
Tefnakht Athens stela (T. Efthimiadis) det.jpg
Narození8. století př. n. l.
Úmrtí8. století př. n. l.
Rod24. dynastie
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Tefnacht byl staroegyptským panovníkem a zakladatelem 24. dynastie, který vládl současně s posledními panovníky 22. dynastie a 23. dynastie. Tento panovník libyjského původu nejprve ovládal nevelké území se sídlem v Sajích, svou moc však postupně rozšířil až do středního Egypta. Jeho expanzi zastavil núbijský panovník Pije.

Tefnachtova stéla

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Znak z doby nástupuEgyptský král
727720 př. n. l.
Znak z doby konce vládyNástupce:

Média použitá na této stránce

Egyptian illustration from the public domain, digitally enhanced by rawpixel-com 104.jpg
Autor: Rawpixel, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Ramses-Meïamoun fight against Katas on the edge of Orontes from Histoire de l'art égyptien (1878) by Émile Prisse d'Avennes (1807-1879). Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.
Tefnakht Athens stela (T. Efthimiadis).jpg
Autor: Tilemahos Efthimiadis, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Pharaoh Shepsesre Tefnakht I's stone donation stela from Sais dedicated to the Egyptian goddess Neith now located at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, Greece. This stela constitutes one of the most important documents for this Lower Egyptian Delta king who ruled during the Kushite period of Egypt in the Third Intermediate Period (c.8th century BCE) because it preserves a date within his reign: his 8th Regnal year.
Tefnakht Athens stela (T. Efthimiadis) det.jpg
Autor: , Licence: CC BY 2.0
Pharaoh Shepsesre Tefnakht I's stone donation stela from Sais dedicated to the Egyptian goddess Neith now located at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, Greece. This stela constitutes one of the most important documents for this Lower Egyptian Delta king who ruled during the Kushite period of Egypt in the Third Intermediate Period (c.8th century BCE) because it preserves a date within his important reign: his 8th Regnal year.
Autor: , Licence: CC BY 2.5
Dvojitá koruna Dolního a Horního Egypta