Státní znak Kambodže

Kambodžský státní znak
Subjekty oprávněné užívat znakKambodžaKambodža Kambodža
Přijato1953 (původní znak)
1993 (znovupřijetí)
KlenotKambodžská královská koruna
ŠtítV modrém štítu zlatý buddhistický symbol pro Óm, položený na zlaté dýce, taktéž položené na dvou zlatých podnosech (phan), obklopené věncem a pod nimi Královský řád Kambodže
ŠtítonošiGajasimha (hybrid slona a lva)
Rajasingha (královský lev),
každý držící pětiúrovňový královský deštník
Hesloព្រះចៅ ក្រុង កម្ពុជា (khmersky), Preah Chau Krong Kampuchea (česky Král kambodžského království)
Řádové dekoraceKrálovský řád Kambodže

Státní znak Kambodže byl přijat v roce 1993 po pádu Rudých Khmérů a obnově monarchie pod vládou Norodoma Sihanuka. Vyjma drobných rozdílů se jedná o stejný znak, který užívalo kambodžské království v letech 19531970. Tento znak užívalo kambodžské království před vyhlášením nezávislosti, během francouzského protektorátu (od roku 1864). Vyobrazení státního znaku ve zlaté barvě se nachází na královské standartě.


V modrém štítu zlatý buddhistický symbol pro Óm, položený na zlaté dýce, která je položena na dvou na sobě stojících zlatých podnosech (phan), jež jsou obklopené zeleným věncem, ze kterého visí Královský řád Kambodže. Štít je položen na královský stan se zlatě třepenými okraji, který vychází z královské koruny. Na špici koruny se nachází diamant, ze kterého září zlaté sluneční paprsky. Štítonošem po heraldicky pravé straně znaku je Gajasimha (hybrid slona a lva) a na levé pak Rajasingha (královský lev). Oba štítonoši drží pětiúrovňový královský deštník a stojí na modré stuze se stříbrným nápisem ព្រះចៅ ក្រុង កម្ពុជា (kambodžsky Preah Chau Krong Kampuchea, česky král kambodžského království). Znak vychází z podobného znaku sousedního Thajského království z druhé poloviny 19. století, který podobně kombinoval tradiční prvky oblasti Indočíny a prvky ze znaků evropských zemí. [1]

Historický vývoj znaku



V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Royal arms of Cambodia na anglické Wikipedii.

  1. Popis státních symbolů Kambodži. [online]. [cit. 2020-12-23]. Dostupné online. (English) 

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Emblem of the People's Republic of Kampuchea.svg
National Emblem of People's Republic of Kampuchea used 1979 - 1981.
Coat of arms of The Khmer Republic.svg
Autor: Vectored by FOX 52, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of The Khmer Republic
Emblem of Democratic Kampuchea (1975–1979).svg
Emblem of Democratic Kampuchea (Pol Pot regime)
Coat of arms of Cambodia (1935–1970).svg
Autor: Samhanin, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Coat of arms of Cambodia (1860-1952)
Royal arms of Cambodia.svg
Royal Arms of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
  • Depicting: a Golden sword atop two ceremonial bowls, above it is the sacred "Aum", below is a laurel wreath and the Royal Order. The Arms is supported by two creatures, a gajasingha and a singha, they are holding two five-tiered royal umbrellas. Atop the arms is the Royal crown with rays of light emitting from it. Below is a ribbon with the words in Khmer script:
    ព្រះចៅ ក្រុង កម្ពុជា
    Preah Chau Krong Kampuchea: "King of the Kingdom of Cambodia".
1 Franc - French Protectorate of Cambodia - Scott Semans 09.jpg
(c) Scott Semans World Coins (, CC BY 3.0
    K42      5 Centime     European strike (Belgium or Heaton), 4.9-5.1gm L14   Fine (not shown) ; AU10% (a) ;   UC85% (b, c) ;    
     K42s      5 Centime Silver     Restrike, 5.88gm     Progressive die crack under TIMES seen on regular strikes is stronger, plus roughness about head and face suggest a striking date after 1875 but perhaps before the 1899 restrikes.    L-nl, Unrecorded; unique? Despite the KM42.2 listing, there were probably no base metal restrikes of this denomination. 
     L15, 16      10 Centime, Pattern     Unadopted "small head" type with IER and stars in obv legend, otherwise as K43. GHW on truncation and ESSAI beneath neck. L16) Bronze, 10.13gm K-E2 AU-UC50% ;    L15) Silver, 11.70gm 
     K43a      10 Centime     European strike (likely Belgium), 9.80-10.03gm L22   Pr-G, well worn (could be restrikes?) $1.75 each; (a) early strike, bold, slightly o.c. UC10%; (b,c) die crack above U CAMB, softer strikes UC85-90% 
     K43b      10 Centime     European strike (likely Heaton), 10.15gm    C.WURDEN below neck is bolder, and the lettering both sides is more cursive in style. Better strike and more "prooflike" appearance than 43a (L22v) 
     K43E      10 Centime, Essai     European strike (likely Belgium), 9.31, "E" beside neck, otherwise just as 43a    L20, KM-EA3 
     K43R      10 Centime     Restrikes   R1) Cracked dies L-23/24 F-VF (not shown) , Good strike UC20% ;   R2) VF ;    R3) "CENTINES" weak Fine ;   R4) Re-engraved denomination with massive rev. die problems, interesting L-26 Fine ;    R5) Various pieces with re-engraved rev legend L-27, etc. (not shown) Each: 
     K44      25 Centime     Belgian strike, 1.31gm L35 
     K44E      25 Centime, Essai     Belgian strike.   44E) Essai, 1.37gm, KM-E3, L31 Proof strike, UC ;    44EP) Piefort Essai, 2.66gm, L30, KM-P3 
     K44R      25 Centime     Restrike, 1899 KM44.2, L37   1.46gm F-VF, weak rev (a) ; 1.55gm EF-AU, weak rev (b) 
     K44RG      25 Centime, Gold     Gold Restrike, 1899 1.78gm     KMPn6, L36    Auction result: UBS (Swiss) 9/6/05, Lot 4717: . 
     K45      50 Centime     Belgian strike, 2.64gm, L45   Pr/G, holed ; 
     K45E      50 Centime, Essai     Belgian strike, L42, KM-E4   Regular strike, "E" 2.45gm AU ;   Proof Strike with wire rim, 2.63gm 
     K45R      50 Centime     Restrike, 1899 KM45.2, L48-50?   1.39gm, thin flan, cracked & rough dies 
     K45M      50 Centime     Restrike of the "1860" obverse with a new reverse die, suggesting this SOUVENIR die was produced before 1902. L109    2.15gm VF, decent strike (b) ;   2.33gm (a) 
     K46      1 Franc     Belgian strike, D of signature over 0 of date (= Die used for restrikes), gm, L57 
     K46EP      1 Franc, Essai     Belgian strike, "E" by neck, double-thick Piefort, DE of signature over 0 of date, a different die than used for business strikes. 10.75gm, L53 
     K46R      1 Franc     Restrike, 1899 & other?   R) 3.78gm Usual thin, crude flan, weak strike typical of the 1899 restrikes, L60 looks F-VF (a)     R2) 4.09gm, coarse reeding, unusual ↑ ↑ rotation; dies show rust but no cracks. Good appearance, probably pre-1899, L61 (b) 
     K47a      2 Franc     Belgian strike, 9.31gm, L68, D of signature center-right over O of date; die used for regular and restrikes. 
     K47b      2 Franc     Belgian strike, 10.0gm, L68v, D of signature centered over O of date; an earlier strike, judging by progressive die problems. 
     K47E      2 Franc, Essai     Belgian strike, E by neck, die as 47a, L65,   10.12gm (a) Proof strike, UC ; 9.91gm (b) 
     K47R      2 Franc     Restrike, 1899 & other?   R) 7.35gm, L70, (a) crude VF, edge filings & scratches ; 7.24gm, L70, (b) crude, looks VF-EF ;    R2) 7.92gm (heavier), unusual ↑ ↑ rotation, probably earlier than 1899 restrike, L71 (c) 
     K48a      4 Franc     Belgian strike, 19.71gm, L80, D of signature center-left over O of date; die used for regular and restrikes. Auction results this variety: Stacks 12/17/08, Lot 1075; , Goldbergs 5/26/08, Lot 882; !! 
     K48b      4 Franc     Belgian strike, 20.34gm, L80, D of signature centered over O of date. Auction results this variety: Hess-Divo 11/27/04, Lot 1271; . 
     K48E      4 Franc, Essai     Belgian strike, E by neck, die as 48a, L74 20.38gm No auction results found, but Lecompte prices them the same as Proofs. 
     K48E2      4 Franc, Essai     Belgian strike, E by neck, die as 48a, plain edge. Lecompte #79 is given as a plain edged Proof non-Essai issue 15.30gm (light) No auction results found, but Lecompte prices them the same as Proofs. 
     K48R      4 Franc     Restrike, 1899, 15.76-17.53gm, L83,   AU-UC (a) (a slabbed MS62 brought ; VF (c,d,e) each;    Low grades: Fine (f) ; G-Vg (g,h) ; AF, hole, Plain edge! (could be altered??) (j) 
     K49a      Piastre-Peso     Belgian strike, 25.53gm, L93, N of signature centered over O of date; this die also used for restrikes. Lecompte does not list proofs, but business strikes could be mistaken as such. Recent auction results for "Proofs": Stacks 4/24/08, Lot 1419 Pitted die: ;   Goldberg 5/26/08, Lot 881 Scratches in field: , and the same coin in Stacks 1/12/09, Lot 4381: 
     K49b      Piastre-Peso     Belgian strike, 27.10gm, L93v, O of signature centered over O of date. 
     K49C      Piastre-Peso     Copper, plated in silver, plain edge, die as 49b, 17.21gm, L89 
     K49R      Piastre-Peso     Restrike, probably pre-1899     Die roughness evident, esp. @ 5:00-7:00 obv. Edge reeding very faint. Proper weight (25.55gm). Lecompte does not list a restrike. The quality of this piece places it in a league with regular strikes. 
     1902 Series   Even the European-struck Essais show die cracks, suggesting poor initial quality, and by 1902, year of the Hanoi Exhibition, new dies were clearly required. The new design features variations in date (1902) portrait, coat of arms & legends; "SOUVENIR" in place of denomination, and plain edges. 
    K44S      25 Centime     1902, Hanoi Expo commem? 1.46-1.53gm New design: variations in portrait, coat of arms & legends; "SOUVENIR" replaces denomination, plain edges. L106, KM-nl    AU (a) ; 
     K44SG      25 Centime, Gold     1902, Hanoi Expo commem? 1.97gm, L105, 
     K45S      50 Centime     1902, Hanoi Expo commem? SOUVENIR L108   2.29gm Vg-F, hole (b) ;   2.22gm (a) 
     K46S      1 Franc     1902, Hanoi Expo commem? SOUVENIR L111,   3.38gm (a) VF+ ; 4.16gm (b) EF+ ; 4.25gm (c) 
     Independent Coinage   Turbulence as a result of America's war in Vietnam produced a series of governments 1953 - present. The communist regimes put Cambodia's name on a series of ridiculous commemoratives of themes and events bearing no relation to Cambodia, produced by the Havana Mint.
    K51-53      10, 20, 50 Centimes     1953, aluminum, Y11-13 Set UC ; 
     K51E-53E      10, 20, 50 Centimes, Essai     1953, aluminum, Proofs with ESSAI in reverse field, KM-E9, E10, E11   K51E, 52E) 10 or 20 Centime, each ;   K53E) 50 Centime 
     K51P-53P      10, 20, 50 Centimes, Piefort     1953, aluminum, Proof on double thick planchet with ESSAI in reverse field, 104 mintage, KM-PE9, PE10, PE11. Ponterio 4/25/08 Sale, 10 and 20 Centime set, Lot 1673: ;    K52P) 20 Centime ;   K53P) 50 Centime 
     K54-56      10, 20, 50 Centimes     1959, aluminum, Y11a-13a   (K56 50 Centimes UC ) 
     K59      Riel     Khmer Repiblic, 1979, F.A.O.   EF-AU ; 
     K64      50,000 Riels, Gold     1974, Three dancers in headgear 
     K69      5 Sen     Kampuchea, 1979 
     K70      20 Riels     1988, Sailing ship, Cuba Mint 
K75 4 Riels 1991, 700 Years Swiss Unity, an important anniversary in Cambodia!
Emblem of Cambodia UNTAC.svg
Emblem of Cambodia under UNTAC.
Coat of arms of State of Cambodia.svg
Autor: Sarumo74, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Emblem of the State of Cambodia, based on 27s_Republic_of_Kampuchea.jpg and the Inter-American High Atlas, 1989, 15 edition. Edit. Mesoamerica S.A. de C.V. Mexico. Back cover.