Seznam prezidentů Litvy

Toto je seznam prezidentů Litevské republiky. Tento úřad existoval v Litvě ve dvou obdobích. V první litevské republice vzniklé roku 1918, kde byl zřízen 4. dubna 1919 a zanikl v důsledku sovětské okupace 15. června 1940, a existuje znovu od obnovení samostatnosti Litvy. K němu došlo roku 1990, první prezident byl zvolen 25. února 1993 (předtím funkci hlavy státu zastával předseda parlamentu).

Litevská republika 1918-1940



Nástup do úřaduodchod z úřaduStranaVolby
(c) Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus (National Museum of Lithuania), CC BY-SA 2.5
Antanas Smetona


4. dubna 191919. června 1920Strana národního pokroku1919
(c) Using this image, you must properly provide owner of this image - Owned by Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus (National Museum of Lithuania), CC BY-SA 2.5
Aleksandras Stulginskis


21. prosince 19227. června 1926Litevská křesťanská demokratická strana1922
Kazys Grinius


7. června 192618. prosince 1926Litevská lidová zemědělská strana1926
(c) Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus (National Museum of Lithuania), CC BY-SA 2.5
Antanas Smetona


19. prosince 192615. června 1940Litevská nacionalistická unie1936



Litevská republika od 1990



Nástup do úřaduodchod z úřaduStranaVolby
(c) Magnus Fröderberg/, CC BY 2.5 dk
Algirdas Brazauskas


25. února 199325. února 1998Demokratická strana práce1993
Valdas Adamkus

(* 1926)

26. února 199826. února 2003nestraník1997-98
Rolandas Paksas

(* 1956)

26. února 20036. dubna 2004Právo a spravedlnost2002-03
Valdas Adamkus

(* 1926)

12. července 200412. července 2009nestraník2004
Dalia Grybauskaitėová

(* 1956)

12. července 200912. července 2019nestraník2009


Gitanas Nausėda

(* 1964)

12. července 2019nestraník2019

Média použitá na této stránce

Algirdas Mykkolas Brazauskas, Litauens statsminster, under det Nordiskt-Baltiska statsministermotet i Reykjavik 2005-10-24.jpg
(c) Magnus Fröderberg/, CC BY 2.5 dk
Algirdas Mykkolas Brazauskas, Litauens statsminster, under det Nordiskt-Baltiska statsministermötet i Reykjavik 2005-10-24.
Dalia Grybauskaite 2014 by Augustas Didzgalvis.jpg
Autor: Augustas Didžgalvis, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
President of Lithuanian Republic Dalia Grybauskaitė
Kazys Grinius.jpg
President of Lithuania Kazys Grinius (1866-1950) in Kaunas
Aleksandras Stulginskis (1885-1969).jpg
(c) Using this image, you must properly provide owner of this image - Owned by Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus (National Museum of Lithuania), CC BY-SA 2.5
Aleksandras Stulginskis. One of the signatories of Lithuanian independence act. President of Lithuania.
Gitanas Nausėda 2023.jpg
Autor: European Parliament, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Lithuania’s President Gitanas Nausėda urged the EU to continue supporting Ukraine in its fight for freedom and to keep its doors open to Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine.

Addressing MEPs in Strasbourg as part of the “This is Europe” debate series, Mr Nausėda shared his country’s experience towards independence and the long path to Europe, which in a way resembles Ukraine’s current fight for freedom. He highlighted Lithuania’s massive public support for Ukraine and that his country donates almost 1.5% of its GDP to Ukraine.

President Nausėda also thanked the European Parliament for its continued stand against Soviet occupation and its current active leadership in helping Ukraine. “I believe that today many European citizens understand that Ukraine's fight is also their fight”, he said. Russia’s crimes must be met with an appropriate response by setting up an international tribunal and frozen Russian assets must be used to rebuild Ukraine, he added.

“History shows that the most effective way to expand the area of peace, stability and prosperity in Europe has been and will be the enlargement of the EU”, said President Nausėda. He called on the EU to keep its doors open to Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine, and supported Parliament’s wish to start Ukraine’s accession negotiations already this year.

President Nausėda also commended the EU on managing to overcome Russia’s energy blackmail. “The winter came and finished without anyone freezing in Europe”, he said, stressing that there are still some lessons to be learned from high energy prices. He advocated for more investment in green energy and alternative sources and presented Lithuania as an example, which managed to gain independent from Russia’s gas, oil and electricity.

Reactions from MEPs

MEPs praised Lithuania for its leadership and exemplary support to Ukraine. For far too long politicians ignored alerts from their Baltic colleagues about Russia’s aggressive policy and now we have to pay the price, some MEPs said. They called for a strategy of sustainable peace that would see Putin’s Russia being defeated, European values expanded further east and Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia becoming part of EU by the end of this decade.

Some MEPs stressed the need to fight attacks on the rule of law and media freedom not only outside the EU, but also inside it. Commenting on EU energy independence, some MEPs asked for more use of renewable resources and to avoid jumping from one energy supply dictatorship to another one.


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Antanas Smetona 2.jpg
(c) Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus (National Museum of Lithuania), CC BY-SA 2.5
Antanas Smetona, one of the signatories of the Act of Independence of Lithuania and the first President of Lithuania.
2009 m. Respublikos Prezidento rinkimai Paksas (cropped).jpg
Autor: Kapeksas, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Presidential election of Lithuania, 2009-05-17. Valentinas Mazuronis and supporters waiting for results. Rolandas Paksas