Seznam jihokorejských torpédoborců

Seznam jihokorejských torpédoborců obsahuje všechny torpédoborce, které sloužily nebo slouží u Námořnictva Korejské republiky.
Seznam lodí
Třída Čchungmu
- Čchungmu (DD-911)
- Soul (DD-912)
- Pusan (DD-913)
Třída Tegu
- Tegu (DD-917)
- Inčchon (DD-918)
Třída Čchungpuk
- Čchungpuk (DD-915)
- Čolpuk (DD-916)
- Tedžon (DD-919)
- Kwangdžu (DD-921)
- Kangwon (DD-922)
- Kjonggi (DD-923)
- Čondžu (DD-925)
Třída Kwanggetcho Veliký
- Kwanggetcho Veliký (DDH-971)
- Uldži Mun-dok (DDH-972)
- Jang Man-čchun (DDH-973)
Třída Čchungmukong I Sun-sin
- Čchungmukong I Sun-sin (DDH-975)
- Munmu Veliký (DDH-976)
- Te Čo-jong (DDH-977)
- Wang Kŏn (DDH-978)
- Kang Kam-čchan (DDH-979)
- Čchö Jong (DDH-981)
Třída Tchedžo Veliký
- Tchedžo Veliký (DDG-991)
- Julgok I I (DDG-992)
- Seoae Ju Sǒngn-jǒng (DDG-993)
- Čongdžo Veliký (DDG-995)
V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Republic of Korea Navy na anglické Wikipedii.
Související články
Média použitá na této stránce
040706-N-6811L-045 Pacific Ocean (July 6, 2004) ? Republic of Korea Destroyer Yi SunShin (DDH 975) cruises to position where it will participate in exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2004. RIMPAC is the largest international maritime exercise in the waters around the Hawaiian Islands. This years exercise includes seven participating nations; Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States. RIMPAC is intended to enhance the tactical proficiency of participating units in a wide array of combined operations at sea, while enhancing stability in the Pacific Rim region.
Autor: 대한민국 국군 Republic of Korea Armed Forces, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
2014.3.19 해군 2함대 천안함 4주기 해상기동 훈련 Republic of Korea Navy 2nd Fleet Command
PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (June 24, 2008) Republic of Korea Ship (ROKS) Munmu the Great (DDH 976) passes Battleship Missouri Memorial and USS Arizona Memorial as she makes her way pier side to Naval Station Pearl Harbor. Munmu the Great and ROKS Yang Manchoon (DDH 973) are in Pearl Harbor to participate in Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2008. RIMPAC 2008 is the 21st in a series of significant international military exercises scheduled biannually by the U.S. Pacific fleet that takes place in the Hawaiian operating area. Units from Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan, Netherlands, Peru, Republic of Korea, Singapore, United Kingdom and the U.S. are scheduled to participate. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class James E. Foehl (Released)