Teritorium Utah
teritorium Utah Utah Territory
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Teritorium Utah (anglicky: Utah Territory) bylo organizované začleněné území Spojených států amerických, které existovalo od roku 1850 do roku 1896, kdy byl finální rozsah teritoria přijat do Unie jako stát Utah. V letech 1851-1858 byl jeho guvernérem Brigham Young.
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US Flag with 37 stars. In use 4 July 1867–3 July 1877. Created by jacobolus using Adobe Illustrator, and released into the public domain.
Autor: The State of Utah, Licence:
The flag of Utah (2024-present). This is the final design submitted for consideration to be adopted as a new state flag of Utah. The design evokes images of snowy mountains and red rocks to represent the geography of Utah, the beehive represents "Industry" (the state's slogan) and Utah's nickname as "the Beehive State".
- derivative work: Mangoman88 (talk)
- Blank_US_Map.svg: User:Theshibboleth
- Wpdms utah territory 1851 idx.png: User:Tsujigiri
The Utah Territory shown as established by the United States Congress in 1850. The map is underlaid with a modern map of the United States showing the current state boundaries. The territory's boundaries may not be exact.
Flag of the State of Nevada. The flag is described in Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 235, Sec. 20 as follows: The body of the flag must be of solid cobalt blue. On the field in the upper left quarter thereof must be two sprays of Sagebrush with the stems crossed at the bottom to form a half wreath. Within the sprays must be a five-pointed silver star with one point up. The word “Nevada” must also be inscribed below the star and above the sprays, in a semicircular pattern with the letters spaced apart in equal increments, in the same style of letters as the words “Battle Born.” Above the wreath, and touching the tips thereof, must be a scroll bearing the words “Battle Born.” The scroll and the word “Nevada” must be golden-yellow. The lettering on the scroll must be black-colored sans serif gothic capital letters.
US Flag with 33 stars. In use 4 July 1859–3 July 1861. Created by jacobolus using Adobe Illustrator, and released into the public domain.
US Flag with 37 stars. In use 4 July 1867–3 July 1877. Created by jacobolus using Adobe Illustrator, and released into the public domain.