Seznam státních znaků amerických zemí
Přehled státních znaků nezávislých států a závislých území na americkém kontinentu.
Státní znaky nezávislých států
Stát | Znak | Typ | Článek o znaku | Motto nebo text na znaku |
Antigua a Barbuda | heraldický | Státní znak Antiguy a Barbudy | EACH ENDEAVOURING, ALL ACHIEVING | |
Argentina | heraldický | Státní znak Argentiny | – | |
Bahamy | heraldický | Státní znak Baham | FORWARD, UPWARD, ONWARD TOGETHER | |
Barbados | heraldický | Státní znak Barbadosu | PRIDE AND INDUSTRY | |
Belize | heraldický | Státní znak Belize | SUB UMBRA FLOREO (latinsky) (česky Ve stínu rozkvétám) | |
Bolívie | heraldický | Státní znak Bolívie | BOLIVIA (španělsky) (česky Bolívie) | |
Brazílie | emblém | Státní znak Brazílie | REPÚBLICA FEDERATIVA DO BRAZIL, 15 de Novembro de 1889 | |
Dominika | heraldický | Státní znak Dominiky | APRES BONDIE C´EST LA TER | |
Dominikánská republika | heraldický | Státní znak Dominikánské republiky | DIOS PATRIA LIBERTAD, REPUBLICA DOMINICANA | |
Ekvádor | heraldický | Státní znak Ekvádoru | – | |
Grenada | heraldický | Státní znak Grenady | EVER CONSCIOUS OF GOD, WE ASPIRE, BUILD AND ADVANCE AS ONE PEOPLE (anglicky) (česky Stále si uvědomujeme Boha, snažíme se, budujeme a kráčíme vpřed jako jeden národ) | |
Guatemala | emblém | Státní znak Guatemaly | LIBERTAD 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1821 (španělsky) (česky Svoboda 15. září 1821) | |
Guyana | heraldický | Státní znak Guyany | ONE PEOPLE ONE NATIION ONE DESTINY | |
Haiti | emblém | Státní znak Haiti | L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE (francouzsky) (česky V jednotě je síla) | |
Honduras | heraldický | Státní znak Hondurasu | REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS, LIBRE, SOBERANA E INDEPENDIENTE (španělsky) (česky Republika Honduras, svobodná, suverénní a nezávislá) a 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE 1821 (česky 15. září 1821) | |
Chile | heraldický | Státní znak Chile | POR LA RAZŌN O LA FUERZA (španělsky) (česky Rozumem nebo silou) | |
Jamajka | heraldický | Státní znak Jamajky | OUT OF MANY, ONE PEOPLE | |
Kanada | heraldický | Státní znak Kanady | DESIDERANTES MELIOREM PATRIAM (latinsky) (česky Ti, co se zasloužili o lepší zemi), A MARI USQUE AD MARE (latinsky) (česky Od moře k moři) | |
Kolumbie | heraldický | Státní znak Kolumbie | LIBERTAD Y ORDEN | |
Kostarika | heraldický | Státní znak Kostariky | AMERICA CENTRAL (španělsky) (česky Střední Amerika), REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA (španělsky) (česky Kostarická republika) | |
Kuba | heraldický | Státní znak Kuby | – | |
Mexiko | emblém | Státní znak Mexika | – | |
Nikaragua | heraldický | Státní znak Nikaraguy | REPÚBLICA DE NICARAGUA (španělsky) (česky Nikaragujská republika), AMERICA CENTRAL (španělsky) (česky Střední Amerika) | |
Panama | heraldický | Státní znak Panamy | PRO MUNDI BENEFICIO (latinsky) (česky Pro blaho světa) | |
Paraguay | heraldický | Státní znak Paraguaye | REPUBLICA DEL PARAGUAY (španělsky) (česky Paraguayská republika) | |
Peru | heraldický | Státní znak Peru | – | |
Salvador | heraldický | Státní znak Salvadoru | 15 SEPTIEMBRE DE 1821 (španělsky) (česky 15. září 1821), REPÚBLICA DE EL SALVADOR EN LA AMÉRICA CENTRAL (španělsky) (česky Salvadorská republika ve Střední Americe), DIOS UNION LIBERTAD (španělsky) (česky Bůh, jednota, svoboda) | |
Spojené státy americké | heraldický | Státní znak Spojených států amerických | E PLURIBUS UNUM (latinsky) (česky Z mnohých jeden) | |
Surinam | heraldický | Státní znak Surinamu | JUSTITIA • PIETAS • FIDES (latinsky) (česky Spravedlnost, zbožnost, víra) | |
Svatý Kryštof a Nevis | heraldický | Státní znak Svatého Kryštofa a Nevisu | COUNTRY ABOVE SELF (anglicky) (česky Země nad námi) | |
Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny | heraldický | Státní znak Svatého Vincence a Grenadin | PAX • ET • JUSTITIA (česky Mír a spravedlnost) | |
Svatá Lucie | heraldický | Státní znak Svaté Lucie | THE • LAND, THE • PEOPLE, THE • LIGHT (anglicky) (česky Země, lid, světlo) | |
Trinidad a Tobago | heraldický | Státní znak Trinidadu a Tobaga | TOGETHER WE ASPIRE, TOGETHER WE ARCHIEVE | |
Uruguay | heraldický | Státní znak Uruguaye | – | |
Venezuela | heraldický | Státní znak Venezuely | 19 DE ABRIL DE 1810 – INDEPENDENCIA – 20 DE FEBRERO DE 1859 – FEDERACIÓN – REPÚBLICA BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA (česky 19. dubna 1810 – Nezávislost – 20. února 1859 – Federace – Venezuelská bolívarovská republika) |
Znaky závislých území
Některá, zde neuvedená, území buď nemají svůj znak, nebo užívají znak mateřského státu.
Území / Mateřský stát | Znak | Typ | Článek o znaku | Motto nebo text na znaku |
Anguilla Spojené království | heraldický | Znak Anguilly | – | |
Americké Panenské ostrovy Spojené státy americké | pečeť | Znak Amerických Panenských ostrovů | UNITED IN PRIDE AND HOPE, GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS | |
Aruba Nizozemsko | heraldický | Znak Aruby | – | |
Bermudy Spojené království | heraldický | Znak Bermud | QUO FATA FERUNT | |
Britské Panenské ostrovy Spojené království | heraldický | Znak Britských Panenských ostrovů | VIGILATE | |
Curaçao Nizozemsko | heraldický | Znak Curaçaa | – | |
Falklandy Spojené království | heraldický | Znak Falkland | DESIRE THE RIGHT | |
Francouzská Guyana Francie | heraldický | Znak Francouzské Guyany | FERT AURUM INDUSTRIA, 1643 | |
Grónsko Dánsko | heraldický | Znak Grónska | – | |
Guadeloupe Francie | heraldický | Znak Guadeloupe | – | |
Jižní Georgie a Jižní Sandwichovy ostrovy Spojené království | heraldický | Znak Jižní Georgie a Jižních Sandwichových ostrovů | LEO TERRAM PROPRIAM PROTEGAT | |
Kajmanské ostrovy Spojené království | heraldický | Znak Kajmanských ostrovů | HE HATH FOUNDET IT UPON THE SEAS | |
Martinik Francie | heraldický | Znak Martiniku | – | |
Montserrat Spojené království | heraldický | Znak Montserratu | – | |
Portoriko Spojené státy americké | heraldický | Znak Portorika | Joannes Est Nomen Ejus (latinsky) (česky Jeho jméno je Jan) | |
Saint Pierre a Miquelon Francie | heraldický | Znak Saint Pierru a Miquelonu | A MARE LABOR | |
Svatý Bartoloměj Francie | heraldický | Znak Svatého Bartoloměje | OUANALAO (původní název ostrova ve francouzské transkripci) | |
Svatý Martin (francouzská část) Francie | heraldický | Znak Svatého Martina (Francie) | Collectivité de St Martin (francouzsky) | |
Svatý Martin (nizozemská část) Nizozemsko | heraldický | Znak Svatého Martina (Nizozemské království) | SEMPER PRO GREDIENS | |
Turks a Caicos Spojené království | heraldický | Znak Turks a Caicos | – |
Související články
Média použitá na této stránce
Autor: Martin23230, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Orthographic map of the Americas with national borders added
Flag of Bolivia* | |
country | Template:I18n/Republic of Bolivia |
used by | Bolivia |
from | 1851 |
until | Present |
created by | Government of Bolivia |
format | 15:22 |
shape | rectangular |
colours | červená, žlutá, zelená
flag has 3 horizontal stripes |
other characteristics | A horizontal tricolor of red, yellow and green. |
The flag of the Dominican Republic has a centered white cross that extends to the edges. This emblem is similar to the flag design and shows a bible, a cross of gold and 6 Dominican flags. There are branches of olive and palm around the shield and above on the ribbon is the motto "Dios,Patria!, Libertad" ("God, Country, Freedom") and to amiable freedom. The blue is said to stand for liberty, red for the fire and blood of the independence struggle and the white cross symbolized that God has not forgotten his people. "Republica Dominicana". The Dominican flag was designed by Juan Pablo Duarte, father of the national Independence of Dominican Republic. The first dominican flag was sewn by a young lady named Concepción Bona, who lived across the street of El Baluarte, monument where the patriots gathered to fight for the independence, the night of February 27th, 1844. Concepción Bona was helped by her first cousin María de Jesús Pina.
The flag of the Dominican Republic has a centered white cross that extends to the edges. This emblem is similar to the flag design and shows a bible, a cross of gold and 6 Dominican flags. There are branches of olive and palm around the shield and above on the ribbon is the motto "Dios,Patria!, Libertad" ("God, Country, Freedom") and to amiable freedom. The blue is said to stand for liberty, red for the fire and blood of the independence struggle and the white cross symbolized that God has not forgotten his people. "Republica Dominicana". The Dominican flag was designed by Juan Pablo Duarte, father of the national Independence of Dominican Republic. The first dominican flag was sewn by a young lady named Concepción Bona, who lived across the street of El Baluarte, monument where the patriots gathered to fight for the independence, the night of February 27th, 1844. Concepción Bona was helped by her first cousin María de Jesús Pina.
The national and official state flag of Haiti; arms obtained from File:Coat of arms of Haiti.svg. The civil flag can be found at here.
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Flag of Jamaica. “The sunshine, the land is green, and the people are strong and bold” is the symbolism of the colours of the flag. GOLD represents the natural wealth and beauty of sunlight; GREEN represents hope and agricultural resources; BLACK represents the strength and creativity of the people. The original symbolism, however, was "Hardships there are, but the land is green, and the sun shineth", where BLACK represented the hardships being faced.
Flag of Canada introduced in 1965, using Pantone colors. This design replaced the Canadian Red Ensign design.
Flag of Anguilla, adopted on 30 May 1990 and modified slightly on 25 January 1999.
The flag of Aruba
The flag of Curaçao is a blue field with a horizontal yellow stripe slightly below the midline and two white, five-pointed stars in the canton. The geometry and colors are according to the description at Flags of the World.
Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands
Coat of arms of Argentina
The coat of arms of Honduras was created on October 3, 1825. Dionisio Herrera, as the Head of State of Honduras, decreed through his initiative, Honduras acquired its own national shield, one which represents Honduran history and the rich variety of national resources that it possesses and which should be protected and conserved. The National Congress thereby declared in its decree #16 and article 142, designated the shield as a national symbol for all uses, in a clear and general manner. The National Congress approved this in Tegucigalpa on January 10, 1935. (
The National Congress decrees:
Article 1 - The National Coat of Arms that shall be used is an equilateral triangle. On its base is a volcano between two castles, over them is a rainbow and below it [and] behind the volcano a sun rises spreading light. The triangle [is] placed over land which appears to be bathed by both seas [Atlantic and Pacific]. Around it an oval containing in gold lettering: "REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS, LIBRE, SOBERANA E INDEPENDIENTE. 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1821" [Republic of Honduras, Free, Sovereign and Independent. 15th September 1821] On the top part of the oval there is a quiver full of arrows from which hang horns of plenty joined with a knot resting over a mountain range from which clearly stand three oak trees on the right hand side and three pine trees on the left, and mines, a bar, a drill, a wedge, a sledgehammer and a hammer [all] distributed as appropriate. ( Neville C. Connell, director of the Barbados Museum, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Coat of Arms of Barbados.
Arms: Or a bearded Fig Tree eradicated in chief two Red Pride of Barbados Flowers proper.
Crest: On a Wreath Or and Gules A dexter Cubit Arm of a Barbadian erect proper the hand grasping two Sugar Canes in saltire proper.
Supporters: On the sinister (left) side a Dolphinfish and on the dexter (right) side a Pelican proper.
Motto: “Pride and Industry.”Coat of Arms of Greenland
Tento vektorový obrázek byl vytvořen programem Inkscape .
Autor: Josedar, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of French Guiana
Coat of arms of Bermuda
Coat of arms of Sint Maarten
Autor: Tobias Jakobs, Licence: CC0
The coat of arms of the British Virgin Islands.
Coat of arms from Antigua and Barbuda, retraced to SVG
Coat of arms of Belize
Coat of arms of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Coat of arms of the Dominican Republic
Coats of arms of Suriname
Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands
Autor: Prez001, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of Arms of St Vincent and the Grenadines.
Autor: Tento vektorový obrázek byl vytvořen programem Inkscape od v ., Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of Grenada, adopted in the summer 1974 following independence.
“ | Quarterly, a cross Or, 1 & 4: Gules, a lion passant guardant Or, 2 & 4: Vert, a crescent and a lily Or; and in nombril point a picture of the Santa Maria. For a crest a golden helmet guardant, lambrequined Gules and with a wreath Argent and Gules, seven red roses surrounded with a garland of Bougainvillea-flowers. For supporters an armadillo (Tolypeutes tricinctus – Dasypodidæ) on the dexter, supporting a stalk of maize, and a Grenada dove (Leptotila wellsi) on the sinister, supporting a banana tree. On a ribbon an motto: EVER CONSCIOUS OF GOD WE ASPIRE, BUILD AND ADVANCE AS ONE PEOPLE. As a compartment the Mount St. Catherine and the lake Grand Étang. | ” |
Autor: Government of Collectivity of Saint-Martin, Licence: Licence Ouverte
Coat of Saint-Martin
Coat of arms of Montserrat
Coat of arms of El Salvador
- The coat of arms has the words (REPÚBLICA DE EL SALVADOR EN LA AMÉRICA CENTRAL) in a bold and Heavy, Sans Serif Boris Black Bloxx typeface, in a golden amber color
- The nacional motto (DIOS UNIÓN LIBERTAD) in bold version of Trajan (typeface), Roman type, Roman square capitals. The letters are colored black within a golden amber scroll.
- The date (15 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1821) in bold version of Trajan (typeface), Roman type, Roman square capitals.
Autor: Diafora, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of Arms of Saint Lucia
“ | The ROSE which you see on the coat of arms tells us about England. At one time England was our “mother” country because she was in charge of our affairs. The FLEUR-DE-LIS reminds us that we belonged to France as many as seven times. The Bamboo is our national plant, two pieces form the cross of the shield. The little AFRICAN STOOL in the centre is African and reminds us of our ancestors who were shipped from Africa during the slave trade. To light us on our way, we have a TORCH which is held up high. The Saint Lucian Parrot Amazona versicolor is our national bird guards each side of the Coat of Arms. Our Motto “THE LAND, THE PEOPLE, THE LIGHT”, is printed at the bottom of the shield. | ” |
- Coat_of_arms_of_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis_1983_variant.png: Original uploader was at de.wikipedia
- Coat_of_arms_of_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis_1983.svg:
- derivative work: Snubcube (talk)
Coat of arms of Saint Kitts and Nevis, modified in 1983 after the withdrawal of Anguilla.
Autor: Josedar, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of the Turks and Caicos Islands
Coat of arms of Guatemala
Coat of arms of the Bahamas, mantling doubled argent (white)
Coat of arms of Venezuela
Autor: Sodacan, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of Arms of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
The palm tree at the top of the coat of arms was taken from Tobago’s coat of arms before it was joined in political union with Trinidad. The wreath represents the crown of the monarchy of the United Kingdom, Trinidad and Tobago’s colonizers at the time of independence. The shield has the same colours (black, red, and white) as the nation’s flag and carry the same meaning. The gold ships represent the Santa María, La Niña, and La Pinta: the three ships Christopher Columbus used on his journey to the “New World”. The two birds on the shield are hummingbirds. Trinidad is sometimes referred to as the “Land of the Hummingbird” because more than sixteen different species of hummingbird have been recorded on the island. “Land of the Hummingbird” is also believed to have been the Native Amerindian name for Trinidad. The two larger birds are the Scarlet Ibis (left) and the Cocrico (right), the national birds of Trinidad and Tobago. Below the Scarlet Ibis are three hills, representing the Trinity Hills in southern Trinidad, which, it is believed, convinced Columbus to name the island after the Holy Trinity. The island rising out of the waters beneath the Cocrico represents Tobago. Below these birds is the nation’s motto, "Together We Aspire, Together We Achieve." Adopted in 1962.
The greater coat of arms of the United States of America, as depicted on passports, embassies and the Great Seal.
Autor: Vectorized by Froztbyte, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Anguilla (adopted on 13 July 2004) - Extracted from Flag of Anguilla.svg
First try for svg version of coat of arms of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon.