Seznam poštovních známek Protektorátu Čechy a Morava

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Protektorát Čechy a Morava, vyhlášený 16. března 1939 používal zpočátku (do prosince 1939) původní československé známky.

Následovaly československé známky s přetiskem a známky označené dvojjazyčně „Böhmen und Mähren“ a „Čechy a Morava“

Od roku 1942 byly známky označeny též „Deutsches Reich“ a od roku 1943 „Grossdeutsches Reich“.

Platnost posledních protektorátních známek známek skončila 16. května 1945.

Kromě běžných výplatních a příležitostných známek (mnohé s příplatkem) vycházely též novinové a doplatní známky.

Během let 1939–1945 tak vyšlo 122 výplatních a příležitostných a 60 ostatních známek. Generální sbírka tak má celkem 182 různých známek.[1]

Za první známku protektorátu lze považovat československou známku s TGM, která vyšla ještě s nápisem Česko-Slovensko ale až v dubnu 1939.


Ve 30. letech a poté i za války lidé často investovali do poštovních známek, mezi lidmi jich bylo nakoupené velké množství. Po roce 1945 byla ražena teze o kontinuitě Československa a protektorátní známky byly prohlášeny za známky cizí mocnosti a zájem o ně upadal. Po roce 1948 bylo až do 80 let zakázáno o těchto známkách psát, vystavovat je a obchodovat s nimi (na tuzemském trhu, do ciziny mohly být za valuty prodávány), byly též považovány za propagaci nacismu. Došlo dokonce k zabavení sbírek a uvěznění některých sběratelů. Nebyly ani uváděny v katalozích.

Zatímco v Německu byly známky běžně sbírány, větší rozmach na československém území přišel až v 80 letech.

Vzhledem k relativně nízkému počtu protektorátních známek není velký problém shromáždit kompletní známkovou zemi, sběratelé se pak zaměřují na různé tiskové odchylky, deskové značky, vícebloky apod.[1]

Protiněmecké žertíky na známkách

Tvůrcům známek se podařilo skrýt v námětech několik protiněmeckých žertíků.

Ve prospěch červeného kříže

Na těchto známkách je nejprve 1940 lehce raněný stojící voják, v roce 1941 ležící voják, v roce 1942 již ležící voják v těžkém stavu a následně v roce 1943 pouze kříž. V roce 1944 již nevyšly.

Krajiny a města

Do těchto známek tvůrci ukryli v mracích vždy část obrysu státní hranice bývalého Československa.

Přehled sérií

číslodatumnázevobrázekgrafikarytínámětnominální hodnotaplatnost dopřibližný náklad
35223. dubna 1939TGMB. HeinzB. HeinzTGM s nápisem ČESKO-SLOVENSKO1 Kpouze na území Čech a Moravy do 15. prosince 193934 mil.
1-1915. července 1939Přetiskové provizoriumRůzné15. prosince 1939statisíce
20-271939-1941Lipové listyA. SchaumannLipové listy31. března 19431,4-9 mil.
28-4029. července 1939Krajiny, hrady a městaK. Vik

B. Heinz

J. C. Vondrouš

V. Silovský

B. Heinz

K. Seizinger

Zvíkov, Karlštejn, Kutná Hora, Praha, Brno, Olomouc, Zlín, Ostrava, Karlův most40h-20K31. března 1943neuveden
41-4931. března 1940Krajiny, hrady a města II.K. Vik

J. C. Vondrouš

V. Silovský

J. Goldschmied

B. Heinz

Jindřichův Hradec, Pernštejn, Brno, Pardubice, Bechyně, České Budějovice, Kroměříž, Valdštejnská zahrada, Karlův most50h-20K31. března 1943neuveden
50-5129. června 1940Německý červený kříž I.M. GeyerVoják s rukou na pásce, s kuponem60+40h, 1,2K+80h31. prosince 1940po 1,7 mil.
52-5320. dubna 1941Německý červený kříž II.M. GeyerVoják v nemocnici, s kuponem60+40h, 1,2K+80h31. prosince 1941po 1,7 mil.
54-5628. července 1941Lipové listyA. SchaumannJ. GoldschmiedLipové listy60h, 80h, 1K31. března 1943neuveden
57-6128. července 1941Krajiny, hrady a města III.K. Vik

J. C. Vondrouš

V. Silovský

K. Seizinger

J. Goldschmied

B. Heinz

Praha, Kutná Hora, Pardubice, Brno, Pernštejn31. března 1943neuveden
62-6325. srpna 1941Antonín Dvořák - 100. výročí narozeníJ. SejpkaJ. GoldschmiedAntonín Dvořák, s kuponem60h, 1,2K31. prosince 1942po 2,2 mil.
64-677. září 1941Pražské veletrhyJ. Sejpka

V. Silovský

Oráč, vysoká pec31. prosince 1942po 2 mil.
68-7125. října 1941150. výročí úmrtí W. A. MozartaA. LAngenberger

J. Sepjka

Stavovské divadlo, Mozart30+30h - 2,5K31. prosince 19421,9-2,1 mil.
72-7315. března 1942Přítisk ke 3. výročí protektorátuZnámky s Prahou a Brnem (III. série), přítisk s orlicí a datem31. prosince 1942po 1 mil.
74-7720. dubna 194253. narozeniny A. HitleraA. SejpkaJ. GoldschmiedA. Hitler31. prosince 1942po 2,1 mil.
78-99červenec 1942A. HitlerJ. SejpkaJ. SchmidtA. Hitler16. května 19452-57 mil.
100-1011. září 1942Německý červený kříž III.M. GeyerUmírající voják60+40h, 1,2K+80h31. prosince 1942po 2,34 mil.
10210. ledna 1943Den poštovní známkyA. ErhardtPostilion na koni60 h30. června 19432 mil.
103-10529. ledna 1943Zimní pomocA. LangenbergerKarel IV, Petr Parléř, Jan Lucemburský30. června 1943po 2 mil.
106-10720. dubna 194354. narozeniny A. HitleraJ. SchmidtA. Hitler na Pražském hradě30. září 1943po 2,4 mil.
108-11022. května 1943130. výročí narození R. WagneraA. Erhardt

A. Langenberger

Richard Wagner, motivy z oper Sigfried a Mistři pěvci norimberští60-250h30. září 19430,9-2,1 mil.
11128. května 1943

  • 1. výročí úmrtí R. Heydricha
F. RotterReinhard Heydrich60+40 h30. září 19431,280 mil + 1000 aršíků
11216. září 1943Německý červený kříž IV.A. ErhardtOrlice na červeném kříži1,20+8,80 K31. prosince 19432,58 mil.
113-11515. března 19445. výročí protektorátuA. ErhardtChodský a hanácký kroj, Orlice a znaku Čech a Moravy31. prosince 1944po 3 mil.
116-11720. dubna 194455. narozeniny A. HitleraA. ErhardtA. Hitler31. prosince 1944po 2,9 mil.
118-11912. května 194460. výročí úmrtí B. SmetanyJ. SejpkaJ. GoldschmiedBedřich Smetana16. května 1945po 3 mil.
120-12121. listopadu 1944600. výročí založení chrámu sv. VítaJ. SchmidtChrám sv. Víta1,5k, 2,5K16. května 1945po 3 mil.
1221. února 1945A. HitlerJ. SchmidtJ. GoldschmiedA. Hitler4,20 K16. května 1945neuveden

Ostatní známky

NV1-NV1825. srpna 1939

15. února 1943

NovinovéJ. BendaDruhé vydání má navíc nápis Deutsches Reich
OT11939Obchodní tiskoviny
DR1-2Doruční známkyA. Erhardt
DL1-14Doplatní známkyA. Erhardt
SL1-121941Služební známky I.A. Erhardt
SL13-241943Služební známky II.A. Erhardt
Pr11943Připouštěcí známkaB. FojtášekZnámky určené na balíky zasílané do židovského ghetta v Terezíně. Často se vyskytují padělky (na obrázku též padělek)


  1. a b BENEŠ, František. Specializovaná příručka peo sběratele poštovních známek a celin protektorátu Čechy a Morava. Praha: Pofis, 2021. 212 s. ISBN 978-80-86405-47-6. 

Externí odkazy

Média použitá na této stránce

Stamp 1941 DRBM MiNr0074 mt B002a.jpg

Stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1941; commemorative se-tenant of the issue "100th Anniversara a birth of Dvořák"; Meant is the Czech composer and musician Antonin Dvořák (1841-1904).; Depicted is the se-tenant DRBM Michel No. 74 with the central motive of a side cameo-portrait of Antonin Dvořak and a decorative side field without nominal value (normal = left decorative field, all others are rib variants) showing a Greek lyra over flowers and the date/year "08-IX-1941 – 1941".; The depicted stamp is from the Nazi-time of the "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren".; The protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" was erected at and existed until to , although the old Nazi-stamps could official be used until according to an Ordinance of the Czechoslovak Postal Administration. Reasonable for stamps of the "Protektorat" was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.; Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 74; Yvert & Tellier: No. 64; Scott: No. 55 AFA: No. 54
Color: dark violet brown
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 1,20K (Koruna)

Postage validity: 25. srpna 1941 až 31. prosince 1941
date QS:P,+1941-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1941-08-25T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1941-12-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size:
- printed area of a single stamp without signature line): 18.5 x 23.5 mm
- distance between the inner tangents of the perforation lines of both stamps of as se-tenant): 45.5 x 26.8 mm

Print run: 2,200,000 in sheets, each à 50 stamps and à 50 decorative fields
Stamp 1942 DRBM MiNr0092 mt B002.jpg

Definitive stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1942; issue with „Adolf Hitler (1933.1945) – the „Führer“ and Rich Cancellor of Germany (1933-1945)“; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" existed 1939-1945 from until to as part of homeland of the German Reich; From this time also is originated the depicted stamp.; Reasonable for the stamps of the protectorate was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.; Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 92; Yvert & Tellier: No. 80; Scott: No. 65; AFA: No. 81
Color: black opal green
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 50 (Haleru)

Postage validity: 1. července 1942 až 16. května 1945
date QS:P,+1942-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1942-07-01T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1945-05-16T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp without signature line): 17.5 x 22.0 mm

Print run: 9,612,000 stamps in sheets à 100
Stamp 1944 DRBM MiNr0138 mt B002.jpg

Surcharge stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1944; semi-postal commemorative stamp of the issue "60th anniversary of death of the Czech composer of the Romanticism, Bedřich Smetana (Bedřich = Friedrich, Friedrich = birth name) (1824-1884); The depicted stamp shows the composer in his last living years as drawing by Josef Slejpka (1885-1952).; Smetana was after his Swedish intermezzo, musical director in Prague 1866-1874 and since 1874 completely deaf.; The depicted stamp is from 1944 as one of the last stamps of the Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia". This state was erected at and existed until to , although the old Nazi-stamps could official be used until according to an Ordinance of the Czechoslovak Postal Administration.; Reasonable for stamps of the "Protektorat" was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire. Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 138; Yvert & Tellier: No. 117; Scott: No. B27; AFA: No. 118
Color: black blueish green
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 60 + 140 (Haleru) (140 Haleru as surcharge)

Postage validity: 12. května 1944 až 16. května 1945
date QS:P,+1944-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1944-05-12T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1945-05-16T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size: (printed area of a single stamp): 24.0 x 29.5 mm

Print run: 3,000,800 stamps in sheets à 90
Stam 1941 DRBM MiNrD004 mt B002a.jpg

Official stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1941; official stamp issue of 1941 with a value number in standing oval framed by a laurel wreath; The protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" was erected at and existed until to , although the old Nazi-stamps could official be used until according to an Ordinance of the Czechoslovak Postal Administration.; Reasonable for stamps of the "Protektorat" was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire. Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. D4; Yvert & Tellier: No. S4; Scott: : No. 04; AFA: No. T-4
Color: black green
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 60 h (Haleru)

Postage validity: 1. ledna 1941 až 31. března 1943
date QS:P,+1941-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1941-01-01T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1943-03-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size: (printed area of a single stamp): 17.5 x 22.0 mm
Stamp 1940 DRBM B0054 mt B002.jpg
Semi-postal stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1940; depicted is the commemorative semi-postal surcharge stamp with decorative side field Michel DRBM No. 54; This stamp is showing as central motive a nurse of the German Red Cross with a wounded soldier beside of a decorative side field showing the Nazi-emblem of the "German Red Cross" (= "DRK") and the inscription "For the German Red Cross" (in German and Czech) as well as marginal year numbers and leaves decorations.; This stamp field has the same color as the stamp, but no nominal value.; This stamp originates of the Nazi-time in „Československo“ 1939-1945. Until 1918 was the Czech territory part of Austria and 1918-1939 part of the independant state "Československo".; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" existed 15. března 1939 až 8. května 1945
date QS:P,+1950-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P580,+1939-03-15T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1945-05-08T00:00:00Z/11
.; From this time also is originated the depicted stamp.; Reasonable for stamps of the protectorate was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.; Then currency (until to ) was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp

Stamp: Michel: No. 54; Yvert & Tellier: No. 40; Scott: No. B2; AFA: No. 40
Color: dark lilac to black red lilac
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 1.20 K + 80 K (Koruna) (80 K as surcharge)

Postage validity: 29. června 1940 až 31. prosince 1940
date QS:P,+1940-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1940-06-29T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1940-12-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp):
- 22.0 x 26.0 mm (printed area of a single stamp)
- 53.0 x 30.0 mm (as aingle distance between the inner tangents of the perforation lines of stamp + decorative side field)

Print run: 1,704,000 stamps in sheets each à 50 stamps + 50 decorative side fields
Stamp 1943 DRBM MiNr0131 mt B002.jpg

Surcharge stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1943; semi-postal stamp of the issue „1th anniversary of death of Reinhard Heydrich (1904-1942).; Heydrich was "Deputy Protector" for the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" and was killed in Prague by an assassination on ("Operatoion Anthropoid").; The revenge of the Nazis for this assassination directed among others to the liquidition of the village „Lidice“.; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" existed 1939-1945 from until to as part of homeland of the German Reich.; From this time also is originated the depicted stamp.; Reasonable for the stamps of the protectorate was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.; Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 131; Yvert & Tellier: No. 110; Scott: No. B20; AFA: No. 111
Color: violet black
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 60 + 440 (Haleru) (440 Haleru as surcharge for the "Reinhard-Heydrich-Gedächtnis-Stiftung" (= a foundation to the "Erforschung der völkischen, kulturellen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse Böhmens und Mährens sowie der Völker im ost- und südosteuropäischen Raum"))

Postage validity: 28. května 1943 až 30. září 1943
date QS:P,+1943-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1943-05-28T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1943-09-30T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp without signature line): 22.0 x 26.0 mm

Print run:1,280,080 stamps in sheets à 100
Stamp 1941 DRBM MiNr0064 mt B002.jpg

Stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1941; "supplement issue" to the definitive serie "Lime leaf and Landscapes"; depicted is the definitive stamp DRBM Michel No. 64 with the central motive of a lime leaf on a branch with fruits in different color.; The depicted stamp is from the Nazi-time of the „Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren“.; The protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" was erected at and existed until to , although the old Nazi-stamps could official be used until according to an Ordinance of the Czechoslovak Postal Administration. Reasonable for stamps of the "Protektorat" was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire. Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 64; Yvert & Tellier: No. 41; Scott: No. 24A; AFA: No. 55
Color: dark yellow brown
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 30 h (Haleru)

Postage validity: 1. června 1941 až 31. března 1943
date QS:P,+1941-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1941-06-01T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1943-03-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp): 17.5 x 21.5 mm

Print run: ? on sheets à 100 stamps
Stamp 1939 DRBM MiNr022 mt B002.jpg

Stamp of the German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1939; definitive stamp DRBM Michel No. 22;The stamp motive shows a lime branch with fruits.; The protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" was erected at .; The initial stamps issued from the government of this protectorate were valid until to the (also accepted as mixed frankings). After could only still used the stamps of the German Empire or own stamps which were issued from the government of the protectorate. Reasonable was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire. Currency until to was 1 koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 22; Yvert & Tellier: No. 22; Scott: No. 22; AFA: No. 22
Color: red to blackish rosa
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 20 h (Haleru)

Postage validity: 30. srpna 1939 až 31. března 1943
date QS:P,+1950-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P580,+1939-08-30T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1943-03-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp): 17.5 x 22.0 mm

Print run: 7,446,200 stamps
Почтовая марка Чехословакии с портретом первого президента Т. Г. Масарика
Stamp 1939 DRBM MiNr001 mt B002.jpg

Stamp of the German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1939; definitive stamp of Czechoslovakia (Michel No. 277 from 1931) with double line overprint of the new country name "Böhmen und Mähren / Čechy a Morava" and fessed old coutry name; The protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" was erected at . Former stamps were valid to the (also accepted as mixed frankings). After could only still used the stamps of the German Empire or own stamps which were issued from the government of the protectorate. Reasonable was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire. Currency until to was 1 koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 haléřů (German: "Heller").; This stamp is certified by "Gilbert".; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 1 (overprint on No. 277); Yvert & Tellier: No. 1 (overprint on No. 252); Scott: No.1 (overprint on No. 152); AFA: No.1 (overprint on No. 145)
Color: black violet blue
Watermark: none or wide vertical stripes
Nominal value: 5 Haleru

Postage validity: 15. července 1939 až 15. prosince 1939
date QS:P,+1939-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1939-07-15T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1939-12-15T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp): 18.5 x 21.0 mm
print run:
- 54,680,000 stamps (Czech)

- 603,000 stamps (German)
Stamp 1942 DRBM MiNr0088 mt B002.jpg

Semi-postal surcharge stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1942; semi-postal stamp of the issue to the "53th anniversary of birth of the 'Führer'" Adolf Hitler; stamp motive shows Hitler at a lactern; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" existed 1939-1945 from until to as part of homeland of the German Empire.; From this time also is originated the depicted stamp.; Reasonable for the stamps of the protectorate was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.; Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 88; Yvert & Tellier: No. 76; Scott: No. B12; AFA: No. 77
Color: blackish blue
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 2.50 + 1.50 (Koruna) (1.50 K as surcharge)

Postage validity: 20. dubna 1942 až 31. prosince 1942
date QS:P,+1942-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1942-04-20T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1942-12-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp without signature line): 23.5 x 29.0 mm
Stamp 1943 DRBM MiNrD024 mt B002.jpg

Official stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1943; official stamp issue of 1943 (second serie); new drawing with a value number under an eagle with the shield of Bohemia and as the empire badge; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" was erected at and existed until to , although the old Nazi-stamps could official be used until according to an Ordinance of the Czechoslovak Postal Administration.; Reasonable for stamps of the "Protektorat" was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire. Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. D24; Yvert & Tellier: No. S24; Scott: No. O24; AFA: No. T-24
Color: black opal green
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 5 K (Koruna)

Postage validity: 15. února 1943 až 31. prosince 1944
date QS:P,+1943-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1943-02-15T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1944-12-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size: (printed area of a single stamp): 17.5 x 22.0 mm
Stamp 1943 DRBM MiNr0129 mt B002.jpg

Stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1943; stamp of the issue "60th anniversary of death of Richard Wagner (1813-1883)"; The stamp motive is showing a medaillion with the side portrait of Richard Wagner in his last living yaers after a monument in Venice (Italy) (since 1882), where he was dead in 1883 from a heart attack.; The stamp is showing a rememberance-medaillion with a side-cameo portrait according his memorial in Venice.; Upper right beside of the depiction of this medaillion are depicted the years numers "1883" and "1943" in order to mark the 60th anniversary of death of Richard Wagner.; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" existed 1939-1945 from until to as part of homeland of the German Reich.; From this time also is originated the depicted stamp.; Reasonable for the stamps of the protectorate was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.; Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 129; Yvert & Tellier: No. 108; Scott: No. 86; AFA: No. 109
Color: Rose carmine
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 120 h (Haleru)

Postage validity: 22. května 1943 až 30. září 1943
date QS:P,+1943-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1943-05-22T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1943-09-30T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp without signature line): 22.0 x 26.0 mm

Print run:2,100,000 stamps in sheets à 90
Briefmarke Fälschung Theresienstadt (cropped).jpg
Komplettfälschung der Zulassungsmarke "Böhmen und Mähren" Nr. 1 "Theresienstadt"
Stamp 1941 DRBM MiNr0062 mt B002a.jpg

Stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1941; commemorative stamp of the „Se-tenant surcharge issue“ for the benefit of the "German Red Cross" and the Arabian "Red Crescent".; stamp motive with a nurse on a patient in sickbed as symbol for the care of the wounded soldiers of the "Deutsche Wehrmacht" and their auxiliary military units.; This se-tenant is connected with a decorative side field without nominal value (normal = left side field, all other are rib variants) with the Nazi-emblem of the "German Red Cross" and the upper-case insciption (upper and below) "Für das Deutsche Rote Kreuz" in German (upper) and Czech (below) beside the marginal date („20.IV.1941“ = 52th anniversary of birth of "the Führer" Adolf Hitler) and leaves ornaments (left and right); This stamps is from the time of the Nazi-Protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" 1939-1945.; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" was erected at and existed until to , although the old Nazi-stamps could official be used until according to an ordinance of the Czechoslovak Postal Administration.; Reasonable for the stamps in the „Protectorate“ was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire. Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German).; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 62; Yvert & Tellier: No. 61; Scott: No. B3
Color: dark blue to black blue
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 60 h + 40 h (Haleru) (40 h as surcharge for the benefit of the wounded soldiers in the WWII)

Postage validity: říjen 1941 až 31. března 1943
date QS:P,+1941-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1941-10-00T00:00:00Z/10,P582,+1943-03-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp):
- 22.0 x 26.0 mm (printed area of a single stamp)
- 53.0 x 30.0 mm (as aingle distance between the inner tangents of the perforation lines of stamp + decorative side field)

Print run: 1,722,000 stamps in sheets each à 50 stamps + 50 decorative side fields
Stamp 1943 DRBM MiNr0115 mt B002a.jpg

Surcharge stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1943; stamp of the issue „Stamps for the German Winter Aid (German Winter Relief Fubnd = WHW), 1942/1943; surcharge for the benefit of the WHW; The depicted stamp is showing a portrait of the great German sculptor, architect and building master of the moyan age, Peter Parler (1330 or 1333 – 1399) also called "Peter von Gmünd".; He is seen as the architect and main craftsman of the Saint Vitus-Cathedral and the Charles-Bridge in Prague. The emperor Charles IV called him from his Swabian homeland to Prague.; Peter Parler lived since 1356 until his death in Prague.; He completed the works for the Saint Vitus-cathedral after the death of his predecessor Matthias von Arras in 1352 (building under Peter Parler until 1396).; Also he was the building master of the Charles Brigdge (1357-1403) after the old Romanesque Judith-bridge was strong damaged in 1342 by the floods of the river Vltava (German: "Moldau"). His bridge was renewed by the contemporary Baroque bridge (built 1683-1714) after a similar severe flood catastrophes. A special severe flood catastrope occurs in 1784 (Among others were destroyed three of four bridge towers by the floods.); On the stamp is depicted a no dated relief bust of Peter Parler from the Saint Vitus-Cathedral in Prague.: This sculpture shows the face of the Saint Wenzel, but in the monk’s cowel of Peter Parler,; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" existed 1939-1945 from until to as part of homeland of the German Reich.; From this time also is originated the depicted stamp.; Reasonable for the stamps of the protectorate was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.; Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 115; Yvert & Tellier: No. 103; Scott: No. B16; AFA: No. 104
Color: dark reddish carmine
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 120 + 80 h (Haleru) (80 h as charity surcharge for the WHW of the German Red Cross)

Postage validity: 29. ledna 1943 až 30. června 1943
date QS:P,+1943-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1943-01-29T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1943-06-30T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp without signature line): 22.0 x 26.0 mm

Print run:2,000,500 stamps in sheets à 100
Stamp 1941 DRBM MiNr0078 mt B002a.jpg
Stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1941; issue to the Prague Fair; The "Prague Fair 1941" took place in the time 7. září 1941 až 14. září 1941
date QS:P,+1941-09-00T00:00:00Z/10,P580,+1941-09-07T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1941-09-14T00:00:00Z/11
in Prague.; Depicted is the commemorative stamp DRBM Michel No. 78 with the central motive of a furnace of the Steelwork Pilsen (Czech: "Plzen"), 1869-2019 Skoda-Works Pilsen.; The enterprise was founded in 1839 as melting works exactly over the entrance to an iron shaft.; In 1859 overtake Ernst Graf von Waldstein-Wartenberg this firm and in 1869 Emil Ritter von Škoda.; Later was the name changed in "Škoda-works Pilsen". The "Steel Work Pilsen" ("Plzen") (name after the WWII) has declared insolvency in 2019.; The stamp is showing as central motive an then modern furnace for the melting of iron and a train of the Works Railway.; The depicted stamp is from the Nazi-time of the "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren".; The protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" was erected at and existed until to , although the old Nazi-stamps could official be used until according to an Ordinance of the Czechoslovak Postal Administration. Reasonable for stamps of the "Protektorat" was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire. Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp

Stamp: Michel: No. 78; Yvert & Tellier: No. 68; Scott: No. 59; AFA: No. 67
Color: black colbalt
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 2.50 K (Koruna)

Postage validity: 7. září 1941 až 31. prosince 1941
date QS:P,+1941-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1941-09-07T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1941-12-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp): 22.0 x 26.0 mm
Stamp 1944 DRBM MiNr0133 mt B002.jpg

Surcharge stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1944; semi-postal commemorative stamp of the issue "Folk costumes"; The motive of the depicted stamp shows a man and woman in traditional "Chodish and Hanakish clothings" in oder to mark the "5th anniversary of the foundation of the protectorate Bohemia and Moravia" (1939).; With the term "Chodish people" are meant the citizen of the region around the town "Chodsko" in the Czech-Bavarian frontiers region and remebering to the "Great rebellion of the Chodish clans" from 1693.; Then were seen the so-called "Chod walkers" as Czech frontiersmen of the Kingdom of Bohemia.; Contemporary there takes place a great festival under this name all 2 years in August with ca. 70,000 visitors.; A classification of the "Hanakish people" is however important more difficultly.; It could mean a (Jewish) temple in Jerusalem with this or a similar name, but what seems to be unrealistic at the sight of the Nazis.; But, it could also be meant the ethnic group of the "Hannah" (German: "Hannaken") around the contemporary town "Úsov" in Czech and Moravia with an own language (region "Brno") (Hannakish name: "Hosov"; Czech name: "Úsov"; German name: "(Mährisch-)Aussee") at the little river "Doubravka".; Contemporary there is located the Natural Reserve area of "CHKO Litovelské Pomoraví".; The depicted stamp is from 1944 as stamp of the Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia". This state was erected at and existed until to , although the old Nazi-stamps could official be used until according to an Ordinance of the Czechoslovak Postal Administration.; Reasonable for stamps of the "Protektorat" was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire. Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 133; Yvert & Tellier: No. 112; Scott: No. B22
Color: dark pink carmine
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 120 + 380 (Haleru)

Postage validity: 15. března 1944 až 31. prosince 1944
date QS:P,+1944-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1944-03-15T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1944-12-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size: (printed area of a single stamp): 22.0 x 26.0 mm

Print run: 3,000,000 stamp in sheets à 100
Stamp 1943 DRBM MiNr0132 mt B002.jpg

Surcharge stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1943; semi-postal stamp of the issue "German Red Cross and Arabian Red Crescent“: The stamp motive is showing a blach Eagle and a red cross.; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" existed 1939-1945 from until to as part of homeland of the German Reich.; From this time also is originated the depicted stamp.; Reasonable for the stamps of the protectorate was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.; Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 132; Yvert & Tellier: No. 111; Scott: No. B21; AFA: No. 112
- 1st issue: grey black / carmine,
- 2nd issue: blue black / dark carmine
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 120 + 880 (Haleru) (880 Haleru as surcharge for the benefit of the German Red Cross)

Postage validity: 16. září 1943 až 31. prosince 1943
date QS:P,+1943-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1943-09-16T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1943-12-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp without signature line): 22.0 x 26.0 mm

Print run:2,580,080 stamps in sheets à 100
Stamp 1942 DRBM MiNr0112 pm B001.jpg

Surcharge stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1942; surcharge stamp as benefit for the "German Red Cross and the Arabian Red Crescent"; issue with a nurse caring a wounded soldier and the overprint in the same color of the Nazi-emblem of the German Red Cross under the year number "1942" and over the nominal value; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" existed 1939-1945 from until to as part of homeland of the German Reich.; From this time also is originated the depicted stamp.; Reasonable for the stamps of the protectorate was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.; Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; postmarked stamp;
Stamp: Michel: No. 111; Yvert & Tellier: No. 99; Scott: No. B13; AFA: No. 100
Color: dark grey lilac
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 1.20 + 0.80 K (Koruna) (0.80 K as surcharge for the benefit of the German Red Cross)

Postage validity: 1. září 1942 až 31. prosince 1942
date QS:P,+1942-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1942-09-01T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1942-12-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp without signature line): 22.0 x 26.0 mm

Print run: 2,340,000 stamps in sheets à 100
Stamp 1945 DRBM MiNr042 mt B002.jpg

Definitive stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1942; issue with „Adolf Hitler (1933.1945) – the „Führer“ and Rich Cancellor of Germany (1933-1945)“; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" existed 1939-1945 from until to as part of homeland of the German Reich; From this time also is originated the depicted stamp.; Reasonable for the stamps of the protectorate was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.; The last official stamp of the „Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia“.; Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 142; Yvert & Tellier: No. 98A; Scott: No. 90; AFA: No. 122
Color: yellowish green to emerald green
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 420 (Haleru)

Postage validity: 1. února 1945 až 16. května 1945
date QS:P,+1945-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1945-02-01T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1945-05-16T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp without signature line): 19.0 x 23.05 mm
Stamp 1943 DRBM MiNr0113 mt B002.jpg

Stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1943; stamp of the issue „Day of the Stamp 1943“ (= according a decision of the „European Postal Congress“); The depicted stamp is showing a mail carrier on a horseback of a grey according a template of the art painter Alfred Erhardt (1901-1984) from Prague after an old etching from the 17th century over an letter tape with the issue date ().; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" existed 1939-1945 from until to as part of homeland of the German Reich.; From this time also is originated the depicted stamp.; Reasonable for the stamps of the protectorate was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.; Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 113; Yvert & Tellier: No. 101; Scott: No. 84; AFA: No. 102
Color: violet purple to black red violet
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 60 h (Haleru)

Postage validity: 10. ledna 1943 až 30. června 1943
date QS:P,+1943-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1943-01-10T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1943-06-30T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp without signature line): 22.5 x 26.0 mm

Print run:1,980,000 stamps in sheets à 100
Stamp 1941 DRBM MiNr0081 mt B002a.jpg

Semi-postal se-tenant of a stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1941; issue to the 150th anniversary of death of the great Austrian musician and composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791); depicted is the se-tenant with the stamp DRBM Michel No. 81 and a decorative side field without nominaal value.; The stamp motive shows a cameo-portrait (side) of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) of an unknown artist.; The motive of the decorative side field shows a so-called „Mozart-piano“ (= original Fortepiano of Mozart = an own category inside the musical intruments) which exists apparently today not more. Probably it was produced as 5-octaves-instrument in the workshops of a Anton Walter in Vienna.; The depicted stamp is from the Nazi-time of the "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren".; Picture in Oval with the living dates of Mozart; The protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" was erected at and existed until to , although the old Nazi-stamps could official be used until according to an Ordinance of the Czechoslovak Postal Administration.; Reasonable for stamps of the "Protektorat" was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire. Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp; right marginal se-tenant of a sheet; right decorative side field
Stamp: Michel: No. 81 (WZd33); Yvert & Tellier: No. 71; Scott: : No. B7
Color: red
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 2.40 K = 1.20 + 1.20 K (Koruna) (1.20 Koruna as surcharge)

Postage validity: 26. října 1941 až 31. ledna 1942
date QS:P,+1941-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1941-10-26T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1942-01-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size:
- printed area of a single stamp: 22.5 x 26.0 mm
- size of a se-tenant as distance between the inner tangents of the outer perforation lines: 52.5 x 30.0 mm

Print run: 1,983,200 stamps in sheets à 25 se-tenants (each à 25 stamps + 25 decorative side fields)
Stamp 1944 DRBM MiNr0141 mt B002.jpg

Stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1944; commemorative stamp of the issue "600th anniversary of the errection of the Saint-Vitus-Cathedral of Prague“. (contemporary name: "Metropolitan Cathedral of Saints Vitus, Wenzeslaus and Adalbert“), founded in 930 by "Wenzaslaus I, Duke of Bohemia“ as Roman-Catholic church in the style of a „Romanesque rotunda“. (lived 911-935).; The founder was also called "Václav the Good".; The contemporary cathedral has two famous organs, one built in 1765 by Anton Gardner in the style of the Baroque, and one built in 1929/1931 by Josef Menzel in the style of the Neoclassic.; The construction of the contemprary view of the late-gothic building (3 building masters) in the contemporary view lasted 1344-1399 (construction began ).; The cathedral was heavily damaged during the Hussite Wars (1410-1436) and in 1541 by a flood desaster.; The depicted stamp is from 1944 as one of the last stamps of the Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia". This state was erected at and existed until to , although the old Nazi-stamps could official be used until according to an Ordinance of the Czechoslovak Postal Administration.; Reasonable for stamps of the "Protektorat" was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire. Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 141; Yvert & Tellier: No. 120; Scott: No. 89; AFA: No. 121
Color: violet black
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 250 (Haleru)

Postage validity: 21. listopadu 1944 až 16. května 1945
date QS:P,+1944-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1944-11-21T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1945-05-16T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size: (printed area of a single stamp): 23.5 x 29.5 mm

Print run: 3,000,800 stamps in sheets à 90
Stamp 1943 DRBM MiNr0126 mt B002.jpg

Surcharge stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1943; semi-postal stamp of the issue "54th anniversary of birth of Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)" (54th birthday = 20th April 1943); The stamp motive is showing Adolf Hitler on an opened windows of the Prague Castle.; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" existed 1939-1945 from until to as part of homeland of the German Reich.; From this time also is originated the depicted stamp.; Reasonable for the stamps of the protectorate was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.; Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 126; Yvert & Tellier: No. 105; Scott: No. B18; AFA: No. 106
Color: Black grey purple
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 60 + 140 (Haleru) (140 Haleru as surcharge.)

Postage validity: 20. dubna 1943 až 30. září 1943
date QS:P,+1943-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1943-04-20T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1943-09-30T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp without signature line): 23.5 x 29.5 mm

Print run:2,400,000 stamps in sheets à 90
Delivery stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia) for postal matters; 1939; depicted is the triangle stamp DRBM Michel No. 52; This stamp was only valid for the delivery of postal matters „to own hands of the receiver“.; The stamp motive is showing a number design.; This stamp originates of the Nazi-time in „Československo“ 1939-1945. Until 1918 was the Czech territory part of Austria and 1918-1939 part of the independant state "Československo".; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" existed 15. března 1939 až 8. května 1945
date QS:P,+1950-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P580,+1939-03-15T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1945-05-08T00:00:00Z/11
.; From this time also is originated the depicted stamp.; Reasonable for stamps of the protectorate was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.: Then currency (until to ) was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp

Stamp: Michel: No. P15; Yvert & Tellier: No. 38A; Scott: No. EX2; AFA: No. G-2
Color: blackish red carmine to blackish red lilac
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 50 h (Haleru)

Postage validity: 1. prosince 1939 až 19. dubna 1941
date QS:P,+1950-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P580,+1939-12-01T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1941-04-19T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp): 46.5 mm width, 24.0 mm high
Stamp 1944 DRBM MiNr0136 mt B002.jpg

Surcharge stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1944; semi-postal commemorative stamp of the issue "55th anniversary of birth of the "Führer" Adolf Hitler" (= ) (1889-1945); Stamp motive with Adolf Hitler in front of the portal of the "New Town Hall" of Brno (Czech name; German name: "Brünn" = capital of Moravia); The depicted stamp is from 1944 as one of the last stamps of the Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia". This state was erected at and existed until to , although the old Nazi-stamps could official be used until according to an Ordinance of the Czechoslovak Postal Administration.; Reasonable for stamps of the "Protektorat" was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire. Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 136; Yvert & Tellier: No. 115; Scott: No. B25; AFA: No. 116
Color: black brown
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 60 + 140 (Haleru) (140 Haleru as surcharge)

Postage validity: 20. dubna 1944 až 31. prosince 1944
date QS:P,+1944-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1944-04-20T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1944-12-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size: (printed area of a single stamp): 22.0 x 26.0 mm

Print run: 2,920,800 stamps in sheets à 100
Stamp 1940 DRBM MiNr0P08 pm B002.jpg
Postage due stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1939; standard issue with stylized flowers and branches beside among others a heart and the value numbers; This stamp was valid in the time of the Nazi-Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia.; This state existed officially in the time 15. března 1939 až 8. května 1945
date QS:P,+1950-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P580,+1939-03-15T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1945-05-08T00:00:00Z/11
, but their stamps could be still used until to .; Reasonable for stamps of the "Protektorat" was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.; Currency until to 8. Mai 1945 was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; postmarked stamp;

Stamp: Michel: No.: P8; Yvert & Tellier: No.: T8; Scott: No.: J8; AFA: No.: P-8
Color: dark carmine to red
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 80 h (Haleru)

Postage validity: 10. června 1940 až 31. března 1943
date QS:P,+1940-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1940-06-10T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1943-03-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp without signature line): 22.0 x 17.5 mm

Postmark: Prague (Praha)
Stamp 1940 DRBM MiNr0058 mt B002a.jpg

Stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1940; "supplement issue" to the definitive serie "Lime leaf and Landscapes"; depicted is the stamp DRBM Michel No. 58 with the central motive of a view to Budweis (Czech: "České Budějowice", old town = "České Budějowice 1") with the Baroque "Samson"-fountain (built 1721-1726) and the Baroque facade of the "New City Hall" (the "Old City Hall" was strong damaged after fires in 1641 and 1655 and later demolished, the "New City Hall" was built 1727-1730 after plans of the Austrian architect and building master from Schwarzenberg, Anton Erhard Martinelli (1684-1747)) on the square "Přemysl Otokar II".; The town was founded in 1265 during of the rule of "Ottokar II Přemysl" as King of Bohemia. Siting and planning was carried out by a man with name "Hirzo", a knight in Royal services. In 1341, King John of Bohemia allowed it to Jewish families to reside within the city walls. In 1380 was begun with the building of a Synagoge. However, several progoms against the Jewish population destroyed this Synagoge again in the 15th and to the begin of the 16th century. The town Budweis was since the Hussite Wars 1419-1434 stong catholic and a loyal supporter of the Habsburg house. In 1762 founded piarists (militant clerics of the "Order of Poor Clerics Regular of the Mother of God of the Pious Schools" (Latin: "Ordo Clericorum Regularium pauperum Matris Dei Scholarum Piarum", founded 1617 in Spain) a gymnasium in Budweis. Later was the town Prussian and French and ultimately Austrian, 1918-1939 part of "Czeskoslovensko", 1939-1945 part of the Nazi-Protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia". In March 1945, the yard of Budweis was twice tagged by the US-Air Force, which has caused strong destructions and great loss of life. Later "liberated" Soviet troups this town (09th May 1945) and on the following day celebrated US-units and Soviet units a joint feast on the "Otokar II Přemysl"-square of "Budweis".; 1945-1948 all Germans were banished from the territory of the later "Czechoslovakia" and the richer families were expropriated.; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" was erected at and existed until to , although the old Nazi-stamps could official be used until according to an Ordinance of the Czechoslovak Postal Administration.; From this time originates also the depicted stamp.; Reasonable for the stamps in the „Protectorate“ was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire. Currency until to was 1 koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 58; Yvert & Tellier: No. 57; Scott: No. 45; AFA: No. 47
Color: brownish lilac to blackish brown purple
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 6 K (Koruna)

Postage validity: 20. listopadu 1940 až 31. března 1943
date QS:P,+1940-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1940-11-20T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1943-03-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp): 29.5 x 23.5 mm