Seznam obcí v Tyrolsku
Toto je seznam obcí v rakouské spolkové zemi Tyrolsko.
Média použitá na této stránce
Service flag of the state of Lower Austria, Austria
Description: Weiß-grün mit Wappen der Steiermark. Dienstflagge der Steiermark. White-green with coat of arms of Styria. Flag of the state of Styria.
- Source: Image:Steiermark Wappen.svg by David Liuzzo, with colour modifications since this is a flag (i.e. no gradients etc).
Autor: No machine-readable author provided. Golbez assumed (based on copyright claims)., Licence: CC BY 2.5
Blank map of the states of Austria, useful for numbering/labelling in other languages.
Made by User:Golbez.Weiß-rot mit Wappen von Oberösterreich, gekrönt mit Erzherzogshut. Dienstflagge von Oberösterreich. White-red with coat of arms of Upper Austria, crowned with the archducal hat. Flag of the state of Upper Austria.
Bandiera di Burgenland
flag of the state of Carinthia, Austria
Description: Rot-weiß mit Wappen vom Land Salzburg. Dienstflagge von Salzburg. Red-white with coat of arms of the State of Salzburg. Flag of the state of Salzburg.
- Source: Image:Salzburg Wappen.svg by David Liuzzo.
flag of the state of Vorarlberg, Austria