Sylwester Braun

Sylwester Braun
Narození1. ledna 1909
Úmrtí2. února 1996 (ve věku 87 let)
Místo pohřbeníPowazkowský hřbitov
Alma materVaršavská technologická univerzita
Povolánífotograf a zeměměřič
Oceněníkomandérský kříž Řádu za zásluhy Polské republiky
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Kostel svatého kříže po válce, Krakowskie Przedmieście, Varšava, 1945

Sylwester Braun pseudonym "Kris" (1. ledna 1909 Varšava9. února 1996 tamtéž) byl polský fotograf a voják Zemské armády, známý svými fotografiemi dokumentujícími Varšavské povstání.


Narodil se jako syn Andrzeje a Rozálie rozené Chabalewské [1], absolvoval katedru geodézie Technické univerzity ve Varšavě, pracovník Úřadu městského plánování, voják Vojenské organizace „Vlci“, poté ZWZ - AK. Známý jako tvůrce fotografií dokumentujících události německé okupace a Varšavského povstání. Byl fotoreportérem působícím jako vojenský polní zpravodaj (PSW).Do fotooddělení Informačního a propagačního úřadu domácí armády nastoupil až v prvních dnech povstání. Nebyl tedy vycvičen jako válečný fotoreportér. Ze všech jeho fotografií se dochovaly pouze ty, které dokumentují Varšavské povstání. Pořídil jich asi 3000, dochovalo se 1520. Ve svém bytě na ulici Kopernika 28 měla dílnu a laboratoř. Nejčastěji fotografoval v oblasti Śródmieście. Sériové focení je pro jeho tvorbu charakteristické – většinou nesnímal jednotlivé fotky. Ukázal drama vzestupu a zániku města pomocí těch nejjednodušších prostředků – všechny fotografie jsou pořízeny pomocí Leica Standard na 35mm filmy Agfa. Varšavu opustil po kapitulaci 6. října. Utekl z transportu do zajateckého tábora, v lednu 1945 se vrátil do hlavního města sesbírat ukryté negativy.Odešel do Švédska a v roce 1964 do Spojených států.V roce 1981 daroval archiv povstaleckých negativů varšavskému muzeu.

Zemřel ve Varšavě 2. února 1996 ve věku 87 let. Odpočívá na hřbitově Powązki ve Varšavě (sekce 27, řada 6, hrob 1).

Byl oceněn mj. velitelským křížem Řádu za zásluhy Polské republiky (26. července 1994) za vynikající zásluhy v boji za nezávislost Polské republiky v činnosti polské komunity a veteránů.


  • Reportáže z Varšavského povstání, Varšava 1983, ISBN 8303000888

Fotogalerie Sylwestera Brauna z Varšavského povstání



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Warsaw Uprising - Prudential Hit - frame 2.jpg
Warsaw Uprising: On August 28 Prudential building was hit by 2-ton mortar shell from Mörser Karl. View from roof of a house at ul. Kopernika 28.
Warsaw Uprising by Braun - Refugees.jpg
Warsaw Uprising: Survivors of air raid on Wspólna Street.
Warsaw Uprising - Burning Buildings.jpg
WarsawUprising: Fires after bombing on intersection of Nowy Świat and Warecka Street.
Warsaw Uprising - Cyprian Odorkiewicz - 2 (1944).jpg
Warsaw Uprising: Capitan Cyprian Odorkiewicz "Krybar" comander of "Krybar" Regiment (on the right) during inspection after capture of German transporter ("Szary Wilk") in Okólnik gardens. Wacław Jastrzębowski "Aspira" is holding a German hat. In The middle insurgent with German MP-40 machine gun.
Warsaw Uprising by Braun - tank killed by PIAT.jpg
Warsaw Uprising: German tank StuG III Ausf. G hit by PIAT projectile shot by Adama Podkólińskiego "Michała", from "Janusz" Company of "Gustaw" Battalion, during fights around Police Station and University of Warsaw on Krakowskie Przedmieście Street. Photo from Holy Cross Church.
Warsaw Uprising - Cyprian Odorkiewicz and Rafałki.jpg
Warsaw Uprising: Capitan Cyprian Odorkiewicz "Krybar" comander of "Krybar" Regiment (second from left) inspects ammunition for PIAT belonging to "Rafałki" unit during inspection in Okólnik gardens. "Rafałki" was a unit of Jan Potulicki "Rafał Olbromski" and were send from "Kedyw" to support Powiśle district. Unit was part of "Kedyw" OW as well as to 3rd "Konrad" Regiment part of "Krybar" Regiment.
Warsaw Uprising by Braun - German POWs - 355.jpg
WarsawUprising: Column of German prisoners of war lead through Jasna Street, from direction of Świętokrzyska Street from bombed out PKO building.
Warsaw Uprising by Braun - Burning Powiśle.jpg
WarsawUprising: Fires after bombing - on the left magazines of paper and paints on Ordynacka Street in the back intersection of Nowy Świat and Warecka Street.
Warsaw Uprising - Captured SdKfz 251 - 2 (1944).jpg
WarsawUprising: German armored fighting vehicle SdKfz 251 captured by the Polish insurgents, from 8-th "Krybar" Regiment, on Na Skarpie Boulevard on August 14, 1944 from 5th SS 'Viking' division. This picture taken on Tamka Street. The insurgents gave the vehicle name "Gray Wolf" and used it in attack on Warsaw University.
Captured German transporter.jpg
WarsawUprising: German armored fighting vehicle SdKfz 251 captured by the Polish insurgents on Na Skarpie Boulevard on August 14, 1944 from 5th SS 'Viking' division
Warsaw Uprising by Braun - CKM - 91.jpg
WarsawUprising: Teaching how to use Heavy machine gun MG 08/15 in the gardens by Mazowiecka Street.
Warsaw Uprising - Cyprian Odorkiewicz (1944).jpg
Warsaw Uprising: Capitan Cyprian Odorkiewicz "Krybar" comander of "Krybar" Regiment (on the right) during inspection of a captured German armored personnel carrier ("Szary Wilk") in Okólnik gardens. Wacław Jastrzębowski "Aspira" presents insignia of the 5th SS Panzergrenadier Division "Wiking". In the middle an insurgent with German MP40 submachine gun.
Warsaw Uprising - Captured SdKfz 251 (1944).jpg
WarsawUprising: German armored fighting vehicle SdKfz 251 captured by the Polish insurgents, from 8-th "Krybar" Regiment, on Na Skarpie Boulevard on August 14, 1944 from 5th SS 'Viking' division. In this picture taken on Tamka Street, soldier with MP-40 submachine gun is his first insurgent commander Adam Dewicz "Gray Wolf". From his nickname insurgents gave the vehicle name "Gray Wolf" and used it in attack on Warsaw University.
Warsaw Uprising - Captured SdKfz 251 - 3 (1944).jpg
Warsaw Uprising: German armored fighting vehicle SdKfz 251 captured by the Polish insurgents, from 8-th "Krybar" Regiment, on Na Skarpie Boulevard on August 14, 1944 from 5th SS 'Viking' division. This picture taken on Tamka Street. The insurgents gave the vehicle name "Gray Wolf" and used it in attack on Warsaw University.
Warsaw Uprising - Mokotów to Śródmieście by Sewers (1944).jpg
Warsaw Uprising: insurgent from "Szwoleżer's" unit, part of "Baszta" Regiment from z Mokotów district, after dozen hour trip trough sewers to Śródmieście district, is coming out on corner of Wilcza Street and Aleje Ujazdowske. Soldiers helping are: "Zemsta" i corporal "Prus".
Braun Sylwester Kris powstanie.jpg
Sylwester Braun "Kris" (first on the right shown from the back) during Warsaw Uprising
Warsaw Uprising - Captured SdKfz 251 - 1 (1944).jpg
WarsawUprising: German armored fighting vehicle SdKfz 251 captured by the Polish insurgents, from 8-th "Krybar" Regiment, on Na Skarpie Boulevard on August 14, 1944 from 5th SS 'Viking' division. Bringing the transportes into Insurgent controlled territory through barricade at Kopernik Street. The insurgents gave the vehicle name "Gray Wolf" and used it in attack on Warsaw University.
Warsaw Uprising - Captured SdKfz 251 - 4 (1944).jpg
Warsaw Uprising: German armored fighting vehicle SdKfz 251 captured by the Polish insurgents, from 8-th "Krybar" Regiment, on Na Skarpie Boulevard on August 14, 1944 from 5th SS 'Viking' division. This picture taken in Okólnik gardens. Standing first from the right Capitan Cyprian Odorkiewicz "Krybar" commander of "Krybar" Regiment. To the left insurgent with polish flag on his sleeve is Wacław Jastrzębowski "Aspira". In the front (backward) reporters and film crew of insurgent press.
Warsaw Uprising - Prudential Hit - frame 5.jpg
Warsaw Uprising: On August 28 Prudentialu building was hit by 2-ton mortar shell from Mörser Karl. View from roof of a house at ul. Kopernika 28.
Warsaw Uprising - Three at Warecka Street.jpg
WarsawUprising: Three insurgents at Warecka Street, near barricade on Nowy Świat. Jan Grużewski book describes this image as new-weds and a witness. Page [1] claims that it is not a wedding but a chance meeting of friends from different units.
Warsaw Uprising - Prudential Hit - frame 3.jpg
Warsaw Uprising: On August 28 Prudentialu building was hit by 2-ton mortar shell (600 mm or 23.6-in) from Mörser Karl. View from roof of a house at ul. Kopernika 28.
Warsaw Uprising stuka ju-87 bombing Old Town.jpg
Warsaw Uprising, German Ju-87 Stuka bombing Warsaw's Śródmieście District.
Sw krzyza po wojnie.jpg
Kościół św. Krzyża na Krakowskim Przedmieściu w Warszawie
Warsaw Uprising - Polish barricade on the Napoleon Square build around German Jagdpanzer 38(t) "Hetzer" tank destroyer captured by the Home Army. See also Image:Uprising Barykady.png for a map showing location of several Polish barricades in the southern city center area. Note that this barricade is not on the map.