Soud Hvězdné komory

Soud Hvězdné komory (angl. Star Chamber) byl anglický mimořádný soudní dvůr. Jeho členové byli Lord kancléř a další vysocí královští úředníci. Název je odvozen od Camera stellata, místnosti ve westminsterském královském paláci, kde úředníci zasedali. Zajímavostí je, že soud nebyl vázán common law a tak brzy začal sloužit jako nástroj likvidace odpůrců absolutistických panovníků. Jeho činnost byla dokonce srovnávána s inkvizicí. V roce 1641 byl na nátlak opozice zrušen, zvláště kvůli regulaci tisku. Tak byla v Anglii zrušena cenzura. V roce 1643 však byla cenzura v Anglii opět obnovena. Nyní však nebyla již v rukou Hvězdné komory.
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Autor: Internet Archive Book Images, Licence: No restrictions
Identifier: oldnewlondonnarr03thor (find matches)
Title: Old and new London : a narrative of its history, its people, and its places
Year: 1873 (1870s)
Authors: Thornbury, Walter, 1828-1876
Publisher: London : Cassell, Petter, & Galpin
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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ement; the centre and wing-towersthree storeys. The wings and centre portions are 5^4 OLD AND NEW LONDON. (The New Palace, divided into thirty-five bays by hexagonal buttresses,with sunk tracery and pinnacles to each. Eachbay contains, between the principal windows, thearms and supporters of all the sovereigns of Eng-land, richly carved, from William the Conqueror toher present Majesty, Queen Victoria ; and on eachside are panels, with sceptres, labels, and appro-)iriate foliage. In a band underneath each win-dow are the names of the respective sovereigns, of St. George, St. Andrew, St. Patrick, and St.David (the patron saints of the four kingdoms),and St. Peter and St. Paul. Between the windowsare panels, containing angels supporting an imperialcrown over the royal arms. In a band over thewindows of the second storey are panels, with thedevices assumed by each sovereign since the Con-quest, Avith mottoes and foliage. In the parapet infront of the towers, supported by an angel corbel,
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THE STAR CHAMBER, (From a Drazving taken in 1836.) with the time of their reign and the date of theirdecease. The parapets to each bay are filled with richtracery, in the centre of which is a niche, with thefigure of an angel holding a shield, bearing themonogram V.R. The towers have bold orielwindows, with armorial bearings on each, andpanels containing the insignia of the present reign,with octagon turrets at the angles, and surmountedby an iron roof Between the towers, at each end,are three bays, divided by smaller buttresses andbays, within which are windows and panels, con-taining the arms of the three kingdoms, with therose, shamrock, and thistle entwined. The flanksof the wing-towers are divided into two bays by a Isquare buttress, containing six niches, with statues ! is a niche containing a statue of her Majesty; andthe parapets at the back of each have a niche witha statue of Edward the Confessor, the founder ofthe first Royal Palace at Westminster. The nortli and south retu
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