Seznam viceprezidentů Spojených států amerických
Toto je seznam viceprezidentů Spojených států amerických, respektive osob, které tento druhý nejvyšší exekutivní úřad USA zastávaly. Slib skládají v den inaugurace prezidenta. Prezidentský kandidát navrhuje do tohoto úřadu konkrétní osobu, která musí být poté schválena vnitrostranickým nominačním sjezdem (stejně jako on).
Seznam viceprezidentů USA
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John C. Breckinridge. Library of Congress description: "Breckinridge, Hon. John C. Senator from Ky. General in CSA, Sec of War Confederate Cabinet"
Toto je upravený obrázek, což znamená, že byl oproti původní verzi digitálně změněn. Úpravy: Scratches removed, cropped, brightness/contrast. Původní verzi je možné zhlédnout zde: John C. Breckinridge - Brady-Handy.jpg. Úpravy provedl AJCham.
Millard Fillmore (13th president of the United States). Image by Mathew B. Brady circa 1855-1865, and forms part of the Library of Congress Brady-Handy photograph collection.
The official photograph of Vice President Nelson Rockefeller released by the White House.
George H. W. Bush's presidential portrait
Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States.
Elbridge Gerry (1744–1814), American statesman
President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front.
Vice President Michael Pence poses for his official portrait at The White House, in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, October 24, 2017. (Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen)
Republican Levi Parsons Morton of N.Y., the 22nd Vice President of the United States under Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893); also Representative for New York's 11th district (1879-1881), United States Minister to France under James A. Garfield (1881-1885), and, after his Vice-Presidentship, Governor of New York (1895–1896). Photograph from the Brady-Handy collection of the Library of Congress, restored by Adam Cuerden
Kamala Harris
Portriat of Daniel D. Tompins
Harry S. Truman (1884 – 1972), 1945 – 1953 the thirty-third President of the United States
Garret Augustus Hobart.
George Clinton, by Ezra Ames
Charles G. Dawes, former Vice President of the United States.
Hubert Humphrey's vice presidential portrait
Offical photo of Fmr. Vice President Dan Quayle (1989-93)
Official portrait of United States Vice President Joe Biden in his West Wing Office at the White House.
Hannibal Hamlin, circa 1860-65. Vice President of the United States.
Spiro Agnew, 39th Vice President of the United States and the 55th Governor of Maryland. Image taken in Washington, D.C.