Seznam severských bohů
Seznam severských bohů uvádí některé bohy, bohyně a další bytosti, které se vyskytují v severské mytologii.

- Thór – originální nález bronzové sošky o velikosti 6,7 cm, Islandské národní muzeum
- Freya – originální středověký amulet ze stříbra v podobě bohyně Freyi a Brísingamenu nalezený v Östergötlandu, Švédsko
- Týr – nákres Týra a Fenrira z nálezu germánského brakteátu z období Stěhování národů, poblíž města Trollhättanu, Švédsko
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Gosforth Cross Loki and Sigyn.jpg
A part of the Gosforth Cross showing, among other things a figure with a horn above a bound figure, usually interpreted to be Loki and Sigyn from Norse mythology. Signed "Magnus P".
A part of the Gosforth Cross showing, among other things a figure with a horn above a bound figure, usually interpreted to be Loki and Sigyn from Norse mythology. Signed "Magnus P".
Odin fra Lejre.jpg
Autor: Harafnisa, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Odin fra Lejre, 900 AD, Roskilde museum. Læs mere: Tom Christensen «Gud, Konge eller ...?»; Arkæologisk Forum nr. 22, maj 2010;
Autor: Harafnisa, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Odin fra Lejre, 900 AD, Roskilde museum. Læs mere: Tom Christensen «Gud, Konge eller ...?»; Arkæologisk Forum nr. 22, maj 2010;
Reykjavik - Thor-Figur 1.jpg
Autor: Wolfgang Sauber, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
National Museum of Iceland, Reykjavik. Figure of god Thor ( ca. 1000 AD ), made of bronze.
Autor: Wolfgang Sauber, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
National Museum of Iceland, Reykjavik. Figure of god Thor ( ca. 1000 AD ), made of bronze.
Mårten Eskil Winge - Tor's Fight with the Giants - Google Art Project.jpg
The modern Swedish word for atmospheric thunder - åska - "the god's ride" - retains the name. That Thor caused lightning and thunder was still a living tradition in the countryside when compulsory education started teaching what was known from the Eddas.
The modern Swedish word for atmospheric thunder - åska - "the god's ride" - retains the name. That Thor caused lightning and thunder was still a living tradition in the countryside when compulsory education started teaching what was known from the Eddas.
Tyr-brakteaten från Naglum, Trollhättan (SHM 1164) tecknad.jpg
Autor: Gunnar Creutz, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
The motive from the Týr bracteate from Trollhättan, Västergötland, Sweden. Drawing by Gunnar Creutz.
The bracteate shows the Norse god Týr with Fenrir biting his hand. The gold bracteate is dated to the Migration period. The bracteate was found together with another gold bracteate by the farmer Anders Larsson in Ladugården, Ladugårdsbyn, Naglum Parish, now Trollhättan Municipality, Västergötland, Sweden.
Autor: Gunnar Creutz, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
The motive from the Týr bracteate from Trollhättan, Västergötland, Sweden. Drawing by Gunnar Creutz.
The bracteate shows the Norse god Týr with Fenrir biting his hand. The gold bracteate is dated to the Migration period. The bracteate was found together with another gold bracteate by the farmer Anders Larsson in Ladugården, Ladugårdsbyn, Naglum Parish, now Trollhättan Municipality, Västergötland, Sweden.