The Bright Young Things

The Bright Young Things také Bright Young People,[1][2] (v překladu mladí chytří lidé ) byla přezdívka daná bulvárním tiskem skupině bohémských anglických mladých aristokratů a jejich společnosti v Londýně 20. let 20. století.[3]


Pořádali okázalé maškarní večírky, chodili na komplikované honby za poklady nočním Londýnem a někteří hodně pili nebo užívali drogy - to vše nadšeně komentovali novináři jako Charles Graves a Tom Driberg.[4] Inspirovali řadu spisovatelů, včetně Nancy Mitford (Highland Fling), Anthony Powell (Tanec na hudbu času), Henry Green (Party Going) a básníka John Betjeman. Evelyn Waughův román Vile Bodies z roku 1930, upravený jako film Bright Young Things z roku 2003, je satirickým pohledem na tuto scénu.[4] Cecil Beaton zahájil svou kariéru ve fotografii dokumentací této společnosti, jejíž byl členem.[5]

Mezi nejvýznamnější členy skupiny patří:
Harold ActonTerence GreenidgeDiana MitfordLoelia PonsonbyHenry Thynne
Patrick Balfour, baron KinrossBryan GuinnessNancy MitfordAnthony PowellWilliam Walton
Cecil BeatonGavin HendersonBeverley NicholsElizabeth RussellSylvia Townsend Warner
John BetjemanBrian HowardBrenda Dean PaulEdith SitwellEvelyn Waugh
Edward BurraArthur JeffressBabe Plunket-GreeneOsbert SitwellRex Whistler
Robert ByronTeresa JungmanDavid Plunket GreeneSacheverell SitwellSunday Wilshin
Sheila ChisholmZita JungmanOlivia Plunket GreeneEleanor SmithOlivia Wyndham
Daphne FieldingBarbara Ker-SeymerRichard Plunket GreeneDavid TennantHenry Yorke
Edward Gathorne-HardyOliver MesselElizabeth PonsonbyStephen Tennant

Seznam členů „Bright Young Things“ a jejich přátel

Následuje seznam samotných Bright Young Things, jejich přátel, známých a spolupracovníků z daného období, z nichž mnozí byly inspirací pro postavy v románech napsaných členy skupiny jako Evelyn Waugh, Anthony Powell a Nancy Mitford, jak je uvedeno v tabulce níže.[6]

Harold Acton (1904–1994)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
William Acton (1906–1945)Knihy:
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
Novinové články:
Mozart Fancy Dress Concert is Picturesque[9]
Kathleen Adam Smith († 1941)Novinové články:
Bright Young People of the Rising Generation[10]
John Amery (1912–1945)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Leo Amery (1873–1955)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Michael Arlen (1895–1956)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
Sylvia Ashley (1904–1977)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
1933, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Anthony Ashley-Cooper (1900–1947)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Lettice Ashley-Cooper (1911–1990)Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
Mary Ashley-Cooper (1902–1936)Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
Adele Astaire (1896–1981)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Clement Attlee (1883–1967)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Mae Bacon (1897–1981)Novinové články:
London Society's Thrilling All-Night Treasure Hunts[14]
Hermione Baddeley (1906–1986)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Blackout of the Hon. Elizabeth's Wild 20-year-party[15]
Mozart Fancy Dress Concert is Picturesque[9]
Edythe Baker (1899–1971)Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
Oliver Baldwin (1899–1958)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Ruth Baldwin (1905–1937)Knihy:
Script Doctors and Vicious Addicts[16]
Patrick Balfour (1904–1976)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Thomas Balston (1883–1967)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Tallulah Bankhead (1902–1968)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
London Society's Thrilling All-Night Treasure Hunts[14]
John Banting (1902–1972)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Alexander Baring (1898–1991)Novinové články:
Bright Young People of the Rising Generation[10]
Maurice Baring (1874–1945)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Poppy Baring (1901–1980)Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
Elvira Dolores Barney (1904–1936)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
H. M. Bateman (1887–1970)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Beverley Baxter (1891–1964)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Cecil Beaton (1904–1980)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Baba Beaton (1912–1973)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Dancing to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
Novinové články:
Mozart Fancy Dress Concert is Picturesque[9]
Nancy Beaton (1909–1999)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Max Beerbohm (1872–1956)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Clive Bell (1881–1964)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Hilaire Belloc (1870–1953)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Babe Bendir (* 1907)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Mozart Fancy Dress Concert is Picturesque[9]
Margot BendirNovinové články:
Mozart Fancy Dress Concert is Picturesque[9]
Lord Berners (1883–1950)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Lord Merlin in Love in a Cold Climate, Nancy Mitford
Lord Merlin in The Pursuit of Love, Nancy Mitford[17]
John Betjeman (1906–1984)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Fiktivní postavy:
Paul Fotheringay in Christmas Pudding, Nancy Mitford[17]
Elizabeth Bibesco (1897–1945)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Caroline Blackwood (1931–1996)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Edmund Blunden (1896–1974)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Robert Boothby (1900–1986)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (1900–2002)Novinové články:
London Society's Thrilling All-Night Treasure Hunts[14]
Maurice Bowra (1898–1971)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
Brendan Bracken (1901–1958)Fiktivní postavy:
Rex Mottram in Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh
Georges Braque (1882–1963)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Diana Bridgeman (1907–1967)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
Jessie Doris Browne (1900–1942)Portréty:
1931, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Valentine Browne (1891–1943)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
1931, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Frank Buchman (1878–1961)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Guy Burgess (1911–1963)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Edward Burra (1905–1976)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Mary Butts (1890–1937)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Robert Byron (1905–1941)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Fiktivní postavy:
Albert Gates in Highland Fling, Nancy Mitford
Ben Gore in Blindness, Henry Green[17]
Denis Capel-Dunn (1903–1945)Knihy:
Script Doctors and Vicious Addicts[16]
Fiktivní postavy:
Kenneth Widmerpool in A Dance to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
Dudley Carew (1903–1981)Knihy:
Script Doctors and Vicious Addicts[16]
Billie Carleton (1896–1918)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Dora Carrington (1893–1932)Fiktivní postavy:
Betty Blyth in The Apes of God, Wyndham Lewis[17]
Audrey Carten (1900–1977)
Kenneth Carten (1911–1980)
Waveney Carten (1902–1990)
Barbara Cartland (1901–2000)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Ivy Cavendish-Bentinck (1887–1982)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Victor Cazalet (1896–1943)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
David Cecil (1902–1986)
David Cecil (1905–1981)Portréty:
Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
William Chappell (1907–1994)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Nina Chavchavadze (1901–1974)Novinové články:
Bright Young People of the Rising Generation[10]
G. K. Chesterton (1874–1936)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Edward Chichester (1903–1975)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Sheila Chisholm (1895–1969)
Diana Churchill (1909–1963)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
John Spencer-Churchill (1897–1972)Portréty:
1934, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Camille Clifford (1885–1971)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Claud Cockburn (1904–1981)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Nevill Coghill (1899–1980)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Sibyl Colefax (1874–1950)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Cyril Connolly (1903–1974)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Fiktivní postavy:
Ed Spain in The Blessing, Nancy Mitford[17]
Diana Cooper (1892–1986)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Fiktivní postavy:
Lady Leone in Don't Tell Alfred, Nancy Mitford
Lady Artemis Hooper in Aaron's Rod, D.H. Lawrence
Ruby, Lady Maclean in The Love and Envied, Enid Bagnold
Lady Queenie Paulle in The Pretty Lady, Arnold Bennett[17]
Novinové články:
Young People Take Big Treasure Hunt[18]
Showing Aside the Jazz Set in English Society[19]
Duff Cooper (1890–1954)Novinové články:
Showing Aside the Jazz Set in English Society[19]
Gladys Cooper (1888–1971)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Young People Take Big Treasure Hunt[18]
London Society's Thrilling All-Night Treasure Hunts[14]
Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Noël Coward (1899–1973)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Max Pilgrim in A Dance to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
Frederick Heyworth Cripps (1885–1977)Portréty:
1938, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Violet Cripps (1891–1983)Portréty:
1938, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
C. R. M. F. Cruttwell (1887–1941)Knihy:
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Alexandra Curzon (1904–1995)Novinové články:
Bright Young People of the Rising Generation[10]
Cynthia Curzon (1898–1933)
Georgiana Curzon (1910–1976)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Irene Curzon (1896–1966)Novinové články:
Bright Young People of the Rising Generation[10]
Mary Curzon (1887–1962)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Peregrine Cust (1899–1978)Novinové články:
Showing Aside the Jazz Set in English Society[19]
Hugh Dalton (1887–1962)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Brenda Dean Paul (1907–1959)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Script Doctors and Vicious Addicts[16]
Novinové články:
Blackout of the Hon. Elizabeth's Wild 20-year-party[15]
Napper Dean Paul (1904–1972)Knihy:
Script Doctors and Vicious Addicts[16]
Warwick Deeping (1877–1950)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Alec Douglas-Home (1903–1995)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Elizabeth Douglas-Scott-Montagu (1909–2002)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Tom Driberg (1905–1976)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
John Drury-Lowe (1905–1960)Knihy:
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
Gerald du Maurier (1873–1934)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Freda Dudley Ward (1894–1983)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Novinové články:
Showing Aside the Jazz Set in English Society[19]
London Society's Thrilling All-Night Treasure Hunts[14]
Alfred Duggan (1903–1964)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Hubert Duggan (1904–1943)Fiktivní postavy:
Charles Stringham in A Dance to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
Dola Dunsmuir (1903–1966)
Anthony Eden (1897–1977)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Edward Elgar (1857–1934)Portréty:
Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
T. S. Eliot (1888–1965)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Lily Elsie (1886–1962)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Baba d'Erlanger (1901–1945)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Mimi d'Erlanger (1874–1959)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy
Countess Flor di Folio in Serena Blandish, Enid Bagnold
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Hamish St. Clair Erskine (1909–1973)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Highland Fling, Nancy Mitford
Sir Roderick "Bobby" Bobbin in Christmas Pudding, Nancy Mitford[17]
Gwen Farrar (1899–1944)
Daisy Fellowes (1902–1945)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Dorothy Fellowes-Gordon (1891–1991)
Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies (1891–1992)Novinové články:
Mozart Fancy Dress Concert is Picturesque[9]
Daphne Fielding (1904–1997)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
1940, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Ronald Firbank (1886–1926)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Michael Foot (1913–2010)Portréty:
1948, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
E. M. Forster (1879–1970)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Harry Fox-Strangways (1905–1964)Knihy:
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
Gilbert Frankau (1884–1952)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Maxine Freeman-Thomas (* 1901)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Essex French (1907–1996)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Valerie French (1909–1997)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Anthea Gamble (1906–1960)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Script Doctors and Vicious Addicts[16]
Patrick Gamble (1904–1956)
Evelyn Gardner (1903–1994)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Fiktivní postavy:
Brenda Last in A Handful of Dust, Evelyn Waugh
Edward Gathorne-Hardy (1901–1978)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Blackout of the Hon. Elizabeth's Wild 20-year-party[15]
Robert Gathorne-Hardy (1902–1973)
Paula Gellibrand (1898–1986)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Serena Blandish, Enid Bagnold
Douglas Goldring (1887–1960)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Victor Gollancz (1893–1967)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Alastair Graham (1904–1982)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Fiktivní postavy:
Lord Sebastian Flyte in Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh
Robert Graves (1895–1985)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Henry Green (1905–1973)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
Graham Greene (1904–1991)Knihy:
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Terence Greenidge (1902–1970)Knihy:
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Ivor Guest (1903–1967)Portréty:
1936, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Aileen Guinness (1904–1999)
Bryan Guinness (1905–1992)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
Novinové články:
Blackout of the Hon. Elizabeth's Wild 20-year-party[15]
Loel Guinness (1906–1988)Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
Maureen Guinness (1907–1998)
Meraud Guinness (1904–1993)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Oonagh Guinness (1910–1995)Portréty:
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Walter Guinness (1880–1944)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Claud Hamilton (1889–1975)Knihy:
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
Patrick Hamilton (1904–1962)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Nina Hamnett (1890–1965)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Doris Harcourt (1900–1981)Novinové články:
Bright Young People of the Rising Generation[10]
Allanah Harper (1904–1992)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Pamela Harriman (1920–1997)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Roy Harrod (1900–1978)Knihy:
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
Deirdre Hart-Davis (1909–1999)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
L. P. Hartley (1895–1972)
Norman Hartnell (1901–1979)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Gavin Henderson (1902–1977)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
A. P. Herbert (1890–1971)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
David Herbert (1908–1995)
Sidney Herbert (1906–1969)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
John Heygate (1903–1976)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Fiktivní postavy:
John Beaver in A Handful of Dust, Evelyn Waugh
Sir Piers Tofield in Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight, Henry Williamson
Arden Hilliard (* 1904)
Quintin Hogg (1907–2001)Portréty:
1948, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Inez Holden (1903–1974)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Wanda Holden (1911–1956)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Vyvyan Holland (1886–1967)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Christopher Hollis (1902–1977)Knihy:
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
David Horner (1900–1983)
Brian Howard (1905–1958)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
Script Doctors and Vicious Addicts[16]
Fiktivní postavy
Anthony Blanche in Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh
Donald Butterboy in The Roaring Queen, Wyndham Lewis[17]
Novinové články:
Blackout of the Hon. Elizabeth's Wild 20-year-party[15]
Elizabeth Jane Howard (1923–2014)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
William Howard (1902–1978)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Aldous Huxley (1894–1963)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Christopher Isherwood (1904–1986)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Derek Jackson (1906–1982)
Audrey James (1902–1968)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Edward James (1907–1984)Knihy:
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Julia James (1890–1964)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Arthur Jeffress (1905–1961)Knihy:
Alec Waugh, A Year to Remember, A Reminiscence of 1931 Bloomsbury Reader, 1975
D.J. Taylor, Bright Young People - The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 2007
John Montgomery, The Twenties, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London, 1970
Graham Sutherland, 1954
Ida Kar, 1959
Douglas Jerrold (1893–1964)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Augustus John (1878–1961)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
1949, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Baby Jungman (1907–2010)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Zita Jungman (1904–2006)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Marriage of a "Bright Young Person"[20]
Barbara Ker-Seymer (1905–1993)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Nelson Keys (1886–1939)Novinové články:
Eminent Victorians[21]
George Kinnoull (1902–1938)Novinové články:
Flaming Youth tries Britain's Patience[22]
Philip Leyland Kindersley (1907–1995)Portréty:
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
George Alfred Kolkhorst (1897–1958)Knihy:
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Constant Lambert (1905–1951)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Hugh Moreland in A Dance to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
Osbert Lancaster (1908–1986)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Elissa Landi (1904–1948)Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
George Lascelles (1923–2011)Portréty:
1936, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Charles Laughton (1899–1962)Portréty:
1936, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
James Laver (1899–1975)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
D. H. Lawrence (1885–1930)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Gertrude Lawrence (1898–1952)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
James Lees-Milne (1908–1997)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Albert Gates in Highland Fling, Nancy Mitford[17]
Rosamond Lehmann (1901–1990)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
F. R. Leavis (1895–1978)Fiktivní postavy:
J G Quiggin in A Dance to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
Serge Lifar (1905–1986)Portréty:
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
John "The Widow" Lloyd (1900–1978)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Anita Loos (1889–1981)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Tilly Losch (1903–1975)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Lady Dorothy Lygon (1912–2001)Knihy:
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Fiktivní postavy:
Lady Cordelia Flyte in Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh
Hugh Lygon (1904–1936)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
Fiktivní postavy:
Lord Sebastian Flyte in Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Lady Lettice Lygon (1906–1973)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh
Lady Mary Lygon (1910–1982)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Fiktivní postavy:
Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh
Vile Bodies, Evelyn Waugh
Lady Sibell Lygon (1907–2005)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh
Vile Bodies, Evelyn Waugh
William Lygon (1903–1979)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Fiktivní postavy:
Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh
Malcolm MacDonald (1901–1981)Portréty:
1936, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Julian MacLaren-Ross (1912–1964)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
X. Trapnel in A Dance to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
Ethel Mannin (1900–1984)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Reginald Manningham-Buller (1905–1980)Fiktivní postavy:
Kenneth Widmerpool in A Dance to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
Edward Marjoribanks (1900–1932)Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
Frances Marshall (1900–2004)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Rita Martin (1875–1958)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
W. Somerset Maugham (1874–1965)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Elsa Maxwell (1883–1963)Portréty:
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Harry Melville (1908–2000)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Mozart Fancy Dress Concert is Picturesque[9]
Anne Messel (1902–1992)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Oliver Messel (1904–1978)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Kate Meyrick (1875–1933)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor

Fiktivní postavy:

Ma Mayfield in A Handful of Dust and Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh[23]
Novinové články:
Flaming Youth tries Britain's Patience[22]

Florence Mills (1896–1927)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
David Mitford (1878–1958)Fiktivní postavy:
General Murgatroyd in Highland Fling, Nancy Mitford
Uncle Matthew in The Pursuit of Love, Nancy Mitford[17]
Deborah Mitford (1920–2014)Fiktivní postavy:
Northey Mackintosh in Don't Tell Alfred, Nancy Mitford
Linda Radlett in Love in a Cold Climate, Nancy Mitford
Linda Radlett in The Pursuit of Love, Nancy Mitford[17]
Diana Mitford (1910–2003)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Flaming Youth tries Britain's Patience[22]
Jessica Mitford (1917–1996)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Jassy Radlett in Love in a Cold Climate, Nancy Mitford
Jassy Radlett in The Pursuit of Love, Nancy Mitford[17]
Nancy Mitford (1904–1973)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Fiktivní postavy:
Grace Marquise de Valhubert in Don't Tell Alfred, Nancy Mitford[17]
Novinové články:
Lord Rennell's Son Engaged[24]
Pamela Mitford (1907–1994)
Tom Mitford (1909–1945)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Unity Mitford (1914–1948)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Eugenia Malmains in Wings on the Green, Nancy Mitford[17]
Ivan Moffat (1918–2002)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Gwen Mond († 1982)Portréty:
1929, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Henry Mond (1898–1949)Portréty:
1929, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Evan Morgan (1893–1949)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
1929, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Gloria Morgan (1904–1965)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Thelma Morgan (1904–1970)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Novinové články:
Showing Aside the Jazz Set in English Society[19]
Raymond Mortimer (1895–1980)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
1936, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Oswald Mosley (1896–1980)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Flaming Youth tries Britain's Patience[22]
1931, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Edwina Mountbatten (1901–1960)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Showing Aside the Jazz Set in English Society[19]
George Mountbatten (1892–1938)Novinové články:
Showing Aside the Jazz Set in English Society[19]
Irene Mountbatten (1890–1956)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Louis Mountbatten (1900–1979)Novinové články:
Showing Aside the Jazz Set in English Society[19]
Nadejda Mountbatten (1896–1963)Novinové články:
Showing Aside the Jazz Set in English Society[19]
Herbert Mundin (1898–1939)Novinové články:
Eminent Victorians[21]
Basil Murray (1902–1937)Knihy:
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Fiktivní postavy:
Jasper Aspect in Wings on the Green, Nancy Mitford[17]
Anna Neagle (1904–1986)Portréty:
1937, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Beverley Nichols (1898–1983)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Harold Nicolson (1886–1968)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Richard Henry Brinsley Norton (1892–1954)Portréty:
1931, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Ivor Novello (1893–1951)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Serge Obolensky (1890–1978)Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
Mark Ogilvie-Grant (1905–1969)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
Fiktivní postavy:
Sir Ivor King in The Pursuit of Love, Nancy Mitford
Nina Ogilvie-Grant (1906–1969)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Denise Orme (1885–1960)Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
George Orwell (1903–1950)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Erridge (Earl of Warminster) in A Dance to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
Frank Pakenham (1905–2001)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Erridge (Earl of Warminster) in A Dance to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
Pansy Pakenham (1904–1999)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Richard Pares (1902–1958)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Dorothea Parry (1876–1963)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Gwen Parry (1878–1959)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Vile Bodies, Evelyn Waugh
Bridget Parsons (1907–1972)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
Desmond Parsons (1910–1937)
Michael Parsons (1906–1979)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Ralph Partridge (1894–1960)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Kathleen Pelham Burn (1887–1966)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Roland Penrose (1900–1984)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Rosamond Pinchot (1904–1938)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
David Plunket Greene (1904–1941)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
Script Doctors and Vicious Addicts[16]
Fiktivní postavy:
Vile Bodies, Evelyn Waugh
Olivia Plunket Greene (1907–1958)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Hon. Agatha Runcible in Vile Bodies, Evelyn Waugh
A Little Learning, Evelyn Waugh
Richard Plunket Greene (1901–1978)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy
Vile Bodies, Evelyn Waugh
Poldowski (1879–1932)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Arthur Ponsonby (1871–1946)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Blackout of the Hon. Elizabeth's Wild 20-year-party[15]
Society in London[25]
Elizabeth Ponsonby (1900–1940)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Blackout of the Hon. Elizabeth's Wild 20-year-party[15]
Society in London[25]
Mozart Fancy Dress Concert is Picturesque[9]
Loelia Ponsonby (1902–1993)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
Matthew Ponsonby (1904–1976)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Bridget Poulett (1912–1975)Portréty:
1933, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Anthony Powell (1905–2000)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Fiktivní postavy:
Isobel Tolland in A Dance to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
Violet Powell (1912–2002)
John Pratt (1899–1983)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
1934, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Denis Pritt (1887–1972)Fiktivní postavy:
Kenneth Widmerpool in A Dance to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
J. B. Priestley (1894–1984)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Alan Pryce-Jones (1908–2000)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Peter Quennell (1905–1993)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Fiktivní postavy:
Mark Members in A Dance to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
Terence Rattigan (1911–1977)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Maurice Richardson (1907–1978)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Paul Robeson (1898–1976)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Peter Rodd (1904–1968)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Fiktivní postavy:
Lady Beech in Pigeon Pie, Nancy Mitford
Christian Talbot in The Pursuit of Love, Nancy Mitford[17]
Novinové články:
Lord Rennell's Son Engaged[24]
Oriel Ross (1907–1994)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
John Rothenstein (1901–1992)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Kennerley Rumford (1870–1957)Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
Elizabeth Russell (1899–1986)Fiktivní postavy:
Vile Bodies, Evelyn Waugh
Gordon Russell (1892–1980)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Alison Ruthven (1902–1974)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
Peggy Ruthven (1902–1974)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Novinové články:
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]
Edward Sackville-West (1901–1965)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
David Warbeck in The Pursuit of Love, Nancy Mitford[17]
Vita Sackville-West (1892–1962)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Siegfried Sassoon (1886–1967)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Sybil SassoonNovinové články:
Eminent Victorians[21]
John Seely (1899–1963)
Patrick Seely (1905–1966)Portréty:
1935, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Alison Settle (1891–1980)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Norma Shearer (1902–1983)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Edith Sitwell (1887–1964)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Lady Harriett Finnian-Shaw in The Apes of God, Wyndham Lewis[17]
1931, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Georgia Sitwell (1906–1980)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Osbert Sitwell (1892–1969)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Lord Osmund Finnian-Shaw in The Apes of God, Wyndham Lewis[17]
Sacheverell Sitwell (1897–1988)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Lord Phoebus Finnian-Shaw in The Apes of God, Wyndham Lewis[17]
Terence Skeffington-Smyth (1905–1936)
Barbara Skelton (1916–1996)Fiktivní postavy:
Pamela Flitton in A Dance to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
Eleanor Smith (1902–1945)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Blackout of the Hon. Elizabeth's Wild 20-year-party[15]
Eminent Victorians[21]
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Pamela Smith (1915–1982)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Novinové články:
Eminent Victorians[21]
C. P. Snow (1905–1980)Fiktivní postavy:
J G Quiggin in A Dance to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
Oscar Solbert (1885–1958)Novinové články:
Bright Young People of the Rising Generation[10]
Ivor Spencer-Churchill (1898–1956)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
1931, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Stephen Spender (1909–1995)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Mark Members in A Dance to the Music of Time, Anthony Powell
Bernard Spilsbury (1877–1947)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
J. C. Squire (1884–1958)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Jeanne Stourton (1913–1987)Portréty:
1933, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Alix Strachey (1892–1973)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
John Strachey (1901–1963)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Lytton Strachey (1880–1932)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Matthew Plunkett in The Apes of God, Wyndham Lewis
Cedric Furber in The Self-Condemned, Wyndham Lewis[17]
Novinové články:
Blackout of the Hon. Elizabeth's Wild 20-year-party[15]
1937, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Lois Sturt (1900–1937)Novinové články:
Young People Take Big Treasure Hunt[18]
British Girl Holds Record as Art Model[26]
London Society's Thrilling All-Night Treasure Hunts[14]
1929, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Napier Sturt (1896–1940)Novinové články:
British Girl Holds Record as Art Model[26]
Eileen Sutherland-Leveson-Gower (1891–1943)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Showing Aside the Jazz Set in English Society[19]
George Sutherland-Leveson-Gower (1888–1963)Novinové články:
Showing Aside the Jazz Set in English Society[19]
John Sutro (1903–1985)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
Christopher Sykes (1907–1986)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
A. J. A. Symons (1900–1941)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Julian Symons (1912–1994)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Stephen Tallents (1884–1958)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Paul Tanqueray (1905–1941)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
A. J. P. Taylor (1906–1990)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
David Tennant (1902–1968)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Blackout of the Hon. Elizabeth's Wild 20-year-party[15]
Mozart Fancy Dress Concert is Picturesque[9]
1927, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Stephen Tennant (1906–1987)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Lord Sebastian Flyte in Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh
Ernest Thesiger (1897–1961)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Henry Thynne (1905–1992)Knihy:
Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster[8]
1940, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Dorothy Todd (* 1883)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Iris Tree (1897–1978)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Young People Take Big Treasure Hunt[18]
Viola Tree (1884–1938)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Young People Take Big Treasure Hunt[18]
London Society's Thrilling All-Night Treasure Hunts[14]
Violet Trefusis (1894–1972)Fiktivní postavy:
Lady Montdore in Love in a Cold Climate, Nancy Mitford[17]
Clarita de Uriburu (1908–1995)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty of Cecil Beaton[12]
Rudolph Valentino (1895–1926)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Robin Vane-Tempest-Stewart (1902–1955)Portréty:
1936, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Carl Van Vechten (1880–1964)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Consuelo Vanderbilt (1877–1964)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Hugh Wade (1907–1949)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Edward Wadsworth (1889–1949)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
William Walton (1902–1983)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Hugh Walpole (1884–1941)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Edward Frederick Ward (1907–1987)Portréty:
Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
George Ward (1907–1988)Portréty:
Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Barbara Waring (1911–1990)
Sylvia Townsend Warner (1893–1978)
Peter Watson (1908–1956)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Alec Waugh (1898–1981)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Evelyn Waugh (1903–1966)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Anthony Edward Wolseley Weldon (1902–1971)Portréty:
1930, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Peter Wentworth-Fitzwilliam (1910–1948)Portréty:
1934, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Rex Whistler (1905–1944)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Dolly Wilde (1895–1941)Knihy:
Script Doctors and Vicious Addicts[16]
Sunday Wilshin (1905–1991)
Harold Wilson (1916–1995)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Alastair Windsor (1914–1943)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
1936, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
Prince George, Duke of Kent (1902–1942)Portréty:
1936, Anthony Wysard (1907–1984)[13]
[[Edward VIII|Edward, Prince of Wales]] (1894–1972)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Novinové články:
Young People Take Big Treasure Hunt[18]
Flaming Youth tries Britain's Patience[22]
London Society's Thrilling All-Night Treasure Hunts[14]
Frances Wodehouse (1884–1950)Novinové články:
Eminent Victorians[21]
P. G. Wodehouse (1881–1975)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Anna May Wong (1905–1961)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Edward Wood (1881–1959)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Douglas Woodruff (1897–1978)Knihy:
The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends, Humphrey Carpenter[7]
Virginia Woolf (1882–1941)Knihy:
The Book of Beauty, Cecil Beaton[12]
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Fiktivní postavy:
Mrs Rhoda Hyman in The Roaring Queen, Wyndham Lewis[17]
Olivia Wyndham (1897–1967)Knihy:
Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age, D.J. Taylor
Script Doctors and Vicious Addicts[16]
Novinové články:
Mozart Fancy Dress Concert is Picturesque[9]
London Society's Thrilling All-Night Treasure Hunts[14]
Joan Yarde-Buller (1908–1997)Novinové články:
Showing Aside the Jazz Set in English Society[19]
Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party[11]



V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Bright young things na anglické Wikipedii.

  1. Pauline Thomas. 1920s Flapper Fashion History. C20th Costume History for Women in the 1920s [online]. [cit. 2015-08-04]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne 10 August 2015. 
  2. 14 – 1920s Entertainment 1920s Music 1920s Popular Entertainment Radio 1922 Sports Pink Flannel [online]. [cit. 2015-08-04]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne 13 August 2015. 
  3. Philip Hoare, ‘Tennant, Stephen James Napier (1906–1987)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, Sept 2004
  4. a b RUBIN, Martin. Book Review of "Bright Young People" - [online]., 2009-01-10 [cit. 2010-05-08]. Dostupné online. 
  5. Cecil Beaton: in association with Sotheby's [online]. Chris Beetles Galleries, 2009 [cit. 2021-08-20]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném dne 2015-04-02. 
  7. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al CARPENTER, Humphrey. The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends. [s.l.]: Faber & Faber, 2013. Dostupné online. ISBN 9780571309283. 
  8. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r LANCASTER, Marie-Jaqueline. Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure. [s.l.]: Timewell Press, 2005. Dostupné online. ISBN 9781857252118. S. 122. 
  9. a b c d e f g h i j Mozart Fancy Dress Concert is Picturesque – 31 May 1930, Sat • Page 52. The Winnipeg Tribune. 1930, s. 52. Dostupné online [cit. 23 January 2018]. 
  10. a b c d e f g Bright Young People of the Rising Generation – 20 Sep 1924, Sat • Home Edition • Page 25. The Winnipeg Tribune. 1924, s. 25. Dostupné online [cit. 16 January 2018]. 
  11. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Amusing Turns Brighten Coming-of-Age Party – 16 Jul 1927, Sat • Page 33. The Winnipeg Tribune. 1927, s. 33. Dostupné online [cit. 16 January 2018]. 
  12. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar BEATON, Cecil. The Book of Beauty. [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1933. Dostupné online. 
  13. a b c d e f g h i London Society's Thrilling All-Night Treasure Hunts - 06 Sep 1924, Sat • Page 22. Argus-Leader. 1924, s. 22. Dostupné online [cit. 25 January 2018]. 
  14. a b c d e f g h i j Blackout of the Hon. Elizabeth's Wild 20-year-party – 15 Sep 1940, Sun • Page 43. The Minneapolis Star. 1940, s. 43. Dostupné online [cit. 16 January 2018]. 
  15. a b c d e f g h i j Script Doctors and Vicious Addicts [online]. [cit. 2018-01-16]. Dostupné online. 
  16. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w RINTOUL, M.C. Dictionary of Real People and Places in Fiction. [s.l.]: Routledge, 2014. Dostupné online. ISBN 9781136119408. S. 397. 
  17. a b c d e f Young People Take Big Treasure Hunt – 19 Sep 1924, Fri • Page 19. The Bridgeport Telegram. 1924, s. 19. Dostupné online [cit. 16 January 2018]. 
  18. a b c d e f g h i j k l Showing Aside the Jazz Set in English Society – 10 Jan 1937, Sun • Page 95. The Philadelphia Inquirer. 1937, s. 95. Dostupné online [cit. 16 January 2018]. 
  19. Marriage of a "Bright Young Person". – 30 Jan 1929, Wed • Page 10. The Guardian. 1929, s. 10. Dostupné online [cit. 16 January 2018]. 
  20. a b c d e f Eminent Victorians – 23 May 1928, Wed • Page 19. The Guardian. 1928, s. 19. Dostupné online [cit. 16 January 2018]. 
  21. a b c d e Flaming Youth tries Britain's Patience – 15 Sep 1929, Sun • Page 72. The Baltimore Sun. 1929, s. 72. Dostupné online [cit. 16 January 2018]. 
  22. SHORE, H. ‘Constable dances with instructress’: the police and the Queen of Nightclubs in inter-war London [online]. 2013 [cit. 2021-01-24]. Dostupné online. 
  23. a b Lord Rennell's Son Engaged – 27 Jul 1933, Thu • Page 10. The Guardian. 1933, s. 10. Dostupné online [cit. 16 January 2018]. 
  24. a b Society in London – 28 Feb 1929, Thu • Page 7. The Palm Beach Post. 1929, s. 7. Dostupné online [cit. 16 January 2018]. 
  25. a b British Girl Holds Record as Art Model – 22 May 1921, Sun • Page 4. San Francisco Chronicle. 1921, s. 4. Dostupné online [cit. 16 January 2018]. 


  • TAYLOR, D.J. Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age. New York: DFarrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009. Dostupné online. ISBN 978-0374116835.  (U.S edition)
    • TAYLOR, D.J. Bright Young People: The Rise and Fall of a Generation 1918–1940. London: Chatto & Windus, 2007. ISBN 978-0701177546. (British edition)
  • HUXLEY-PARLOUR, Giles; WOOTTON, David. Cecil Beaton. [s.l.]: Chris Beetles Limited, 2009. ISBN 9781905738137.  (The catalogue that accompanied the retrospective of images, Cecil Beaton- from "Bright Young Things" to "Gilbert & George

Externí odkazy

Média použitá na této stránce

Charles Laughton-publicity2.JPG
Publicity photo for film The Barretts of Wimpole Street (1934).
Edward Elgar.jpg
English composer Edward Elgar, likely in the early 1900s.
Edward Sackville-West, 5th Baron Sackville; Raymond Mortimer.jpg
Edward Sackville-West, 5th Baron Sackville; Raymond Mortimer
Eileen Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Duchess of Sutherland.jpg
Eileen Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Duchess of Sutherland, née Eileen Gwladys Butler (1891-1943), Mistress of the Robes to Queen Mary.
Thomas David Freeman-Mitford.jpg
Thomas David Freeman-Mitford
William Cecil James Philip John Paul Howard Clonmore, 8th Earl of Wicklow.jpg
William Cecil James Philip John Paul Howard Clonmore, 8th Earl of Wicklow

by Bassano Ltd whole-plate glass negative, 6 April 1920 Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974 Photographs Collection

NPG x120424
John Strachey.jpg
John Strachey
Mae Bacon.jpg
Mae Bacon
The Hon. Mrs. Philip Leyland Kindersley (née Oonagh Guinness).jpg
The Honorable Mrs. Philip Leyland Kindersley, nee Oonagh Guinness, later Lady Oranmore and Browne by Philip Alexius de László, 1931, oil on canvas, 133.5 x 99 cm (52 ½ x 39 in)
Portrait of Gertrude Lawrence.jpg
William Acton Portrait of Gertrude Lawrence
Portrait of Mrs Bendir 1926 Sir William Orpen.jpg
Portrait of Mrs Bendir 1926 Sir William Orpen
Brendan Bracken 1947.jpg
Autor: Yousuf Karsh , Licence: CC0
Brendan Bracken
Lady Lettice Cotterell (née Lygon).jpg
Lady Lettice Cotterell (née Lygon)

by Bassano Ltd whole-plate glass negative, 24 April 1922 Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974 Photographs Collection

NPG x121494
Anita Loos - Apr May 1920 MP.jpg
Screenwriter Anita Loos on page 36 of the April / May 1920 Motion Picture Magazine.
Nina Seafield.jpg
Nina Seafield
Barbara Cartland in 1925.jpg
Randy Bryan Bigham Collection, owner by way of gift from subject/copyright holder
Nancy Mitford's marriage to Peter Rodd in 1933.jpg
Nancy Mitford's marriage to Peter Rodd in 1933
John Charles Pratt, 4th Marquess Camden.jpg
John Charles Pratt, 4th Marquess Camden
Dorothy Lygon.jpg
Dorothy Lygon
(Helen) Diana (née Bridgeman), Lady Abdy.jpg
(Helen) Diana (née Bridgeman), Lady Abdy

possibly by Lady Evelyn Hilda Stuart Moyne (née Erskine) bromide print, circa 1934 2 3/8 in. x 4 1/8 in. (61 mm x 104 mm) image size Given by Martin Plaut, 2014 Photographs Collection

NPG x183313
Portrait of Ronald Firbank.jpg
Portrait of Ronald Firbank, ca. 1917
Ethel Edith Mannin, Bassano.jpg
Ethel Edith Mannin

by Bassano Ltd half-plate nitrate negative, 6 June 1939 Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974 Photographs Collection

NPG x18691
Meraud, Tanis, & Loel Guinness.jpg
Meraud, Tanis, & Loel Guinness
Hon. David Herbert, 14 février 1940
Robert Byron and Desmond Parsons in China.jpg
Robert Byron and Desmond Parsons in China
Robert Graves 1929 (cropped).jpg
Portrait of Robert Graves
Louis and Edwina Mountbatten 02.jpg
Louis (1900-1979) and Edwina (1901-1960) Mounbatten
Lord Exeter
Lois Sturt.jpg
Lois Sturt
Malcolm Macdonald, 1931
Aldous Huxley psychical researcher.png
Aldous Huxley the English writer, novelist, philosopher was also a psychical researcher. He published an article in 1954 supporting extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK) experiments.
Nyina Georgijevna of Russia.jpg
Princess Nina Georgievna of Russia
Lady Mary Lygon by Ranken.jpg
Lady Mary Lygon (vers 1928) par William Bruce Ellis Ranken (1881-1941).
Napier Sturt, his sister Lois and brother in law Evan Morgan, in 1934.jpg
Napier Sturt, his sister Lois and brother in law Evan Morgan, in 1934
Consuelo Vanderbilt5.jpg
Portrait of Consuelo Vanderbilt; Lady Spencer-Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough
Sunday Wilshin.jpg
Sunday Wilshin, by Bassano, vintage print, late 1932
Arthur Ponsonby 1938.jpg
Autor: Devi Prasad, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Lord Ponsonby, cropped from original.

Original description: The photograph shows members of the International Council of War Resisters' International (WRI), meeting at Broederschapshuis (The Brotherhood House), Bilthoven in the Netherlands in July 1938, during the Spanish Civil War. The venue was a pacifist centre founded by Kees and Betty Boeke. The Chair of the WRI Council was George Lansbury MP (seated, centre) who was Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition between 1932 and 1935. Identifying people in this photograph is work in progress. Names marked * are probably correct, but are as yet unconfirmed. Back row, left to right: Hagbard Jonassen (WRI Denmark), Harold Bing (WRI UK), seventh from left: Dr. Stuart D. Morris* (Peace Pledge Union), twelfth: Herbert Runham Brown (Gen. Sec., WRI), then Hem Day (Belgium) and (far right): Lord Ponsonby. Standing, eighth from left, with arms folded, Bart de Ligt.*

Front row, left to right: José Brocca (WRI Spain), Ruth Fry (Treasurer, WRI), George Lansbury, Grace Beaton (Asst. Sec., WRI). Standing, immediately behind Professor Brocca and Ruth Fry: Muriel Lester.
Hon. Margaret Leslie Davies (née Ruthven).jpg
Hon. Margaret Leslie Davies (née Ruthven)

by Bassano Ltd whole-plate glass negative, 30 July 1923 Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974 Photographs Collection

NPG x122625
George Orwell press photo.jpg
Picture of George Orwell which appears in an old accreditation for the BNUJ.
Gilbert Frankau.jpg
British novelist Gilbert Frankau (1884-1952)
Frederic Yates conte crayon Sketch of Maxine Forbes-Robertson, age nine years.jpg
Autor: Geoffrey Dunbar, file; Frederic Yates, artist, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Frederic Yates conte crayon Sketch (1901) of Maxine Forbes-Robertson, age nine years.jpg
Cecil Beaton, and his sisters Nancy and Barbara, arriving at an Eton.jpg
Cecil Beaton, and his sisters Nancy and Barbara, arriving at an Eton
Head of a Young Woman, 1919, 2.jpg
Head of a Young Woman, 1919
Rosamond Lehmann with her brother John and Lytton Strachey.jpg
Rosamond Lehmann with her brother John and Lytton Strachey
Ivy Gordon-Lennox by Philip de László.jpg
Portrait of Ivy Gordon-Lennox (1887-1982), later Duchess of Portland, by Philip de László, one of three painted in 1915 at the time of her marriage to William Cavendish-Bentinck, Marquess of Titchfield, the son and heir of the 6th Duke of Portland
Sacheverell Sitwell in 1927.png
Art critic Sacheverell Sitwell.
Women Labour MPs.jpg
Women Labour MPs

by Unknown photographer bromide print, 1929 5 5/8 in. x 7 1/2 in. (143 mm x 192 mm) Purchased, 1986 Photographs Collection

NPG x30000
Douglas Goldring.jpg
Portrait photo of British writer and journalist Douglas Goldring (1887-1960).
Sibyl, Lady Colefax with Cecil Beaton.jpg
Sibyl, Lady Colefax with Cecil Beaton
Loelia, Duchess of Westminster, by William Acton.jpg
Loelia, Duchess of Westminster
  • oil on canvas
  • 153 x 127 cm
Georgia Doble Sitwell by William Acton (1906-1945).jpg
Georgia Doble Sitwell by William Acton (1906-1945)
Evelyn Gardner.jpg
Evelyn Gardner
Oliver Baldwin, 2nd Earl Baldwin of Bewdley.jpg
Oliver Baldwin, 2nd Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
Alison Settle.jpg
Alison Settle
Violet Valerie Brougham (née French), Lady Brougham and Vaux (later Mrs Kindersley).jpg
Violet Valerie Brougham (née French), Lady Brougham and Vaux (later Mrs Kindersley)
  • by Bassano Ltd
  • whole-plate glass negative, 27 September 1934
  • Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974
  • Photographs Collection
  • NPG x151172
Arden Hilliard.jpg
Arden Hilliard
Rita Martin by Lallie Charles, c. 1907.jpg
Portrait of photographer Rita Martin by her sister Lallie Charles, c. 1907
D.H. Lawrence, 29 November 1915.jpg
Lady Ottoline Morrell (1873-1938), vintage snapshot print/NPG x140423. D.H. Lawrence, 29 November 1915
Elvira Mullens Barney.jpg
Elvira Mullens Barney
Dora Carrington; Ralph Partridge; Lytton Strachey; Oliver Strachey; Frances Catherine Partridge (née Marshall), 1923.jpg
Lady Ottoline Morrell (1873-1938), vintage snapshot print/NPG Ax141540. Dora Carrington; Ralph Partridge; Lytton Strachey; Oliver Strachey; Frances Catherine Partridge (née Marshall), 1923
Railway Club at Oxford.jpg
Railway Club at Oxford, conceived by John Sutro, dominated by Harold Acton. (Left to right) Back: Henry Yorke, Roy Harrod, Henry Weymouth, David Plunket Greene, Harry Stavordale, Brian Howard. Middle row: Michael Rosse, John Sutro, Hugh Lygon, Harold Acton, Bryan Guinness, Patrick Balfour, Mark Ogilvie-Grant, Johnny Drury-Lowe. Front: porters.
(Helen) Diana (née Bridgeman), Lady Abdy; Hubert John Duggan.jpg
(Helen) Diana (née Bridgeman), Lady Abdy; Hubert John Duggan

possibly by Lady Evelyn Hilda Stuart Moyne (née Erskine) bromide print, circa 1934 2 3/8 in. x 4 1/8 in. (61 mm x 105 mm) image size Given by Martin Plaut, 2014 Photographs Collection

NPG x183315
William Acton, Margot Bendir, Elizabeth Ponsonby, Harry Melville, Babe Plunket Greene at David Tennant's party 1928.jpg
William Acton, Margot Bendir, Elizabeth Ponsonby, Harry Melville, Babe Plunket Greene at David Tennant's party 1928
Mrs Reginald (Daisy) Fellowes by John Singer Sargent (1856-1925).jpg
Mrs Reginald (Daisy) Fellowes
  • charcoal on paper
  • 61 x 45.7 cm
  • signed l.r.: John S. Sargent
Lord David Cecil.jpg
Larger Image

Image Zoom Buy a print of this today Use this image

Lord David Cecil

by Lady Ottoline Morrell vintage snapshot print, 1923 3 in. x 1 3/4 in. (75 mm x 43 mm) image size Purchased with help from the Friends of the National Libraries and the Dame Helen Gardner Bequest, 2003 Photographs Collection

NPG Ax141397
Sutherland 5051564442 e0b37229f4 o.jpg
Bain News Service,, publisher.

George Sutherland-Leveson-Gower

[between ca. 1910 and ca. 1915]

1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.

Notes: Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards. Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

Format: Glass negatives.

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.

Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA,

General information about the Bain Collection is available at

Persistent URL:

Call Number: LC-B2- 3005-5
Self-Portrait of Carl Van Vechten Crisco edit.jpg
Self portrait of photographer Carl Van Vechten
Diana Spencer-Churchill.jpg
Diana Spencer-Churchill
Elizabeth Longford wedding.jpg
Elizabeth Pakenham, Countess of Longford, C.B.E., better known as Elizabeth Longford (August 30, 1906 – October 23, 2002) was a British author.
Edward Burra.jpg
Edward Burra
Oriel Ross.jpg
Oriel Ross
Photograph of Mary Butts.jpg
Photograph portrait of Mary Butts by Bertram Park, first published in 1919 and held in the Beinecke Library of Yale University.
GeraldDM1205 228x390.jpg
Gerald du Maurier, seated with a dog
Zita Jungman at 25.jpg
Zita Jungman at 25.
J. B. Priestley.jpg
J. B. Priestley
Kennerley Rumford (SAYRE 12433) (cropped).jpg
Portrait of Kennerley Rumford. Dated Feb. 1914.

  • Subjects: singers, miscellaneous
Maureen Constance Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood (née Guinness), Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava.jpg
Maureen Constance Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood (née Guinness), Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava

by Bassano Ltd whole-plate film negative, 24 November 1933 Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974 Photographs Collection

NPG x34643
Sir Maurice Bowra; Sylvester Govett Gates; L.P. Hartley, by Lady Ottoline Morrell.jpg
Sir Maurice Bowra; Sylvester Govett Gates; L.P. Hartley, by Lady Ottoline Morrell
Lord Amery na Mojstrovki 1936.jpg
Lord Amery na Mojstrovki.
Mary Sibell Ashley-Cooper.jpg
18 July 1922. NPG x28911. Mary Sibell Sturt (née Ashley-Cooper), Lady Alington, by Bassano Ltd.
Richard Pares.jpg
Alastair Hugh Graham
Clarita de Uriburu.jpg
Clarita de Uriburu
Brenda Dean Paul.jpg
Brenda Dean Paul
Freda Dudley Ward.jpg
Portrait of Freda Dudley Ward
Hon. Alison Mary Barran (née Hore-Ruthven).jpg
Hon. Alison Mary Barran (née Hore-Ruthven)

by Bassano Ltd whole-plate glass negative, 30 July 1923 Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974 Photographs Collection

NPG x122623
Oliver Messel and Peter Watson.jpg
Oliver Messel and Peter Watson
Eminent pathologist, Sir Bernard Spilsbury
Anna-neagle 1935.jpg
Anna Neagle in una immagine pubblicata in Italia nel 1935
Tom Driberg.jpg
half-plate film negative
Monxa Sert, Penrose, Calder, Maria Lluïsa Borràs i Prats (Penrose cropped).jpg
Autor: Josepclopesbosc, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Monxa Sert, Roland Penrose, Alexander Calder, Maria Lluïsa Borràs i Joan Prats, muntant l'exposició pels 80 anys de Joan Miró a la Fundació Maeght de Sant Paul de Vence (França)
Georgiana Curzon.jpg
Georgiana Curzon
Harold Wilson (1967).jpg
Autor: Eric Koch for Anefo, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0 nl
Premier Wilson gaf persconferentie na bespreking in Den Haag , Wilson (kop)
  • 27 februari 1967
Baba, Baroness d'Erlanger.jpg
Baba, Baroness d'Erlanger
Wanda Holden.jpg
Wanda Holden

by Lafayette (Lafayette Ltd) whole-plate film negative, 29 April 1929 Given by Pinewood Studios via Victoria and Albert Museum, 1989 Photographs Collection

NPG x70053
Anthony Ashley-Cooper, Lord Ashley and Sylvia Ashley.jpg
Anthony Ashley-Cooper, Lord Ashley and Sylvia Ashley
Valentine Browne, 6th Earl of Kenmare 1923.jpg
Valentine Browne, 6th Earl of Kenmare
Doris Mary Thérèse Harcourt.jpg
Doris Mary Thérèse Harcourt
Ivor Novello.jpg
Ivor Novello, Welsh actor and songwriter
Mary Irene Curzon, Baroness Ravensdale.jpg
1925: ' Mary Irene Curzon, Baroness Ravensdale.
Ranken Hugh Lygon 1927.jpg
William Ranken, The Hon. Hugh Lygon (1927).
Serge Obolensky by S.Sorin (1917).png
С. Сорин Портрет Сергея Оболенского 1917 рисунок
At Rozenovskaya.jpg
Meeting near the frontline at Zilupe/Rozenovskaja, Latvia in March 1920. From left to right: Unknown, Stephen Tallents, a russian bolshevik officer, Harold Alexander, officers of the Baltic Landeswehr.
Alan Payan Pryce-Jones.jpg
Alan Payan Pryce-Jones
Harold Acton.jpg
Robert Byron with Harold Acton at Oxford around 1922
Alec Waugh by Bassano.jpg
Alec Waugh

by Bassano Ltd half-plate glass negative, 6 July 1931 Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974 Photographs Collection

NPG x26682
A. P. Herbert.jpg
A. P. Herbert
E. M. Forster von Dora Carrington, 1924-25.jpg
Portrait of E. M. Forster by Dora Carrington
Sibyl Sasson, Countess of Rocksavage.jpg
Sibyl Sassoon, Countess of Rocksavage (later Marchioness of Cholmondeley)
Elizabeth Bibesco.jpg
English writer Elizabeth Bibesco née Elizabeth Asquith (1897-1945)
Brian Howard.jpg
Brian Howard
Tamara Toumanova & Serge Lifar.jpg
Tamara Toumanova and Serge Lifar, Le Lac des cygnes (Swan Lake), 1939-1940, Ballet Russe , Sydney, by Max Dupain, from original negative, State Library of New South Wales, ON 247/168-176
Anna May Wong - portrait.jpg
Publicity photo of Anna May Wong.
Jessie Smither.jpg
Jessie Smither, stage actress known as Denise Orme, circa 1905, owner of Lupton House, Brixham
Pamela Mitford.jpg
Pamela Mitford
Anne Messell.jpg
Anne Messell
Pamela Harriman.jpg
Pamela Harriman, 18 June 1938, Tatler
Anthony Eden (retouched).jpg
The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Anthony Eden, in 1942.
Lady Caroline Blackwood; Maureen Constance Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood (née Guinness), Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava.jpg
Lady Caroline Blackwood; Maureen Constance Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood (née Guinness), Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava

by Bassano Ltd whole-plate film negative, 24 November 1933 Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974 Photographs Collection

NPG x34688
Diana Mitford, 27 janvier 1932
Paula Gellibrand.jpg
Paula Gellibrand
Allanah Harper.jpg
Allanah Harper
Noel Coward Allan warren edit 1.jpg
Autor: Allan Warren, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Portrait for Noël Coward's last Christmas Card
Mark Ogilvie-Grant.png
Mark Ogilvie-Grant
Lady Eleanor Furneaux Smith.jpg
Lady Eleanor Furneaux Smith
Gwen Mond, Lady Melchett, 1935.jpg
Glyn Warren Philpot - Gwen Mond, Lady Melchett, 1935
Beverley Nichols.jpg
Beverley Nichols at Thatch Cottage — which he bought in 1928 and put up for sale in 1937 — in the town of Glatton, which he called Allways
Diana Mitford and Bryan Guinness on their honeymoon in Taormina, Italy, 1929.png
Diana Mitford and Bryan Guinness on their honeymoon in Taormina, Italy, 1929
Herman Rogers; Katherine Rogers; Wallis, Duchess of Windsor; Peregrine Francis Adelbert Cust, 6th Baron Brownlow.jpg
Herman Rogers; Katherine Rogers; Wallis, Duchess of Windsor; Peregrine Francis Adelbert Cust, 6th Baron Brownlow

by Daily Express modern bromide print from original negative, 8 December 1936 8 in. x 6 in. (204 mm x 153 mm) Given by IPC Newspapers Limited, 1971 Photographs Collection

NPG x88269
Sidney Herbert, 16th Earl of Pembroke and his wife, Mary.jpg
Sidney Herbert, 16th Earl of Pembroke and his wife, Mary
George Harley Hay, 14th Earl of Kinnoull.jpg
The 14th Earl of Kinnoull, photo taken 19 June 1920
Gwen Parry Greene.jpg
Gwen Parry Greene
F. R. Leavis.jpg
F. R. Leavis
Sir Peter Courtney Quennell; James Stephens.jpg
Sir Peter Courtney Quennell; James Stephens

by Lady Ottoline Morrell vintage snapshot print, 1929 2 1/2 in. x 3 in. (63 mm x 76 mm) image size Purchased with help from the Friends of the National Libraries and the Dame Helen Gardner Bequest, 2003 Photographs Collection

NPG Ax143209
Miss Dorothea Parry (1876-1963), married April 12th 1898.jpg
Miss Dorothea Parry (1876-1963), married April 12th 1898
Ruth Baldwin.jpg
Ruth Baldwin
Barbara Waring.jpg
Barbara Waring
William Lygon, 8th Earl Beauchamp.jpg
William Lygon, 8th Earl Beauchamp

by Bassano Ltd whole-plate glass negative, 25 April 1924 Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974 Photographs Collection

NPG x37100
John Amery 2.jpg
John Amery

by Bassano Ltd whole-plate glass negative, 27 April 1932 Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974 Photographs Collection

NPG x150179
Lady Mary Bridget Parsons.jpg
Lady Mary Bridget Parsons
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-B0708-0014-010, Oberstes Gericht, Globke-Prozess, Pitt.jpg
(c) Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-B0708-0014-010 / CC-BY-SA 3.0
Pro dokumentární účely německý Spolkový archiv často ponechal původní popisky obrázků, které mohou být chybné, neobjektivní, zastaralé nebo politicky extrémní.
Oberstes Gericht, Globke-Prozess, Pitt Zentralbild Brüggmann Stöhr-8.7.1963 Globke-Prozess eröffnet. Vor dem 1. Strafsenat des Obersten Gerichts der DDR begann am 8. Juli 1963 der von der internationalen Öffentlichkeit mit großer Spannung erwartete Prozess gegen den langjährigen leitenden Mitarbeiter des faschistischen Reichsinnenministeriums und derzeitigen Bonner Staatssekretär Dr. Hans Globke. UBz: Unter den Prozessbeobachtern, Kronanwalt D. N. Pritt (England).
Teresa Jungman in her 20s.jpg
Teresa Jungman in her 20s.
HM Bateman08.jpg
Cartoonist and caricaturist Henry Mayo Bateman (1887 - 1970) works on one of his sketches at his home in Reigate, Surrey.
Pansy Pakenham.jpg
Pansy Pakenham
John Betjeman.jpg
John Betjeman
Oscar Nathaniel Solbert.jpg
Oscar Nathaniel Solbert

by Bassano Ltd bromide print, 1920s Purchased, 1996 Photographs Collection

NPG x84811
Lady Pamela Margaret Elizabeth Berry (née Smith), Baroness Hartwell.jpg
Lady Pamela Margaret Elizabeth Berry (née Smith), Baroness Hartwell

by Bassano Ltd half-plate nitrate negative, 28 October 1938 Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974 Photographs Collection

NPG x31251
P.G. Wodehouse, 1930.jpg
Image of the writer PG Wodehouse from 1930
Lily Elsie (Mrs Bullough) by Sir James Jebusa Shannon.jpg

Lily Elsie (Mrs Bullough), by Sir James Jebusa Shannon (died 1923). See source website for additional information.

This set of images was gathered by User:Dcoetzee from the National Portrait Gallery, London website using a special tool. All images in this batch have been confirmed as author died before 1939 according to the official death date listed by the NPG.
Hugh Armigel Wade.jpg
Hugh Armigel Wade
Kathleen Pelham Burns, cameo portrait LCCN2014683495 (cropped).jpg
Title: Kathleen Pelham Burns, cameo portrait
  • Abstract/medium: 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.
Prince Alexander of Teck with his fellow officers, Lieutenant-Colonel Barry, Lieutenant Lord Claud Hamilton, Colonel and Prince Alexander at Nieuport, March 1915.jpg
Prince Alexander of Teck with his fellow officers, Lieutenant-Colonel Barry, Lieutenant Lord Claud Hamilton, Colonel and Prince Alexander at Nieuport, March 1915
Michael Foot cropped.jpg
Autor: JLemin22, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Michael Foot (1913-2012), British Labour leader
Audrey Evelyn James Coats.jpg
Audrey Evelyn James Coats, Tatler cover - Mrs Dudley Coats, 1925
Anthony Powell with Violet on their wedding day in 1934.jpg
Anthony Powell with Lady Violet Pakenham on their wedding day in 1934
The Mitford family in 1928.jpg
The Mitford family in 1928; Front row, from left to right , the mother Sydney Bowles, the daughters Unity, Jessica and Deborah, the father David Freeman-Mitford, 2nd baron Redesdale ; second row, Diana and Pamela ; back row, Nancy and Tom.
Frances Margaret Irby.jpg
Frances Margaret Irby
Viola Tree LCCN2014680605.jpg
Title: Viola Tree Abstract/medium: 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.
"Artist John," on a 1928 Time magazine cover
Florence Mills in 'Dover Street to Dixie' at the London Pavilion.jpg
Florence Mills in 'Dover Street to Dixie' at the London Pavilion

by Bassano Ltd whole-plate glass negative, 1 August 1923 Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974 Photographs Collection

NPG x74707
Portrait of C.R.M.F. Cruttwell, dean of Hertford College, Oxford 1920-25
Sheila Chisholm 1922.jpg
Australian socialite Sheila Chisholm at a fancy dress party, Florida, United States
Nelson keys.png
Extracted from The Strand Magazine, January 1921, shown on Cropped with GIMP
Deborah Mitford.jpg
Deborah Mitford
Лорд Бернерс.jpg
англійський композитор, художник
Tallulah Bankhead 1941.JPG
Promotional photo of Tallulah Bankhead.
Charlie Chan's Secret (1936) - Herbert Mundin.jpg
Low resolution screenshot of Baxter the butler (Herbert Mundin) from the American film Charlie Chan's Secret (1936). The film is in the public domain due to the omission of a valid copyright notice on its original prints.
Hamish St. Clair-Erskine.png
Hamish St. Clair-Erskine
Poldowski (Régine (née Wieniawski), Lady Dean Paul).jpg
Poldowski (Régine (née Wieniawski), Lady Dean Paul)

by Bassano Ltd whole-plate film negative, 29 October 1920 Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974 Photographs Collection

NPG x120688
The Impersonation Party, 1927.jpg
The Impersonation Party, 1927.

Back row: Elizabeth Ponsonby in wig as Iris Tree, Cecil Beaton on her right. Seated: Stephan Tennant as Queen Marie of Rumania, Georgia Sitwell with false nose, Inez Holden, Harold Acton.

Foreground: Tallulah Bankhead as Jean Borotra.
Lettice Mildred Ashley-Cooper.jpg
Lettice Mildred Ashley-Cooper
Dola Dunsmuir.jpg
Dola Dunsmuir, mccann collection rru archives
Glyn Warren Philpot - Portrait of Henry Ludwig Mond, 2nd Baron Melchett of Landford.jpg
en:Henry Mond, 2nd Baron Melchett (10 May 1898 – 22 January 1949) was a British politician, industrialist and financier.
Desmond Parsons.jpg
Desmond Parsons
Waveney Hare Bicker-Caarten and Audrey Carten.jpg
Waveney Hare Bicker-Caarten and Audrey Carten
Clement Attlee.png
Photograph of former British Prime Minister Clement Attlee during visit to Hill Auditorium at University of Michigan
Kathleen Adam Smith Paget Thomson.jpg
Autor: NeznámýUnknown author, Licence: CC BY 4.0
Kathleen Adam Smith Paget Thomson
Albert, Duke of York - later King George VI - with Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon - later Queen Elizabeth.jpg
Albert, Duke of York - later King George VI - with Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon - later Queen Elizabeth
Max Beerbohm, Vanity Fair, 1897-12-09.jpg
Men of the Day No.696: Caricature of Max Beerbohm.
Caption reads: "Max"
Basil Murray.jpg
Basil Murray
Hugh Walpole circa 1915.jpg
Hugh Walpole circa 1915
Nancy Mitford.jpg
Nancy Mitford
Kate Meyrick.jpg
Kate Meyrick
1st Earl of Halifax 1947.jpg
Autor: Yousuf Karsh , Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0 nl
Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax
Dr Frank Buchman was an American Lutheran pastor who founded the Oxford Group in 1921 which became Moral Re-Armament in 1938 and Initiatives of Change in 2001. He was decorated both by France and Germany for his role in the French-German reconciliation.
Gwen Farrar and Norah Blaney, 1920s.jpg
Gwen Farrar and Norah Blaney, 1920s, (permission of the National Portrait Gallery, London)
Warwick Deeping 1932.jpg
English novelist and short story writer Warwick Deeping (1877-1950).
Isherwood and Auden by Carl van Vechten, 1939.jpg
Christopher Isherwood (left) and W.H. Auden (right) photographed by Carl Van Vechten, February 6, 1939
Oswald Mosley by Glyn Warren Philpot.jpg
Larger Image

Image Zoom Buy a print of this today Use this image

Oswald Mosley

by Glyn Warren Philpot oil on canvas, 1925 30 in. x 25 in. (762 mm x 636 mm) Lent by the sitter's son, Lord Ravensdale, 1984 Primary Collection

NPG L184
Elizabeth Susan Douglas-Scott-Montagu.jpg
Elizabeth Susan Douglas-Scott-Montagu
Patrick Hamilton (writer).jpg
Patrick Hamilton (writer)
Promotional photograph for the film The Count of Monte Cristo starring Robert Donat and Elissa Landi.
Portrét Robert Boothby
Harold Nicolson, Vita Sackville-West, Rosamund Grosvenor, Lionel Sackville-West.jpg
From left to right: Harold Nicolson, Vita Sackville-West, Rosamund Grosvenor, Lionel Sackville-West
Daphne Fielding.jpg
Daphne Fielding
London Fashion Designers- the work of Members of the Incorporated Society of London Fashion Designers in Wartime, London, England, UK, 1944 D23067.jpg
London Fashion Designers- the work of Members of the Incorporated Society of London Fashion Designers in Wartime, London, England, UK, 1944
In his London office, fashion designer Norman Hartnell compares his original sketch and fabric sample to the finished garment, worn by a model, which has just been completed in his workrooms. The dress is made from a jewel print fabric, which he designed.
T.S. Eliot, 1923.JPG
T. S. Eliot, photographed one Sunday afternoon in 1923 by Lady Ottoline Morrell
Rosamond Pinchot.jpg
Rosamond Pinchot
Adele Astaire & Tilly Losch.jpg
Adele Astaire and Tilly Losch in The Band Wagon (musical), 1931
Lord Fraingdon aka Gavin Henderson, 2nd Baron Faringdon
Paul Robeson 1942 crop.jpg
Paul Robeson,American actor, athlete, bass-baritone concert singer, writer, civil rights activist, Spingarn Medal winner, and Stalin peace prize laureate.
Arthur Jeffress 1920s.jpg
Arthur Jeffress

by Unknown photographer snapshot vintage print, 1920s 5 3/8in. x 3 1/8in. (136 mm x 80 mm) Given by Michael Sherard (Malcolm Henry Sherrard), 1989 Photographs Collection

NPG x47328
Sargent - Familie Sitwell.jpg
Sitwell Family; From left: Edith Sitwell (1887-1964), Sir George Sitwell, Lady Ida, Sacheverell Sitwell (1897-1988), and Osbert Sitwell (1892-1969)
Evan Frederic Morgan, 2nd Viscount Tredegar
Sir John Rothenstein.jpg
Portrait of Sir John Rothenstein C.B.E. 1938 Sir William Rothenstein 1872-1945 Presented by Lady Dynevor through the Friends of the Tate Gallery 1974
Georges Braque, 1908, photograph published in Gelett Burgess, The Wild Men of Paris, Architectural Record, May 1910.jpg
Georges Braque, 1908, photograph published in Gelett Burgess, The Wild Men of Paris, Architectural Record, May 1910
Mary Curzon, Lady Howe.jpg
Mary Curzon, Lady Howe
Poppy Baring, 1925.jpg
Poppy Baring, 1925
Hon. (Ralph) Edward Gathorne-Hardy; Hon. Robert Gathorne-Hardy; Eardley Knollys and an unknown man.jpg
Hon. (Ralph) Edward Gathorne-Hardy; Hon. Robert Gathorne-Hardy; Eardley Knollys and an unknown man

by Lady Ottoline Morrell vintage snapshot print, 1926 3 5/8 in. x 2 3/4 in. (92 mm x 69 mm) image size Purchased with help from the Friends of the National Libraries and the Dame Helen Gardner Bequest, 2003 Photographs Collection

NPG Ax142501
Ronald Balfour and Deirdre Hart-Davis, The Tatler, 1929.jpg
Ronald Balfour and Deirdre Hart-Davis, The Tatler, 1929
Morgan twins 1955.JPG
Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt (left)and twin Thelma Morgan Furness, Viscountess Furness (right), 1955.
Sir Terence Rattigan Allan Warren.jpg
Autor: Allan Warren , Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Portrait of Sir Terence Rattigan
Lady Bridget Poulett.jpg
Lady Bridget Poulett

by Bassano Ltd half-plate glass negative, 4 April 1933 Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974 Photographs Collection

NPG x80992
Edmund Blunden by William Rothenstein chalk, 1922.jpg
Edmund Blunden by William Rothenstein chalk, 1922
Douglas Francis Jerrold.jpg
Autor: AndyScott, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Douglas Francis Jerrold (1893-1964) Used in the advertising for his book "England" (1935)
Edward Wadsworth.jpg
Edward Wadsworth, London, February 29th, 1916
Claud Cockburn.jpg
Claud Cockburn
Mrs Cazalet and her Children (Victor Alexander Cazalet; Maud Lucia Cazalet (née Heron-Maxwell); Edward Cazalet).jpg
Mrs Cazalet and her Children (Victor Alexander Cazalet; Maud Lucia Cazalet (née Heron-Maxwell); Edward Cazalet)

by Frederick John Jenkins, after John Singer Sargent heliogravure, (1900-1901) 11 5/8 in. x 7 3/4 in. (296 mm x 196 mm) plate size; 16 in. x 12 1/2 in. (407 mm x 316 mm) paper size Purchased with help from the Friends of the National Libraries and the Pilgrim Trust, 1966 Reference Collection

NPG D32793
Vile bodies.jpg
Richard Plunket Greene, first from the left, Olivia Plunket Greene, second from left, David Plunket Greene, holding the dog, Terence Greenidge, smoking, second from right, Elizabeth Frances Russell, first from the right, Evelyn Waugh, sitting down
Helen Maud Gamble (née Isherwood); Anthea Rosemary Carew (née Gamble); Patrick Henry Noel Gamble by Cavendish Morton.jpg
Helen Maud Gamble (née Isherwood); Anthea Rosemary Carew (née Gamble); Patrick Henry Noel Gamble

by Cavendish Morton platinum print on photographer's paper mount, 1913 9 in. x 10 7/8 in. (228 mm x 276 mm) image size Given by the photographer's son, Cavendish Morton, 1994 Photographs Collection

NPG x128814
George 1st Kent.png
Prince George, Duke of Kent, in Royal Navy uniform
Alix Strachey (née Sargant-Florence).jpg
Alix Strachey (née Sargant-Florence) by Unknown photographer.

snapshot print enlargement, 3 1/8 in. x 2 1/8 in. (79 mm x 54 mm) image size Purchased, 1979

Photographs Collection NPG Ax24030

Depicted person: Eduard VIII. Britský – britský král

Toto je upravený obrázek, což znamená, že byl oproti původní verzi digitálně změněn. Úpravy: contrast & sharpness enhanced, desaturated. Úpravy provedl PawełMM.

Consuelo Vanderbilt.jpg
Consuelo Vanderbilt
Portrait of Dorothy Fellowes-Gordon by The Parrish Sisters.png
Portrait of Dorothy Fellowes-Gordon by The Parrish Sisters
Joan Yarde-Buller.jpg
Joan Yarde-Buller
Hermione Baddeley.jpg
Hermione Baddeley