Walker Evans
Walker Evans | |
![]() Walker Evans (1937) | |
Narození | 3. listopadu 1903 St. Louis |
Úmrtí | 10. dubna 1975 (ve věku 71 let) New Haven |
Alma mater | Williams College Phillipsova akademie Mercersburg Academy |
Povolání | fotograf, fotoreportér a novinář |
Ocenění | Guggenheimovo stipendium (1940, 1941 a 1959) |
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Walker Evans (3. listopadu, 1903 – 10. dubna, 1975) byl americký fotograf známý svou prací pro společnost Farm Security Administration, a který dokumentoval dopady velké hospodářské krize v roce 1929.
Narodil se v St. Louis ve státě Missouri do zámožné rodiny. Vystudoval Phillips Academii v Andoveru. Vystudoval francouzskou literaturu. Po roce stráveném v Paříži se vrátil do New Yorku, aby se připojil k tamním umělcům a literátům jako byli například jeho kamarádi John Cheever, Hart Crane a Lincoln Kirstein.
Evans v roce 1933 fotografoval na Kubě pro vydavatele Carletona Bealse materiál pro knihu The Crime of Cuba, revolty proti diktátorovi Gerardo Machadovi. Na Kubě se také seznámil s Ernestem Hemingwayem.
Roku 1935 Evans pracoval pro organizaci Resettlement Administration (RA) v Západní Virginii a Pensylvánii. Od října pokračoval na práci pro RA a později přešel k Farm Security Administration (FSA), převážně působící v Jižních státech.
Evans zemřel v New Havenu v Connecticutu v roce 1975.
Zastoupení ve sbírkách
- Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA.[1]
- Floyd Burroughs
- Bethlehem Pa 1935
- Sun Coffee Canal St, 1935
- Middle class houses in Birmingham
- Alabama miners' houses near Birmingham
- Frank Tengle
- Elizabeth a Ida Ruth Tengle, Hale County, Alabama
Související články
- ↑ THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO. Featured Works [online]. USA: Art Institute of Chicago, 2009 [cit. 2009-08-11]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
- "Furniture Store Sign, Birmingham, Alabama"
- Walker Evans Entry on the St. Louis Walk of Fame
- Walker Evans exhibition in the argus fotokunst art gallery in Berlin.
- Walker Evans or is It? Digital Reproductions
- Rathbone, Belinda. Walker Evans: A Biography. [s.l.]: Thomas Allen & Son Ltd., 2002. ISBN 0-618-05672-6.
- Storey, Isabelle. Walker's Way: My Years With Walker Evans. [s.l.]: powerHouse Books, 2007. Dostupné online. ISBN 978-1-57687-362-5.
- HAMBOURG, Maria Morris, Jeff Rosenheim, Douglas Eklund, Mia Fineman. Walker Evans. [s.l.]: Princeton University Press / The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000. ISBN 0-691-11965-1.
- Alexis Scwarzenbach, Douglas Eklund. Unclassified: A Walker Evans Anthology. Maria Morris Hambourg. [s.l.]: Scalo / The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000. Dostupné online. ISBN 3-908247-21-7.
- LEICHT, Michael. Wie Katie Tingle sich weigerte, ordentlich zu posieren und Walker Evans darüber nicht grollte. [s.l.]: transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2006. ISBN 3-89942-436-0.
Externí odkazy
Obrázky, zvuky či videa k tématu Walker Evans na Wikimedia Commons
- Biography of the artist Walker Evans from the J. Paul Getty Museum
- Tod Papageorge on Walker Evans and Robert Frank
- Walker Evans catalogue in artnet's Artist Works Catalogues
Média použitá na této stránce
"New Orleans downtown street, Louisiana" c. December 1935.
View shows Canal Street from near the foot, at Front Street on the lower side of Canal, looking away from the River. Abundant business signs are on the block, with that for Sun Coffee Shop closest, the business being on the corner at the right. The pole marking a barber shop is just beyond. Other signs seen include "Oriental Laundry -- Not in the Trust" and restaurants with ads for Regal Beer and Luzianne Coffee. In full resolution version, chalk board menus on street can be read; note the prices are in cents.
Allie Mae Burroughs
TITLE: Elizabeth and Ida Ruth Tengle, Hale County, Alabama
CALL NUMBER: LC-USF33- 031311-M4 [P&P]
REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-USF3301-031311-M4 (b&w film dup. neg.)
MEDIUM: 1 negative : nitrate ; 35 mm.
Evans, Walker, 1903-1975, photographer.
Title and other information from caption card.
Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Division; 1944.
More information about the FSA/OWI Collection is available at http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.fsaowi
United States--Alabama--Hale County.
Nitrate negatives.
PART OF: Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection (Library of Congress)
REPOSITORY: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, DC 20540 USA http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print
DIGITAL ID: (digital file from intermediary roll film) fsa 8a44544 http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/fsa.8a44544
CONTROL #: fsa1998016901/PPMiddle class houses of the town. Birmingham, Alabama. Farm Security Agency. Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, DC 20540 http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print. DIGITAL ID: (digital file from T01 duplicate negative) fsa 8c52172 http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/fsa.8c52172
TITLE: Sunday singing
CALL NUMBER: LOT 991, vol. 2 [item] [P&P]
REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-USZ62-13830 (b&w film copy neg.)
RIGHTS INFORMATION: No known restrictions on publication.
SUMMARY: Photograph shows Frank Tengle, an Alabama sharecropper, and family singing hymns.
MEDIUM: 1 photographic print.
CREATED/PUBLISHED: [1935 or 1936]
Evans, Walker, 1903-1975, photographer.
In album: The house and the family of Frank Tengle near Moundville, Hale County, Ala.
By Walker Evans for the U.S. Resettlement Administration.
Families--Alabama--1930-1940. Sharecroppers--Alabama--1930-1940. Sabbaths--Alabama--1930-1940. Singing--Alabama--1930-1940.
Photographic prints 1930-1940.
REPOSITORY: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
DIGITAL ID: (digital file from b&w film copy neg.) cph 3a16117 http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/cph.3a16117
CONTROL #: 2007675777TITLE: Alabama miners' houses near Birmingham, Alabama
CALL NUMBER: LC-USF342- 001154-A [P&P]
REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-USF342-T01-001154-A (b&w film dup. neg.)
MEDIUM: 1 negative : nitrate ; 8 x 10 inches or smaller.
Evans, Walker, 1903-1975, photographer.
Title and other information from caption card.
LOT 1604 (Location of corresponding print.)
Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division.
More information about the FSA/OWI Collection is available at http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.fsaowi
Miners' housing--Alabama
United States--Alabama--Jefferson County--Birmingham.
Nitrate negatives.
PART OF: Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection
REPOSITORY: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, DC 20540 http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print
DIGITAL ID: (digital file from T01 duplicate negative) fsa 8c52075 http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/fsa.8c52075
CONTROL #: fsa1998017989/PPTITLE: Roadside stand near Birmingham, Alabama
CALL NUMBER: LC-USF342- 008253 [P&P]
REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-DIG-fsa-8c52874 (digital file from dup. neg.) LC-DIG-ppmsc-00239 (digital file from print) LC-USF342-T01-008253 (b&w film dup. neg.)
RIGHTS INFORMATION: No known restrictions on publication.
MEDIUM: 1 negative ; 8 x 10 inches or smaller.
Evans, Walker, 1903-1975, photographer.
Title and other information from caption card.
Additional information about this photograph might be available through the Flickr Commons project at https://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/3549662882
Digital file made from the preservation duplicate negative, not the original negative.
LOT 4725 (Location of corresponding print.)
Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Division; 1944.
More information about the FSA/OWI Collection is available at http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.fsaowi
Film copy on SIS roll 18, frame 547.
United States--Alabama--Jefferson County--Birmingham.
Film negatives.
PART OF: Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection
REPOSITORY: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, DC 20540 USA http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print
DIGITAL ID: (digital file from duplicate neg.) fsa 8c52874 http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/fsa.8c52874 (original print) ppmsc 00239 http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ppmsc.00239
CONTROL #: fsa1998021020/PPWalker Evans, 1903-1975, photographer.
Floyd Burroughs, cotton sharecropper. Hale County, Alabama
[1935 or 1936]
1 negative : nitrate ; 8 x 10 inches or smaller.
Title and other information from caption card.
Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Division; 1944.
Floyd Burroughs--Alabama
United States--Alabama--Hale County.
Format: Nitrate negatives.
Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.
Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, DC 20540, http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print
Part Of: Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection
More information about the FSA/OWI Collection is available at http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.fsaowi
Persistent URL: http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ppmsc.00244