Vůdce Liberální strany Kanady

Vůdce Liberální strany Kanady (anglicky Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, francouzsky Chef du Parti libéral du Canada) je nevyšší stranická funkce Liberální strany Kanady. Vůdce stojící v čele strany je volen na volebním sjezdu.

Seznam vůdců

George Brown18611867první vůdce
Edward Blake18691870(dočasný)
Alexander Mackenzie187318802. premiér Kanady
Edward Blake18801887
Wilfrid Laurier188719197. premiér Kanady
William Lyon Mackenzie King1919194810. premiér Kanady
Louis Saint-Laurent1948195812. premiér Kanady
Lester B. Pearson1958196814. premiér Kanady
Pierre Trudeau1968198415. premiér Kanady
John Turner1984199017. premiér Kanady
Jean Chrétien1990200320. premiér Kanady
Paul Martin2003200621. premiér Kanady
Bill Graham20062006(dočasný)
Stéphane Dion20062008
Michael Ignatieff20082011
Bob Rae20112013(dočasný)
Justin Trudeau2013202523. premiér Kanady
Mark Carney2025úřadující24. premiér Kanady

Média použitá na této stránce

Lester B. Pearson with a pencil.jpg
Lester B. Pearson with a pencil
Jean Chrétien 2010.jpg
Autor: Michael Ignatieff, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, in May 2010.
Stéphane Dion rally head.jpg
Autor: ycanada_news, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Stephane Dion at a Liberal leadership convention rally for his supporters.
Bill Graham by Rod Brito.jpg
Autor: Rod Brito (RodTO), Licence: CC BY 2.0
Bill Graham in 2007, photographed by Rod Brito.
Mark Carney.jpg
Autor: Policy Exchange, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Policy Exchange
Rt. Hon. Louis S. St. Laurent - Prime Minister of Canada (1948-1957).
Justin Trudeau 2014-1.jpg
Autor: Alex Guibord, Licence: CC BY 2.0
The Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau, delivering a speech on a doorstep in Toronto's Little Italy.
George Brown.jpg
George Brown (1818 - 1880), father of Confederation.
Pierre Trudeau 1977.jpg
Cropped image of former Canadian PM Pierre Trudeau
Bob Rae 2012.jpg
Autor: Joey Coleman, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Bob Rae, leader of the federal Liberal Party, and 21st Premier of Ontario, at the state funeral for Lincoln Alexander. Bob Rae was sworn in as Premier by Hon. Lincoln Alexander.
Fmr CDN PM John Turner.jpg
Autor: Abebenjoe, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Former Canadian Prime Minister, John Turner, attending the Bloor West Village BIA's annual Ukrainian Festival, in the electoral district of Parkdale--High Park, in Toronto, Ontario.
Edward Blake.jpg
Edward Blake, eloquent lawyer and Premier of Ontario, 1871-1872, federal Liberal opposition leader in Ottawa, 1879-1887, and a key figure in the establishment of the Supreme Court for Canada.
William Lyon Mackenzie King - William Lyon Mackenzie King (39295031694).jpg
NeznámýUnknown author
, Licence: CC BY 2.0
William Lyon Mackenzie King
Montréal Appui aux artistes Support for artists.jpg
Autor: Michael Ignatieff, Licence: CC BY 2.0

21 avril 2011: Michael Ignatieff annonce un nouvel appui aux artistes canadiens à Montréal.

Photo: Georges Alexandar

April 21, 2011: Michael Ignatieff announces new support for Canadian artists in Montreal.