Steven Wayne Lindsey

Steven Wayne Lindsey
Steven Wayne Lindsey
Steven Wayne Lindsey
Astronaut NASA
Státní příslušnostUSA USA
Datum narození24. srpna 1960 (62 let)
Místo narozeníArcadia, Kalifornie
Čas ve vesmíru62 dní, 22 hodin a 33 minut
Kosmonaut od1994
MiseSTS-87, STS-95, STS-104, STS-121, STS-133
Znaky misíSts-87-patch.svg STS-95 Patch.svg Sts-104-patch.png STS-121 patch.svg STS-133 patch.svg
Kosmonaut do2011
Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky.

Steven Wayne Lindsey (*24. srpna 1960 v Arcadii, stát Kalifornie) je americký pilot, důstojník a kosmonaut. Ve vesmíru byl pětkrát.


Studium a zaměstnání

Absolvoval střední školu Temple City High School v městě Temple City (v Kalifornii), po jejím ukončení v roce 1978 pokračoval ve studiu na armádní letecké akademii USAF Academy. Ukončil jej v roce 1982. Později si doplnil vzdělání na USAF Institute of Technology.

Vojenským pilotem byl v letech 1982 až 1994. V roce 1995 se zapojil do výcviku budoucích kosmonautů v Houstonu, o rok později byl členem tamní jednotky kosmonautů v NASA. Zůstal zde do roku 2011.

Oženil se, jeho manželkou se stala Diane Renee rozená Trujilo. Mají spolu tři děti, Jessicu, Jasona a Jill.

Lety do vesmíru

Na oběžnou dráhu se v raketoplánu dostal pětkrát, pracoval na orbitální stanici ISS a strávil ve vesmíru 62 dní, 22 hodin a 33 minut. Byl 365 člověkem ve vesmíru.


Externí odkazy

Média použitá na této stránce

The STS-87 patch is shaped like a space helmet symbolizing the Extravehicular Activity (EVA) on the mission in support of testing of tools for the assembly of the International Space Station (ISS). Earth is shown reflected on the backside of the helmet. The Space Shuttle Columbia forms the interface between the Earth and the heavens, the back and front sides of the helmet in profile. The three red lines emerging from Columbia represent the astronaut symbol as well as the robot arm, which was used to deploy and retrieve the Spartan satellite.
The text 'µg' represents the payloads studying microgravity science in space on this United States Microgravity Payload (USMP-4) mission. Gold flames outlining the helmet visor represent the corona of the Sun, which will be studied by Spartan. The flag of Ukraine is next to the name of the payload specialist who is the first person from that nation to fly on the Space Shuttle.
STS-95 Patch.svg
The STS-95 patch, designed by the crew, is intended to reflect the scientific, engineering, and historic elements of the mission. The Space Shuttle Discovery is shown rising over the sunlit Earth limb, representing the global benefits of the mission science and the solar science objectives of the Spartan Satellite. The bold number '7' signifies the seven members of Discovery's crew and also represents a historical link to the original seven Mercury astronauts. The STS-95 crew member John Glenn's first orbital flight is represnted by the Friendship 7 capsule. The rocket plumes symbolize the three major fields of science represented by the mission payloads: microgravity material science, medical research for humans on Earth and in space, and astronomy.
STS-133 patch.svg
The STS-133 mission patch is based upon sketches from the late artist Robert McCall; they were the final creations of his long and prodigious career. In the foreground, a solitary orbiter ascends into a dark blue sky above a roiling fiery plume. A spray of stars surrounds the orbiter and a top lit crescent forms the background behind the ascent. The mission number, STS-133, is emblazoned on the patch center, and crewmembers' names are listed on a sky-blue border around the scene. The Shuttle Discovery is depicted ascending on a plume of flame as if it is just beginning a mission. However it is just the orbiter, without boosters or an external tank, as it would be at mission's end. This is to signify Discovery's completion of its operational life and the beginning of its new role as a symbol of NASA's and the nation's proud legacy in human spaceflight.
STS-121 patch.svg
The STS-121 patch depicts the Space Shuttle docked with the International Space Station (ISS) in the foreground, overlaying the astronaut symbol with three gold columns and a gold star. The ISS is shown in the configuration that it will be in during the STS-121 mission. The background shows the nighttime Earth with a dawn breaking over the horizon. STS-121, ISS mission ULF1.1, is the final Shuttle Return to Flight test mission. This utilization and logistics flight will bring a multipurpose logistics module (MPLM) to the ISS with several thousand pounds of new supplies and experiments. In addition, some new orbital replacement units (ORUs) will be delivered and stowed externally on ISS on a special pallet. These ORUs are spares for critical machinery located on the outside of the ISS. During this mission the crew will also carry out testing of Shuttle inspection and repair hardware, as well as evaluate operational techniques and concepts for conducting on-orbit inspection and repair.
STS104-S-001 (March 2001) --- STS-104, International Space Station (ISS) assembly mission 7A, marks the completion of the initial assembly phase of ISS. The 7A crew will install, activate, and perform the first space walk from the Joint Airlock. The Joint Airlock will enable crews to perform space walks in either United States or Russian spacesuits while recovering over 90 percent of the gases that were previously lost when airlocks were vented to the vacuum of space. This patch depicts the launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis and the successful completion of the mission objectives as signified by the view of the ISS with the airlock installed. The astronaut symbol is displayed behind Atlantis as a tribute to the many crews that have flown before. The hard work, dedication, and teamwork of the airlock team is represented by the ISS components inside the payload bay which include the Joint Airlock and four high pressure gas tanks containing nitrogen and oxygen. In the words of a STS-104 crew spokesperson, "The stars and stripes background is symbolic of the commitment of a nation to this challenging international endeavor and to our children who represent its future." The NASA insignia design for Shuttle flights is reserved for use by the astronauts and for other official use as the NASA Administrator may authorize. Public availability has been approved only in the form of illustrations by the various news media. When and if there is any change in this policy, which is not anticipated, it will be publicly announced.
Steven W. Lindsey.jpg
Astronaut Steven W. Lindsey, commander.