Kazašské tenge | |
теңге (kazaština) | |
![]() Starší bankovka tenge a mince | |
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ISO 4217 | KZT |
Inflace | 7,1%[1] (2017 odhad) |
Symbol | 〒, T, тңг |
Dílčí jednotka | tiyn (1/100) |
Mince | 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 a 200 tenge |
Bankovky | 200, 500, 1 000, 2 000, 5 000, 10 000 a 20 000 tenge |
Tenge (kazašsky теңге; oficiální název: Kazašské tenge, kazašsky Қазақстан теңгесі) je peněžní jednotka Kazachstánu, 1 tenge se dále dělí na 100 tiynů (kazašsky: тиын), kód měny je KZT. Tenge bylo zavedeno 15. listopadu 1993. Od roku 2002 je v platnosti zákon, který v Kazachstánu zakazuje přijímat při platbách jinou měnu než tenge.
Kurz k 3. 4. 2012: 100 KZT = 0,51056 EUR.
Kurz k 31. 7.2016: 100 KZT = 0,25546 EUR = 6,98 CZK
Kurz k 10. 4. 2017: 100 KZT = 0,3024 EUR = 8,05 CZK
Kurz k 06. 9. 2018: 100 KZT = 0,2323 EUR = 5,98 CZK
Po vyhlášení nezávislosti Kazachstánu vedení státu plánovalo nazvat novou měnu som, jak bylo překládáno do kazaštiny (i dalších turkických jazyků) na sovětských bankovkách slovo rubl. V květnu 1993, čtyři měsíce před oficiálním vznikem nové kazašské měny, takto nazval své platidlo Kyrgyzstán. Název tenge je odvozen od jména středověkých turkických peněz denge, které se užívaly ve Střední Asii (od jejich jména je mimo jiné odvozen ruský výraz pro peníze – деньги, děňgi).
Symbol měny 〒
Na konci roku 2006 vypsala Národní banka Kazachstánu soutěž na návrh symbolu pro národní měnu. Z více než třiceti tisíc návrhů zvítězil symbol 〒, jehož autorům Vadimu Daviděnkovi a Sanžaru Amerchanovi byla vyplacena odměna 1 000 000 tenge (= cca 200 000 Kč) plus 5 000 $. Později se zjistilo, že symbol 〒 používá více než 120 let japonská pošta (Nippon júsei kóša) jako své logo a uvozující značku kódu PSČ.
Mince a bankovky
V oběhu jsou mince o hodnotách: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 a 200〒 a bankovky 200, 500, 1 000, 2 000, 5 000, 10 000 a 20 000 〒.
- 1 〒
- 2 〒
- 5 〒
- 10 〒
- 20 〒
- 50 〒
- 100 〒
- 200 〒
- 500 〒
- 1 000 〒
- 2 000 〒
- 5 000 〒
- 10 000 〒
- ↑ INFLATION RATE (CONSUMER PRICES). The World Factbook [online]. CIA [cit. 2018-7-18]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném dne 2016-10-01. ISSN 1553-8133. (anglicky)
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Média použitá na této stránce
200 tenge
My own photo, depicting several denominations of this currency.
100 Tenge (2002)
Diameter - 24,5 mm
Thickness - 1,95 mm
Weight - 6,65 gr.
Lateral surface - grooved with the note - "СТО ТЕНГЕ - ЖYЗ ТЕҢГЕ" (one hundred tenge)
Two-colored (compound) coin has the shape of the circle, that consists of concentrically located rings and a disk. The internal disk of the coin is made from alloy of "nickel silver" of white color, the external disk - from alloy of "nibrass" of yellow color.
On the right side (averse) of the coin, in the middle against a background of the grooved circle in two-line there is an inscription "100 ТЕҢГЕ". On the circumference there are three elements of national ornament, divided on its upper part by the octagonal rosette; on the left side - by an inscription "KҰБ" ("NBK"), on the right side - by the trade mark of Kazakhstan Mint. On the circumference there is an obtrusive edging.
In the middle of the back side (reverse) of the coin there is the national emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the lower part there is the date "2002", which means the year of issue of the coin. On the circumference - the legend "ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ" in state language. The legend and the year of issue divided by dots. On the circumference there is an obtrusive edging.20 Tenge (1997)
Diameter - 18,27mm
Thickness - 1,6 mm
Weight - 2,9 gr.
Lateral surface is grooved.
The coin is made of alloy of "nickel silver" of white color.
On the central part of the right side of the coin there is a figure "20" and under it is a legend " ТЕҢГЕ ". On the upper side the octagonal rosette is represented. On the down side the element of national ornament is drawn. On the circumference there is an obtrusive edging.
On the middle of the back side (reverse) of the coin there is the national emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the year of issue of the coin.
On the circumference the legend "ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ" in state language. On the circumference there is an obtrusive edging.1000 tenge
2 Tenge (2005)
Diameter – 16 mm
Thickness – 1,3 mm
Weight – 1,84 gr.
Lateral surface is smooth.
The coin is made of alloy of "nibrass" of yellow color.
On the central part of the right side of the coin there is a figure "2" and under it is a legend "ТЕҢГЕ". On the left and right sides it is the element of national ornament, which is arranged mirror like to each other. On the circumference there is an obtrusive edging.
On the middle of the back side (reverse) of the coin there is the national emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the year of issue of the coin. On the circumference – the legend "ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ" in state language. On the circumference there is an obtrusive edging.10 Tenge (1997)
Diameter - 19,56 mm
Thickness - 1,3 mm
Weight - 2,81 gr.
Lateral surface is smooth
The coin is made of alloy of "nibrass" of yellow color.
On the central part of the right side of the coin there is a figure "10" and under it is a legend "ТЕҢГЕ". On the upper side the octagonal rosette is represented. On the down side the element of national ornament is drawn. On the circumference there is an obtrusive edging.
On the middle of the back side (reverse) of the coin there is the national emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the year of issue of the coin. On the circumference - the legend "ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ" in state language. On the circumference there is an obtrusive edging.5 Tenge (1997)
Diameter - 17,27 mm
Thickness - 1,3 mm
Weight - 2,18 gr.
Lateral surface is smooth.
The coin is made of alloy of "nibrass" of yellow color.
On the central part of the right side of the coin there is a figure "5" and under it is a legend "ТЕҢГЕ". On the upper side the octagonal rosette is represented. On the down side the element of national ornament is drawn. On the circumference there is an obtrusive edging.
On the middle of the back side (reverse) of the coin there is the national emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the year of issue of the coin. On the circumference - the legend "ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ" in state language. On the circumference there is an obtrusive edging.50 Tenge (1997)
Diameter - 23 mm
Thickness - 1,6 mm
Weight - 4,7 gr
Lateral surface is grooved.
The coin is made of alloy of "nickel silver" of white color.
On the central part of the right side of the coin there is a figure "50" and under it is a legend "ТЕҢГЕ". On the upper side the octagonal rosette is represented. On the down side the element of national ornament is drawn. On the circumference there is an obtrusive edging.
On the middle of the back side (reverse) of the coin there is the national emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the year of issue of the coin. On the circumference - the legend "ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ" in state language. On the circumference there is an obtrusive edging.500 tenge
Банкнота достоинством в 10 000 тенге образца 2006 года. Казахстан. Аверс.
1 Tenge (1997)
Diameter - 15 mm
Thickness - 1,3 mm
Weight - 1,63 gr.
Lateral surface is smooth
The coin is made of alloy of "nibrass" of yellow color.
On the central part of the right side of the coin there is a figure "1" and under it is a legend "ТЕҢГЕ". On the left and right sides it is the element of national ornament, which is arranged mirror like to each other. On the circumference there is an obtrusive edging.
On the middle of the back side (reverse) of the coin there is the national emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the year of issue of the coin. On the circumference - the legend "ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ" in state language. On the circumference there is an obtrusive edging2000 tenge
5000 tenge