Seznam největších říší světa

Seznam největších říší (států) světa v celé jeho historii. Pořadí je podle jejich rozlohy (nad 1 milion km²).

Britské impérium (British Empire)

Mongolská říše (Монголын Эзэнт Гүрэн)

Španělské impérium (Monarquía Española)

Španělské impérium v roce 15801975

Ruské impérium (Российская империя)

Svaz sovětských socialistických republik (Союз Советских Социалистических Республик)

SSSR v roce 1991

Ruská federace (Российская Федерация)

Čínské císařství (中華帝國)

  • 14 700 000 km² (1790)
  • 383 100 000 obyvatel (1820)
  • Ťia-čching (1799–1820) – syn Nebes

Umajjovský chalífát (بنو أمية)

Umajjovský chalífát v roce 750

Kanada (Canada)

Kanada v roce 2009

Spojené státy americké (United States of America)

USA v roce 2009

Čínská lidová republika (中华人民共和国)

Fátimovský chalífát (خلافة فاطمية)

Brazilská federativní republika (República Federativa do Brasil)

Australský svaz (Commonwealth of Australia)

Perská říše (هخامنشیان)

Římská říše (Imperium Romanum)

  • 5 600 000 km² (117)
  • Marcus Ulpius Traianus (53-117) – císař
  • 90 milionů obyvatel za vlády císaře Trajána

Osmanská říše (دولت عالیه عثمانیه)

Makedonské království (Μακεδονικό βασίλειο)

Makedonská říše v letech 334323 př. n. l.
  • 5 400 000 km² (330 př. n. l.)
  • Alexandros Philippou Makedonon (356 př. n. l. - 323 př. n. l.) – král

Byzantská říše (Βασιλεία των Ρωμαίων)

Evropská unie

Indická republika (भारत गणराज्य)

Indie v roce 2009

Mughalská říše (شاهان مغول)

Argentinská republika (República Argentina)

  • 2 780 400 km²
  • 40 091 359 obyvatel (2010)
  • Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (1953) – prezidentka

Republika Kazachstán (Қазақстан Республикасы)

Súdánská republika (جمهورية السودان) - do roku 2011

Súdán v roce 2009

Alžírská demokratická a lidová republika (الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية)

Demokratická republika Kongo (République démocratique du Congo)

Saúdskoarabské království (المملكة العربية السعودية)

  • 2 149 690 km²
  • 26 680 000 obyvatel (2011)
  • Abdalláh ibn Abd al-Azíz (1924) – král, předseda vlády v Radě ministrů a velitel Národní gardy

Incká říše (Tahuantinsuyo)

Asyrská říše a Novoasyrská říše (ܐ ܫ ܘ ܪ)

Asyrská říše v letech 824 př. n. l. a 671 př. n. l.

Egyptská říše (Ta Kemet.jpg)

Egyptská říše v roce 1450 př. n. l.

Média použitá na této stránce

Hitt Egypt 1450 bc.svg
Own work. The Egyptian Empire.
Saudi Arabia in its region.svg
Autor: TUBS Gallery, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of XY (see filename) in the region.
Autor: Generic Mapping Tools, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Extent of the empire of Alexander the Great
Qing Dynasty 1820.png
Autor: Pryaltonian, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Map of the Qing Dynasty in 1820, representing its stablized territory from 1790-1839. (Includes provincial boundaries and the boundaries of modern China for reference.) Provinces in yellow, military governorates and protectorates in light yellow, tributary states in orange.
Adapted from File:ROC_PRC_comparison_eng.jpg and information complied from:
Das Mongolenreich unter den Erben Dschingis Khans.GIF
Dastellungskarte des Mongolenreiches kurz vor dessen Auflösung (1295), selbst erstellt am 08. Aug. 2004; Public Domain
Diese Darstellungskarte zeigt das mongolische Gesamtreich Khubilai Khans zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes (1295).
Fatimids Empire 909 - 1171 (AD).PNG
(c) Arab League na projektu Wikipedie v jazyce angličtina, CC BY-SA 3.0
Fatimid Empire (910-1171). The island of Sicily is included though not colored red.
British Empire 1921.png
A map of the British Empire in 1921 when it was at its height, just before the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921.
(But 1921-1937 Ireland continued to have the same status as Canada, Newfoundland, the South African Union, Australia and New Zealand, that is to be part of the British Empire as a dominion)
Brasilian sijainti
The Russian Empire-en.svg
Autor: Milenioscuro, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Russian Empire.
Territory (1866).
Protectorates, overseas territories and occupied territories (dated) between 1800 and 1917.
Sphere of influence.
Mogulriket 1690.jpg
Autor: Original uploader was Rudolf 1922 at sv.wikipedia, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Indien, karta, Mogulriket 1690, egentillv.
Location Tawantin Suyu.png
Autor: Huhsunqu, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.5
Locator map of the Inca Empire.
Ta Kemet.jpg
Autor: Niusereset
Neoklis Kyriazis ("Nick"), Licence: GPLv3
Ancient egyptian name of Egypt: "Kemet" (sometimes incorectly "Ta Kemet")
created with coloured egyptian hieroglyphs by Neoklis Kyriazis ("Nick") and provided under the GNU GPL3 license
Byzanc za Justiniána.png
Autor: Původně soubor načetl Dodo na projektu Wikipedie v jazyce čeština, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Rozsah Byzance za Justiniánovy vlády (kolem roku cs:550).
Spanish Empire.png
Autor: Users Albrecht, Arthur Wellesley, XGustaX on en.wikipedia, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0

Map of the Spanish Empire from 295px.



The Spanish Empire as it stood under the en:House of Bourbon, reaching its peak in the early 1790s. Includes the en:Viceroyalty of New Spain, en:Viceroyalty of Peru, en:Viceroyalty of La Plata, en:Viceroyalty of New Granada, en:Audiencia of Chile, en:Cuba, en:Puerto Rico, en:Santo Domingo, the Louisiana colony, the Nootka colony, the en:Philippines, the satellite en:Kingdom of Naples and en:Duchy of Parma, and various island groups.

Louisiana and New Orleans, which were never widely settled, were returned to France in 1800, the Nootka colony was abandoned in 1795; Spain ceded its claims to the en:Mississippi Territory to the United States in 1795 and en:Florida in 1819; en:New Spain became an independent en:Mexico in 1821.

Spanish settlement did not reach the south of Argentina and Chile until the early en:19th century. By 1824, all of Spain's South American colonies had become independent republics.

British economic rights in present-day en:Belize were established in the 18th century. The colony of en:British Honduras was not created until 1841, after the end of Spanish rule in the region. Most of Central America became independent in 1823 as the en:United Provinces of Central America. Cuba was granted independence and Puerto Rico was ceded to the United States after the en:Spanish-American War.


Regions of Spanish influence over various periods; disputed (i.e. Pacific Coast), unrecognized (i.e. en:Dutch Republic), or short-lived claims (i.e. Cambodia).

  • en:Newfoundland (the Spanish Basque fishing fleet along with French and English fishermen controlled small parts of Newfoundland in the summer during the en:16th century. This control was shared each summer as politics were mostly ignored by the fishermen.)
  • The Protestant Netherlands revolted against Philip II in 1568 and declared their independence as the United Provinces in 1581. After a long and bloody war this nation was finally granted official recognition by Spain and the international community in 1648.
  • The part of the en:Amazon Basin shown here under Spanish influence was incorporated into Portuguese Brazil in the 17th and 18th centuries.


Territories lost at or before the en:Peace of Utrecht in 1714. Spain lost Jamaica to England in the 1650s and Haiti to France in the en:17th century. Many smaller islands in the en:Bahamas and the en:Lesser Antilles were also settled by other Europeans during this period. Spain's territories in present-day France, such as en:Rousillon and the en:Franche-Comté, were conquered Louis XIV. Spain was stripped of her remaining European dominions in 1714. Spain reconquered some of her lost Italian possessions from the Austrians in the 18th century, placing Bourbon princes on the thrones of Parma, Naples, and Sicily. However, these were not incorporated again into the Spanish Crown.


Portuguese possessions ruled jointly under the Spanish sovereign, 1580-1640.


Spain's en:West African empire, including en:Spanish West Africa and en:Spanish Morocco.
EU Globe No Borders.svg
Autor: , Licence: CC BY 3.0
The European Union in an orthographic projection with no borders between member states
Algeria (orthographic projection).svg
Orthographic map of Algeria.
People's Republic of China (orthographic projection).svg
Autor: Ssolbergj, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
The People's Republic of China (green) and its claimed territory (lighter green).
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
India (orthographic projection).svg
Autor: Ssolbergj (talk), Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
India. Area controlled by India in dark green; claimed but not controlled areas in light green.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (orthographic projection).svg
Autor: Ssolbergj, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Soviet Union)
Autor: , Licence: CC BY 3.0
خارطة تُظهر المساحة التي امتدَّت عليها الدولة الأُمويَّة في أقصى اتساعها وذُروة قوَّتها، حوالي سنة 750م. (الرسم مبني بشكلٍ جُزئيّ على كتاب "أطلس تاريخ العالم" (2007) - العالم ما بين سنتيّ 500 و750م، الخارطة.)
Map of Assyria.png
Map of the Assyrian Empire
Sudan 1956-2011 (orthographic projection).svg
Autor: User:Dinamik, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of Sudan 1956-2011. Territories controlled by the Arab Republic of Egypt are highlighted.
Map of the Roman Empire at its height.svg
Autor: Angelus, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Map of the Roman Empire at its height, under Trajan.
Argentina in its region (de-facto).svg
Autor: TUBS Gallery, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of XY (see filename) in the region.
Map of the Achaemenid Empire.jpg
Historic map of the Achaemenid Empire