Třída Khareef

Třída Khareef
Obecné informace
UživatelOmánské královské námořnictvo
Typkorveta / oceánská hlídková loď
Osudaktivní (2014)
Předchůdcetřída Qahir
Technické údaje
Výtlak2660 t (plný)
Délka99 m
Šířka14,6 m
Ponor4,1 m
Pohon2 diesely
Rychlost25 uzlů
Dosah4500 nám. mil
Výzbroj76mm kanón OTO Melara
2× 30mm kanón MSI DS30M (2×1)
MM.40 Exocet (2×4)
12× MBDA VL MICA (1×12)
Letadla1× vrtulník
RadarSMART-S Mk2

Třída Khareef je třída korvet Ománského královského námořnictva. Ománské námořnictvo je klasifikuje jako oceánské hlídkové lodě.[1] Korvety jsou vybaveny pro boj proti hladinovým a vzdušným cílům. Budou sloužit především k hlídkování v mezinárodních vodách ohrožovaných piráty a ochraně výluční námořní ekonomické zóny Ománu.[2] Třída byla zavedena do aktivní služby v roce 2013.[3] Jedná se o největší válečné lodě ománského námořnictva.[4]


Stavba tří korvet této třídy byla objednána 15. ledna 2007 u britské loděnice VT Group (nyní součást BAE Systems). Kontrakt měl hodnotu 400 milionů liber.[4]

Jednotky třídy Khareef:

JménoSpuštěnaVstup do službyStatus
Al-Shamikhčervenec 2009červen 2013[3]aktivní
Al-Rahmaničervenec 2010říjen 2013[3]aktivní
Al-Rasikhčerven 201129. května 2014[5]aktivní


Korvety mají modulární konstrukci. Jsou u nich využity technologie stealth. Jsou vybaveny bojovým řídícím systémem TACTICOS. Nesou 3D radar Thales Nederland SMART-S Mk2 s dosahem 250 km a optotronický systém řízení palby Thales Nederland Sting EO mk2.[6] Hlavňovou výzbroj tvoří jeden 76mm kanón OTO Melara Super Rapiddělové věži na přídi a dva 30mm kanóny MSI DS30M. Mezi příďovou dělovou věží a můstkem se nachází dvanáctinásobné vertikální vypouštěcí silo pro protiletadlové řízené střely MBDA VL MICA. Údernou výzbroj tvoří osm protilodních střel MM.40 Exocet Block III s dosahem 180 km. Na zádi se nachází přistávací plocha a hangár pro jeden střední vrtulník. Pohonný systém tvoří dva diesely MTU. Nejvyšší rychlost dosahuje 25 uzlů.[2]




  1. Hlídkové lodě s puncem korvet. ATM. 2011, roč. 43, čís. 4, s. 66. ISSN 1802-4823. 
  2. a b Khareef Class Corvettes, Oman [online]. Naval-technology.com [cit. 2012-12-11]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  3. a b c Royal Navy of Oman receives second Khareef-class corvette [online]. Naval-technology.com [cit. 2013-11-01]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  4. a b Third and final Omani corvette launched by BAE Systems [online]. Defenceweb [cit. 2012-12-11]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  5. Omani Navy Receives Third Khareef Corvette [online]. Defensenews.com, rev. 2014-05-29 [cit. 2014-06-11]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném dne 2020-07-27. (anglicky) 
  6. FRENCH, Paul. Thales Puts the Wind in Project Khareef's Sails [online]. Naval-technology.com, rev. 2007 [cit. 2012-12-11]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 

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Média použitá na této stránce

Portsmouth korvet Al-Shamikh Oman 18-10-2011 15-15-51.png
Autor: Paul Hermans, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
corvette Al-Shamikh, Oman in the harbour of Portsmouth, England
ONS Al Rahmani-18a.jpg

This image photographed by Brian Burnell with permission was uploaded to Commons by George Hutchinson.
To see his entire portfolio, click here.
Permission to upload photographs by Brian Burnell is archived in the OTRS system as shown below each image.

This image is protected by copyright! If you would like to use it outside Wikipedia, please read THIS first.

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, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
An Omani Navy corvette ONS Al Rahmani outward bound from Portsmouth Naval Base, UK, 27 June 2013 and still in builder's hands and flying the British Merchant Navy Red Ensign. A Khareef class corvette built by BAe Systems in Portsmouth.

Wikipedia editors are reminded that the copyright remains with the photographer, and that the terms of the Creative Commons (CC), Attribution (BY), Share Alike (SA) CC-BY-SA-3.0 that allow editors to reuse this image apply to Wikipedia editors also, as they do to other re-users of this image. Breaches of the licence terms are not only unlawful, but are also antisocial, in that breaches discourage photographers from making their images freely available to everyone without payment. Wikipedia re-users are also reminded of the license terms that derivatives of this image should not imply that the adaptation is endorsed or approved by the author or copyright holder. Neither should derivatives be presented as the creation of the author or copyright holder, while clearly stating that the adaptation is a derivative of the original.

Attribution online should be in this format Brian Burnell. On the printed page, a simpler form is acceptable - example: "Image: Brian Burnell".
ONS Al Rahmani-14a.jpg

This image photographed by Brian Burnell with permission was uploaded to Commons by George Hutchinson.
To see his entire portfolio, click here.
Permission to upload photographs by Brian Burnell is archived in the OTRS system as shown below each image.

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, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
An Omani Navy corvette ONS Al Rahmani outward bound from Portsmouth Naval Base, UK, 27 June 2013 and still in builder's hands and flying the British Merchant Navy Red Ensign. A Khareef class corvette built by BAe Systems in Portsmouth.

Wikipedia editors are reminded that the copyright remains with the photographer, and that the terms of the Creative Commons (CC), Attribution (BY), Share Alike (SA) CC-BY-SA-3.0 that allow editors to reuse this image apply to Wikipedia editors also, as they do to other re-users of this image. Breaches of the licence terms are not only unlawful, but are also antisocial, in that breaches discourage photographers from making their images freely available to everyone without payment. Wikipedia re-users are also reminded of the license terms that derivatives of this image should not imply that the adaptation is endorsed or approved by the author or copyright holder. Neither should derivatives be presented as the creation of the author or copyright holder, while clearly stating that the adaptation is a derivative of the original.

Attribution online should be in this format Brian Burnell. On the printed page, a simpler form is acceptable - example: "Image: Brian Burnell".
ONS Al Rahmani-6a.jpg

This image photographed by Brian Burnell with permission was uploaded to Commons by George Hutchinson.
To see his entire portfolio, click here.
Permission to upload photographs by Brian Burnell is archived in the OTRS system as shown below each image.

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, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
An Omani Navy corvette ONS Al Rahmani outward bound from Portsmouth Naval Base, UK, 27 June 2013 and still in builder's hands and flying the British Merchant Navy Red Ensign. A Khareef class corvette built by BAe Systems in Portsmouth. In the background is the bell tower of the former Haslar Royal Naval Hospital. Gosport.

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Attribution online should be in this format Brian Burnell. On the printed page, a simpler form is acceptable - example: "Image: Brian Burnell".
ONS Al Rahmani-15a.jpg

This image photographed by Brian Burnell with permission was uploaded to Commons by George Hutchinson.
To see his entire portfolio, click here.
Permission to upload photographs by Brian Burnell is archived in the OTRS system as shown below each image.

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, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
An Omani Navy corvette ONS Al Rahmani outward bound from Portsmouth Naval Base, UK, 27 June 2013 and still in builder's hands and flying the British Merchant Navy Red Ensign. A Khareef class corvette built by BAe Systems in Portsmouth.

Wikipedia editors are reminded that the copyright remains with the photographer, and that the terms of the Creative Commons (CC), Attribution (BY), Share Alike (SA) CC-BY-SA-3.0 that allow editors to reuse this image apply to Wikipedia editors also, as they do to other re-users of this image. Breaches of the licence terms are not only unlawful, but are also antisocial, in that breaches discourage photographers from making their images freely available to everyone without payment. Wikipedia re-users are also reminded of the license terms that derivatives of this image should not imply that the adaptation is endorsed or approved by the author or copyright holder. Neither should derivatives be presented as the creation of the author or copyright holder, while clearly stating that the adaptation is a derivative of the original.

Attribution online should be in this format Brian Burnell. On the printed page, a simpler form is acceptable - example: "Image: Brian Burnell".