
Thanet (anglicky: Isle of Thanet) je nyní z hlediska pobřeží poloostrovem na severovýchodě hrabství Kent o velikosti 106 km². Je obklopen dvěma rameny řeky Stour, takže je vlastně velkým říčním ostrovem, ležícím v ústí řeky. Na pobřeží leží lázně Ramsgate, Margate a Broadstairs. Na severovýchodním útesu North Foreland stojí maják.
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Autor: Matt Boulton from London, England, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
En route to Venice, I happened to look up from my book just as we were passing over Dover. It was a clear day, so I got this snap of Broadstairs and the rest of the Isle of Thanet (an island no longer). You wouldn't believe it from the photo, but it was so clear I was able to pick out individual boats in Ramsgate harbour.
I'm not sure how many dozens of times I've flown out this way, but this is the first time that a window seat, the flight path, a book's break between chapters and a clear sky have combined to give me a view of my old home town from space.