Tituly a vyznamenání Sonji Norské

Sonja Norská (2015)

Manželka norského krále Haralda V. Sonja obdržela řadu norských i zahraničních vyznamenání, titulů a ocenění jak před nástupem svého manžela na trůn tak během jeho vlády. Mj. v roce 1982 obdržela Nansenovu cenu a v roce 1994 se stala doctor honoris causa na skotské Heriot-Wattově univerzitě.


  • 4. července 1937 – 29. srpna 1968: slečna Sonja Haraldsen
  • 29. srpna 1968 – 17. ledna 1991: Její královská Výsost korunní princezna norská
  • 17. ledna 1991 – dosud: Její Veličenstvo královna

Vyznamenání a ocenění

Erb Sonji Norské jakožto dámy velkokříže Řádu Karla III.
Erb Sonji Norské jakožto dámy Řádu Serafínů

Norská vyznamenání

Zahraniční vyznamenání

Nestátní ocenění

Akademické tituly

  • Skotsko doctor honoris causa na Heriot-Wattově univerzitě v Edinburghu – 1994



V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Queen Sonja of Norway na anglické Wikipedii.

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n H.M. Dronningens dekorasjoner. www.kongehuset.no [online]. [cit. 2019-07-08]. Dostupné online. (norsky) 
  2. Tildeling av Kong Harald Vs jubileumsmedalje 1991–2016
  3. Modtagere af danske dekorationer. Kongehuset [online]. 2017-12-12 [cit. 2019-09-03]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném dne 2019-05-12. (dánsky) 
  4. Vabariigi President. www.president.ee [online]. [cit. 2019-09-03]. Dostupné online. 
  5. Vabariigi President. www.president.ee [online]. [cit. 2019-09-03]. Dostupné online. 
  6. Odluka o odlikovanja Njezinog Veličanstva kraljice Sonje od Norveške Veleredom kraljice Jelene s lentom i Danicom. narodne-novine.nn.hr [online]. [cit. 2020-12-25]. Dostupné online. 
  7. web.archive.org [online]. [cit. 2019-07-08]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu. 
  8. Le onorificenze della Repubblica Italiana. www.quirinale.it [online]. [cit. 2019-07-08]. Dostupné online. 
  9. Lietuvos Respublikos Prezidentė. grybauskaite1.lrp.lt [online]. [cit. 2019-07-08]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne 2020-08-08. 
  10. VESTNESIS.LV. Par apbalvošanu ar Triju Zvaigžņu ordeni - Latvijas Vēstnesis. www.vestnesis.lv [online]. [cit. 2019-09-03]. Dostupné online. (lotyšsky) 
  11. VESTNESIS.LV. Par Atzinības krusta piešķiršanu - Latvijas Vēstnesis. www.vestnesis.lv [online]. [cit. 2019-07-08]. Dostupné online. (lotyšsky) 
  12. a b c ENTIDADES ESTRANGEIRAS AGRACIADAS COM ORDENS PORTUGUESAS - Página Oficial das Ordens Honoríficas Portuguesas. www.ordens.presidencia.pt [online]. [cit. 2019-07-08]. Dostupné online. 
  13. 10542/AB XXIV. GP - Anfragebeantwortung, s. 518 Dostupné online
  14. Prezident SR - Rad Bieleho dvojkríža, II. trieda. archiv.prezident.sk [online]. [cit. 2022-07-23]. Dostupné online. 
  15. Otras disposiciones. Boletín Oficial del Estado. 1982-05-27, čís. 126, s. 14036. Dostupné online. 
  16. Otras disposiciones. Boletín Oficial del Estado. 25. dubna 1995, čís. 98, s. 12158. Dostupné online. 

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Média použitá na této stránce

Flag of Belgium.svg

Belgická vlajka

This is the national flag of Belgium, according to the Official Guide to Belgian Protocol. It has a 13:15 aspect ratio, though it is rarely seen in this ratio.

Its colours are defined as Pantone black, Pantone yellow 115, and Pantone red 032; also given as CMYK 0,0,0,100; 0,8.5,79,0; and 0,94,87,0.
Order of the Elephant Ribbon bar.svg
Autor: Portunes, Licence: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Danish Order of the Elephant
EST Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana - 1st Class BAR.png
Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana - 1st Class
Flag of Finland.svg
Finská vlajka
Flag of Chile.svg
Při zobrazení tohoto souboru lze snadno přidat orámování
CHL Order of Merit of Chile - Grand Cross BAR.png
Order of Merit of Chile - Grand Cross
Flag of Croatia.svg
Při zobrazení tohoto souboru lze snadno přidat orámování
Flag of Iceland.svg
The Flag of Iceland.
  • Horizontal aspect ratio: 7:1:2:1:14;
  • Vertical aspect ratio: 7:1:2:1:7.
ISL Icelandic Order of the Falcon - Grand Cross BAR.png
Icelandic Order of the Falcon - Grand Cross
LVA Order of the Three Stars - Commander BAR.png
Order of the Three Stars - Commander
GER Bundesverdienstkreuz 9 Sond des Grosskreuzes.svg
Ribbon bar: Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany – Special class of the Grand Cross.
Flag of Portugal (alternate).svg
Flag of Portugal, created by Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (1857-1929), officially adopted by Portuguese government in June 30th 1911 (in use since about November 1910).
PRT Order of Prince Henry - Grand Cross BAR.svg
Autor: KarlHeintz, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry (Portugal)
AUT Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria - 1st Class BAR.png
Grand Star of the Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria
Seraphimerorden ribbon.svg
Autor: Borodun, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: Ordem of the Seraphim. Sweden. True size for the template.
LUX Order of Adolphe Nassau Grand Cross BAR.png
Autor: Mimich, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon bar of Grand Cross of the Order of Adolphe of Nassau (Luxembourg)
HUN Order of Merit of the Hungarian Rep (civil) 1class BAR.svg
Ribbon bar: Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary (Order of Merit of Hungary) – civil division.
Commemorative Ruby Jubilee Medal of His Majesty The King (15092013).png
Commemorative Ruby Jubilee Medal of His Majesty The King (15.09.2013)
BRA Order of the Southern Cross - Grand Cross BAR.png
Order of the Southern Cross - Grand Cross
ESP Charles III Order GC.svg
Autor: Heralder (Crown by Miguillen, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Charles III, Grand Cross.
NED Kroonorde A1 BAR.png
Ribbon bar (Netherlands):
– Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown (1969-nowadays).
Oslo militære samfunds hederstegn stripe.svg
Autor: Ordensherre, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon of Oslo militære samfund's honour badge, Norwegian medal. Norwegian name: Oslo militære samfunds hederstegn.
Olav Vs jubileumsmedalje 1957-1982 stripe.svg
Autor: Ordensherre, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon of Olav V Jubilee Medal 1957-1982, Norwegian royal medal. Norwegian name: Olav Vs jubileumsmedalje 1957-1982.
Haakon VIIs 100-årsmedalje stripe.svg
Autor: Ordensherre, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon of Haakon VII Centenary Medal, Norwegian royal medal. Norwegian name: Haakon VIIs 100-årsmedalje.
Cordone di gran Croce OMRI BAR.svg
Ribbon of a Cordon Grand Cross of Merit of the Italian Republic
NLD Order of the Dutch Lion - Grand Cross BAR.png
Autor: Wiki Romi, Licence: CC0
Order of the Dutch Lion - Grand Cross
PRT Order of Christ - Grand Cross BAR.png
Order of Christ - Grand Cross
Kongehusets 100-årsmedalje stripe.svg
Autor: Ordensherre, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon of Royal House Centenary Medal, Norwegian royal medal. Norwegian name: Kongehusets 100-årsmedalje.
LVA Cross of Recognition.png
Autor: EricSerge, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Latvian Cross of Recognition
Queen Beatrix Investiture Medal 1980.gif
Queen Beatrix Investiture Medal 1980
Queen Sonja of Norway in 2015.jpg
Autor: Frankie Fouganthin, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Queen Sonja of Norway in 2015.
Grand Crest Ordre de Leopold.png
Grand Cordon of the Ordre de Leopold
ARG Order of May - Grand Cross BAR.png
Order of May - Grand Cross
LTU Order of Vytautas the Great - Grand Cross BAR.png
Order of Vytautas the Great - Grand Cross
Coat of Arms of Queen Sonja of Norway (Order of the Seraphim).svg
This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this file:
Royal CoA of Norway.svg (od Ssolbergj)., Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of Queen Sonja of Norway as Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Order of the Seraphim (Sweden)
Norges Røde Kors hederstegn stripe.svg
Autor: Ordensherre, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon of Red Cross Society of Norway Honour Badge, Norwegian medal. Norwegian name: Norges Røde Kors hederstegn.
POR Ordem do Merito Gra-Cruz BAR.svg
Ribbon bar: Grand Cross of the Order of Merit – Portugal. (Ordem do Mérito – Grã-Cruz).
Olav Vs 100-årsmedalje stripe.svg
Autor: Ordensherre, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon of Olav V Centenary Medal, Norwegian royal medal. Norwegian name: Olav Vs 100-årsmedalje.
JPN Hokan-sho 1Class BAR.svg
Autor: Mboro, Licence: CC0
Ribbon bar: Order of the Precious Crown; 1st Class (Japan).
JOR Order of the Renaissance GC.SVG
Autor: Kei, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Renaissance ribbon (Jordan)
Order of Diplomatic Service Merit (Class 1) Grand Gwanghwa Medal ribbon.gif
Autor: 'Medals of the World' website, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.5
Ribbon of the South Korean Order of Dipomatic Service Merit Grand Gwanghwa Medal (1st Class)
Ribbon of a Grand Order of Queen Jelena.png
Ribbon of a Grand Order of Queen Jelena
GRE Order Redeemer 1Class.png
Ribbon Order Redeemer 1Class (Greece)
EST Order of the White Star - 1st Class BAR.png
Order of the White Star 1st Class
Ribbon of the Order of the golden Lion of the House of Nassau - Netherlands
BUL Order Stara planina ribbon.svg
Ribbon bar of the Order 'Stara planina'. Bulgaria.
Ordre national du Merite GC ribbon.svg
Autor: Borodun, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre national du Mérite, Grand Cross
St. Olavs Orden stripe.svg
Autor: Ordensherre, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon of knight of the Order of St. Olav, Norwegian: Ridder av St. Olavs Orden. Note: The ribbon bar is identical to that of the St. Olavsmedaljen, which is a separate award.
SVK Rad Bieleho Dvojkriza 2 triedy BAR.svg
Stužka: Rad Bieleho dvojkríža II. triedy – Slovenská republika.
Den kongelige norske fortjenstorden storkors stripe.svg
Autor: Ordensherre, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon of Grand Cross of the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit. Norwegian: Stripe for storkors av Den Kongelige Norske Fortjenstorden
Kong Harald Vs jubileumsmedalje 1991-2016.png
Autor: EricSerge, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Kong Harald Vs jubileumsmedalje 1991-2016
Coat of Arms of Queen Sonja of Norway (Order of Charles III).svg
This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this file:
Royal CoA of Norway.svg (od Ssolbergj)., Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms variant of Queen Sonja of Norway as Dame Grand Cross of the Order of Charles III (Spain)
St Olavs Orden storkors stripe.svg
Autor: Ordensherre, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon of Grand Cross of the Order of St. Olav, Norwegian: Stripe for storkors av St. Olavs Orden.
Olav Vs minnemedalje stripe.svg
Autor: Ordensherre, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon of Olav V Commemorative Medal, royal medal of Norway. Norwegian name: Olav Vs minnemedalje 30. januar 1991.
FIN Order of the White Rose Grand Cross BAR.png
Order of the White Rose Grand Cross