Seznam egyptských pyramid

Seznam egyptských pyramid obsahuje samostatné archeologicky doložené egyptské pyramidy řazené chronologicky podle dynastií.

FotografieNázevFaraonLokaceObdobíŠířka základny x délka základny x výška (m)Objem
Saqqara Pyramid Djoser.jpg
Džoserova pyramidaDžoserSakkára3. dynastie121 x 109 x 60330 400 m3
Sekhemkhet pyramid at Saqqara.jpg
Sechemchetova pyramidaSechemchetSakkára3. dynastie120x120x733 600 m3 (nedokončená)
Khaba pyramid at Zawyet el'Aryan.jpg
Vrstvená pyramidaChabaZáwíjit el-Arján3. dynastie84 x 84 x 2047 040 m3 (nedokončená)
Lepsius I Pyramid.jpg
Pyramida Lepsius č. I‎Hunej?Abú Rawáš3. dynastie215? x 215? x 105–150?
Pyramide von Athribis.jpg
Pyramida v Athribis‎Hunej? Snofru?Athribis3. / 4. dynastie20? x 20? x ?
Pyramida v MédúmuSnofruMédúm4. dynastie144 x 144 x 92638 733 m3
Lomená pyramidaSnofruDahšúr4. dynastie188 x 188 x 1051 237 040 m3
Červená pyramidaSnofruDahšúr4. dynastie220 x 220 x 1051 694 000 m3
Chufuova pyramidaChufuGíza4. dynastie230 x 230 x 1462 583 283 m3
Abu Rawash Pyramid.jpg
Radžedefova pyramidaRadžedefAbú Rawáš4. dynastie106 x 106 x 68131 043 m3
Khephren 009.jpg
Rachefova pyramidaRachefGíza4. dynastie215 x 215 x 1432 211 096 m3
Menkaures Pyramid Giza Egypt.jpg
Menkaureova pyramidaMenkaureGíza4. dynastie103 x 103 x 65235 183 m3
Saqqarah Ouserkaf 06.jpg
Veserkafova pyramidaVeserkafSakkára5. dynastie73 x 73 x 4987 906 m3
Pyramid of Sahure 2.jpg
Sahureova pyramidaSahureAbúsír5. dynastie79 x 79 x 4796 452 m3
Abousir Neferirkare 02.jpg
Neferirkareova pyramidaNeferirkareAbúsír5. dynastie105 x 105 x 54257 250 m3
Abousir Neferefre 01.jpg
Raneferefova pyramidaRaneferefAbúsír5. dynastie65 x 65 x?Nedokončená
Pyramid of Niuserre.jpg
Niuserreova pyramidaNiuserreAbúsír5. dynastie80 x 80 x 52112 632 m3
Pyramid of Djedkare, Saqqara, 1990ies.png
Džedkareova pyramidaDžedkareJižní Sakkára5. dynastie79x79x52107 835 m3
Sakkara C02-29.jpg
Venisova pyramidaVenisSeverní Sakkára5. dynastie58 x 58 x 4347 390 m3
Tetiho pyramidaTetiSeverní Sakkára6. dynastie78 x 78 x 52107 835 m3
Pyramida Pepiho I.Pepi I.Jižní Sakkára6. dynastie79 x 79 x 52107 835 m3
Pyramid of Merenre, Saqqara, 1990ies.jpg
Pyramida Merenrea I.Merenre I.Jižní Sakkára6. dynastie78 x 78 x 52107 835 m3
Pyramida Pepiho II.Pepi II.Jižní Sakkára6. dynastie78 x 78 x 52107 835 m3
Ibiho pyramidaIbiJižní Sakkára8. dynastie31 x 31 x 21107 835 m3
Pyramida Amenemheta I.Amenemhet I.Lišt12. dynastie84 x 84 x 55129 360 m3
Licht-senwsPyramids 01.jpg
Pyramida Senusreta I.Senusret I.Lišt12. dynastie105 x 105 x 61225 093 m3
Bílá pyramidaAmenemhet II.Dahšúr12. dynastie50 x 50 x ?
Pyramida Senusreta II.Senusret II.Láhún12. dynastie106 x 106 x 49185 665 m3
Pyramida Senusreta III.Senusret III.Dahšúr12. dynastie105 x 105 x 78288 488 m3
Černá pyramidaAmenemhet III.Dahšúr12. dynastie105 x 105 x 75274 625 m3
Chendžerova pyramidaChendžerJižní Sakkára13. dynastie52 x 52 x 3744 096 m3
Pyramid of Ahmose, Abydos, 1998.png
Ahmosova pyramidaAhmose I.Abydos18. dynastie52 x 52 x 10

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Autor: LorisRomito na projektu Wikipedie v jazyce angličtina, Licence: CC-BY-SA-3.0
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Pyramide des Sahure
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Lepsius I Pyramid.jpg
View of the Lepsius I pyramid from south east
Menkaures Pyramid Giza Egypt.jpg
Autor: Kounosu, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Menkaure's Pyramid, Giza, Egypt
Autor: Jon Bodsworth, Licence: Copyrighted free use
The ruined first pyramid of Amenemhet III, commonly known as the "Black Pyramid".
Saqqarah Ouserkaf 06.jpg
View of the north face of the Uuserkaf pyramid with access to underground funeral apartments - Saqqarah - Fifth Egyptian dynasty
Pyramid of Merenre, Saqqara, 1990ies.jpg
Autor: Wannabe Egyptologist, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Pyramid of Merenre, Saqqara, 1990ies
Autor: GDK, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Plan of the Qakare-Ibi-Pyramid
Pyramid of Djedkare, Saqqara, 1990ies.png
Autor: Wannabe Egyptologist, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Pyramid of Djedkare, Saqqara, 1990ies
Khephren 009.jpg
Vue des ruines du temple haut ou temple funéraire et de la pyramide de Khéphren à Gizeh - IVe dynastie égyptienne
Khaba pyramid at Zawyet el'Aryan.jpg
Autor: Pottery Fan, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Khaba's layer pyramid at Zawyet el'Aryan
Pyramid of Ahmose, Abydos, 1998.png
Autor: Wannabe Egyptologist, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Pyramida Ahmose I., Abydos
Autor: Kurohito, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Meidum pyramid
Sekhemkhet pyramid at Saqqara.jpg
Autor: Pottery Fan, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Pyramid of Sekhemkhet or Djoserty at Saqqara
Autor: Nina, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Kheops pyramid
Autor: Jon Bodsworth, Licence: Copyrighted free use
The ruined pyramid of Senusret II at Illahum.
Autor: Jon Bodsworth, Licence: Copyrighted free use
The 6th Dynasty Pyramid of Pepi II which is situated between Saqqara and Dashur. As well as the ruined pyramid there are three satellite pyramids for the Queens Ugebeten, Neit and Ipuit.
Snefru's Bent Pyramid in Dahshur.jpg
(c) Ivrienen na projektu Wikipedie v jazyce angličtina, CC BY 3.0
Pharaoh Sneferu's Bent Pyramid in Dahshur, Egypt.
  • Date:14 October 2007
Abousir Neferirkare 02.jpg
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Pyramide von Athribis.jpg
Pohľad na pyramídu v Athribe podľa Description de l’Égypte (1822).
Autor: Jon Bodsworth, Licence: Copyrighted free use
The pyramid of Amenemhet I at Lisht.
Autor: MONNIER Franck (, Licence: CC BY 2.5
The w:Pyramid of Khendjer, Pharaoh w:Khendjer, ca. 1765 BC, ~4+ year reign
Saqqara Pyramid Djoser.jpg
Autor: Buyoof, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
This is a photo of the Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara
Abu Rawash Pyramid.jpg
I took this photo myself in 2005.
Abousir Neferefre 01.jpg
Pyramid of Neferefre, 5th Dynasty, about the early 2450s BC.