Seznam starostů Jeruzaléma

Seznam starostů Jeruzaléma od roku 1838.

Ottoman flag.svg Období Osmanské říše (1517–1917)

Ensign of the Palestine Mandate (1927–1948).svg Období Britského mandátu (1917–1948)

Izrael Starostové Západního Jeruzaléma (1948–1967)

Jordánsko Starostové Východního Jeruzaléma (1948–1967)

Izrael Sjednocený Jeruzalém (od 1967)



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Ottoman Flag.svg
The Ottoman flag and Turkey Republic Flag of 1844–1935. Late Ottoman flag which was made based on the historical documents listed in the Source section. Note that a five-pointed star was rarely used in the crescent-and-star symbol before the 19th century.
Ensign of the Palestine Mandate (1927–1948).svg
The Palestine Ensign, flown by ships registered in the British Mandate territory during the period 1927–1948. This was the only Palestine-specific flag which was not restricted to official use by a government functionary or department (see Flag of the British Mandate for Palestine).
Ottoman flag.svg
The Ottoman flag and Turkey Republic Flag of 1844–1935. Late Ottoman flag which was made based on the historical documents listed in the Source section. Note that a five-pointed star was rarely used in the crescent-and-star symbol before the 19th century.