud56613,42
Bourg-en-LavauxVD Vaud56139,68
Bourg-Saint-PierreVS Valais603289,81
BournensVD Vaud54723,89
BourrignonJU Jura670313,53
BoussensBoussens VDVD Vaud54733,18
BovernierVS Valais613113,11
BowilBE Bern060514,70
BözbergBözberg AGAG Aargau412415,56
BöztalAG Aargau418522,30
BraunauBraunau TGTG Thurgau47239,16
BregagliaGR Graubünden3792251,35
BreggiaBreggia TITI Ticino526925,58
Breil/BrigelsGR Graubünden398196,58
BreitenbachBreitenbach SOSO Solothurn26136,84
BremblensVD Vaud56222,94
BremgartenBremgarten AGAG Aargau406311,31
Bremgarten bei BernBE Bern03531,88
BrenzikofenBE Bern06062,20
Bretigny-sur-MorrensVD Vaud55152,84
BretonnieresVD Vaud57485,53
BretzwilBL Basilej-venkov28837,38
BrienzBrienz BEBE Bern057348,09
BrienzwilerBE Bern057417,63
Brig-GlisVS Valais600237,68
Brione sopra MinusioTI Ticino50963,79
BrislachBL Basilej-venkov27829,41
BrissagoBrissago TITI Ticino509717,78
BrittnauAG Aargau427413,65
BrocBroc FRFR Fribourg212410.06
Brot-PlambozNE Neuchâtel643316,16
BruggAG Aargau40958,26
BrüggBE Bern07335,02
BruneggAG Aargau41931,51
BrünisriedFR Fribourg22923,27
Brusino ArsizioTI Ticino51604,18
BrusioGR Graubünden355146,25
BrüttelenBE Bern04916,62
BrüttenZH Curych02136,65
BubendorfBubendorf BLBL Basilej-venkov282310,85
BubikonZH Curych011211,61
BuchBuch SHSH Schaffhausen29613,81
Buch am IrchelZH Curych002410,16
BuchbergBuchberg SHSH Schaffhausen29335,85
BucheggBuchegg SOSO Solothurn246525,65
BuchholterbergBE Bern092315,28
BuchillonVD Vaud56232,13
BuchrainBuchrain LULU Lucern10524,79
BuchsBuchs AGAG Aargau40035,32
BuchsBuchs SGSG St. Gallen327115,94
BuchsBuchs ZHZH Curych00835,87
BucktenBL Basilej-venkov28432,02
BüetigenBE Bern03823,61
BühlBühl BEBE Bern07342,96
BühlerBühler ARAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden30215,59
BülachZH Curych005316,06
BulleBulle FRFR Fribourg212523,86
BulletBullet VDVD Vaud555216,90
BünzenBünzen AGAG Aargau42295,78
BuochsNW Nidwalden15029,92
BürchenBürchen VSVS Valais619313,39
BureBure JUJU Jura677813,71
BürenBüren SOSO Solothurn24726,22
Büren an der AareBE Bern038312,63
Burg im LeimentalBL Basilej-venkov27832,88
BurgdorfBurgdorf BEBE Bern040415,60
BurgisteinBE Bern08637,52
BürglenBürglen TGTG Thurgau491111,72
BürglenBürglen URUR Uri120553,10
BüronLU Lucern10825,36
BursinelVD Vaud58521,80
BursinsVD Vaud58533,40
BurtignyVD Vaud58545,69
BusenoGR Graubünden380411,25
BüsserachSO Solothurn26147,54
BussignyBussigny VDVD Vaud56244,78
BussnangTG Thurgau492118,91
Busswil bei MelchnauBE Bern03252,88
Bussy-sur-MoudonVD Vaud56633,13
Bütschwil-GanterschwilSG St. Gallen339521,85
BüttenhardtSH Schaffhausen29144,01
BüttikonAG Aargau40642,82
ButtisholzLU Lucern108316,68
ButtwilAG Aargau42304,56
BuusBL Basilej-venkov28448,86
CademarioTI Ticino51613,94
CadempinoTI Ticino51620,76
CadenazzoTI Ticino50038,40
CalancaGR Graubünden383737,67
Cama (Švýcarsko)Cama GRGR Graubünden383115,05
Campo (Vallemaggia)TI Ticino530743,41
CanobbioTI Ticino51671,25
CapriascaTI Ticino522636,27
CarougeCarouge GEGE Ženeva66082,65
CartignyCartigny GEGE Ženeva66094,41
CaslanoTI Ticino51712,80
CastanedaCastaneda GRGR Graubünden38053,94
Castel San PietroCastel San Pietro TITI Ticino524911,79
CazisGR Graubünden366131,20
Celerina/SchlarignaGR Graubünden378224,05
CélignyGE Ženeva66104,67
CentovalliCentovalli TITI Ticino539753,49
CerentinoTI Ticino530920,10
CevioTI Ticino5310151,32
ChalaisChalais VSVS Valais623224,37
ChamCham ZGZG Zug170217,76
ChamblonVD Vaud59042,86
ChamosonVS Valais602232,47
ChampagneChampagne VDVD Vaud55533,91
ChampéryVS Valais615138,92
ChampozBE Bern06837,16
ChamptaurozVD Vaud58123,03
ChampventVD Vaud59058,98
ChancyGE Ženeva66115,38
Chapelle (Glâne)FR Fribourg20662,01
ChardonneChardonne VDVD Vaud588210,28
Château-d’OexChâteau-d’ŒxVD Vaud5841113,58
Châtel-Saint-DenisFR Fribourg232547,89
Châtel-sur-MontsalvensFR Fribourg21282,00
ChâtillonChâtillon FRFR Fribourg20081,31
ChâtillonChâtillon JUJU Jura67045,27
ChâtonnayeFR Fribourg20686,32
Chavannes-de-BogisVD Vaud57072,87
Chavannes-des-BoisVD Vaud57082,13
Chavannes-le-CheneVD Vaud59074,00
Chavannes-le-VeyronVD Vaud54752,66
Chavannes-près-RenensVD Vaud56271,66
Chavannes-sur-MoudonVD Vaud56655,15
ChavornayChavornay VDVD Vaud574919,24
Chêne-BougeriesGE Ženeva66124,14
Chêne-BourgGE Ženeva66131,26
ChénensFR Fribourg21773,94
Chêne-PâquierVD Vaud59082,08
Cheseaux-NoréazVD Vaud59095,94
Cheseaux-sur-LausanneVD Vaud55824,56
ChéserexVD Vaud570910,55
ChesselVD Vaud54033,53
ChevillyChevilly VDVD Vaud54763,82
ChevrouxChevroux VDVD Vaud58133,42
ChexbresVD Vaud56012,20
Cheyres-ChâblesFR Fribourg20559,71
ChiassoTI Ticino52505,30
ChignyChigny VDVD Vaud56280,89
ChippisVS Valais62351,98
ChoulexGE Ženeva66143,91
ChurGR Graubünden390154,24
ChurwaldenGR Graubünden391148,57
ClarmontVD Vaud56291,01
Clos du DoubsJU Jura680861,77
CoeuveJU Jura678111,57
CoinsinsVD Vaud57102,95
ColdrerioTI Ticino52512,48
Collex-BossyGE Ženeva66156,86
Collina d’OroTI Ticino52366,19
Collombey-MurazVS Valais615229,74
Collonge-BelleriveGE Ženeva66166,15
CollongesCollonges VSVS Valais621112,22
ColognyGE Ženeva66173,68
ComanoComano TITI Ticino51762,04
CommugnyVD Vaud57116,53
ConciseVD Vaud555411,38
ConfignonGE Ženeva66182,76
Conters im PrättigauGR Graubünden388118,40
ContheyVS Valais602385,01
CoppetVD Vaud57121,85
CorbeyrierVD Vaud540422,03
CorbieresCorbieres FRFR Fribourg21299,69
CorcellesCorcelles BEBE Bern06876,79
Corcelles-le-JoratVD Vaud57857,94
Corcelles-près-ConciseVD Vaud55554,06
Corcelles-près-PayerneVD Vaud581612,14
CorgémontBE Bern043117,65
CorminboeufFR Fribourg21837,24
CormoretBE Bern043213,52
CornauxNE Neuchâtel64514,71
CornolJU Jura678210,47
CorseauxVD Vaud58831,07
CorsierCorsier GEGE Ženeva66192,80
Corsier-sur-VeveyVD Vaud58846,73
CortaillodNE Neuchâtel64083,65
CortébertBE Bern043314,82
CossonayVD Vaud54778,23
CottensCottens FRFR Fribourg21864,98
CourchapoixJU Jura67066,43
CourchavonJU Jura67836,24
CourgenayCourgenay JUJU Jura678418,44
CourgevauxGurwolfFR Fribourg22503,38
CourrendlinJU Jura670821,53
CourrouxJU Jura670919,75
CourtCourt BEBE Bern069024,56
CourtedouxJU Jura67858,14
CourtelaryBE Bern043422,11
CourtepinFR Fribourg225417,80
CourtételleJU Jura671013,57
CransCrans VDVD Vaud57134,30
Crans-MontanaVS Valais625359,59
CrassierVD Vaud57142,02
CréminesBE Bern06919,46
CressierCressier FRFR Fribourg22574,18
CressierCressier NENE Neuchâtel64528,61
CrésuzFR Fribourg21301,80
CrissierVD Vaud55835,50
CronayVD Vaud59106,58
CroyCroy VDVD Vaud57524,50
CuarnensVD Vaud54797,06
CuarnyVD Vaud59114,62
CudrefinVD Vaud545615,58
Cugnasco-GerraTI Ticino513818,20
CugyCugy FRFR Fribourg20119,90
CugyCugy VDVD Vaud55162,90
CuregliaTI Ticino51801,10
CurioCurio TITI Ticino51812,77
CurtillesVD Vaud56694,97
DachsenZH Curych00252,65
DägerlenZH Curych02147,96
DagmersellenLU Lucern112523,90
DaillensVD Vaud54805,49
DallenwilNW Nidwalden150315,52
DällikonZH Curych00844,49
DalpeTI Ticino507114,52
Damphreux-LugnezJU Jura681110,77
DänikenSO Solothurn25725,46
DänikonZH Curych00852,81
DardagnyGE Ženeva66208,60
DärligenBE Bern05756,92
DärstettenBE Bern076132,85
DättlikonZH Curych02152,91
DavosGR Graubünden3851283,99
DegersheimDegersheim SGSG St. Gallen340114,45
Deisswil bei MünchenbuchseeBE Bern05352,14
DeitingenSO Solothurn25167,55
DelémontDelsbergJU Jura671122,01
Delley-PortalbanFR Fribourg20516,85
DémoretVD Vaud59124,29
DenensVD Vaud56313,29
DengesVD Vaud56321,69
DensbürenAG Aargau400412,64
DerendingenDerendingen SOSO Solothurn25175,68
DevelierJU Jura671212,42
DiegtenBL Basilej-venkov28849,61
DielsdorfDielsdorf ZHZH Curych00865,88
DiemtigenBE Bern0762130,00
DiepflingenBL Basilej-venkov28451,43
DiepoldsauSG St. Gallen323411,19
DierikonLU Lucern10532,77
Diessbach bei BürenBE Bern03856,31
DiessenhofenTG Thurgau454510,00
DietikonZH Curych02439,28
DietlikonZH Curych00544,24
DietwilAG Aargau42315,55
DinhardZH Curych02167,07
DintikonAG Aargau41943,72
Disentis/MustérGR Graubünden398291,05
DittingenBL Basilej-venkov27846,73
DizyDizy VDVD Vaud54813,07
Domat/EmsGR Graubünden372224,24
DomleschgDomleschg GRGR Graubünden367345,96
DompierreDompierre VDVD Vaud56713,25
DonneloyeVD Vaud59138,97
DoppleschwandLU Lucern10016,95
DorénazVS Valais621212,54
DorfDorf ZHZH Curych00265,54
DörflingenSH Schaffhausen29155,78
DornachDornach SOSO Solothurn24735,74
DottikonAG Aargau40653,91
DöttingenDöttingen AGAG Aargau43046,96
DotzigenBE Bern03864,23
DozwilTG Thurgau44061,27
Drei HöfeSO Solothurn25354,57
DübendorfZH Curych019113,62
DüdingenFR Fribourg229330,76
DuggingenBL Basilej-venkov27855,91
DuillierVD Vaud57154,05
DullikenSO Solothurn25736,01
DullyVD Vaud58551,64
DürntenZH Curych011310,21
DürrenäschAG Aargau41345,90
DürrenrothBE Bern095214,06
EbikonLU Lucern10549,72
Ebnat-KappelSG St. Gallen335243,51
EchallensVD Vaud55186,69
EchandensVD Vaud56333,87
EcharlensFR Fribourg21314,62
EchichensVD Vaud563413,27
EclépensVD Vaud54825,82
EcublensEcublens FRFR Fribourg20724,86
EcublensEcublens VDVD Vaud56355,73
EderswilerJU Jura67133,34
EgerkingenSO Solothurn24016,93
EggEgg ZHZH Curych019214,51
EggenwilAG Aargau40662,52
EggerbergVS Valais60046,09
EggersrietSG St. Gallen32128,91
EggiwilBE Bern090160,25
EglisauZH Curych00559,10
EgliswilAG Aargau41956,34
EgnachTG Thurgau441118,48
EgolzwilLU Lucern11274,15
EhrendingenAG Aargau40497,28
EichEich LULU Lucern10845,91
EichbergEichberg SGSG St. Gallen32525,50
EikenAG Aargau41617,01
EinsiedelnSZ Schwyz130199,00
EischollVS Valais619414,06
EistenEisten VSVS Valais628237,94
ElggZH Curych029424,38
Ellikon an der ThurZH Curych02184,97
ElsauZH Curych02198,04
EmbdVS Valais628313,36
EmbrachZH Curych005612,72
EmmenEmmen LULU Lucern102420,38
EmmettenNW Nidwalden150425,05
EndingenEndingen AGAG Aargau430511,85
EngelbergOW Obwalden140274,89
EnnetbadenAG Aargau40262,13
EnnetbürgenNW Nidwalden15059,40
EnnetmoosNW Nidwalden150614,09
EntlebuchEntlebuch LULU Lucern100256,97
EpalingesVD Vaud55844,61
ÉpendesEpendes VDVD Vaud59144,80
Eppenberg-WöschnauSO Solothurn25741,81
EpsachBE Bern07353,39
EptingenBL Basilej-venkov288511,21
ErgischVS Valais610429,52
EriswilBE Bern095311,30
ErizBE Bern092421,79
ErlachErlach BEBE Bern04923,44
ErlenErlen TGTG Thurgau447612,23
ErlenbachErlenbach ZHZH Curych01512,97
Erlenbach im SimmentalBE Bern076336,67
ErlinsbachErlinsbach AGAG Aargau40059,87
ErlinsbachErlinsbach SOSO Solothurn25038,85
ErmatingenTG Thurgau464610,42
ErmenseeLU Lucern10255,72
ErnenVS Valais605635,36
ErschwilSO Solothurn26157,47
ErsigenBE Bern040515,46
ErstfeldUR Uri120659,05
EschenbachEschenbach LULU Lucern102613,20
EschenbachEschenbach SGSG St. Gallen334254,92
EschenzTG Thurgau480612,02
EschertBE Bern06926,58
EschlikonTG Thurgau47246,20
Escholzmatt-MarbachLU Lucern1010106,34
Essertines-sur-RolleVD Vaud58567,01
Essertines-sur-YverdonVD Vaud55209,76
Estavayer-le-LacFR Fribourg205444,89
EtagnieresVD Vaud55213,76
EtoyEtoy VDVD Vaud56364,92
EttingenBL Basilej-venkov27686,37
EttiswilLU Lucern112812,52
EtzikenSO Solothurn25183,37
EvilardBE Bern03723,67
EvionnazVS Valais621348,07
EvolèneVS Valais6083209,83
EysinsVD Vaud57162,36
FahrniBE Bern09256,66
FahrwangenAG Aargau41963,98
FahyJU Jura67897,76
FaidoTI Ticino5072132,44
FaleraGR Graubünden357222,35
FällandenZH Curych01936,36
FaougVD Vaud54583,49
FarnernBE Bern09753,65
FéchyVD Vaud54272,69
FehraltorfZH Curych01729,50
FehrenSO Solothurn26161,48
Felben-WellhausenTG Thurgau45617,38
Feldbrunnen-St. NiklausSO Solothurn25442,50
FelsbergFelsberg GRGR Graubünden373113,39
FerdenVS Valais619527,90
FerenbalmBE Bern06629,16
FerpiclozFR Fribourg21941,02
FerreraFerrera GRGR Graubünden371375,44
FerreyresVD Vaud54833,19
FétignyFétigny FRFR Fribourg20164,07
FeuerthalenZH Curych00272,50
FeusisbergSZ Schwyz132117,49
FeyFey VDVD Vaud55227,43
FiderisGR Graubünden386125,33
FieschVS Valais605711,04
FieschertalVS Valais6058172,79
FiezVD Vaud55566,81
FinhautVS Valais621422,80
FinsterhennenBE Bern04933,57
FischbachFischbach LULU Lucern11298,04
Fischbach-GöslikonAG Aargau40673,09
FischenthalZH Curych011430,17
FischingenFischingen TGTG Thurgau472630,66
FisibachAG Aargau43065,72
FislisbachAG Aargau40275,12
FlaachZH Curych002810,20
FläschGR Graubünden395119,95
FlawilSG St. Gallen340211,48
FlerdenGR Graubünden36626,07
FlimsGR Graubünden373250,46
FlüelenUR Uri120712,41
FlühliLU Lucern1004108,09
FlumenthalSO Solothurn25453,08
FlumsSG St. Gallen329275,18
FlurlingenZH Curych00292,41
Fontaines-sur-GrandsonVD Vaud55577,93
FontenaisJU Jura679019,97
Forel (Lavaux)VD Vaud560418,48
Forst-LängenbühlBE Bern09484,53
FounexVD Vaud57174,78
FräschelsFR Fribourg22583,14
FraubrunnenBE Bern053831,97
FrauenfeldTG Thurgau456627,38
FrauenkappelenBE Bern06639,28
FreienbachSZ Schwyz132213,82
Freienstein-TeufenZH Curych00578,34
FreienwilAG Aargau40284,00
FreimettigenBE Bern06072,96
FrenkendorfBL Basilej-venkov28244,61
FribourgFreiburg im ÜechtlandFR Fribourg21969,33
FrickAG Aargau41639,97
FroidevilleFroideville VDVD Vaud55237,02
FrutigenBE Bern056372,30
FulenbachSO Solothurn25754,47
FüllinsdorfBL Basilej-venkov28254,63
Full-ReuenthalAG Aargau43074,86
FullyVS Valais613337,85
FurnaFurna GRGR Graubünden386233,25
FürstenauFürstenau GRGR Graubünden36331,30
GächlingenSH Schaffhausen29017,21
GachnangTG Thurgau45719,83
GaisGais ARAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden302221,21
GaiserwaldSG St. Gallen344212,64
GalgenenSZ Schwyz134213,22
GalsBE Bern04947,90
GambarognoGambarogno TITI Ticino539851,71
Gampel-BratschVS Valais611823,05
GampelenBE Bern049510,56
GamsGams SGSG St. Gallen327222,28
GansingenAG Aargau41648,78
GebenstorfAG Aargau40295,68
GelterkindenBL Basilej-venkov28469,77
GeltwilAG Aargau42323,27
GempenSO Solothurn24745,97
GenolierVD Vaud57184,85
GenthodGE Ženeva66222,81
GerlafingenSO Solothurn25191,89
GeroldswilZH Curych02441,90
GersauSZ Schwyz131114,36
GerzenseeGerzensee BEBE Bern08667,81
GeuenseeLU Lucern10856,43
GiblouxGibloux FRFR Fribourg223636,12
GiebenachBL Basilej-venkov28261,33
GiezGiez VDVD Vaud55594,77
GiffersFR Fribourg22945,21
GillyGilly VDVD Vaud58577,74
GimelGimel VDVD Vaud542818,91
GinginsVD Vaud571912,60
GiornicoTI Ticino507319,55
Gipf-OberfrickAG Aargau416510,18
GisikonLU Lucern10551,10
GiswilOW Obwalden140385,90
GivisiezFR Fribourg21973,47
GivrinsVD Vaud57203,94
GlandGland VDVD Vaud57218,37
GlarusGL Glarus1632103,58
Glarus NordGL Glarus1630147,07
Glarus SüdGL Glarus1631430,06
GlattfeldenZH Curych005812,28
GletterensFR Fribourg20222,59
GoldachGoldach SGSG St. Gallen32134,74
GollionVD Vaud54845,48
GommiswaldSG St. Gallen334133,65
GomsGoms VSVS Valais6077128,96
GondiswilBE Bern03269,37
GontenAI Appenzell Innerrhoden310224,76
GontenschwilAG Aargau41359,75
GordolaTI Ticino51086,94
GöschenenUR Uri1208104,13
GossauGossau SGSG St. Gallen344327,44
GossauGossau ZHZH Curych011518,32
GottliebenTG Thurgau46510,31
GoumoënsVD Vaud554110,67
GrabenGraben BEBE Bern09763,17
GrabsSG St. Gallen327354,68
GrächenVS Valais628514,26
GranciaTI Ticino51860,61
GrancyVD Vaud54855,63
GrandcourVD Vaud581710,22
GrandeventVD Vaud55603,44
GrandfontaineGrandfontaine JUJU Jura67928,95
GrandsonVD Vaud55617,85
GrandvalGrandval BEBE Bern06948,23
GrandvillardFR Fribourg213424,33
GrangesFR Fribourg23284,47
Granges-PaccotFR Fribourg21983,95
GrangettesGrangettes FRFR Fribourg20793,36
GränichenAG Aargau400617,28
GravesanoTI Ticino51870,71
GreifenseeGreifensee ZHZH Curych01942,27
GrellingenBL Basilej-venkov27863,30
GrenchenSO Solothurn254626,04
GrengFR Fribourg22610,97
GrengiolsVS Valais617758,53
GrensVD Vaud57222,55
GreppenLU Lucern10563,34
GretzenbachSO Solothurn25765,83
GrimisuatVS Valais62634,44
GrindelGrindel SOSO Solothurn26173,05
GrindelwaldBE Bern0576171,34
Grolley-PonthauxFR Fribourg223911,25
GrôneVS Valais623820,26
GronoGR Graubünden383237,11
GrossaffolternBE Bern030315,14
GrossdietwilLU Lucern113110,20
GrosshöchstettenBE Bern06086,92
GrosswangenLU Lucern108619,72
GrubGrub ARAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden30314,20
GrüningenGrüningen ZHZH Curych01168,75
GrüschGR Graubünden396143,28
GruyèresGreyerz FRFR Fribourg213528,48
GryonVD Vaud540515,22
GsteigGsteig bei GstaadBE Bern084162,42
GsteigwilerBE Bern05777,03
GuggisbergBE Bern085254,95
GündlischwandBE Bern057816,77
GünsbergSO Solothurn25475,30
GunzgenSO Solothurn25783,90
GurbrüBE Bern06651,87
GurmelsFR Fribourg226217,28
GurtnellenUR Uri120983,41
GurzelenBE Bern08674,48
GuttannenBE Bern0782200,84
Guttet-FeschelVS Valais611710,41
GüttingenTG Thurgau46569,56
GyGy GEGE Ženeva66243,19
HabkernBE Bern057950,96
HabsburgHabsburg AGAG Aargau40992,24
HäfelfingenBL Basilej-venkov28473,97
HagenbuchHagenbuch ZHZH Curych02208,15
HägendorfSO Solothurn257913,90
HäggenschwilSG St. Gallen32019,12
HägglingenAG Aargau40687,76
HagneckBE Bern07361,85
HallauSH Schaffhausen297115,34
HallwilAG Aargau41972,20
HaltenHalten SOSO Solothurn25201,88
HärkingenSO Solothurn24025,51
HasleHasle LULU Lucern100540,33
Hasle bei BurgdorfBE Bern040621,92
HaslibergBE Bern078341,75
Hauenstein-IfenthalSO Solothurn24915,31
Hauptwil-GottshausTG Thurgau448612,51
HausenHausen AGAG Aargau41003,17
Hausen am AlbisZH Curych000413,63
Haute-AjoieJU Jura680940,93
HautemorgesVD Vaud565632,95
HauteriveHauterive FRFR Fribourg223311,93
Haute-SorneJU Jura672971,05
HautevilleHauteville FRFR Fribourg213710,54
Haut-IntyamonFR Fribourg212160,32
HäutligenBE Bern06093,06
HedingenZH Curych00056,56
HefenhofenTG Thurgau44166,18
HeidenHeiden ARAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden30327,49
HeiligenschwendiBE Bern09275,51
HeimbergHeimberg BEBE Bern09285,40
HeimenhausenBE Bern09775,84
HeimiswilBE Bern040723,31
HeitenriedFR Fribourg22969,10
HellikonAG Aargau42517,07
HellsauBE Bern04081,50
HemishofenSH Schaffhausen29627,89
HemmikenBL Basilej-venkov28483,41
HendschikenAG Aargau41983,49
HenggartZH Curych00313,04
HenniezHenniez VDVD Vaud58192,61
HerbetswilSO Solothurn242416,31
HerbligenBE Bern06102,74
HerdernHerdern TGTG Thurgau481113,73
HérémenceVS Valais6084107,51
HergiswilHergiswil NWNW Nidwalden150714,25
Hergiswil bei WillisauLU Lucern113231,34
HerisauAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden300125,23
HermanceGE Ženeva66251,45
HermenchesVD Vaud56734,78
HermrigenBE Bern07373,45
HerrlibergZH Curych01528,98
HersbergBL Basilej-venkov28271,69
Herznach-UekenAG Aargau418611,37
HerzogenbuchseeBE Bern09799,83
HettlingenHettlingen ZHZH Curych02215,82
HildisriedenLU Lucern10886,99
HilterfingenBE Bern09292,80
HimmelriedSO Solothurn26186,05
HindelbankBE Bern04099,70
HinwilZH Curych011722,27
HirschthalHirschthal AGAG Aargau40073,54
HittnauZH Curych017312,99
HitzkirchLU Lucern103027,59
HochdorfHochdorf LULU Lucern10319,56
HochfeldenHochfelden ZHZH Curych00596,18
HöchstettenHöchstetten BEBE Bern04102,57
HochwaldHochwald SOSO Solothurn24758,29
Hofstetten bei BrienzBE Bern05808,73
Hofstetten-FlühSO Solothurn24767,52
HohenrainLU Lucern103223,33
HohentannenTG Thurgau44958,00
HolderbankHolderbank AGAG Aargau41992,33
HolderbankHolderbank SOSO Solothurn24257,78
HölsteinBL Basilej-venkov28865,97
HolzikenAG Aargau41362,86
HombergHomberg BEBE Bern09316,48
HombrechtikonZH Curych015312,20
HomburgHomburg TGTG Thurgau481624,15
HonauHonau LULU Lucern10571,24
HorgenZH Curych029530,75
HöriHöri ZHZH Curych00604,77
HornHorn TGTG Thurgau44211,75
Horrenbach-BuchenBE Bern093220,41
HorriwilSO Solothurn25232,62
HorwLU Lucern105812,85
HospentalUR Uri121035,13
HubersdorfSO Solothurn25481,37
HundwilAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden300224,19
HünenbergHünenberg ZGZG Zug170318,40
HünikenSO Solothurn25241,01
HüntwangenZH Curych00614,90
HunzenschwilAG Aargau42003,26
HüttikonZH Curych00871,60
HüttlingenHüttlingen TGTG Thurgau459011,65
HuttwilBE Bern095417,31
HüttwilenTG Thurgau482117,63
IcogneVS Valais623924,93
IffwilBE Bern05415,07
Ilanz/GlionGR Graubünden3619133,44
IllgauSZ Schwyz136310,98
Illnau-EffretikonZH Curych029632,91
IndenInden VSVS Valais61099,79
IngenbohlSZ Schwyz136413,42
InkwilBE Bern09803,38
InnerthalSZ Schwyz134350,19
InnertkirchenBE Bern0784236,54
InsIns BEBE Bern049623,91
InterlakenBE Bern05814,29
InwilLU Lucern103310,29
IpsachBE Bern07391,89
IseltwaldBE Bern058221,92
IsenthalUR Uri121160,96
IsérablesVS Valais613415,31
IslisbergAG Aargau40841,64
IsoneTI Ticino500912,91
ItingenBL Basilej-venkov28493,11
IttigenBE Bern03624,22
JabergBE Bern08681,28
JaunFR Fribourg213855,24
JegenstorfBE Bern054013,52
JenazGR Graubünden386325,95
JeninsGR Graubünden395210,50
JensJens BEBE Bern07384,62
JonenAG Aargau40715,69
JongnyVD Vaud58852,16
JonschwilSG St. Gallen340511,05
Jorat-MenthueVD Vaud580417,70
Jorat-MézièresVD Vaud580611,11
Jouxtens-MézeryVD Vaud55851,92
JuriensVD Vaud57549,32
JussyJussy GEGE Ženeva662611,35
KaiseraugstAG Aargau42524,90
KaistenKaistenAG Aargau416918,09
KallernAG Aargau42332,67
KallnachBE Bern030418,05
KaltbrunnKaltbrunn SGSG St. Gallen331318,56
KammersrohrSO Solothurn25490,94
KandergrundBE Bern056432,11
KanderstegBE Bern0565134,24
KänerkindenBL Basilej-venkov28501,43
KappelKappel SOSO Solothurn25805,13
Kappel am AlbisZH Curych00067,82
KappelenKappelen BEBE Bern030510,88
KaufdorfBE Bern08692,06
KehrsatzBE Bern08704,45
KemmentalTG Thurgau466625,08
KernenriedBE Bern04113,32
KernsOW Obwalden140492,59
KerzersFR Fribourg226512,26
KesswilTG Thurgau44264,41
KestenholzSO Solothurn24038,61
KienbergKienberg SOSO Solothurn24928,56
KiesenBE Bern06114,68
KilchbergKilchberg BLBL Basilej-venkov28511,60
KilchbergKilchberg ZHZH Curych01352,59
KillwangenAG Aargau40302,41
KippelVS Valais619711,68
KirchbergKirchberg BEBE Bern04129,02
KirchbergKirchberg SGSG St. Gallen339242,56
KirchdorfKirchdorf BEBE Bern087214,63
KirchleerauAG Aargau42754,35
KirchlindachBE Bern035411,92
KleinandelfingenZH Curych003310,29
KleinbösingenFR Fribourg22663,03
KleinlützelSO Solothurn261916,34
KlingnauAG Aargau43096,72
KlostersGR Graubünden3871219,89
KlotenZH Curych006219,33
KnonauZH Curych00076,49
KnutwilLU Lucern10899,73
KoblenzKoblenz AGAG Aargau43104,06
KöllikenAG Aargau42768,84
KönizBE Bern035551,06
KonolfingenBE Bern061212,71
KoppigenBE Bern04136,93
Kradolf-SchönenbergTG Thurgau450110,94
KrattigenBE Bern05665,99
KrauchthalBE Bern041419,37
KreuzlingenTG Thurgau467111,48
KriechenwilBE Bern06664,78
KriegstettenSO Solothurn25251,12
KriensLU Lucern105927,25
KüblisGR Graubünden38828,13
KüntenAG Aargau40314,89
KüsnachtKüsnachtZH Curych015412,32
KüssnachtKüssnacht SZSZ Schwyz133129,46
KüttigenAG Aargau400811,89
La BarocheJU Jura681031,13
La BrévineNE Neuchâtel643241,93
La BrillazFR Fribourg223410,28
La Chaux (Cossonay)VD Vaud54746,77
La Chaux-de-FondsNE Neuchâtel642155,74
La Chaux-du-MilieuNE Neuchâtel643517,36
La Côte-aux-FéesNE Neuchâtel650412,86
La FerrièreLa Ferrière BEBE Bern043514,17
La Grande BérocheNE Neuchâtel641742,21
La NeuvevilleBE Bern07236,80
La PrazLa Praz VDVD Vaud57585,11
La Punt Chamues-chGR Graubünden378563,22
La RippeVD Vaud572616,56
La RocheLa Roche FRFR Fribourg214924,03
La SagneNE Neuchâtel642325,61
La SarrazVD Vaud54987,75
La SonnazFR Fribourg22356,93
La Tour-de-PeilzVD Vaud58893,27
La VerrerieFR Fribourg233813,45
LaaxGR Graubünden357531,68
L’AbbayeL’AbbayeVD Vaud587131,91
L’AbergementL’Abergement VDVD Vaud57415,81
LachenLachen SZSZ Schwyz13442,40
LaconnexGE Ženeva66273,82
LajouxLajoux JUJU Jura675012,39
LaldenVS Valais62861,28
LamoneTI Ticino51891,86
LampenbergBL Basilej-venkov28874,04
LancyGE Ženeva66284,84
LandiswilBE Bern061310,26
LandquartLandquart GRGR Graubünden395518,92
LangenbruckLangenbruck BLBL Basilej-venkov288815,70
LangendorfLangendorf SOSO Solothurn25501,96
LangenthalBE Bern032921,14
Langnau am AlbisZH Curych01368,67
Langnau im EmmentalBE Bern090248,38
LangrickenbachTG Thurgau468110,85
Lantsch/LenzGR Graubünden351321,83
LaténaNE Neuchâtel651326,06
LauenenBE Bern084258,55
LauerzSZ Schwyz13659,18
LäufelfingenBL Basilej-venkov28528,14
LaufenLaufen BLBL Basilej-venkov278711,35
LaufenburgLaufenburg AGAG Aargau417014,45
Laufen-UhwiesenZH Curych00346,29
LaupenBE Bern06674,10
LaupersdorfSO Solothurn242615,55
LauperswilBE Bern090321,17
LausanneVD Vaud558641,37
LausenLausen BLBL Basilej-venkov28285,54
LauterbrunnenBE Bern0584164,36
LauwilBL Basilej-venkov28897,32
LavertezzoTI Ticino51120,90
Lavey-MorclesVD Vaud540614,16
LavignyLavigny VDVD Vaud56373,97
LavizzaraTI Ticino5323187,53
LaxLax VSVS Valais60615,42
Le BémontLe BémontJU Jura674111,67
Le Cerneux-PéquignotNE Neuchâtel643415,68
Le ChâtelardLe Châtelard FRFR Fribourg20677,47
Le ChenitVD Vaud587299,18
Le FlonFR Fribourg23379,58
Le Grand-SaconnexGE Ženeva66234,36
Le LanderonNE Neuchâtel645510,23
Le LieuVD Vaud587332,52
Le LocleNE Neuchâtel643634,66
Le Mont-sur-LausanneVD Vaud55879,72
Le MouretFR Fribourg222018,60
Le NoirmontJU Jura675420,39
Le PâquierLe Pâquier FRFR Fribourg21454,49
Le VaudVD Vaud57313,13
LeibstadtAG Aargau43116,38
LeimbachLeimbach AGAG Aargau41371,13
LeissigenBE Bern058510,41
LengnauLengnau AGAG Aargau431212,64
LengnauLengnau BEBE Bern03877,43
LengwilTG Thurgau46838,84
LenkBE Bern0792123,07
LensLens VSVS Valais624014,01
LenzburgAG Aargau420111,35
Les BoisJU Jura674224,65
Les BreuleuxJU Jura674314,87
Les CléesVD Vaud57507,04
Les EnfersJU Jura67457,07
Les GenevezLes GenevezJU Jura674813,62
Les MontetsFR Fribourg205010,31
Les PlanchettesNE Neuchâtel642211,69
Les Ponts-de-MartelNE Neuchâtel643718,13
Les VerrièresNE Neuchâtel651128,86
LeuggernAG Aargau431313,73
LeukVS Valais611055,13
LeukerbadVS Valais611167,32
LeutwilAG Aargau41383,76
LeuzigenBE Bern038810,25
LeysinVD Vaud540718,54
LeytronVS Valais613526,88
LichtensteigSG St. Gallen33742,83
LiddesVS Valais603358,66
LiedertswilBL Basilej-venkov28901,94
LiesbergBL Basilej-venkov278812,47
LiestalBL Basilej-venkov282918,17
LigerzBE Bern07401,75
LignerolleVD Vaud575510,62
LignièresLignières NENE Neuchâtel645612,51
LindauLindau ZHZH Curych017611,92
LindenLinden BEBE Bern061413,25
LinescioTI Ticino53156,60
L’IsleL’Isle VDVD Vaud548616,26
LocarnoTI Ticino511318,79
LohnLohn SHSH Schaffhausen29174,88
Lohn-AmmannseggSO Solothurn25264,52
LöhningenSH Schaffhausen29036,85
LommisTG Thurgau47418,63
LommiswilSO Solothurn25515,77
LonayVD Vaud56383,71
LongirodVD Vaud54299,48
LosoneTI Ticino51159,26
LostalloGR Graubünden382150,90
LostorfSO Solothurn249313,27
LotzwilBE Bern03316,20
LovatensVD Vaud56743,47
LoveresseBE Bern06964,70
LucensVD Vaud567519,29
LufingenZH Curych00635,18
LuganoTI Ticino519275,98
LuinsVD Vaud58582,64
LullyLully FRFR Fribourg20255,44
LullyLully VDVD Vaud56392,05
LuminoLumino TITI Ticino501010,17
LumneziaGR Graubünden3618165,44
LungernOW Obwalden140546,49
LupfigAG Aargau41048,45
LupsingenBL Basilej-venkov28303,14
LüscherzBE Bern04975,37
Lussery-VillarsVD Vaud54873,74
Lüsslingen-NennigkofenSO Solothurn24647,81
Lussy-sur-MorgesVD Vaud56402,36
LuterbachSO Solothurn25274,55
Lüterkofen-IchertswilSO Solothurn24554,39
LuthernLU Lucern113537,83
LütisburgSG St. Gallen339314,05
LutryVD Vaud56068,43
LütschentalBE Bern058612,29
LützelflühBE Bern095526,86
LutzenbergLutzenberg ARAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden30332,25
LuzeinGR Graubünden389183,82
LucernLU Lucern106129,07
LyssBE Bern030614,87
LyssachBE Bern04156,04
MadiswilBE Bern033223,16
MadulainGR Graubünden378316,35
MagdenAG Aargau425311,01
MägenwilAG Aargau40323,49
MaggiaMaggia TITI Ticino5317111,17
MagliasoTI Ticino51931,10
MaienfeldGR Graubünden395332,37
MaisprachBL Basilej-venkov28535,02
MalansMalans GRGR Graubünden395411,38
MaltersLU Lucern106228,60
MammernTG Thurgau48265,47
MandachAG Aargau41055,56
MännedorfZH Curych01554,76
MannoManno TITI Ticino51942,38
MaraconVD Vaud57904,44
MarbachMarbach SGSG St. Gallen32534,41
MarchissyVD Vaud543011,94
MarlyMarly FRFR Fribourg22067,71
MarsensFR Fribourg21407,83
MärstettenTG Thurgau49419,93
MarthalenZH Curych003514,15
MartignyVS Valais613632,59
Martigny-CombeVS Valais613737,45
MaschwandenZH Curych00084,68
MaseinGR Graubünden36634,19
MassagnoTI Ticino51960,74
MassongexVS Valais62156,61
MassonnensFR Fribourg20864,30
MathodVD Vaud59196,60
MatranFR Fribourg22082,92
Matten bei InterlakenBE Bern05875,99
MattstettenBE Bern05433,78
MatzendorfMatzendorf SOSO Solothurn242711,29
MatzingenTG Thurgau45917,69
MauborgetVD Vaud55625,52
MauenseeMauensee LULU Lucern10917,23
MaurZH Curych019514,81
MaurazVD Vaud54880,50
Medel (Lucmagn)GR Graubünden3983136,22
MeggenMeggen LULU Lucern10637,25
MeienriedBE Bern03890,65
MeierskappelLU Lucern10646,75
MeikirchBE Bern030710,24
MeilenZH Curych015611,88
MeinierGE Ženeva66296,94
MeinisbergBE Bern03904,37
MeiringenBE Bern078540,67
MeisterschwandenAG Aargau42024,28
MelchnauBE Bern033310,37
MelideMelide TITI Ticino51981,64
MellikonAG Aargau43142,71
MellingenMellingen AGAG Aargau40334,82
MelsSG St. Gallen3293139,16
MeltingenSO Solothurn26205,76
MendrisioTI Ticino525431,72
MénieresFR Fribourg20274,35
MenzikenAG Aargau41397,32
MenzingenMenzingen ZGZG Zug170427,46
MenznauLU Lucern113630,38
MerenschwandAG Aargau423413,53
MergosciaTI Ticino511712,15
MerishausenSH Schaffhausen293617,54
MervelierJU Jura67159,76
MerzligenBE Bern07412,26
MesoccoGR Graubünden3822164,75
MessenMessen SOSO Solothurn245711,90
MettauertalAG Aargau418421,59
MettembertJU Jura67162,36
MettmenstettenZH Curych000913,07
Metzerlen-MariasteinSO Solothurn24778,50
Mex (Vaud)Mex VDVD Vaud54892,90
MeyriezMerlach FRFR Fribourg22710,34
MeyrinGE Ženeva66309,90
MézieresMézieres FRFR Fribourg20878,95
Mezzovico-ViraTI Ticino519911,13
MiesMies VDVD Vaud57233,51
MigliegliaTI Ticino52005,14
MilvignesNE Neuchâtel64168,82
MinusioTI Ticino51185,84
MirchelBE Bern06152,35
Misery-CourtionFR Fribourg227211,39
MissyMissy VDVD Vaud58213,05
MöhlinAG Aargau425418,81
Moiry (Vaud)Moiry VDVD Vaud54906,68
Mollens (Vuad)Mollens VDVD Vaud543111,06
MolondinVD Vaud59215,52
MönchaltorfZH Curych01967,61
MontagnyMontagny FRFR Fribourg202917,52
Montagny-près-YverdonVD Vaud59223,51
MontanaireVD Vaud569333,47
MontcherandVD Vaud57563,04
MonteceneriTI Ticino523836,00
Montet (Glâne)FR Fribourg20892,22
MontfauconMontfaucon JUJU Jura675118,24
MönthalAG Aargau41063,93
MontheyVS Valais615328,65
MontilliezVD Vaud554011,84
Mont-la-VilleVD Vaud549119,81
Mont-NobleVS Valais609043,85
MontpreveyresVD Vaud57924,16
MontreuxVD Vaud588633,46
MontricherMontricher VDVD Vaud549225,95
Mont-sur-RolleVD Vaud58593,85
Mont-TramelanBE Bern04374,71
Mont-VullyFR Fribourg228417,50
MoosleerauAG Aargau42773,86
MoosseedorfBE Bern05446,36
Morbio InferioreTI Ticino52572,28
MorcoteTI Ticino52032,78
Mörel-FiletVS Valais62038,50
MorgesVD Vaud56423,87
MörigenBE Bern07422,20
Möriken-WildeggAG Aargau42036,60
MorlonFR Fribourg21432,61
Morrens (Vaud)MorrensVD Vaud55273,71
MorschachSZ Schwyz136620,85
MörschwilSG St. Gallen32149,86
MosnangSG St. Gallen339450,55
MoudonVD Vaud567815,65
MoutierBE Bern070019,69
MovelierJU Jura67188,06
MuhenAG Aargau40097,02
MühlauMühlau AGAG Aargau42355,52
MühlebergBE Bern066826,29
MüllheimMüllheim TGTG Thurgau48318,77
MülligenMülligen AGAG Aargau41073,18
Mümliswil-RamiswilSO Solothurn242835,40
MumpfAG Aargau42553,15
MünchenbuchseeBE Bern054611,67
MünchensteinBL Basilej-venkov27697,18
MünchenwilerBE Bern06692,48
MünchwilenMünchwilen AGAG Aargau41722,48
MünchwilenMünchwilen TGTG Thurgau47467,81
MünsingenMünsingen BEBE Bern061615,84
MünsterlingenTG Thurgau46915,46
MuntelierFR Fribourg22741,14
Muntogna da SchonsGR Graubünden371553,59
MüntschemierBE Bern04984,86
MuolenSG St. Gallen320210,37
MuotathalSZ Schwyz1367172,16
MuraltoTI Ticino51200,59
MurgenthalAG Aargau427918,61
MuriMuri AGAG Aargau423612,32
Muri bei BernBE Bern03567,59
MuriauxJU Jura675316,89
MurtenFR Fribourg227536,41
MutruxVD Vaud55633,22
MuttenzBL Basilej-venkov277016,61
MuzzanoMuzzano TITI Ticino52051,52
NatersVS Valais6007147,36
NebikonLU Lucern11373,73
NeckertalSG St. Gallen337881,84
NeerachZH Curych00886,00
NeftenbachZH Curych022315,05
NeggioTI Ticino52060,89
NendazVS Valais602485,89
NenzlingenBL Basilej-venkov27893,68
NesslauSG St. Gallen336092,62
NeuchâtelNeuenburg NENE Neuchâtel645830.08
NeuendorfNeuendorf SOSO Solothurn24047,14
NeueneggBE Bern067021,90
NeuenhofNeuenhof AGAG Aargau40345,41
NeuenkirchLU Lucern109325,46
Neuhausen am RheinfallSH Schaffhausen29377,99
NeuheimNeuheim ZGZG Zug17057,93
NeunfornTG Thurgau460111,35
NeunkirchSH Schaffhausen290417,88
NeyruzFR Fribourg22115,56
NidauBE Bern07431,53
NiederbippBE Bern098119,77
NiederbuchsitenSO Solothurn24055,47
NiederbürenSG St. Gallen342215,82
NiederdorfNiederdorf BLBL Basilej-venkov28914,37
NiedergestelnVS Valais619817,69
NiederglattNiederglatt ZHZH Curych00893,61
NiedergösgenSO Solothurn24954,32
NiederhasliZH Curych009011,29
NiederhelfenschwilSG St. Gallen342316,37
NiederhünigenBE Bern06175,40
NiederlenzAG Aargau42043,29
NiedermuhlernBE Bern08777,19
NiederönzBE Bern09822,81
Niederried bei InterlakenBE Bern05884,26
NiederrohrdorfAG Aargau40353,34
NiederweningenZH Curych00916,85
NiederwilNiederwil AGAG Aargau40726,07
Noble-ContréeVS Valais62546,50
NodsNods BEBE Bern072426,60
NottwilLU Lucern109410,33
NovaggioTI Ticino52074,33
NovallesVD Vaud55642,01
NovazzanoTI Ticino52605,21
NovilleNoville VDVD Vaud540810,40
Nuglar-St. PantaleonSO Solothurn24786,34
NunningenSO Solothurn262110,25
NürensdorfZH Curych006410.09
NusshofBL Basilej-venkov28541,73
NuvillyFR Fribourg20353,95
NyonVD Vaud57246,87
OberägeriZG Zug170630.03
OberbalmBE Bern035712,34
OberbippBE Bern09838,45
OberbuchsitenSO Solothurn24069,36
OberbürenSG St. Gallen342417,80
OberburgOberburg BEBE Bern041814,12
OberdiessbachBE Bern061916,52
OberdorfOberdorf BLBL Basilej-venkov28926,29
OberdorfOberdorf NWNW Nidwalden150816,10
OberdorfOberdorf SOSO Solothurn255311,89
ObereggOberegg AIAI Appenzell Innerrhoden311114,61
OberembrachZH Curych006510,19
OberemsOberems VSVS Valais611250,19
OberengstringenZH Curych02452,13
OberentfeldenAG Aargau40107,21
ObergerlafingenSO Solothurn25281,50
OberglattOberglatt ZHZH Curych00928,26
ObergomsVS Valais6076155,93
ObergösgenSO Solothurn24973,62
OberhallauSH Schaffhausen29726,03
Oberhof (Aargau)Oberhof AGAG Aargau41738,15
Oberhofen am ThunerseeBE Bern09342,75
OberhünigenBE Bern06296,04
OberibergSZ Schwyz136833,18
OberkirchOberkirch LULU Lucern10959,11
OberkulmAG Aargau41409,43
OberlangeneggBE Bern09359,13
OberlunkhofenAG Aargau40733,27
ObermumpfAG Aargau42565,03
Oberried am BrienzerseeBE Bern058920,18
OberriedenOberrieden ZHZH Curych01372,76
OberrietOberriet SGSG St. Gallen325434,55
OberrohrdorfAG Aargau40374,32
OberrütiAG Aargau42375,34
Obersaxen MundaunGR Graubünden398870,31
ObersiggenthalAG Aargau40388,37
OberthalOberthal BEBE Bern062010,55
OberuzwilSG St. Gallen340714,09
OberweningenZH Curych00934,91
OberwilOberwil BLBL Basilej-venkov27717,87
Oberwil bei BürenBE Bern03916,75
Oberwil im SimmentalBE Bern076645,91
Oberwil-LieliAG Aargau40745,36
ObfeldenZH Curych00107,56
OchlenbergBE Bern098512,10
OekingenSO Solothurn25292,39
OensingenSO Solothurn240712,07
OeschenbachBE Bern03353,88
OeschgenAG Aargau41754,42
Oetwil am SeeZH Curych01576,09
Oetwil an der LimmatZH Curych02462,77
OftringenAG Aargau428012,88
OgensVD Vaud56803,38
OllonVD Vaud540959,53
OlsbergOlsberg AGAG Aargau42574,64
OltenSO Solothurn258111,46
OltingenBL Basilej-venkov28557,20
OnexGE Ženeva66312,82
OnnensOnnens VDVD Vaud55655,13
OnsernoneTI Ticino5136105,27
OpfikonZH Curych00665,60
OppensVD Vaud59233,62
OppligenBE Bern06223,41
OrbeOrbe VDVD Vaud575712,04
OrgesOrges VDVD Vaud59244,06
OriglioTI Ticino52082,08
OrmalingenBL Basilej-venkov28566,94
Ormont-DessousVD Vaud541064,10
Ormont-DessusVD Vaud541161,60
OrnyOrny VDVD Vaud54935,51
OronOron VDVD Vaud580526,28
OrpundBE Bern07443,94
OrselinaTI Ticino51211,94
OrsièresVS Valais6034164,91
OrvinBE Bern043821,62
OrzensVD Vaud59254,21
OssingenZH Curych003713,09
OstermundigenBE Bern03635,97
OtelfingenZH Curych00947,19
OthmarsingenAG Aargau42054,72
OttenbachOttenbach ZHZH Curych00115,01
Oulens-sous-ÉchallensVD Vaud55295,87
PaillyPailly VDVD Vaud55305,76
ParadisoParadiso TITI Ticino52100,89
PaudexVD Vaud55880,49
PayerneVD Vaud582224,22
PenthalazVD Vaud54953,85
PenthazVD Vaud54963,85
PenthéréazVD Vaud55315,71
Perly-CertouxGE Ženeva66322,56
PerrefitteBE Bern07018,61
PerroyPerroy VDVD Vaud58602,87
PersonicoTI Ticino507638,91
Péry-La HeutteBE Bern045023,75
Petit-ValBE Bern071623,82
PfäfersSG St. Gallen3294128,41
PfäffikonPfäffikon ZHZH Curych017719,51
PfaffnauLU Lucern113917,66
PfeffingenPfeffingen BLBL Basilej-venkov27724,86
PfungenZH Curych02244,99
PfynTG Thurgau484113,07
PierrafortschaFR Fribourg22165,07
PieterlenBE Bern03928,37
PlaffeienFR Fribourg229966,61
Plan-les-OuatesGE Ženeva66335,82
PlasselbFR Fribourg230018,16
Plateau de DiesseBE Bern072625,62
PleigneJU Jura671917,81
PohlernBE Bern09369,89
Poliez-PittetVD Vaud55334,97
PollegioTI Ticino50775,98
PompaplesVD Vaud54974,44
PomyPomy VDVD Vaud59265,60
Ponte CapriascaTI Ticino52126,21
Pont-en-OgozFR Fribourg212210,13
Pont-la-VillePont-la-Ville FRFR Fribourg21474,36
PontresinaGR Graubünden3784118,21
PorrentruyPruntrutJU Jura680014,79
Port (kanton Bern)Port BEBE Bern07452,43
Port-ValaisVS Valais615414,37
PorzaTI Ticino52141,54
PoschiavoGR Graubünden3561190,97
PranginsVD Vaud57256,05
Prato (Leventina)TI Ticino507816,82
PrattelnBL Basilej-venkov283110,74
Pregny-ChambésyGE Ženeva66343,25
PremierPremier VDVD Vaud57596,05
PresingeGE Ženeva66354,72
PréverengesVD Vaud56431,85
PrévondavauxFR Fribourg20381,83
PrévonloupVD Vaud56831,81
PrezPrez FRFR Fribourg223716,05
PrillyVD Vaud55892,19
ProvenceProvence VDVD Vaud556631,88
PuidouxVD Vaud560722,80
PullyVD Vaud55905,94
PuplingeGE Ženeva66362,65
PuraPura TITI Ticino52163,09
QuartenSG St. Gallen329561,69
QuintoQuinto TITI Ticino507975,28
RadelfingenBE Bern030914,71
RafzZH Curych006710,71
RainRain LULU Lucern10379,44
RamlinsburgBL Basilej-venkov28322,26
RamsenRamsen SHSH Schaffhausen296313,45
RancesRances VDVD Vaud57609,88
RandaRanda VSVS Valais628754,44
RaperswilenTG Thurgau48467,72
Rapperswil (BE)Rapperswil BEBE Bern031022,55
Rapperswil-JonaSG St. Gallen334022,15
RaronVS Valais619930,27
RebévelierBE Bern07153,55
RealpUR Uri121277,81
RebsteinSG St. Gallen32554,35
RecherswilSO Solothurn25303,34
RechthaltenFR Fribourg23017,29
ReconvilierBE Bern07038,24
RegensbergZH Curych00952,39
RegensdorfZH Curych009614,60
RehetobelAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden30346,71
Reichenbach im KandertalBE Bern0567125,78
ReichenburgSZ Schwyz134511,54
ReidenLU Lucern114027,00
ReigoldswilBL Basilej-venkov28939,18
ReinachReinach AGAG Aargau41419,55
ReinachReinach BLBL Basilej-venkov27736,93
ReisiswilBE Bern03361,97
ReitnauAG Aargau42817,98
RemaufensFR Fribourg23335,90
RemetschwilAG Aargau40393,85
RemigenAG Aargau41107,89
RenanRenan BEBE Bern044112,64
RenensRenensVD Vaud55912,95
RennazVD Vaud54122,18
ReuteReute ARAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden30354,95
ReutigenBE Bern076713,75
RhäzünsGR Graubünden372313,28
RheinauRheinau ZHZH Curych00388,93
RheineckRheineck SGSG St. Gallen32352,22
RheinfeldenRheinfelden AGAG Aargau425816,05
RheinwaldRheinwald GRGR Graubünden3714136,82
RiazFR Fribourg21487,78
RichterswilZH Curych01387,53
RickenbachRickenbach BLBL Basilej-venkov28572,92
RickenbachRickenbach LULU Lucern109711,78
RickenbachRickenbach SOSO Solothurn25822,76
RickenbachRickenbach TGTG Thurgau47511,59
RickenbachRickenbach ZHZH Curych02256,05
RiddesVS Valais613923,89
Ried bei KerzersFR Fribourg22767,54
Ried-BrigVS Valais600847,61
RiederalpVS Valais618119,04
RiedholzRiedholz SOSO Solothurn25547,17
RiehenBS Basilej-město270310,89
RiemenstaldenSZ Schwyz136911,21
RifferswilZH Curych00126,58
RiggisbergBE Bern087934,50
Ringgenberg (kanton Bern)Ringgenberg BEBE Bern05908,74
RinikenAG Aargau41114,76
RischZG Zug170714,82
Riva San VitaleTI Ticino52636,08
RivazRivaz VDVD Vaud56090,31
RivieraRiviera TITI Ticino528786,57
RocheRoche VDVD Vaud54136,42
RochefortRochefort NENE Neuchâtel641325,79
RochesRoches BEBE Bern07049,03
RodersdorfSO Solothurn24795,32
RoggenburgRoggenburg BLBL Basilej-venkov27906,68
RoggliswilLU Lucern11426,22
RoggwilRoggwil BEBE Bern03377,84
RoggwilRoggwil TGTG Thurgau443111,93
RohrbachRohrbach BEBE Bern03384,08
RohrbachgrabenRohrbachgraben BEBE Bern03396,46
RolleRolle VDVD Vaud58612,72
Romainmôtier-EnvyVD Vaud57616,99
Romanel-sur-LausanneVD Vaud55922,92
Romanel-sur-MorgesVD Vaud56451,71
RomanshornTG Thurgau44368,69
RömerswilLU Lucern103916,68
RomontRomont BEBE Bern04426,94
RomontRomont FRFR Fribourg209610,88
RomoosLU Lucern100737,35
Ronco sopra AsconaTI Ticino51254,99
RongellenGR Graubünden37112,04
RootRoot LULU Lucern10658,65
RoprazVD Vaud57984,77
RorbasZH Curych00684,50
RorschachSG St. Gallen32151,77
RorschacherbergSG St. Gallen32167,12
RöschenzBL Basilej-venkov279110.02
RossaRossa GRGR Graubünden380858,93
RossemaisonJU Jura67211,93
RossengesVD Vaud56841,06
RossinièreVD Vaud584223,35
Röthenbach im EmmentalBE Bern090436,80
RothenbrunnenGR Graubünden36373,10
RothenburgRothenburg LULU Lucern104015,49
RothenfluhBL Basilej-venkov285810,91
RothenthurmRothenthurm SZSZ Schwyz137022,76
RothristAG Aargau428211,82
RottenschwilAG Aargau42384,46
RougemontRougemont VDVD Vaud584348,54
RoveredoRoveredo GRGR Graubünden383438,77
RovrayVD Vaud59283,23
RubigenBE Bern06236,94
RüderswilBE Bern090517,19
RüdlingenSH Schaffhausen29385,53
Rudolfstetten-FriedlisbergAG Aargau40754,88
Rüdtligen-AlchenflühBE Bern04202,71
RueRue FRFR Fribourg209711,27
RüeggisbergBE Bern088035,75
RüegsauBE Bern095615,03
RueyresRueyres VDVD Vaud55341,99
RüfenachAG Aargau41124,18
RumendingenBE Bern04212,48
RumisbergBE Bern09875,13
RümlangZH Curych009712,42
RümlingenBL Basilej-venkov28592,28
RünenbergBL Basilej-venkov28604,96
RupperswilAG Aargau42066,16
RüscheggBE Bern085357,30
RüschlikonZH Curych01392,93
RussikonZH Curych017814,27
RussinGE Ženeva66374,93
RuswilLU Lucern109845,30
RüthiRüthi SGSG St. Gallen32569,32
RütiRüti ZHZH Curych011810.09
Rüti bei BürenBE Bern03936,50
Rüti bei LyssachBE Bern04221,33
RütschelenBE Bern03404,01
RüttenenSO Solothurn25558,79
SaanenBE Bern0843120.07
Saas-AlmagellVS Valais6288110,52
Saas-BalenVS Valais628930,29
Saas-FeeVS Valais629040,33
Saas-GrundVS Valais629124,79
SachselnOW Obwalden140653,86
SafenwilAG Aargau42836,03
SafientalSafiental GRGR Graubünden3672151,42
SafnernBE Bern07465,64
SagognGR Graubünden35816,95
SaicourtBE Bern070613,80
SaignelégierJU Jura675731,76
SaillonVS Valais614013,68
Saint-AubinSaint-Aubin FRFR Fribourg20417,91
Saint-BarthélemySaint-Barthélemy VDVD Vaud55354,14
Saint-BraisJU Jura675815,14
Saint-CergueVD Vaud572724,26
Sainte-CroixSainte-Croix VDVD Vaud556839,36
Saint-GeorgeVD Vaud543412,32
Saint-GingolphSaint-Gingolph VSVS Valais615514,46
Saint-ImierBE Bern044320,80
Saint-LéonardSaint-Léonard VSVS Valais62463,88
Saint-LivresVD Vaud54358,11
Saint-MartinSaint-Martin FRFR Fribourg23359,76
Saint-MartinSaint-Martin VSVS Valais608736,94
Saint-MauriceSaint-Maurice VSVS Valais621714,89
Saint-OyensVD Vaud54363,04
Saint-PrexVD Vaud56465,49
Saint-Saphorin (Lavaux)VD Vaud56100,89
Saint-SulpiceSaint-Sulpice VDVD Vaud56481,82
SalensteinTG Thurgau48516,49
SâlesFR Fribourg215218,81
SalgeschVS Valais611311,40
SalmsachTG Thurgau44412,64
SalvanSalvan VSVS Valais621853,40
SamedanGR Graubünden3786113,96
SamnaunGR Graubünden375256,15
San VittoreSan Vittore GRGR Graubünden383522,03
Santa Maria in CalancaGR Graubünden38109,32
Sant’AntoninoSant’Antonino TITI Ticino50176,56
SargansSG St. Gallen32969,46
SarmenstorfAG Aargau40768,27
SarnenOW Obwalden140773,15
SatignyGE Ženeva663818,91
SattelSattel SZSZ Schwyz137117,35
SaubrazVD Vaud54373,69
SaugeBE Bern044913,46
SaulcyJU Jura67227,92
SaulesSaules BEBE Bern07074,26
SavièseVS Valais626570,99
SavignySavigny VDVD Vaud561116,10
SavosaTI Ticino52210,75
SaxetenBE Bern059119,42
SaxonSaxon VSVS Valais614123,22
SchaffhausenSH Schaffhausen293941,94
SchafisheimAG Aargau42076,34
S-chanfGR Graubünden3788138,02
SchangnauBE Bern090636,52
SchänisSG St. Gallen331539,88
ScharansGR Graubünden363814,29
SchattdorfUR Uri121316,29
SchattenhalbBE Bern078631,55
ScheltenBE Bern07085,54
SchenkonLU Lucern10996,77
ScheurenScheuren BEBE Bern07472,10
SchiersGR Graubünden396261,72
SchinznachAG Aargau412512,23
SchlattSchlatt TGTG Thurgau454615,51
SchlattSchlatt ZHZH Curych02269,04
Schlatt-HaslenAI Appenzell Innerrhoden310417,89
SchleinikonZH Curych00985,66
SchleitheimSH Schaffhausen295221,53
SchlierbachSchlierbach LULU Lucern11007,22
SchlierenZH Curych02476,54
SchlossruedAG Aargau41427,27
SchlueinGR Graubünden35824,81
SchmerikonSG St. Gallen33384,09
SchmiedruedAG Aargau41438,60
SchmittenSchmitten FRFR Fribourg230513,50
SchmittenSchmitten GRGR Graubünden351411,32
SchneisingenAG Aargau43188,30
SchnottwilSO Solothurn24617,16
SchöfflisdorfZH Curych00993,95
SchöftlandAG Aargau41446,21
SchönenbuchBL Basilej-venkov27741,33
SchönengrundAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden30035,20
SchönenwerdSO Solothurn25833,74
SchongauSchongau LULU Lucern104112,43
SchönholzerswilenTG Thurgau475610,96
SchötzLU Lucern114315,32
SchübelbachSZ Schwyz134629,04
SchupfartAG Aargau42597,03
SchüpfenBE Bern031119,87
SchüpfheimLU Lucern100838,41
SchwaderlochAG Aargau41762,79
SchwadernauBE Bern07484,09
Schwanden bei BrienzBE Bern05927,03
SchwarzenbergSchwarzenberg LULU Lucern106639,26
SchwarzenburgSchwarzenburg BEBE Bern085544,82
SchwarzhäusernBE Bern03413,77
SchwellbrunnAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden300417,40
Schwende-RüteAI Appenzell Innerrhoden311298,33
SchwerzenbachZH Curych01972,64
SchwyzSchwyz (Gemeinde)SZ Schwyz137253,09
ScuolGR Graubünden3762438,76
SeebergSeeberg BEBE Bern098816,85
SeedorfSeedorf BEBE Bern031220,88
SeedorfSeedorf URUR Uri121419,28
SeegräbenZH Curych01193,78
SeehofSeehof BEBE Bern07098,41
SeelisbergUR Uri121513,18
SeengenAG Aargau42089,62
SeewenSeewen SOSO Solothurn248016,39
Seewis im PrättigauGR Graubünden397249,60
SeftigenBE Bern08833,92
SeltisbergBL Basilej-venkov28333,54
SelzachSO Solothurn255619,46
SembrancherVS Valais603517,72
SempachLU Lucern11028,94
SemsalesFR Fribourg233629,39
SenarclensVD Vaud54993,95
SennwaldSG St. Gallen327441,55
SeonAG Aargau42099,64
SergeyVD Vaud57621,48
SerravalleSerravalle TITI Ticino505096,77
ServionVD Vaud57996,27
SeuzachZH Curych02277,60
SévazFR Fribourg20432,48
SevelenSevelen SGSG St. Gallen327530,30
SiblingenSH Schaffhausen29539,37
SierreSidersVS Valais624819,15
SiglistorfAG Aargau43195,55
SignauBE Bern090722,15
Signy-AvenexVD Vaud57281,93
SigriswilBE Bern093855,34
SilenenSilenen URUR Uri1216144,75
Sils im DomleschgGR Graubünden36409,30
Sils im Engadin/SeglGR Graubünden378963,55
SilvaplanaGR Graubünden379044,74
SimplonSimplon VSVS Valais600991,11
SinsAG Aargau423920,27
SionSittenVS Valais626634,76
SirnachTG Thurgau476112,39
SiselenBE Bern04995,52
SisikonUR Uri121716,44
SissachBL Basilej-venkov28618,93
SisselnAG Aargau41772,58
SiviriezFR Fribourg209920,28
SoazzaGR Graubünden382346,37
SolothurnSO Solothurn26016,25
SommeriTG Thurgau44464,21
Sonceboz-SombevalBE Bern044414,95
SonvilierBE Bern044523,80
SoralSoral GEGE Ženeva66392,93
SorengoTI Ticino52250,85
SorensFR Fribourg21538,73
SorvilierBE Bern07116,89
SoubeyJU Jura675913,50
SoyhièresJU Jura67247,53
SpeicherSpeicher ARAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden30238,20
SpiezBE Bern076816,73
SpiringenUR Uri121864,76
SpreitenbachAG Aargau40408,62
St. GallenSG St. Gallen320339,33
St. MargrethenSG St. Gallen32366,85
St. MoritzGR Graubünden378728,69
St. NiklausSt. Niklaus VSVS Valais629289,30
St. SilvesterSt. Silvester FRFR Fribourg23037,02
St. StephanSt. Stephan BEBE Bern079360,86
St. UrsenFR Fribourg230415,68
StabioTI Ticino52666,16
StadelStadel bei NiederglattZH Curych010012,88
StäfaZH Curych01588,61
StaffelbachStaffelbach AGAG Aargau42848,96
StaldenStalden VSVS Valais629310,60
StaldenriedVS Valais629414,23
StallikonZH Curych001312,02
StammheimStammheim ZHZH Curych029223,93
StansNW Nidwalden150911,08
StansstadNW Nidwalden15109,10
Starrkirch-WilSO Solothurn25841,84
StaufenStaufen AGAG Aargau42103,53
SteckbornTG Thurgau48648,77
SteffisburgBE Bern093914,81
Steg-HohtennVS Valais620414,03
SteinStein AGAG Aargau42602,81
SteinStein ARAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden30059,33
Stein am RheinSH Schaffhausen29645,82
SteinachSteinach SGSG St. Gallen32174,50
SteinenSteinen SZSZ Schwyz137311,83
SteinerbergSZ Schwyz13746,96
SteinhausenSteinhausen ZGZG Zug17085,04
SteinmaurZH Curych01019,47
StettenStetten AGAG Aargau40414,45
StettenStetten SHSH Schaffhausen29194,71
StettfurtTG Thurgau46066,31
StettlenBE Bern03583,49
Stocken-HöfenBE Bern077014,24
StrengelbachAG Aargau42856,05
StudenStuden BEBE Bern07492,76
StüsslingenSO Solothurn24998,39
SubingenSO Solothurn25326,24
SuchyVD Vaud59296,69
SufersGR Graubünden369534,56
SuhrSuhrAG Aargau401210,61
SulgenSulgen TGTG Thurgau45069,06
SullensVD Vaud55013,90
SumiswaldBE Bern095759,38
SumvitgGR Graubünden3985101,84
SurpierreFR Fribourg204414,80
SurseeLU Lucern11035,85
SursesGR Graubünden3543323,75
SuscévazVD Vaud59304,15
Sutz-LattrigenBE Bern07503,56
SyensVD Vaud56882,53
TafersFR Fribourg230641,35
TägerigAG Aargau40773,28
TägerwilenTG Thurgau469611,57
TaminsGR Graubünden373340,71
TannayTannay VDVD Vaud57291,78
TartegninVD Vaud58621,09
TäschVS Valais629558,72
TäuffelenBE Bern07514,34
TavannesBE Bern071314,80
TecknauBL Basilej-venkov28622,38
TegerfeldenAG Aargau43207,07
Tenero-ContraTI Ticino51313,70
TennikenBL Basilej-venkov28634,69
TentlingenFR Fribourg23073,66
TermenVS Valais601018,65
Terre di PedemonteTI Ticino539611,55
TeufenTeufen ARAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden302415,29
TeufenthalTeufenthalAG Aargau41453,55
TeuffenthalTeuffenthalBE Bern09404,57
TévenonVD Vaud557114,31
ThalThal SGSG St. Gallen32379,64
Thalheim (Aargau)Thalheim AGAG Aargau41179,89
Thalheim an der ThurZH Curych00396,45
ThalwilZH Curych01415,51
ThayngenSH Schaffhausen292019,96
TherwilBL Basilej-venkov27757,66
ThierachernBE Bern09417,53
ThônexGE Ženeva66403,84
ThörigenBE Bern09894,56
ThunBE Bern094221,56
ThundorfThundorf TGTG Thurgau461115,60
ThunstettenThunstetten BEBE Bern03429,68
ThurnenBE Bern08895,95
ThürnenBL Basilej-venkov28642,29
ThusisGR Graubünden366816,77
TittertenBL Basilej-venkov28943,68
Tobel-TägerschenTG Thurgau47767,11
ToffenBE Bern08844,86
TolochenazVD Vaud56491,58
TörbelVS Valais629617,57
TornyFR Fribourg211510,23
Torricella-TaverneTI Ticino52275,29
TrachselwaldBE Bern095815,99
TramelanBE Bern044624,79
TrasadingenSH Schaffhausen29734,12
TreitenBE Bern05004,71
TrélexVD Vaud57305,85
TresaTresa TITI Ticino523911,04
TreyVD Vaud58273,77
TreycovagnesVD Vaud59312,07
Treytorrens (Payerne)VD Vaud58283,11
TreyvauxFR Fribourg222611,38
TriengenLU Lucern110422,08
TrientTrient VSVS Valais614239,60
TrimbachTrimbach SOSO Solothurn25007,64
TrimmisGR Graubünden394542,88
TrinGR Graubünden373447,24
TrogenTrogen ARAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden302510.02
TroinexGE Ženeva66413,45
TroistorrentsVS Valais615636,92
TrubBE Bern090862,01
TrubschachenBE Bern090915,69
TrüllikonZH Curych00409,56
TrunTrun GRGR Graubünden398751,88
TruttikonZH Curych00414,40
TschappinaGR Graubünden366924,67
Tschiertschen-PradenGR Graubünden393227,80
TschuggBE Bern05013,31
TübachSG St. Gallen32181,98
TuggenSZ Schwyz134713,54
TujetschGR Graubünden3986133,92
TurbenthalZH Curych022825,26
Turtmann-UnteremsVS Valais611942,48
Twann-TüscherzBE Bern075612,31
UdligenswilLU Lucern10676,24
UeberstorfFR Fribourg230816,12
UebeschiBE Bern09434,42
UerkheimAG Aargau42867,11
Uesslingen-BuchTG Thurgau461614,01
UetendorfBE Bern094410,17
Uetikon am SeeZH Curych01593,51
UezwilAG Aargau40782,47
UfhusenLU Lucern114512,19
UitikonZH Curych02484,39
UlmizFR Fribourg22782,87
UnterägeriZG Zug170925,65
UnterbächVS Valais620122,13
UntereggenSG St. Gallen32197,07
UnterengstringenZH Curych02493,36
UnterentfeldenAG Aargau40132,88
UnteribergSZ Schwyz137546,49
UnterkulmAG Aargau41468,90
UnterlangeneggBE Bern09456,82
UnterlunkhofenAG Aargau40794,48
UnterramsernSO Solothurn24631,54
UnterschächenUR Uri121980,22
UnterseenBE Bern059313,97
UntersiggenthalAG Aargau40448,27
UntervazGR Graubünden394627,69
UrdorfZH Curych02507,58
UrmeinGR Graubünden36704,34
UrnäschAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden300648,13
UrsenbachUrsenbach BEBE Bern03449,16
UrsinsVD Vaud59323,38
UrsyFR Fribourg210214,84
Urtenen-SchönbühlBE Bern05517,16
UsterZH Curych019828,49
UttigenBE Bern08853,78
UttwilTG Thurgau44514,37
UtzenstorfBE Bern055217,00
UznachSG St. Gallen33397,57
UzwilSG St. Gallen340814,50
VacalloTI Ticino52681,64
Val MaraVal Mara TITI Ticino524011,15
Val MüstairGR Graubünden3847198,60
Val TerbiVal Terbi JUJU Jura673046,73
ValbirseBE Bern071718,73
ValbroyeVD Vaud583133,52
Val de BagnesVal de Bagnes VSVS Valais6037301,91
Val-de-CharmeyFR Fribourg2163112,09
Val-de-RuzVal-de-Ruz NENE Neuchâtel6487124,38
Val-de-TraversVal-de-Travers NENE Neuchâtel6512124,61
Val-d’IlliezVal-d’IlliezVS Valais615739,25
Valeyres-sous-MontagnyVD Vaud59332,25
Valeyres-sous-RancesVD Vaud57636,36
Valeyres-sous-UrsinsVD Vaud59342,85
VallonVallon FRFR Fribourg20453,50
VallorbeVD Vaud576423,16
ValsVals GRGR Graubünden3603175,50
ValsotGR Graubünden3764159,10
VandœuvresVandoeuvresGE Ženeva66424,43
VarenVaren VSVS Valais611612,77
VaulionVD Vaud576513,18
VaulruzFR Fribourg215510.05
Vaux-sur-MorgesVD Vaud56502,10
Vaz/ObervazGR Graubünden350642,50
VechigenBE Bern035924,87
VeltheimVeltheim AGAG Aargau41205,20
VendlincourtJU Jura68069,15
VernateVernate TITI Ticino52301,52
VernayazVS Valais62195,64
VernierGE Ženeva66437,68
VérossazVS Valais622014,35
VersoixGE Ženeva664410,52
VerzascaVerzasca TITI Ticino5399216,84
VétrozVS Valais602510,43
VeveyVD Vaud58902,37
VexVex VSVS Valais608913,07
VeyrierVeyrier GEGE Ženeva66456,52
VeysonnazVS Valais62671,17
VeytauxVD Vaud58916,78
VeziaTI Ticino52311,38
VichVich VDVD Vaud57321,52
Vico MorcoteTI Ticino52331,95
Villarsel-sur-MarlyFR Fribourg22301,41
Villars-EpeneyVD Vaud59350,86
Villars-le-ComteVD Vaud56904,18
Villars-le-TerroirVD Vaud55377,14
Villars-Sainte-CroixVD Vaud56511,65
Villars-sous-YensVD Vaud56523,07
Villars-sur-GlâneFR Fribourg22285,45
VillarzelVillarzel VDVD Vaud58307,69
VillazVillaz FRFR Fribourg211715,43
VilleneuveVilleneuve VDVD Vaud541432,02
VilleretVilleret BEBE Bern044816,26
VilligenAG Aargau412111,21
VillmergenAG Aargau408011,98
VillnachernAG Aargau41225,68
VillorsonnensFR Fribourg211415,51
Vilters-WangsSG St. Gallen329732,72
VinelzBE Bern05024,60
VinzelVD Vaud58631,09
VionnazVS Valais615820,95
VispVS Valais629713,19
VisperterminenVS Valais629851,60
VitznauLU Lucern10688,93
VolkenZH Curych00433,28
VolketswilZH Curych019914,01
VordemwaldAG Aargau428710,12
VorderthalSZ Schwyz134827,95
VouvryVS Valais615933,47
VuadensFR Fribourg216010,44
VuarrensVD Vaud55398,95
VucherensVD Vaud56923,27
Vufflens-la-VilleVD Vaud55035,40
Vufflens-le-ChâteauVD Vaud56532,15
Vugelles-La MotheVD Vaud59373,09
Vuisternens-devant-RomontFR Fribourg211324,03
VuiteboeufVD Vaud57665,09
VulliensVD Vaud58036,68
VullierensVD Vaud56546,82
Vully-les-LacsVD Vaud546420,90
WachseldornBE Bern09463,54
WädenswilZH Curych029335,64
WagenhausenWagenhausen TGTG Thurgau487111,82
WahlenWahlen BLBL Basilej-venkov27925,42
WalchwilZG Zug171013,50
WaldWald ARAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden30366,84
WaldWald BEBE Bern088813,30
WaldWald ZHZH Curych012025,28
WaldenburgWaldenburg BLBL Basilej-venkov28958,27
WäldiTG Thurgau470112,19
WaldkirchWaldkirch SGSG St. Gallen344431,35
WaldstattAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden30076,69
WalenstadtSG St. Gallen329845,68
WalkringenBE Bern062617,20
WallbachWallbach AGAG Aargau42614,48
WallisellenZH Curych00696,45
Walliswil bei NiederbippBE Bern09901,47
Walliswil bei WangenBE Bern09913,07
WalperswilBE Bern07547,00
WaltenschwilAG Aargau42404,55
WalterswilWalterswil BEBE Bern09597,93
WalterswilWalterswil SOSO Solothurn25854,49
WalzenhausenAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden30377,03
WangenWangen SZSZ Schwyz13498,43
Wangen an der AareBE Bern09928,13
Wangen bei OltenSO Solothurn25866,97
Wangen-BrüttisellenZH Curych02007,90
WängiTG Thurgau478116,45
WartauSG St. Gallen327641,75
Warth-WeiningenTG Thurgau46218,22
WassenUR Uri122096,91
WasterkingenZH Curych00703,94
WattenwilBE Bern088614,46
WattwilSG St. Gallen337951,18
WauwilLU Lucern11462,94
WeesenSG St. Gallen33165,42
WegenstettenAG Aargau42627,06
WeggisLU Lucern106911,79
WeiachZH Curych01029,59
WeinfeldenTG Thurgau494615,50
WeiningenWeiningen ZHZH Curych02515,41
WeisslingenZH Curych018012,77
Welschenrohr-GänsbrunnenSO Solothurn243024,46
WengiBE Bern03947,06
WenslingenBL Basilej-venkov28655,88
WerthensteinLU Lucern100915,74
WettingenAG Aargau404510,64
Wettswil am AlbisZH Curych00143,75
WetzikonWetzikonZH Curych012116,73
WichtrachBE Bern063211,61
WidenAG Aargau40812,60
WidnauSG St. Gallen32384,22
WiedlisbachBE Bern09957,50
WiesendangenZH Curych029819,13
WiggiswilBE Bern05531,46
WigoltingenTG Thurgau495117,18
WikonLU Lucern11478,29
WilWil SGSG St. Gallen342720,82
WilWil ZHZH Curych00718,97
WilaZH Curych01819,23
WilchingenSH Schaffhausen297421,15
WildbergWildberg ZHZH Curych018210,51
WilderswilBE Bern059413,16
Wildhaus-Alt St. JohannSG St. Gallen335987,48
WilenWilen TGTG Thurgau47862,25
Wiler (Lötschen)VS Valais620214,88
Wiler bei UtzenstorfBE Bern05543,78
WileroltigenBE Bern06714,13
WilibergAG Aargau42881,20
WilladingenBE Bern04232,20
WillisauLU Lucern115147,22
WimmisBE Bern076922,34
WindischWindisch AGAG Aargau41234,91
WinkelWinkel ZHZH Curych00728,09
WintersingenBL Basilej-venkov28666,98
WinterthurZH Curych023068,12
WinznauSO Solothurn25013,97
WisenWisen SOSO Solothurn25024,81
WittenbachWittenbach SGSG St. Gallen320412,20
WitterswilSO Solothurn24812,64
WittinsburgBL Basilej-venkov28673,19
WittnauWittnau AGAG Aargau418111,24
WohlenAG Aargau408212,45
Wohlen bei BernBE Bern036036,25
WohlenschwilAG Aargau40464,42
WolfenschiessenNW Nidwalden151192,64
WolfhaldenAR Appenzell Ausserrhoden30386,97
WölflinswilAG Aargau41829,51
WolfwilSO Solothurn24086,88
WolhusenLU Lucern110714,26
WollerauSZ Schwyz13236,37
WorbBE Bern062721,06
WorbenBE Bern07552,70
Wünnewil-FlamattFR Fribourg230913,26
WuppenauTG Thurgau479112,07
WürenlingenAG Aargau40479,39
WürenlosAG Aargau40489,00
WynauBE Bern03455,12
WynigenBE Bern042428,29
WyssachenBE Bern096011,73
YensVD Vaud56559,53
Yverdon-les-BainsVD Vaud593813,52
YvonandVD Vaud593913,30
YvorneVD Vaud541512,18
ZäziwilBE Bern06285,42
ZeglingenBL Basilej-venkov28687,91
ZeihenAG Aargau41836,89
ZeiningenAG Aargau426311,35
ZellZell LULU Lucern115013,89
ZellZell ZHZH Curych023112,98
ZeneggenVS Valais62997,56
ZermattVS Valais6300242,93
ZernezGR Graubünden3746344,02
ZetzwilAG Aargau41475,77
ZiefenBL Basilej-venkov28347,82
ZielebachBE Bern05561,91
Zihlschlacht-SitterdorfTG Thurgau451112,17
Zillis-ReischenGR Graubünden371224,46
ZizersGR Graubünden394710,96
ZofingenAG Aargau428911,07
ZollikofenBE Bern03615,42
ZollikonZH Curych01617,85
ZuchwilSO Solothurn25344,66
ZufikonAG Aargau40834,81
ZugZug (Stadt)ZG Zug171121,72
ZullwilSO Solothurn26223,65
ZumikonZH Curych01605,47
ZunzgenBL Basilej-venkov28696,86
ZuozGR Graubünden379165,63
ZürichZH Curych026187,91
ZurzachAG Aargau432425,99
ZuzgenAG Aargau42648,35
ZuzwilZuzwil BEBE Bern05573,46
ZuzwilZuzwil SGSG St. Gallen34268,97
ZweisimmenBE Bern079473,14
ZwingenBL Basilej-venkov27934,60
ZwischbergenVS Valais601185,94
ŽenevaGenève, GenfGE Ženeva662115,89



V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Liste Schweizer Gemeinden na německé Wikipedii.

  1. Applikation der Schweizer Gemeinden [online]. Bundesamt für Statistik, 2022-05-01 [cit. 2022-09-28]. Dostupné online. 
  2. AUER, Andreas. Staatsrecht der schweizerischen Kantone. Bern: Stämpfli, 2016. 637 s. ISBN 978-3-7272-3217-6. S. 132. (německy) 

Média použitá na této stránce

Rebévelier-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Rebévelier, Switzerland
Wappen Leutwil.svg
Coat of arms of Leutwil, Canton Aargau
Ligerz-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Ligerz (Switzerland)
Wappen Murgenthal AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Murgenthal
Orny-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Endingen 2014.png
Coat of arms of the municipality of Endingen AG since 1. January 2014
Rubigen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of municipality of Rubigen (Switzerland)
Blazon of Tobel-Tägerschen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Inkwil-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Inkwil (Switzerland)
Blazon of Schwellbrunn, Canton of Appenzell-Ausserrhoden, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Greppen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Greppen in the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland.
Blazono Haute-Sorne.png
Shield of the municipality of Haute-Sorne, Canton of Jura
Wappen Jonen AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Jonen
Biasca-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Biasca (Switzerland)
Echandens-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Interlaken-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of municipality and district of Interlaken, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Wohlen AG.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Wohlen in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Reiden LU.png

Alpenfahnen AG Gewerbering 26

5610 Wohlen, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of Arms of the Community of Reiden
Wappen Crissier.svg
Wappen der Gemeinde Crissier (Schweiz)
Hilterfingen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Hilterfingen (Switzerland)
Blazon of Guttet-Feschel, Canton of Valais, Switzerland
Autigny-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Autigny in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Uerkheim.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Uerkheim in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Rougemont-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Lugano-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Blazon of Heimenhausen, Canton of Bern, Switzerland
Beinwil SO-blazon.svg
Blazon of Beinwil, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland
Lignières-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Markko, Licence: CC BY 2.5
coat of arms of the municipalitie of Lignières, Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
Thierachern-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Thierachern (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Villmergen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Villmergen in the canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
CHE Günsberg COA.svg
Wappen Günsberg
Wolfenschiessen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Wolfenschiessen (Switzerland)
Wappen vorderthal.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Vorderthal, Canton Schwyz, Switzerland
Allmendingen-coat of arms.svg
(c) Aliman5040, CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Allmendingen bei Bern, Switzerland
Wappen von Châtillon (Broye) Kanton Freiburg Schweiz
Wappen von Fahy Kanton Jura Schweiz
Wappen galgenen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Oeschgen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Oeschgen in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Ballwil LU.png
Flag of Ballwil
Sullens-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Sullens
GW-GL-Glarus Nord.png
Wappen Glarus Nord Schweiz
Wappen Boezberg.png
Coat of arms of the municipality of Bözberg (as of 2013)
Merzligen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Merzligen (Switzerland)
Schwarzenberg LU.png
Flag of Schwarzenberg LU
Burgistein-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Burgistein (Switzerland)
Wappen Buttwil.svg
Wappen von Buttwil, Kanton Aargau
Neyruz-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms of the municipality of Neyruz (Switzerland)
Sorvilier-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Sorvilier (Switzerland)
8582 wappen dozwil.jpg
Wappen von Dozwil (8582)
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
CHE Villaz COA.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Villaz in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blazon of Bichelsee-Balterswil, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Niederbipp-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Niederbipp (Switzerland)
Brot-Plamboz-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Brot-Plamboz in the canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Wappen Niederrohrdorf AG.svg
Coat of arms of Niederrohrdorf, Canton Aargau
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Mägenwil AG.svg
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Mägenwil
Studen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Studen (Switzerland)
Ringgenberg-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms of municipality of Ringgenberg (Switzerland)
Curtilles-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Christophe95, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Curtilles
Vechigen-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms municipality of Vechigen, Switzerland, valid since August 2013
Coat of arms of Boettstein.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Böttstein in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
La Praz-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of La Praz (Switzerland)
Oberthal-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0

Coat of arms of the municipality of Oberthal (Switzerland):

"In Silber über einem grünen Dreiberg sieben (3, 4) rote, fünfstrahlige Sterne."
Coat of arms of Nottwil.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Nottwil in the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland.
Cortébert-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Cortébert, canton of Berne, Switzerland
Rohrbachgraben-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of municipality of Rohrbachgraben (Switzerland)
Pic Neuenkirch.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Maracon-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Autor: Gemeinde Schänis, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Das Original Wappen der Politischen Gemeinde Schänis
Coat of arms of Oltingen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Oltingen in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Courgevaux-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Courgevaux in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Bodio-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Krauchthal-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Krauchthal (Switzerland)
Autor: Liftarn, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Hunzenschwil, Canton Aargau
Buochs-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Buochs (Switzerland)
Blazon of Bischofszell, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Freimettigen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Freimettigen (Switzerland)
Schelten-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Schelten (Switzerland)
Ménières-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Ménières in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Lüscherz-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Lüscherz, Switzerland)
Cugy-VD-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Cugy, canton of Vaud
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blazon of Zihlschlacht-Sitterdorf, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Zuzwil-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality Zuzwil (Switzerland)
Madiswil-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Forel-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
La Chaux-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blazon of Zuchwil, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Autor: Liftarn, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Schupfart, Canton Aargau
Wappen Egliswil.svg
Wappen von Egliswil, Kanton Aargau
Grosswangen LU.png
Flag of Grosswangen
Blazon of Fischingen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Boudry-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Boudry in the canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Blazon of Lommis, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Bedano-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Bedano (Switzerland)
Bettenhausen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Bettenhausen (Switzerland)
Loveresse-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Loveresse (Switzerland)
Montreux-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of Neuenhof AG.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Neuenhof in canton of Aargau in Switzerland. (per fess, Or and gules, two mullets counterchanged)
Wappen Islisberg AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Islisberg
Démoret-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Xens, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Démoret (Switzerland)
Wappen von Rorschacherberg Kanton St.Gallen Schweiz
Mühleberg-coat of arms.svg
Wappeon der Gemeinde Mühleberg mit der für den Kanton Bern üblichen Schildgrösse
Sarnen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Villarsel-sur-Marly-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Villarsel-sur-Marly in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Landiswil-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Landiswil (Switzerland)
Müntschemier-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Müntschemier (Switzerland)
Bachs-coat of arms.svg
Autor: BillC, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Bachs in the canton of Zürich, Switzerland
Vuiteboeuf-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Blazon of Dorénaz, Canton of Valais, Switzerland
Blazon of Frauenfeld, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Lauperswil-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Lauperswil (Switzerland)
Emmetten-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Emmetten (Switzerland)
Kriens LU.png
Coat of Arms of the Community of Kriens
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Veyrier-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Trey-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Trey (Switzerland)
Wappen von La Joux Kanton Jura Schweiz
Wappen Moosleerau AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Moosleerau
Epalinges-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen Winterthur.svg
Winterthurer Wappen als Vektordatei
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Duillier-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen von Niederhelfenschwil Kanton Sankt Gallen Schweiz
Prévondavaux-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Prévondavaux in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Blazon of Evionnaz, Canton of Valais, Switzerland
Stammheim CoA.svg
Coat of arms of Stammheim ZH, Switzerland
Wappen von Courtedoux Kanton Jura Schweiz
Wappen Buchberg.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Rebstein wappen.jpg
Wappen von Rebstein Kanton St.Gallen Schweiz
Blazon of Gaiserwald, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Burtigny-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Villars-Epeney-coat of arms.svg
Autor: No machine-readable author provided. Xens assumed (based on copyright claims)., Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blason de la commune de Villars-Epeney (Suisse/Vaud)
Wappen Roeschenz.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Röschenz, Switzerland
Radelfingen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Municipal coat of arms of of Radelfingen (Switzerland)
CHE Schönholzerswilen COA.svg
Coat of arms of Schönholzerswilen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Lenk im Simmental-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Lenk (Switzerland)
Twann-Tüscherz-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Twann-Tüscherz (Switzerland)
Wappen steinerberg.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Steinerberg, Canton Schwyz, Switzerland
Wappen von Villarzel Kanton Waadt Schweiz
Leissigen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Leissigen (Switzerland)
Triengen LU.png
Flag of Triengen
Adligenswil LU.png
Flag of Adligenswil
Chêne-Pâquier-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Xens, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Chêne-Pâquier (Switzerland)
Muri bei Bern-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Muri bei Bern (Switzerland)
Blazon of Merishausen, Canton of Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Doppleschwand LU.png
Flag of Doppleschwand
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Rüderswil-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of municipality of Rüderswil (Switzerland)
BoscoGurin-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Penthaz-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Penthaz (Switzerland)
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ependes-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Xens, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Ependes (Switzerland)
Greng-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Greng in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Muntelier-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Muntelier in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Blazon of St. Margrethen, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Seftigen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Seftigen (Switzerland)
Bussy-sur-Moudon-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Bussy-sur-Moudon
Wappen von Wolfwil
Höchstetten-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Höchstetten (Switzerland)
Grandcour-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Christophe95, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Grandcour
La Roche-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms municipalitie of La Roche (Switzerland)
Blazon of Hohentannen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Villars-sur-Glane-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Villars-sur-Glâne in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Saxeten-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Saxeten (Switzerland)
Wappen von berneck.jpg
Wappen von Berneck Kanton St.Gallen Schweiz
Blazon of Courchavon, Canton of Jura, Switzerland
Wappen Ruemlingen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der politischen Gemeinde Rümlingen, Schweiz
Rumisberg-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of municipality of Rumisberg (Switzerland)
Oppligen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Oppligen, Switzerland)
Wappen Hellikon AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Hellikon
Blazon of Courroux, Canton of Jura, Switzerland
Kernenried-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms of the municipality of Kernenried (Switzerland)
Granges-Paccot-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Granges-Paccot in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Grellingen coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Grellingen in the canton of Basel-Country, Switzerland.
Wappen von Salvan Kanton Wallis Schweiz
Bürglen TG-blazon.svg
Coat of arms of Bürglen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
St. Ursen-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of St. Ursen in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Bubikon.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Bubikon in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland
Attalens-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Attalens in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Hohenrain LU.png
Flag of Hohenrain
Zermatt Wappen.svg
Zermatt Wappen
Coat of arms of Kammersrohr, Canton Solothurn
Leuzigen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Leuzigen (Switzerland)
Les Planchettes-coat of arms.svg
Autor: User:BillC, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Les Planchettes in the canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Herbligen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Herbligen (Switzerland)
Chavornay-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Chavornay (Switzerland)
Serravalle stemma.png
Coat of arms of the Municipality of Serravalle.
Sempach LU.png
Flag of Sempach
Froideville-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Froideville
Faoug-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Faoug
Wappen Löhningen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
1 = Coat of arms of Rümlang, Canton of Zürich, Switzerland.
Gules a Semi Unicorn rampant Argent.
CHE Plasselb COA.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Plasselb in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Wileroltigen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Wileroltigen (Switzerland)
Blazon of Rüthi, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Embd Wappen.jpg
Wappen von Embd
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wynau-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Wynau (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Tecknau.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Tecknau in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Blazon of Wilen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Lenzburg.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Lenzburg in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Karte Gemeinden der Schweiz 2025.01.01.png
Autor: Tschubby, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Municipalities in Switzerland
Wappen Densbüren.svg
Wappen von Densbüren
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Hitzkirch LU.png
Flag of Hitzkirch
Wappen Kaenerkinden.png
Autor: NeznámýUnknown author, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der politischen Gemeinde Känerkinden, Schweiz
Blazon of Egerkingen, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland
Blazon of Basadingen-Schlattingen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Soyhières, Canton of Jura, Switzerland
Chancy-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Gletterens-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Gletterens in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Blazon of Kesswil, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Diemtigen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Diemtigen (Switzerland)
Wappen Agiez.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Agiez (Switzerland)
Wappen Titterten.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der politischen Gemeinde Titterten, Schweiz
Blason de la commune de Val-de-Ruz
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Bellevue-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Blazon of Eschlikon, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Berken-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms of the municipality of Berken (Switzerland)
Wappen von Lutzenberg Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden Schweiz
Coat of arms of Maisprach.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Maisprach in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Wappen Safenwil AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Safenwil
Coat of arms of Bubendorf BL.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Bubendorf in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Canobbio-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Ruswil LU.png
Flag of Ruswil

Wappen des Bezirks Dorneck

  • Andere Versionen: SVG auf Anfrage
  • 16:13, 26. Sep 2004 Stw 480 x 533 (30796 Byte) (Wappen des Bezirks <a href="/wiki/Dorneck_%28Bezirk%29" title="Dorneck (Bezirk)">Dorneck (Bezirk)</a>)
* Wappen von Vétroz, Wallis
Muolen-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Muolen, Switzerland
Luthern LU.png
Flag of Luthern
Heiligenschwendi-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Heiligenschwendi (Switzerland)
Le Landeron Wappen.jpg
Per fess, Or on a pale Gules three Chevrons Argent, and Azure two Pike nainan proper.
Wappen Hundwil.jpg
Wappen von Hundwil
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Chavannes-le-Chêne-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Chavannes-le-Chêne (Switzerland)
La Sonnaz-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of La Sonnaz in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Bargen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Bargen (Switzerland)
Wappen Reitnau AG.svg
Coat of arms of Reitnau, Canton Aargau
Châtonnaye-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Châtonnaye in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Wappen Brunegg.svg
Wappen Brunegg
Vaulion-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Vaulion (Switzerland)
Choulex-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Sauge-coat of arms.svg
blason de la commune de Sauge, canton de Berne, Suisse
Longirod-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen Windisch AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Windisch
Blazon of Sulgen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Pomy-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen von Wald AR Schweiz
Coat of arms of Mammern, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Toffen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Toffen (Switzerland)
Amriswil CoA.svg
Coat of Arms of Amriswil, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Brittnau.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Brittnau in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Entlebuch LU.png

Alpenfahnen AG Gewerbering 26

5610 Wohlen, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of Arms of the Community of Entlebuch LU
Riviera-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Vinelz-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Vinelz, Switzerland)
Haut-Intyamon-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Haut-Intyamon in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Mirchel-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Mirchel (Switzerland)
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Hallau.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Fiez-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Fiez (Switzerland)
Orpund-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Orpund (Switzerland)
Develier-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Ssire, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0


  • De gueules au lion d'or issant d'un mont de six coupeaux d'argent
--Ssire (talk) 18:36, 15 June 2010 (UTC)
Sales Blason.png
Wappen von Sales (Neu) Kanton Freiburg Schweiz
Coat of arms of Mervelier, Canton of Jura, Switzerland (Source: Symbol on the wall of the municipal administration)
Staldenried Wappen.png
Wappen von Staldenried Kanton Wallis Schweiz
Meikirch-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Meikirch (Switzerland)
Wappen Ziefen.png
Wappen der politischen Gemeinde de:, Schweiz
Ueberstorf-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Ueberstorf in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Autor: No machine-readable author provided. Degoratrax~commonswiki assumed (based on copyright claims)., Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0

Blason de la commune suisse des Bois.

Fait (vite et pas bien) par Degoratrax
Trelex-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Aclens.svg
Původní dílo:
, révisé par Sa-se, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Municipal coat of arms of Aclens (Switzerland)
Altishofen LU.png
Flag of Altishofen
CHE Fahrwangen COA.svg
Wappen von Fahrwangen
CHE Rupperswil COA.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Rupperswil in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Broc-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Broc in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Weinfelden, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Thal SG-blazon.svg
Autor: Taktaal, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Blazon of Thal, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Riaz-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Riaz in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Pieterlen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Pieterlen (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Olsberg AG.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Olsberg in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Prez-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Prez in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Blazon of Uttwil, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Oberdiessbach-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Oberdiessbach (Switzerland)
Fräschels-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Fräschels in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Buckten.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Buckten in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Cuarny-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Xens, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Cuarny (Switzerland)
Wappen Lichtensteig.svg
Coat of arms of Category:Lichtensteig, canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Wappen von Walzenhausen Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden Schweiz
Montpreveyres-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Montpreveyres (Switzerland)
Wappen Puntrut.svg
Wappen von Puntrut
Blazon of Derendingen, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland
Root LU.png
Flag of Root LU
Wappen Buchs AG.svg
Wappen von Buchs, Kanton Aargau
CHE Sirnach COA.svg
Blazon of Sirnach, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Prilly-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Mettauertal Wappen.png
Coat of arms of Mettauertal, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Neunkirch.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
<wappen von Gams Kanton Sankt Gallen SCHWEIZ
Coat of arms of Binningen BL.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Binningen in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Bleienbach-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Bleienbach (Switzerland)
Wappen Roggenburg BL.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Roggenburg, Switzerland
Wappen Siblingen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Dully-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Baar-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms of the municipality of Baar (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Biel-Benken.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Biel-Benken in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Wappen Lupsingen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der politischen Gemeinde Lupsingen, Schweiz
Wappen Büttikon.svg
Wappen von Büttikon
Mathod-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
CHE Oekingen COA.svg
Wappen Oekingen
Lonay-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Autor: Arnaud Gaillard (arnaud (), Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Coat of arms of city of Zug, Switzerland: “Argent a fess Azure”
Werthenstein LU.png
Flag of Werthenstein
Laconnex-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Le Locle-coat of arms.svg
Former coat of arms of the municipality of Le Locle in the canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland - until 2021
Lyssach-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Lyssach (Switzerland)
Saint-Oyens-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Linden-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Linden (Switzerland)
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Ingenbohl.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Uttigen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Uttigen (Switzerland)
Wappen Suhr AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Suhr
Wappen Mellingen AG.svg
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Mellingen
Wappen Tägerig AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Tägerig
CHE Wil SG COA.svg
Wiler Stadtwappen (Wil SG), entstanden durch die Gemeindevereinigung Wil-Bronschhofen am 1. Januar 2013
Montilliez-coat of arms.svg
Blason de la commune de Montilliez (VD-CH)
Wappen Tübach Kanton St.Gallen Schweiz
Homberg-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Homberg (Switzerland)
Mattstetten-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Mattstetten (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Altnau, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Wappen rothenthurm.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
La Ferrière-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of La Ferrière (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Schwaderloch.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Schwaderloch in canton of Aargau in Switzerland. (per fess, Or and gules, two mullets counterchanged)
Wappen von Eggersriet Kanton Sankt Gallen SCHWEIZ
Wappen Nenzlingen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Nenzlingen, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Hüttlingen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Wappen von Münsterlingen Kanton Thurgau Schweiz
Pfaffnau LU.png

Alpenfahnen AG Gewerbering 26

5610 Wohlen, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of Arms of the Community of Pfaffnau
CHE Dietwil COA.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Dietwil in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Kaufdorf-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Kaufdorf (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Châtillon, Canton of Jura, Switzerland (Source: Symbol on the wall of the municipal administration)
Pailly-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Pailly
Wappen Wiliberg AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Wiliberg
Pompaples-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Russin-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Blazon of Coeuve, Canton of Jura, Switzerland
Wappen von Goldach Kanton St.Gallen Schweiz
Jaun-coat of arms.svg
Autor: No machine-readable author provided. Markko assumed (based on copyright claims)., Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Jaun in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland. - Sable a saltire Argent.
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Berlingen Wappen.svg
Wappen Berlingen
Coat of arms of Giebenach.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Giebenach in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Coat of arms of Liestal.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Liestal in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
GW-JU-Clos du Doubs.png
Wappen von Clos du Doubs Kanton Jura Schweiz
Coat of arms of Ruenenberg.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Rünenberg in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Hauteville-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Hauteville in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Menzingen-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms municipality of Menzingen (Switzerland)
Wappen Thalheim AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Thalheim
Wappen Beggingen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Rheinfelden AG.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Rheinfelden in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Roggwil TG-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Roggwil (Switzerland)
Giffers-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Giffers in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Horrenbach Buchen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Horrenbach-Buchen (Switzerland)
Wappen Augst.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der politischen Gemeinde Augst, Schweiz
Rüschegg-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Rüschegg, Switzerland)
Thonex-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Pont-la-Ville-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Pont-la-Ville in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Wappen Ramsen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Balgach coats of arms.jpg
Coats of arms of swiss comune of Balgach
Wappen feusisberg.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen von Le-Mouret Kanton Freiburg Schweiz
Dallenwil-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Dallenwil (Switzerland)
Romont BE-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of municipality of Romont (Berne-Switzerland)
Bursinel-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen Untersiggenthal AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Untersiggenthal
Coat of arms of Birwinken, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Jaberg-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of municipality of Jaberg (Switzerland)
Wappen Rüfenach AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Rüfenach
Wappen Bargen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Mendrisio-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Coat of arms of the district of Mendrisio (Switzerland) & Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Mendrisio (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Diepflingen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Diepflingen in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Chapelle (Glane)-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Chapelle (Glâne) in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Bioley-Magnoux-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Xens, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Bioley-Magnoux (Switzerland)
Zuzwil SG-blazon.svg
Blazon of Zuzwil, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Strengelbach.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Strengelbach in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
CHE Botterens COA.svg
Blason d'Botterens
Coat of arms of Teufenthal.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Teufenthal in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Astano-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Wappen Kaiseraugst AG.svg
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Kaiseraugst
Blazon of Saignelégier, Canton of Jura, Switzerland
Fetigny-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Fétigny in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Wappen Vordemwald AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Vordemwald
Orvin-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Orvin (Switzerland)
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blazon of Ermatingen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Gilly-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Blazon of Welschenrohr, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland
Courtelary-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Courtelary (Switzerland)
Wappen von Untereggen im Schweizer Kanton St. Gallen
Blazon of Bourrignon, Canton of Jura, Switzerland
Bätterkinden-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Bätterkinden (Switzerland)
Stettlen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Stettlen, Switzerland)
Cremines-coat of arms.svg
Autor: BillC, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Crémines in the canton of Berne, Switzerland.
Ulmiz-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Ulmiz in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Wappen Kölliken AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Kölliken
Faido-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Blazon of Les Enfers, Canton of Jura, Switzerland
Oberhünigen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Oberhünigen (Switzerland)
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Dürrenäsch.svg
Wappen von Dürrenäsch
Coat of arms of Zunzgen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Zunzgen in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Coat of arms of Ramlinsburg.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Ramlinsburg in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Cademario-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Jens-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms municipalitie of Jens (Switzerland)
Wappen Rothrist AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Rothrist
Roemerswil LU.png

Alpenfahnen AG Gewerbering 26

5610 Wohlen, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of Arms of the Community of Römerswil
Bönigen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Bönigen (Switzerland)
Stans-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Erlinsbach SO-blazon.svg
Blazon of Erlinsbach, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland
Andwil SG-blazon.svg
Blazon of Andwil, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Wolhusen LU.png

Alpenfahnen AG Gewerbering 26

5610 Wohlen, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of Arms of the Community of Wolhusen
Wappen von Courrendlin Kanton Jura Schweiz
Wappen von Ropraz Kanton Waadt Schweiz
Boussens-coat of arms.svg
Coats of arms of the municipality of Boussens
Les Verrieres-coat of arms.svg
Autor: No machine-readable author provided. BillC assumed (based on copyright claims)., Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Les Verrières in the canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
1 = Coat of arms of Mettmenstetten, Canton of Zürich, Switzerland.
Argent two Unicorn heads addorsed conjoined Sable.
Uetendorf-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Uetendorf (Switzerland)
Preverenges-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Préverenges (Switzerland)
Meienried-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Meienried (Switzerland)
CHE Bösingen COA.svg
Wappen Bösingen
Wappen muotathal.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Muotathal, Canton Schwyz, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Salenstein, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Tramelan-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality Tramelan (Switzerland)
Wappen von Soubey Kanton Jura Schweiz
Rossiniere-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Blazon of Braunau, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Lignerolle-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Lignerolle
GW-FR-Siviriez neu.png
Wappen von Siviriez (Neu) Kanton Freiburg Schweiz
Wappen Flums.png
Blazon of Flums, Canton of St. Gallen
Brenzikofen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Brenzikofen (Switzerland)
Cronay-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Xens, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Cronay (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Lauwil.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Lauwil in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Wappen Muttenz.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ferenbalm-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Ferenbalm (Switzerland)
Blazon of Boncourt, Canton of Jura, Switzerland
Wappen Kirchleerau AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Kirchleerau
Senarclens-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Rüegsau-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality Rüegsau (Switzerland)
Roggliswil LU.png
Flag of Roggliswil
Wappen von Widnau Kanton Sankt Gallen Schweiz
Blazon of Sommeri, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Buchholterberg-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Buchholterberg (Switzerland)
Blazon of Mosnang, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Gossau wappen gross.jpg
Gossauer Wappen, Kanton Sankt Gallen
Blazon of Oberriet, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Centovalli-coat of arms.png
Coat of Arms of Centovalli, Switzerland.
Wappen Bünzen AG.svg
Wappen von Bünzen, Kanton Aargau
Cormoret-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0

coat of arms municipality of Cormoret (Switzerland)

Blasonnement: D'or aux deux pals d'azur, à la bande brochante d'argent chargée de trois étoiles de gueules.
Wappen illgau.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Sachseln-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Coat of arms of Alberswil.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Alberswil in the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland.
CHE Collonges COA.svg
Parti : à dextre d'azur au sautoir d'or chargé de cinq roses de gueules boutonnées du second et pointées de sinople ; à senestre d'or à la fasce ondée d'azur surmontée de trois trèfles de sinople rangés en chef.
Zollikofen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality Zollikofen (Switzerland)
Montet (Glâne)-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Montet in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Metzerlen-Mariastein.svg
Coat of arms of Metzerlen-Mariastein, Solothurn, Switzerland.
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blazon of Hauptwil-Gottshaus, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Ursenbach-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Ursenbach (Switzerland)
Wappen Beringen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Bretzwil.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Bretzwil in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Wappen Rüdlingen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Dagmersellen LU.png
Flag of Dagmersellen
Willisau Stadt LU.png
Coat of Arms of the Community of Willisau LU
Coat of arms of Warth-Weiningen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen tuggen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Tuggen, Canton Schwyz, Switzerland
Hindelbank-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Hindelbank (Switzerland)
Treyvaux-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Treyvaux in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Oberuzwil-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Oberuzwil, St. Gallen (Switzerland). Azure a Mill Wheel Argent and a Barrulet wavy abased, and in Base per pale chequy Argent and Gules a Chief Argent and Argent two Bends Sable.
Blazon of Steinach, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Champoz-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Oblic, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipalitie of Champoz (Switzerland)
Grosshöchstetten-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Grosshöchstetten (Switzerland)
La Brillaz-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of La Brillaz in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Morlon-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Morlon in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Tolochenaz-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Hochdorf LU.png
Flag of Hochdorf LU
Wappen Bergdietikon.svg
Wappen von Bergdietikon
Wappen Hägglingen.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Hägglingen
Bannwil-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Bannwil (Switzerland)
Le Pâquier FR-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Le Pâquier in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Schattenhalb-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Schattenhalb (Switzerland)
Trogen AR Wappen.svg
Wappen der Gemeinde Trogen (AR), Schweiz
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Beckenried-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Beckenried (Switzerland)
Nebikon LU.png

Alpenfahnen AG Gewerbering 26

5610 Wohlen, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of Arms of the Community of Nebikon
Wappen Laufen BL.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Muhen AG.svg
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Muhen
L Isle-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of Rickenbach BL.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Rickenbach in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Blazon of Basse-Allaine, Canton of Jura, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Coat of arms of Schlierbach LU.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Schlierbach in the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland.
Blazon of Bois-d'Amont, Canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Wappen reichenburg.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Reichenburg, Canton Schwyz, Switzerland
Court-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Oblic, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipalitie of Court (Switzerland)
Frauenkappelen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Frauenkeppelen (Switzerland)
Wappen Oberwil-Lieli AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Oberwil-Lieli
Vuadens-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Vuadens in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Jussy-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Coat of arms of Oftringen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Oftringen in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Mézières FR-2004-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Mézières in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland, as of 2004
Coat of arms of Holziken.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Holziken in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Zielebach-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Zielebach, Switzerland)
Wappen lauerz.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Nusshof.svg
coat of arms of municipality Nusshof in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland
CHE Waltenschwil COA.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Waltenschwil in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Grossdietwil LU.png
Flag of Grossdietwil
Wappen Liedertswil.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der politischen Gemeinde Liedertswil, Schweiz
Hermrigen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Hermrigen, Switzerland)
Schuepfheim LU.png
Flag of Schüpfheim
Coat of arms of Boeckten.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Böckten in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Haefelfingen-coat of arms.png
Autor: Ernestp, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of de:Häfelfingen (Switzerland)
Fahrni blason1.svg
Autor: Freeraph, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Armoiries de la commune de Fahrni
Valeyres-sous-Rances-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Valeyres-sous-Rances (Switzerland)
Hergiswil-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Hergiswil (Switzerland)
Aranno-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Aranno (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Seltisberg.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Seltisberg in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Wenslingen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Wenslingen in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland
Blazon of Gommiswald, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Wangen bO-blason.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Essertines-sur-Yverdon-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Essertines-sur-Yverdon
Matran-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Matran in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Bullet-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Bullet (Switzerland)
Mollens-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen Duggingen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Duggingen, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Niederwil AG.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Niederwil in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Oberkirch LU.png
Flag of Oberkirch LU
Kirchdorf-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Kirchdorf (Switzerland)
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blazon of Langrickenbach, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Büetigen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Büetigen (Switzerland)
Wappen Buch.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ecusson Belfaux.gif
Nouvel écusson de Belfaux (Autafond, Belfaux, Cutterwil)
Les Breuleux-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Jeandupeux Laure, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blason des Breuleux (Commune du canton du Jura, Suisse)
Gerzensee-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Gerzensee (Switzerland)
Grangettes-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Grangettes in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Le Cerneux-Pequignot-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Le_Cerneux-Pequignot in the canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Breggia CoA.png
Coat of Arms of Breggia, Switzerland.
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blazon of Felben-Wellhausen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Ballaigues-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Ballaigues (Switzerland)
Wappen von Villars-le-Comte Kanton Waadt Schweiz
Ursy-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Ursy in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Coat of arms of Bussnang, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Burg im Leimental.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Burg im Leimental in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
CHE Sargans COA.svg
coat of arms of the municipalitie of Sargans (Switzerland)
Shield of the municipality L'Abergement, Canton of Vaud
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Thayngen Wappen.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
CHE Hünenberg COA.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Hünenberg in the canton of Zug, Switzerland.
Blazon: Azure two Unicorn Heads adorsed Argent langued Gules issuant from Coupeaux Vert.
CHE Meyriez COA.svg
Blason d'Meyriez
Wappen von Finhaut Kanton Wallis Schweiz
Tafers-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Tafers in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Tentlingen-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Tentlingen in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Wappen Eptingen.svg
Wappen von Eptingen BL.
Neggio-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Neggio (Switzerland)
Wappen Remetschwil AG.svg
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Remetschwil
Gimel-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen Wegenstetten AG.svg
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Wegenstetten
Iffwil-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Iffwil (Switzerland)
Founex-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen von Hermenches Kanton Waadt Schweiz
Wappen Küssnacht.svg
Das Gemeinde und Bezirkswappen von Küssnacht SZ: In rotem Feld einem übereck gelegtes weisses Kissen mit gelben Quasten. Übernommen aus dem Wappen der Herren von Küssnacht, belegt in einem Siegel von 1284 mit der Umschrift EPPONIS MILITIS DE CHUSSINACH.
CHE Bottmingen COA.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Bottmingen in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Wappen der politischen gemeinde Uesslingen-Buch, Kanton Thurgau
Blazon of La Grande Béroche, Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Uezwil.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Uezwil in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Lütschental-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms of the municipality of Lütschental (Switzerland)
Plateau de Diesse-coat of arms.png
Autor: Ngagnebin, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Plateau de Diesse
Marchissy-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Treiten-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Treiten, Switzerland)
Wappen Eiken.svg
Wappen von Eiken
CHE Staufen COA.svg
Wappen von Staufen, Kanton Aargau
Coat of arms of Staufen, Canton Aargau
Blason de Staufen, canton d'Argovie von/by/par Voyager
Coat of arms of Mülligen, Canton Aargau
Erlach-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Erlach, Switzerland)
Vaulruz-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Vaulruz in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
La Brévine-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of La Brévine in the canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
CHE Lohn-Ammannsegg COA.svg
Wappen Lohn-Ammannsegg
Schlatt TG-blazon.svg
Coat of arms of Schlatt, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Morrens-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Morrens
Wappen Trasadingen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Holderbank SO-blason.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blazon of Erlen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Autor: Liftarn, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0

Wappen von Niederlenz, Kanton Aargau
Coat of arms of Niederlenz, Canton Aargau

Blason de Niederlenz, canton d'Argovie
Epsach-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Epsach, Switzerland)
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
CHE Geltwil COA.svg
Wappen Geltwil
Paradiso-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Urtenen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Urtenen (Switzerland)
Rueyres-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Rueyres
Coat of arms of Reinach BL.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Reinach in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Wappen arth.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Dottikon.svg
Wappen von Dottikon
Bretonnieres-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Bretonnières (Switzerland)
Saicourt-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Saicourt (Switzerland)
Seehof-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms municipality of Seehof (Switzerland)
Hauterive-FR-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Hauterive in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Brislach.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Brislach in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Buchillon-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of Tenniken.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Tenniken in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Wappen Villnachern AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Villnachern
Cologny-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Coats of arms of Neunforn, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Geuensee LU.png
Flag of Geuensee
Wappen der Gemeinde Rochefort NE (CH)
Koppigen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Koppigen (Switzerland)
Gurmels-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Gurmels in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Wappen Riniken AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Riniken
Le Flon-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Le Flon in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Gland-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Rumendingen-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms of municipality of Rumendingen (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Wittinsburg.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Wittinsburg in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Reigoldswil.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der politischen Gemeinde Reigoldswil, Schweiz
Farnern-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Farnern (Switzerland)
Cressier NE-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Cressier (Switzerland)
Blazon of Lengwil, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Wappen Oberhallau.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen von Chevroux Kanton Waadt Schweiz
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Vuflens-la-Ville-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Vufflens-la-Ville
CHE Härkingen COA.svg
Wappen Härkingen
Coat of arms of Aesch BL.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Aesch in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Blazon of Bettwiesen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Nuvilly-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms of the municipality of Nuvilly (Switzerland)
Reisiswil-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of municipality of Reisiswil (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Anwil.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Anwil in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Blazon of Diessenhofen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Rapperswil-Jona CoA.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland
Wappen von Ried-Brig Kanton Wallis Schweiz
Gingins-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Gordola-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Wappen Waengi.svg
Deutsch Wappen von Wängi (Schweiz)
français Blason de la commune de Wängi (Suisse) : écartelé de gueules et d'or
English Coat of arms of Wängi (Switzerland): quarterly gules and or
Rickenbach TG-blazon.svg
Coat of arms of Rickenbach, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Wappen wangen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Wangen, Canton Schwyz, Switzerland
Kirchberg SG-blazon.svg
Blazon of Kirchberg, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland Wappen von Kirchberg, Kanton St. Gallen, Schweiz
CHE Full-Reuenthal COA.svg
Wappen von Full-Reuenthal
Blazon of Mörschwil, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Neuheim, Canton Zug, Switzerland
CHE Wuppenau COA.svg
Coat of arms of Wuppenau, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Wappen Jonschwil.png
Coat of arms of Category:Jonschwil, canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Wappen von Montfaucon Kanton Jura Schweiz
Coat of arms of Thuernen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Thürnen in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Wappen Diegten.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der politischen Gemeinde Diegten, Schweiz
Coat of arms of Beinwil am See.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Beinwil am See in the canton of Aargau in Switzerland
Bremblens-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Etoy-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Schoetz LU.png
Flag of Schötz LU
Wappen von Posat Kanton Freiburg Schweiz
Wappen Steckborn.png
Autor: Tseo2, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of Arms of the City of Steckborn
La Chaux-du-Milieu-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of La Chaux-du-Milieu in the canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Chiasso-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Chiasso (Switzerland)
Wappen Hausen AG.svg
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Hausen
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Lausen BL.svg
coat of arms of municipality Lausen in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland
Coat of arms of Moenthal.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Mönthal in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Wappen Ecublens VD.svg
Původní dílo:
, révisé par Sa-se, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen der Gemeinde Ecublens (Schweiz)
CHE Lens COA.svg
Blason d'Lens
Blazon of Tägerwilen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Grono wappen.svg
coat of arms of the municipality of Grono (CH-GR)
Eschenbach LU.png
Flag of Eschenbach LU
La Verrerie-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of La Verrerie in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Blazon of Wäldi, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Puplinge-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Stetten SH-blazon.svg
Blazon of Stetten, Canton of Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Killwangen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Killwangen in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Blazon of Salmsach, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Courchapoix, Canton of Jura, Switzerland (Source: Symbol on the wall of the municipal administration)
Wappen steinen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Steinen, Canton Schwyz, Switzerland
CHE Sevelen COA.svg
Autor: Steven Christe, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Sevelen, St. Gallen (Switzerland
Coat of arms of Leibstadt.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Leibstadt in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Renan-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0

coat of arms municipality Renan (Berne-Switzerland)

Blasonnement: D'argent à la fasce de sinople, chargée d'une étoile d'or à six rais.
Missy-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Christophe95, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Missy, Switzerland
Wappen Freiburg matt.svg
Coat of arms of the canton of Freiburg (Switzerland)
Echarlens-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms of the municipality of Echarlens (Switzerland)
Delley-Portalban-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Delley-Portalban in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Oulens-sous-Échallens-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms of the municipality of Oulens-sous-Échallens
Wappen Mumpf AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Mumpf
Champtauroz-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Champtauroz
Brügg-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Brügg (Switzerland)
Schinznach Wappen.png
Autor: Gemeinde Schinznach, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der auf den 1. Januar 2014 neu gebildeten Gemeinde Schinznach, Kanton Aargau
Coat of arms of Leimbach AG.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Leimbach in the canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Surpierre-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms of the municipality of Surpierre (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Wintersingen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Wintersingen in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Blazon of Biberist, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland
Ogens-coat of arms.svg
Coat ofamrs of the municipality of Ogens
Coat of arms of Stetten AG.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Stetten in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Ferreyres-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Eschenbach SG-blazon.svg
Blazon of Eschenbach, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Zell LU.png
Flag of Zell LU
Coat of arms of Gachnang, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Münchenbuchsee-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms of the municipality of Münchenbuchsee (Switzerland)
GW-FR-Lully neu.png
Wappen von Lully (Neu) Kanton Freiburg Schweiz
Tavannes-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Tavannes (Switzerland)
Udligenswil LU.png
Flag of Udligenswil
Carouge-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Giswil-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Giswil (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Arlesheim.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Arlesheim in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Oppens-coat of arms.svg
Autor: No machine-readable author provided. Xens assumed (based on copyright claims)., Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blason de la commune d' Oppens (Suisse/Vaud)
Wappen Gränichen AG.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Fislisbach.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Fislisbach in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Coat of arms of Birsfelden.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Birsfelden in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Rheineck-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Steven Christe, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Rheineck, St. Gallen (Switzerland). Gules three Fishes Azure nainaint in band on a Bend wavy Argent.
Locarno-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Saint Imier-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Saint-Imier (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Rothenfluh.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Rothenfluh in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Le Bemont Blazono.png
Coat of arms of Le Bémont, Canton of Jura, Switzerland
Givisiez-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Givisiez in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Treycovagnes-coat of arms.svg
Autor: No machine-readable author provided. Xens assumed (based on copyright claims)., Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blason de la commune de Treycovagnes (Suisse/Vaud)
La Rippe-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ufhusen LU.png
Flag of Ufhusen LU
Blazon of Waldkirch, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Arzier-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Hasliberg-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Hasliberg (Switzerland)
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Itingen.svg
Autor: uploaded from Amada44, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.5
Coat of arms of Itingen
Wappen Chavannes-près-Renens.svg
Původní dílo:
, révisé par Sa-se, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen der Gemeinde Chavannes-près-Renens (Schweiz)
Wappen schuebelbach.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Schneisingen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Schneisingen in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Sonvilier-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality Sonvilier (Switzerland)
Denens-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen Romanshorn.svg
Wappen von Romanshorn
Saint-Prex-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Herzogenbuchsee-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Herzogenbuchsee (canton of Bern-Switzerland
Ferpicloz-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms of the municipality of Ferpicloz (Switzerland)
Wappen wollerau.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Wollerau, Canton Schwyz, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Blauen BL.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Blauen in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Hellsau-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Hellsau (Switzerland)
Oberlangenegg-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Oberlangenegg (Switzerland)
Roches-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms municipality of Roches, Berne Switzerland)
Wappen Hemishofen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Scheuren-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Scheuren (Switzerland)
Häutligen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Häutligen (Switzerland)
Val-de-Charmey Blason.png
S Wappe vo de politische Gmeind Val-de-Charmey im Kanton Friburg, Schwiz.
Wappen innterthal.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Cressier-FR-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Cressier in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Walenstadt-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Walenstadt (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Arboldswil.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Arboldswil in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Saint-Aubin-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Saint-Aubin in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Les Clees-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Rothenburg LU.png
Coat of Arms of the Community of Rothenburg LU
Wappen Habsburg AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Habsburg
Ennetmoos-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
CHE Cugnasco-Gerra COA.svg
Coat of arms of Cugnasco-Gerra, Switzerland.
Blazon of Niederbüren, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Genthod-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Gruyères-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Gruyères in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Wappen Laeufelfingen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der politischen Gemeinde Läufelfingen, Schweiz
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Hemmiken.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Hemmiken in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Blazon of Berg, Canton of St. Gallen - Blazono de Berg, Kantono de Sankt-Galo
Semsales-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Semsales, in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Donneloye-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Donneloye (Switzerland)
Chigny-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Siselen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Siselen, Switzerland)
Plaffeien-coat of arms.svg
Autor: No machine-readable author provided. BillC assumed (based on copyright claims)., Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Plaffeien in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Thörigen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Thörigen (Switzerland)
Innertkirchen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Innertkirchen (Switzerland)
Corgémont-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Crogémont, Switzerland)
Blazon of Vernayaz, Canton of Valais, Switzerland
Buchrain LU border2.png
Flag of Buchrain LU
Wappen Gächlingen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen sattel.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Sattel, Canton Schwyz, Switzerland
Mauborget-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen Renens.svg
Původní dílo:
, révisé par Sa-se, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen der Gemeinde Renens (Schweiz)
Thunstetten-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Thunstetten and Tobel-Tägerschen in Switzerland
Coat of arms of Ettingen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Ettingen in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Coat of arms of Kilchberg BL.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Kilchberg in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Monteceneri CoA.png
Coat of Arms of Monteceneri, Switzerland.
1 = Coat of arms of Dübendorf, Canton of Zürich, Switzerland.
Per fess Azure a Semi Unicorn rampant issuant Or and Pally of Six Argent and Gules.
Wappen Birrwil.svg
Wappen von Birrwil
Wappen von Reute Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden Schweiz
CHE Affeltrangen COA.svg
Wappen von Affeltrangen, Kanton Thurgau, Schweiz
Wappen Sissach.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der politischen Gemeinde Sissach, Schweiz
Schoenenwerd wappen.svg
Autor: Natascha klafsky, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Schönenwerdner Wappen
CheneBourg-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Wappen Bussigny VD.svg
Původní dílo:
, révisé par Sa-se, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen der Gemeinde Bussigny (Schweiz)
Sainte-Croix-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Sainte-Croix (Switzerland)
Wappen Lohn.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Borex-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Borex (Switzerland)
Blazon of Gottlieben, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Hirschthal AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Hirschthal
Blazon of Muriaux, Canton of Jura, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Herdern, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
St. Silvester-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of en:St. Silvester in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Unterkulm.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Unterkulm in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Torny-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of en:Torny in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Wappen Widen AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Widen
CHE Bourg-Saint-Pierre COA.svg
Blason d'Bourg-Saint-Pierre
Coat of arms of Wallbach AG.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Wallbach in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Genolier-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen der Gemeinde Pfyn, im Kanton Thurgau, Schweiz.
Bretigny-sur-Morrens-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Bretigny-sur-Morrens
Corminboeuf-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Corminboeuf in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Blazon of Thundorf, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland
Wappen von Quarten Kanton St.gallen Schweiz
Montagny-pres-Yverdon-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Xens, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Montagny-près-Yverdon (Switzerland)
Sorens-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Sorens in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Schoeftland.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Schöftland in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Hildisrieden LU.png
Flag of Hildisrieden
Lotzwil-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Lotzwil (Switzerland)
Blazon of Homburg, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Autor: Oblic, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipalitie of Corcelles (Switzerland)
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
CHE Trubschachen COA.svg
Wappen Trubschachen
Wappen Risch Rotkreuz.svg
Wappen der Gemeinde Risch Rotkreuz
Blazon of Märstetten, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Crassier-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Ebnat-Kappel in the constituency of Toggenburg, canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Blazon: Per bend sinister Or a Semi Unicorn couped rampant langued Gules and Azure a Chapel Argent roofed Gules.
Blazon of Winznau, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Rue-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms municipality of Rue (Switzerland)
Autor: Nathanaël Alber, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.5
Tento obrázek (skupina coat of arms) by měl být vytvořen pomocí vektorové grafiky jako SVG soubor. To má několik výhod; podrobnosti najdete na stránce Commons:Media for cleanup. Je-li SVG verze tohoto obrázku již k dispozici, prosím nahrajte ji. Po nahrání nahraďte tuto šablonu šablonou {{Vector version available|jméno nového obrázku.svg}}.
Coat of arms of Ormalingen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Ormalingen in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Bas-Intyamon-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Bas-Intyamon in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ochlenberg-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Ochlenberg (Switzerland)
Romont (Fribourg)-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Romont in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Champvent-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Xens, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Champvent (Switzerland)
Heimberg-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Heimberg (Switzerland)
Dalpe-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Blazon of Wagenhausen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Saules-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Saules (Switzerland)
La Sagne-coat of arms.svg
Autor: No machine-readable author provided. BillC assumed (based on copyright claims)., Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of La Sagne in the canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
Wappen alpthal.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Möhlin AG.svg
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Möhlin
Wappen Oberentfelden AG.svg
Coat of arms of Oberentfelden, Canton Aargau
Ebikon LU.png
Flag of Ebikon
Sigriswil-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms municipality of Sigriswil (Switzerland)
Romoos LU.png
Flag of Romoos
Blazon of Grenchen, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Kreuzlingen
Wattenwil-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Wattenwil (Switzerland)
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Vinzel-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Blazon of Zullwil, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland
Muzzano-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Meierskappel LU.png
Flag of Meierskappel
Wappen Lütisburg.svg
Coat of arms of Lütisburg, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Blazon of Bottighofen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Fraubrunnen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms municipality and district of Fraubrunnen (Switzerland)
Wappen Schleitheim.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Freienwil.svg
Wappen von Freienwil
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Evilard-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Évilard (Switzerland)
Remaufens-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Remaufens in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Coeur du village de Chevenez.jpg
Autor: Moissons95, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
village paisible de Haute-Ajoie
Kleinbösingen-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Kleinbösingen in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
CHE Vérossaz COA.svg
Écartelé aux 1 et 4 de gueules à la croix tréflée d'argent, et aux 2 et 3 de sable à l'étoile d'or ; une vergette ondée d'argent brochant sur le tout.
Wauwil LU.png
Flag of Wauwil
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Gurbrü-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Gurbrü (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Amlikon-Bissegg, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Gampelen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Gampelen (Switzerland)
CHE Bister COA.svg
Armoiries de Bister.
Châtel-Saint-Denis-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Châtel-Saint-Denis in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Blazon of Buchegg, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland
Reichenbach 2farbig transparent.png
Autor: Sonja Holzer, Licence: CC0
Wappen der Gemeinde Reichenbach im Kandertal, Bern, Schweiz
Lengnau bei Biel-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Lengnau bei Biel (Switzerland)
Wappen von Les-Montets Kanton Freiburg Schweiz
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blazon of Terre di Pedemonte, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland
Grandval-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Grandval, Switzerland)
Bäriswil-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Bäriswil (Switzerland)
Aesch LU.png
Flag of Aesch LU
Münchwilen TG-blazon.svg
Autor: Taktaal, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Blazon of Münchwilen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Melchnau-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Melchnau (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Hersberg.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Hersberg in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Hermance-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Wappen Staffelbach AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Staffelbach
Wappen balsthal.jpg
Autor: , Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen von Balsthal, Kanton Solothurn
Coat of arms of Balsthal, Canton Solothurn
Blason de Balsthal, canton de Soleure von/by/par schalk_90
Coat of arms of Müllheim, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Wappen Büttenhardt.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Eich LU.png
Flag of Eich LU
Blazon of Bad Ragaz, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Arch-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms of the municipality of Arch (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Hüttwilen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Wappen Fey.jpg
Wappen von Fey Kanton Waadt Schweiz
Vugelles-La Mothe-coat of arms.svg
Autor: No machine-readable author provided. Xens assumed (based on copyright claims)., Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blason de la commune de Vugelles-La-Mothe (Suisse/Vaud)
Gollion-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Moosseedorf-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Moosseedorf (Switzerland)
Marbach Wappen 2.jpg
wappen von Marbach Kanton St.Gallen Schweiz
Agno-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Blazon of Amden, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Worben-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Worben (Switzerland)
Cheserex-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of Kienberg SO.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Kienberg in the canton of Solothurn in Switzerland.
Vucherens ch.png
Wappen von Vucherens Kanton Waadt Schweiz
Wappen riemenstalden.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Riemenstalden, Canton Schwyz, Switzerland
Wappen von Val-de-Travers Kanton Neuenburg Schweiz
Goumoëns-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Goumoëns
Grindelwald-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Grindelwald (Switzerland)
Spiez-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Spiez (Switzerland)
Forst Längenbühl-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Forst-Längenbühl (Switzerland)
Wappen von Grabs Kanton Sankt Gallen SCHWEIZ
Wappen Würenlos AG.svg
Coat of arms of Würenlos, Canton Aargau
Wappen Langenbruck.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der politischen Gemeinde Langenbruck, Schweiz
Hasle LU.png
Flag of Hasle LU
Wappen Dörflingen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Arisdorf.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der politischen Gemeinde Arisdorf, Schweiz
Benken SG-blazon.svg
Blazon of Benken, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Pohlern-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Pohlern (Switzerland)
Chénens-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Chénens in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Hagneck-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Hagneck (Switzerland)
Wikon LU.png
Flag of Wikon
Coat of arms of Meisterschwanden.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Meisterschwanden in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Autor: Anto, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.5
Vue de la ville d'Orsières, depuis la proximité du télésiège de la Breya
Breil Brigels wappen.svg
Former Coat of arms of the municipality of Breil/Brigels (CH-GR) until 2018
Safnern-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Safnern, Switzerland)
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ecublens (Fribourg)-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Écublens in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Wappen Remigen AG.svg
Coat of arms of Remigen, Canton Aargau
Coat of arms of Oberkulm.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Oberkulm in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Schongau LU.png
Flag of Schongau LU
Wappen Frick AG.svg
Wappen von Frick
Coat of arms of Pfeffingen BL.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Pfeffingen in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Vich-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen Fuellinsdorf.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der politischen Gemeinde Füllinsdorf, Schweiz
Blazon of Fontenais, Canton of Jura, Switzerland
Wappen Villars-Sainte-Croix.svg
Původní dílo:
, révisé par Sa-se, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen der Gemeinde Villars-Sainte-Croix (Schweiz)
Saulcy Blazono.png
Coat of arms of Saulcy, Canton of Jura, Switzerland
Massonnens-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Massonnens in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Wappen Au Kanton St. Gallen.svg
Wappen von Au, Kanton St.Gallen Schweiz
Honau LU.png
Flag of Honau LU
Wappen oberiberg.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blazon of Milvignes, Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Tartegnin-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Meggen LU.png
Flag of Meggen LU
Coat of arms of Niederdorf BL.svg
Coat of arms of former municipality Niederdorf in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Blazon of Eschenz, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Stansstad-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Stansstad (Switzerland)
Autor: Voyager, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Kestenholz, Canton Solothurn
Blazon of Drei Höfe, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland
Wappen Orbe.svg
Autor: sidonius 11:04, 28 March 2008 (UTC), Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Orbe, Canton of Vaud, Switzerland. Historical coat of arms of the Two-party condominium of Orbe and Echallens
Wappen altendorf.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Altbueron LU.png

Alpenfahnen AG Gewerbering 26

5610 Wohlen, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of Arms of the Community of Altbüron
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blazon of Kradolf-Schönenberg, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Blazon of Güttingen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Unterseen-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Unterseen (Switzerland)
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Autor: Stedewa, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Blason de Prévonloup recomposition vectorielle à partir de Blason_commune_CH_Lucens_(Vaud).svg et Coat of arms of Diocèse Lausanne Genève Fribourg.svg
Weggis LU.png
Flag of Weggis
Nods-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Nods (Switzerland)
GW-FR-Cugy neu.png
Blason d'Cugy
CHE Teuffenthal COA.svg
Wappen Teuffenthal
Novalles-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Blazon of Oberbüren, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Ennetbaden.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Ennetbaden in canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
Villeret-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Villeret (Switzerland)
Oberbipp-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of municipality of Oberbipp (Switzerland)
Malters LU.png
Flag of Malters
Wappen Wilchingen.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen Oberrohrdorf AG.svg
Autor: Sa-se, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Oberrohrdorf
Wappen Eggenwil.svg
Wappen von Eggenwil
Wappen Spreitenbach AG.svg
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Spreitenbach
Blazon of Morschach, Canton of Schwyz, Switzerland
Vuarrens-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Vuarrens (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Ederswiler, Canton of Jura, Switzerland (Source: Symbol on the wall of the municipal administration)
Blazono de Häggenschwil, elektodistrikto Sankt-Galo, Kantono Sankt-Galo, Svislando
Paudex-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Auboranges-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of Auboranges
Le Vaud-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Oeschenbach-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Oeschenbach (Switzerland)
Wappen Liesberg.png
Wappen der politischen Gemeinde Liesberg, Schweiz
Saint-Barthélemy-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Saint-Barthélemy
Graben-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Graben (Switzerland)
Granges-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Granges in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Adelboden-coat of arms.svg
coat of arms municipality of Adelboden (Switzerland)
Rüeggisberg-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Rüeggisberg, Switzerland)
Meinisberg-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Meinisberg (Switzerland)
Wappen unteriberg.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Unteriberg, Canton Schwyz, Switzerland
Lungern-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Romanel-sur-Lausanne-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Romanel-sur-Lausanne (Switzerland)
Juriens-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Delta-9, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Juriens (Switzerland)
Chevilly-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of Arms Therwil
Belp-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms municipality of Belp (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Saint-Brais, Canton of Jura, Switzerland
Chamblon-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Xens, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Chamblon (Switzerland)
Coat of arms of Movelier, Canton of Jura, Switzerland (Source: Symbol on the wall of the municipal administration)
Neuenegg-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Neuenegg (Switzerland)
Kirchlindach-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Kirchlindach (Switzerland)
Vitznau LU.png
Flag of Vitznau
Maggia-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Lachen SZ-blazon.svg
Blazon of Lachen, Canton of Schwyz, Switzerland
Wiggiswil-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Wiggiswil (Switzerland)
Ermensee LU.png
Flag of Ermensee
Penthéréaz-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Penthéréaz
Reconvilier-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Reconvilier (Switzerland)
Giornico-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Grandvillard-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Grandvillard in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Autor: Voyager, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Selzach, Canton Solothurn
Gals-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of the municipality of Gals (Switzerland)
Wappen von Wolfhalden Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden Schweiz
Châtel-sur-Montsalvens-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Châtel-sur-Montsalvens in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Wappen von Wittenbach Kanton Sankt Gallen SCHWEIZ
Fischbach LU.png

Alpenfahnen AG Gewerbering 26

5610 Wohlen, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of Arms of the Community of Fischbach LU
Eschert-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Eschert, Switzerland)
Gambarogno CoA.png
Coat of arms of Gambarogno, Switzerland.
Coat of arms of Lampenberg.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Lampenberg in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Coat of arms of Buus.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Buus in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Cuarnens-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Tschugg-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms municipality of Tschugg, Switzerland)
Wappen freienbach.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Misery-Courtion-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Misery-Courtion in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Oberdorf BL.svg
Coat of arms of former municipality Oberdorf in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Crésuz-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Crésuz in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Jorat-Menthue-coat of arms.svg
Blason de la commune de Jorat-Menthue (VD-CH)
Blazon of Appenzell, Canton of Appenzell-Innerrhoden, Switzerland
Coat of arms of Zwingen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Zwingen in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Coat of arms of Zeglingen.svg
Coat of arms of municipality Zeglingen in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.
Oberdorf-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Caslano-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipalitie of Caslano (Switzerland)
Jegenstorf-coat of arms.svg
Autor: Aliman5040, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
coat of arms of municipality of Jegenstorf (Switzerland)
Savigny-coat of arms.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Wappen Gontenschwil.svg
Wappen Gontenschwil
Wappen von Poliez-Pittet Kanton Waadt Schweiz
GW-SG-Wildhaus-Alt Sankt Johann.png
Wappen Gesamtgemeinde Wildhaus-Alt Sankt Johann Kanton St. Gallen Schweiz
Wappen Lupfig.svg
Wappen der Aargauer Gemeinde Lupfig
Matzingen-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Matzingen, Thurgau, Switzerland
Villars-le-Terroir-coat of arms.svg
Coat of arms of the municipality of Villars-le-Terroir