Seznam manželek a manželů viceprezidentů Spojených států amerických

Toto je seznam manželek a manželů viceprezidentů Spojených států amerických. Ženy jsou označovány jako „druhé dámy“ (Second Lady of the United States, SLOTUS) ve vztahu k titutu „první dáma“. Prvním mužem v této roli se v roce 2021 stal Douglas Emhoff označovaný za „druhého gentlemana“ (Second Gentleman of the United States, SGOTUS).[1][2][3]


viceprezidentdruhá dáma / druhý gentlemanobrázek
John AdamsAbigail Smith Adamsová
Thomas Jeffersonvdovec
Aaron Burrvdovec
George Clintonvdovec
Elbridge GerryAnn Thompson Gerry
Daniel D. TompkinsHannah Minthorne Tompkins
John C. CalhounFloride Bonneau Colhoun Calhoun
Martin Van Burenvdovec
Richard Mentor Johnsonrozvedený
John TylerLetitia Christian Tyler
George M. DallasSophia Nicklin Dallas
Millard FillmoreAbigail Powers Fillmoreová
William R. Kingrozvedený
John C. BreckinridgeMary Cyrene Burch Breckinridge
Hannibal HamlinEllen Vesta Emery Hamlin
Andrew JohnsonEliza McCardle Johnson
Schuyler ColfaxEllen Maria Wade Colfax
Henry Wilsonvdovec
William A. Wheelervdovec
Chester A. Arthurvdovec
Thomas A. HendricksEliza Morgan Hendricks
Levi P. MortonAnna Livingston Reade Street Morton
Adlai E. Stevenson ILetitia Green Stevenson
Garret HobartJennie Tuttle Hobart
Theodore RooseveltEdith Kermit Carow Rooseveltová
Charles W. FairbanksCornelia Cole Fairbanks
James S. ShermanCarrie Babcock Sherman
Thomas R. MarshallLois Irene Kimsey Marshall
Calvin CoolidgeGrace Goodhue Coolidgeová
Charles G. DawesCaro Dana Blymyer Dawes
Charles Curtisvdovec
John Nance GarnerMariette Rheiner Garner
Henry A. WallaceIlo Browne Wallace
Harry S. TrumanElizabeth Virginia Wallace Truman
Alben W. BarkleyElizabeth Jane Rucker Hadley Barkley
Richard NixonPat Nixonová
Lyndon JohnsonLady Bird Johnsonová
Hubert HumphreyMuriel Faye Buck Humphrey
Spiro AgnewElinor Isabel Judefind Agnew
Gerald FordBetty Fordová
Nelson RockefellerMargaretta Large Fitler Murphy "Happy" Rockefeller
Walter MondaleJoan Adams Mondale
George H. W. BushBarbara Bushová
Dan QuayleMarilyn Tucker
Al GoreMary Elizabeth "Tipper" Aitcheson Gore
Dick CheneyLynne Ann Cheney
Joe BidenJill Bidenová
Mike PenceKaren Pence
Kamala HarrisováDouglas Emhoff
JD Vance Usha Vance


  1. Bude první druhý gentleman. Manžel Harrisové je úspěšný právník, kariéru ale opustí. Aktuálně.cz [online]. Economia, 2020-11-12 [cit. 2021-02-12]. Dostupné online. 
  2. Doug Emhoff – budoucí druhý gentleman USA. [online]. Borgis, 2020-11-11 [cit. 2021-02-12]. Dostupné online. 
  3., ČTK. Manžel viceprezidentky se vzdal kariéry právníka, Bidenová zůstane učitelkou. [online]. 2020-11-12 [cit. 2021-02-12]. Dostupné online. 

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Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt, second wife of Theodore Roosevelt
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Mariette Rheiner Garner
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Second Lady of the United States, Caro Dawes (1866-1957)
Mrs. Agnew.tif
Judy Agnew (1971)
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Mrs. Thos. R. Marshall
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Sugar rationing. Mrs. Henry Wallace, wife of the Vice President, learns how millions of American householders will register for their sugar rationing cards from May 4th through May 7th. She's getting the information from a teacher and pupil at Western High School, Washington, D.C.
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First Lady Barbara Bush in 1991
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Anna Livingston Street Morton
Letitia Tyler2 (edited).jpg
Oil portrait of Letitia Tyler (1790 - 1842), first wife of John Tyler, by an unknown artist; 42” x 36”
Jennie Tuttle Hobart 1849-1941), wife of U.S. Vice President Garret Hobart
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Marilyn Quayle, former "Second Lady" of the United States.
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Jane Hadley Barkley
Senator Muriel Humphrey (D-MN).jpg
U.S. Senator Muriel Humphrey (DFL-MN)
Fairbanks 4408868314 de2f1cd85b o.jpg
Bain News Service,, publisher.

Cornelia Cole Fairbanks

[between ca. 1910 and ca. 1915]

1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.

Notes: Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards. Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

Format: Glass negatives.

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.

Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA,

General information about the Bain Collection is available at

Persistent URL:

Call Number: LC-B2- 2873-13
Vice President-Elect of the United States, JD Vance and Second Lady Usha Vance greet a Medal of Honor recipient before a wreath laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery (cropped).jpg
Vice President-Elect of the United States, JD Vance and Second Lady Usha Vance greet a Medal of Honor recipient before a wreath laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery January 19, 2025. The visit to Arlington National Cemetery is in lead up to Monday’s Inauguration.(U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Samantha Cate)
Happy Rockefeller 1973.JPG
Description: Item from Collection GRF-WHPO: Ford White House Photograph Collection, 12/06/1973 - 01/20/1977

Access Restrictions: Unrestricted

Use Restrictions: Unrestricted
Eliza Hendricks.jpg
Eliza Morgan Hendricks
Grace Coolidge 1924.jpg
First Lady of the United States, Grace Coolidge (1879-1957)
Jill Biden official portrait 2.jpg
Official portrait of the Second Lady of the United States Jill Biden.
Ellen Hamlin.jpg
Mrs. Hannibal Hamlin
Bess Truman cropped.jpg
First Lady Bess Truman
Autor: NeznámýUnknown author, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Photo of First Lady Pat Nixon
Letitia Green Stevenson, the wife of United States Vice President Adlai Stevenson from In memoriam: Letitia Green Stevenson, Adlai Ewing Stevenson (1910)
Mrs. Sherman.jpg
Carrie Babcock Sherman
Hannah Tompkins2.jpg
Painting of Hannah Tompkins, wife of Daniel D. Tompkins. Painted by Ezra Ames, c. 1809.
Douglas Emhoff (1) (cropped).jpg
“Happy 75th Birthday to @JoeBiden!”
Second Lady of the United States Mary Cyrene Burch Breckinridge, wife of Vice-President John C. Breckinridge
Ann Thompson Gerry.jpg
Portrait of Ann Thompson Gerry
Ellen Maria Colfax.jpg
Mrs. Schuyler Colfax, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing right, left hand under chin
Karen Pence official portrait 2.jpg
Second Lady Mrs. Karen Pence Official Portrait session Wednesday, March 20, 2019.