Tímúrovská říše

Írán a Túrán

توران (per)
ایران و توران (per)
Vlajka státu
Státní znak
Motto راستى رستى‎ (Rāstī rastī)
(„Ve správnosti spočívá spása.“)
Tímúrovské říše na svém vrcholu v roce 1405
4 400 000 km² (1405)
perština (státní), čagatajština (vládnoucí vrstva, literatura), arabština (náboženský)
Státní útvar
tanka (mince)
Státní útvary a území
Čagatajský chanátČagatajský chanát
Zlatá hordaZlatá horda
Dillíský sultanátDillíský sultanát
Mamlúcký sultanátMamlúcký sultanát
Osmanská říšeOsmanská říše
Gruzínské královstvíGruzínské království
Súfidská dynastieSúfidská dynastie
Džalájirovský sultanátDžalájirovský sultanát
Kurtská dynastieKurtská dynastie
Bucharský chanátBucharský chanát
Safíovská říšeSafíovská říše
Chivský chanátChivský chanát
Karakojunluská říšeKarakojunluská říše
Akkojunluská říšeAkkojunluská říše
Mughalská říšeMughalská říše

Tímúrovská nebo Tamerlánova říše, zaznamenána v dobové literatuře jako Írán a Túrán (persky ایران و توران, Iran-u-Turan, توران – nápis Túrán na skále v současném Kazachstánu), byl pozdně středověký turko-mongolský sunnitský kulturně perský stát na pomezí Blízkého východu a Střední Asie, v perštině známé jako Túrán. Byl založen turkickým dobyvatelem Tímúrem Lenkem (Tamerlánem) ve 14. století. Ovládal území dnešního Íránu, Afghánistánu, Kavkazu, Kyrgyzstánu, Tádžikistánu, Turkmenistánu, Uzbekistánu, části Turecka, Iráku, Pákistánu a severní Indie. Centrem říše byl Samarkand. Vládla jí Tamerlánem založená Tímúrovská dynastie jeho potomků. Muslimští ší'itští autoři nazývají dynastii tímúrovců jako Gurkani (persky گورکانیان, Gūrkāniyān), které je odvozeno od slova pro zetě. Tamerlán se jinak také tituloval jako güregen (královský zeť) aby legitimizoval svou vládu spočívající na nástupnictví po Čingischánovi, od něhož však nemohl odvozovat svůj původ. Za tímto účelem se oženil s princeznou Saraj Mulk, která tento původ měla.

Název říše

Ve své době je tímúrovský stát zmiňován (v literatuře) jako Írán a Túrán (Iran-u-Turan), případně Máveránnahr (arabsky ما وراء النهر). Takto vzpomíná na Tamerlána nápis na skále v Kazachstánu a na jeho protivníka chána Tochtamiše, který vládl Zlaté hordě, zde nepřesně uváděněn jako „bulharský chán“:

...Sultán Túránu, Tímur bej, vyrazil se třemi sty tisíci vojáky ve jménu islámu proti bulharskému chánovi Tochtamišovi...“



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No flag.svg
No official flag.
Flag of the Kingdom of Georgia.svg
Autor: Ec.Domnowall, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag according to Angelino Dulcert (1339) and Pizzigano's (1367) maps
Flag of Ilkhanate.svg
A Flag that represents the Ilkhanate of the Mongol Empire in the Catalan Atlas, a primary source created in 1375. Actual use of this flag by the Ilkhanate is not confirmed by other sources.
Alam of the Mughal Empire.svg
Autor: TRAJAN 117, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Alam of the Mughal Empire.
Flag of the Khanate of Khiva.svg
Autor: Samhanin, Licence: CC0
Flag of the Khanate of Khiva, "The museum of Khiva displays (vertically) the flag used by the khanate of Khiva during the civil war (1917-1922). The khanate, which had been annexed by Russia in 1873, proclaimed independence on 13 February 1917. In 1918, the khan was overthrown by a Turkmen chief. Then began a period of anarchy. The protectorate of Khiva was suppressed on 9 April 1919 and Khiva was included in the new Republic of Khorezm, created by the Soviets on 26 April 1920."
Three annulets symbol of the Timurid Empire.png
Autor: पाटलिपुत्र, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Three annulets symbol of the Timurid Empire
Mameluke Flag.svg

Mameluke Flag over Cairo according to the Catalan Atlas c. 1375 created by James Dahl. The golden banner is supposedly identical to the Ayyubid banner.

Warning WARNING: This image is somewhat speculative. It is drawn after the Catalan Atlas, a primary source of the late 14th century. This means that the flag is indeed attested in a (Western) source dated to the Mamluk period, but it does not follow that this flag was indeed in use, let alone that it is "the" Mamluk flag.
Flag of Chagatai Khanate.svg
A flag that represents the Chagatai Khanate of the Mongol Empire in the Catalan Atlas, a primary source created in 1375. Actual use of this flag by the Chagatai Khanate is not confirmed by other sources.
Golden Horde flag 1339.svg
Autor: Vorziblix, Licence: CC0
The flag of the Golden Horde, as shown in Angelino Dulcert's 1339 map. A similar flag appears in the later Catalan Atlas (1375), providing corroboration.

See also Early Mongol Flags at crwflags.com:

One of the charges is a crescent and the other looks like a simplified form of the tamga from the flag of Idel Ural. On different copies of the flag, the crescent has different size; it is often smaller than shown here, sometimes even reduced into a simple oblique stroke and conjoined with the other charge into a si[n]gle symmetrical object; the other charge also sometimes lacks the oblique part [2, 3]. It was obviously difficult to draw the charges always the same way. The cities with this flag which are easy to identify are [2, 7, 8]: Sarai, the capital (spelled Sarra) - there is also a depiction of the ruler, "Jani Beg Lord of Sarai" ("Jambech senyor de Sarra"); Tana, present-day Azov, Russia; and Urgench, Uzbekistan (spelled Organci, with a cedilla under the c; nowadays ruined). This flag is a variant of the flag of "Emperor of Sarai" ("Emperador de Sara") from "Libro del conoscimiento de los reinos" [7] and might be the one that had really existed, considering the similarity of its charges with those from the flag of Idel Ural.
[2] Enciclopedia universal ilustrada, vol. XXI, Espan~a Madrid: Espasa-Calpe S.A., 1968
[3] Istorija otkric'a i istraz<ivanja, vol. I: Poc<etak istraz<ivanja; Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 1979; Original title: A History of Discovery and Exploration, vol. I: The Search Begins;(C) 1973 Aldus Books Limited, London
[7] Libro del Conoscimiento. Viajes medievales, vol. I Madrid: Fundacio'n Jose' Antonio de Castro, 2005 ISBN 84-96452-11-5 (complete edition) ISBN 84-96452-12-3 (vol. I) [e9s50]
[8] A[p]pendices. (Ibid.)
Tomislav Todorovic, 21 April 2007
Flag of Shah Tahmasp I.svg
The flag of the Shah Tahmasp I King of Persia in the 16th century.
Ottoman red flag.svg
According to Rıza Nur, sultan Selim I (1512-20) had a white personal flag, while the Ottoman Army flag was red (kızıl bayrak). During Süleyman I's reign (1520-66) the janissaries had a white flag while the timariot cavalry had a red flag. It was used as the Ottoman civic and merchant flag from 1793 to 1923.
Delhi Sultanate Flag.svg
Flag of the Sultanate of Delhi according to the Catalan Atlas (1375). The flag is grey with a black band in the Catalan Atlas (attached image), not green with a black band as previously uploaded.
The actual grey and black color appears clearly in the primary source (and the Catalan Atlas has plenty of green otherwise, so the grey cannot be a result of color fading), and this interpretation is confirmed by academic sources:

REFERENCE: "....that helps to identify yet another curious flag found in northern India – a brown or originally sliver flag with a vertical black line – as the flag of the Delhi Sultanate (602-962/1206-1555)." in (2010). "On the Timurid flag". Beiträge zur islamischen Kunst und Archäologie 2: 148.

WARNING: This is primary source image, the actual flag is otherwise unknown. The main source pointing to this design is the Catalan Atlas, which as a historical primary source. This image should not be added to articles without clearly attributing its primary source origin, and secondary sources are additionally desired if available (such as the one above). Note that FOTW (where most of those flags on Commons are adapted from) is based on user contributions like Wikipedia, and hence not authoritative.


The file of the actual grey flag from the Catalan Atlas was overwritten by the uploader over the previous green flag, a hoax that actually cannot be found in the Catalan Atlas. The original file claiming to be the "Flag of the Delhi Sultanate" being a hoax, it was quintessentially false and misled users, and therefore had to be updated with a proper and accurate image. This is following the spirit of the COM:OW rule about "Files with current data" which for example allows to modify the file of a map which has false national boundaries: "Files with current data: (...) However, files may be identified to reusers as ones where information may be updated – these files can and should be overwritten to reflect new information as necessary. (...) A file named "File:Germany location map.svg" is expected to indicate the current boundaries, and is expected to be updated if, for example, the boundaries changed or errors were observed." So a map with false boundaries can, and should be, overwriten: similarly a national flag with a false design can and should be overwritten.

War flag of Khanate of Bukhara.svg
Autor: Samhanin, Licence: CC0
War flag of Khanate of Bukhara. This flag used in Khanate of Bukhara in the Battle of Marv by Muin Musavvir's painting.
Autor: GTRus, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag of the Akkoyunlu State according to İ.H. Uzunçarşılı:

"1937: Anadolu Beylikleri ve Akkoyunlu, Karakoyunlu Devletleri

Anadolu Beylikleri ve Akkoyunlu, Karakoyunlu Devletleri" Ankara:Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1988. The symbol is the tamga of the Bayundur clan.
Banner of Timur Khan.svg
Autor: HetmanTheResearcher, Licence: CC BY 4.0
Own work. Source: Lux-Wurm, P. C., & Zaragoza, Martha. (2001). Les drapeaux de l’islam : de Mahomet à nos jours. Buchet-Chastel. P.252-253.
Timurid Empire (greatest extent).svg
Autor: Ali Zifan, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Locator map of the Timurid Empire, c. 1400.