Skandinávský kříž

Vlajky severských států

Skandinávský kříž je symbol, který mají vlajky všech severských zemí. Původně pochází z dánské vlajky, nejstarší vlajky světa, nazývané Dannebrog, ale převzaly ji i všechny další severské země. Norská vlajka byla první, na která byly použity tři barvy.

Původ vlajky

Velmi populární je legenda, která vypráví, že červený pruh látky, na kterém byl bílý kříž, se snesl z nebe při bitvě u Tallinnu v Estonsku 15. června 1219, což dodalo odvahu dánským bojovníkům a vyhráli. Tato legenda pochází pravděpodobně ze 16. století.

Další teorie o vzniku vlajky říkají, že šlo o dar papeže, který vyslal vojska k boji proti estonským pohanům, přičemž kříž na vlajce symbolizoval křesťanství.

Některé teorie se domnívají, že jde o Maltézský kříž. Zřejmě však jde o znamení statečného míru.

Typy vlajek


V článcích o vlajkách severských států a regionů jsou uvedeny i další vlajky – odvozené (námořní, válečné, královské aj) nebo historické se skandinávským křížem.

Severské státy

Autonomní regiony

Regiony a města

Historické vlajky

Etnické vlajky

Návrhy vlajek


Mimo Skandinávii


Skandinávský kříž se může vyskytovat i na státním znaku. Např. při přenesení obrazu vlajky na znak.


Související články

Externí odkazy

Média použitá na této stránce

Flag of Finland.svg
Finská vlajka
Flag of Iceland.svg
The Flag of Iceland.
  • Horizontal aspect ratio: 7:1:2:1:14;
  • Vertical aspect ratio: 7:1:2:1:7.
Skånska flaggan.svg
Flag of Scania. Colors:  red PMS179 (#e23d28),  yellow/gold PMS108 (#f7dd16). Proportion: 14:17
Kingdom of Iceland Coat of Arms.svg
Autor: Fenn-O-maniC, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Iceland from 1919 to 1944.
Flag of Ejmiatsin.jpg
The flag of Ejmiatsin (Vagharshapat) city in Armenia
Flag of Stavropol Krai.svg
Flag of Stavropol Krai
Generic Nordic Cross.svg
Autor: Hppavilion1, Licence: CC0
A generic black-on-white Nordic (or Scandinavian) cross used to illustrate what that actually is.
2007 Flag of Orkney.svg
2007 Flag of Orkney
My own vector of the official flag of the Isles of Orkney, Scotland, created using Inkscape. This version is based upon the official version designed by Duncan Tullock of Birsay and voted for by the people of Orkney and approved by the Court of the Lord Lyon in 2007 from a short list of 5 designs. It is a Nordic Cross, in keeping with the flag's unofficial predecesor the Cross of St Magnus, and for which, according to Mr Tullock, "Orkney has always been represented by red, so that was an obvious choice. The yellow symbolizes the royal standards of both Scotland and Norway and blue is for Scotland, and also for the sea that surrounds us".
Flag of Karel.svg
Karelian National Flag
Flag of Oland.svg
Autor: User:Gamnacke, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
This is a private flag ascribed the Swedish island province Öland, very seldom or never used. – The ordinary and often used province flag of Öland has the official heraldic motive of the province from 16th century: a golden deer at a blue field.
IFIS Historical.svg
Autor: DoktorMandrake, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
IFIS for "historical version" (not part of original set of symbols)
Flag of the City of Wilmington.png
Autor: WorldlyVoice, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of Wilmington, Delaware
Flag of Gotland.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag of Calais.svg
Flag of Calais, France
Proposed flag of Greenland (1991).svg
2nd Proposal of Flag of Greenland.
Proposed flag of Greenland (1973).svg
Flag of Greenland proposed by Aĸigssiaĸ Møller, Leif Aidt, Erik Hammeken, Peter Fr. Rosing and Finn Lynge in 1973.
Flag of Iceland - 1914 Proposal.svg
Autor: Nandhp, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
SVG version of Image:Flag of Iceland - 1914 Proposal.png, drawn in Inkscape. Proposed Flag of Iceland designed by Magnus Thordarson in 1914.
Coat of arms of Iceland.svg
Coat of arms of Iceland
IFIS Proposed.svg
Autor: Doktor Mandrake, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
IFIS for "earlier proposal not officially adopted"
Flag of Hälsingland.svg
Flag of Hälsingland
German Resistance Flag Proposal 1944.svg

Proposal for a new German flag in the post-WW2 era made by Josef Wirmer according to FOTW site
Flag of South Uist.svg
Flag of South Uist, Scotland
Flag of Barra.svg
Flag of the Scottish island of Barra
Autor: See below., Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Vlajky země severské
Proposed flag of Greenland (1974).svg
Flag of Greenland proposed by Stephen Petersen in 1974.
Flag of Denmark Bornholm.svg
Unofficial flag of Bornholm (Denmark), flag ratio 28:37
3-Color Generic Nordic Cross.svg
Autor: Hppavilion1, Licence: CC0
A 3-color grayscale variant of the Nordic Cross, for use to illustrate the design.
Unofficial flag of Sweden Finns since 2007.
Proposed German National Flag 1948.svg
Proposed German National Flag 1948
Flag of the Finland Swedes.svg
An unofficial flag of the Swedish-speaking minority of Finns.
Flag of Ventspils.svg
Flag of the city of Ventspils, Latvia.
Proposed German National Flag 1919.svg
A Proposal for a German national flag from 1919, made out of De!19n1.gif; Source
Flag of Estonia proposed in 1919.svg
Autor: Telempe, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag for the Republic of Estonia proposed in 1919.
Coat of arms of the President of Iceland.svg
Autor: Fry1989 eh?, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of the President of Iceland.
Flag of Andalucía (Valle).svg
Bandera del municipio de Andalucía, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Flag of the Puerto Rican Independence Party.svg
Flag of the Puerto Rican Independence Party
Flag of Bayamon.svg
Flag of the municipality of Bayamón, Puerto Rico
Estonian alternative flag proposal.svg
Proposal for a new Estonian flag including the Nordic Cross
Flag of Hernandarias.png
Autor: Alvnarvaja, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag of Hernandarias City
Flag of Ostergotland.svg
Flag of the Swedish province Östergötland.
Flag of Nordisk Flaggsallskap.svg
Flag of the FIAV member Nordisk Flaggsälllskap (Nordic Flag Society).
Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg
This is merely a recreation of what the flag is thought to have looked like. There are no surviving flags or pictorial evidence as to its appearance. See article at Flags of the World.
Estonian alternative flag proposal2.svg
Autor: Iketsi, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Max Nilsson proposal for Estonian Nordic cross flag.
Flag of Härjedalen.svg
Unofficial Flag of Härjedalen
Flag of et-Parnu.svg
flag of Pärnu, Estonia

PANTONE 300CV + white
Aluksne flag.svg
Flag of Alūksne, Latvia
Komi Nordic cross flag.svg
Autor: ProjectHorizons, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Alternative flag of the Komi Republic featuring the Nordic cross.
Nordic Swallowtail Flag.svg
Autor: RootOfAllLight, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Swallowtail flag with a tongue.
Bandera de Mizoram.svg
Proposed flag of Mizoram
Flag of West Sweden.svg
Unofficial regional flag of West Sweden (Västsverige). The flag was designed by Per Andersson in 1990, free for anyone to use. Dimensions: 16:10
United Baltic Duchy flag.svg
United Baltic Duchy flag
Unofficial flag of Norrland. Colors:  white (#ffffff),  blue (#005293),  yellow (#fecb00). Proportion: 5:8
Flag of Småland.svg
Tento vektorový obrázek byl vytvořen programem Inkscape .
Tricolor Nordic Swallowtail Flag.svg
Autor: RootOfAllLight, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Tricolor swallowtail flag with a tongue.
Proposed flag of Greenland (1984).svg
Sven Tito Achen's 1984 Greenland flag proposal. Image created by uploader based on image found here [1]. Image replaces Image:Proposed flag of Greenland - Sven Tito Achen design.png.
Greek Royal Flag 1863.svg
The reported first Royal Standard of Greece, ca. 1863
Flag of Volhynian Oblast.svg
Flag of Volhynian Oblast, Ukraine
Zastava Pule.svg
the flag of the City of Pula
Bandera d'Öland.svg
Flag of Öland
Flag of Vepsia.svg
Flag of Veps people