Wilhelm von Plüschow

Wilhelm von Plüschow
Gloeden, Wilhelm von (1856-1931) - n. 2415 - Domenico Lo Giudice.jpg
Narození18. srpna 1852
Úmrtí3. ledna 1930 (ve věku 77 let)
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Wilhelm von Plüschow portrétovaný svým bratrancem Wilhelmem von Gloedenem, asi 1890

Guglielmo Plüschow (roz. Wilhelm von Plüschow; 18. srpna 1852 Wismar3. ledna 1930), byl německý fotograf, který se později přestěhoval do Itálie a stal se známý fotografickými akty převážně mužů, ale i žen. Byl bratrancem Wilhelma von Gloedena, který se o něco později než on začal také zabývat fotografií aktu a Plüschowa brzy zastínil. Plüschow byl několikrát v rozporu se zákonem a také v trestním řízení ve věcech dětí a mladistvých. Dnes jsou jeho fotografie uznávány za svou uměleckou hodnotu, i když jsou obecně považovány za poněkud nižší kvalitu než díla Wilhelma von Gloedena kvůli méně půvabnému zacházení se světlem a někdy formální kompozicí modelů.


Narodil se 18. srpna 1852 ve Wismaru jako nejstarší ze sedmi bratrů a sester. Jeho otec Friedrich Carl Eduard Plüschow byl nemanželské dítě velkovévody Fredericka Louise Mecklenburského a jeho rodina bydlela na zámku Plüschow.

Na začátku 70. let 19. století se odstěhoval do Říma a změnil si křestní jméno "Wilhelm" na italský ekvivalent "Guglielmo". Zpočátku vydělával na živobytí jako obchodník s vínem, ale brzy se vrátil k mužské a ženské fotografii aktu. Později působil také v Neapoli, mimo jiné uzavřel smlouvy na portrétování Nina Cesariniho, mladého milence barona Jacques d'Adelswärd-Fersena v jeho domě Villa Lysis na Capri.

Jedním z více slavných modelů Plüschowa byl Vincenzo Galdi, který byl pravděpodobně také Plüschowovým milencem. Galdi se později stal také fotografem a majitelem galerie umění.



Srovnání kompozic u různých autorů v různých dobách. Podobné kompozice vytvářeli Wilhelm von Gloeden, Fred Holland Day, Hippolyte Flandrin, Wilhelm von Plüschow, Gaetano D'Agata[1], Tony Patrioli nebo Robert Mapplethorpe.[2]



  1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/63839718@N00/295855793/
  2. Latimer, Tirza True (2005). Women together/women apart: portraits of lesbian Paris. Rutgers University Press, pp. 71–73. ISBN 0-8135-3595-6.


  • Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller: Plüschow, Wilhelm ("Guglielmo") In: Biographisches Lexikon für Mecklenburg. Rostock: Schmidt-Römhild. 2001, S. 190-192 ISBN 3-7950-3713-1
  • Bernhard Albers (Hrsg.): Galdi. Gloeden. Plüschow. Aktaufnahmen aus der Sammlung Uwe Scheid. Rimbaud Presse, Aachen 1993
  • Et in Arcadia ego. Fotografien von Wilhelm von Gloeden, Guglielmo Plüschow und Vincenzo Galdi. Edition Oehrli, Zürich 2000
  • Volker Janssen (Hrsg.): Wilhelm von Gloeden, Wilhelm von Plüschow, Vincenzo Galdi: Italienische Jünglings-Photographien um 1900, Janssen Verlag, Berlin 1991
  • Marina Miraglia: Guglielmo Plüschow alla ricerca del bello ideale, in: "AFT (Archivio Fotografico Toscano)", IV 7, luglio 1988, S. 62-67
  • Ulrich Pohlmann: Wer war Guglielmo Plüschow?, "Fotogeschichte", n. 29, VIII 1988, S. 33-38. Digitalisat
  • Bruce Russel, Wilhelm von Gloeden, Wilhelm von Plüschow. Two photo essays. I Von Plüschow: toward a definition of his canon. In: "Visual communication", IX, spring 1983, n. 2, str. 57-59 & 65-71.
  • Uwe Scheid, Il vero nudo: Aktstudien von Guglielmo Plüschow, "Fotogeschichte" n. 29, VIII 1988, str. 9-21.
  • Peter Weiermair, Guglielmo Plüschow, Taschen Verlag, Köln 1994, ISBN 3-8228-9042-1
  • Winckelmann (pseud.), A rediscovered boy-photographer. Guglielmo Plüschow (1852–1930), "Gayme" n. III 1, 1996, str. 22-30.

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Gloeden, Wilhelm von (1856-1931) - n. G 0263 - Caino, ca. 1902.jpg
Wilhelm von Gloeden (1856–1931), Cain. Larger size catalogue # 0263 (30 x 40 cm). After a painting by Hippolyte Flandrin (1805-1864) at the Louvre Museum. This is one of the most famous pictures by Gloeden. It sold by thousands of copies worldwide, and was advertised in the first homosexual periodicals. This is the same model and settings as in the pictures n. 2742 (see below) and n. 2837.
Plüschow, Wilhelm von (1852-1930) - Italienerin aus den Sabiinergen.jpg
Wilhelm von Plüschow (1852-1930). Woman from the Sabinian Mountains, posing naked. Unknown catalogue number.
Nino Cesarini in Villa Lysis (met diens portret van Paul Höcker).jpg
Wilhelm von Plüschow (1852-1930), Backside of a nude boy. Catalogue number: 12276. It represents an unknown nude model lying on a couch in Villa Lysis at Capri. In front of him, a portrait of Nino Cesarini, boyfriend to baron Jacques d'Adelswärd-Fersen, painted by Paul Hoecker (1904), is hanging on the wall. A colour picture of the painting can be seen here.
Gloeden, Wilhelm von (1856-1931) - n. 2415 - Domenico Lo Giudice.jpg
Wilhelm von Gloeden (1856-1931), Portrait of a gentleman (circa 1890). Catalogue number: 2415. This portrait was first recognised as showing Gloeden's cousin, the photographer Wilhelm von Plüschow (1852-1930) in 1997, in the antiquarian catalogue # 5 by Serge Planteux, item # 193, and since accepted. However, The Metropolitan Museum in New York published online another portrait of the same sitter playing a mandolin, inscribed on the reverse with a dedication calling him "Mico Lo Giudice-Berbiredolu ("Barbiredolu" clearly comes from a misreading of an handwritten "du" as "olu"), the magician of mandolin". Mario Bolognari, who wrote I ragazzi di von Gloeden. Poetiche omosessuali e rappresentazioni dell'erotismo siciliano tra Ottocento e Novecento (Reggio Calabria, 2012) recognized him as Domenico (called "Mico") Lo Giudice (1871-1942), dubbed "Barbareddu" ("The little barbarian") or "Barbireddu", a nickname his grand-grand-children in Taormina still bear today. Since this is a really existing person, this identification should be considered the most likely one, since no-one would mis-give a picture of a famous sitter for the one of an unkwnown one, whereas the reverse is easier.
Pluschow, Wilhelm von - Ritratto di Vincenzo Galdi, Posillipo (Napoli), 1895 ca..jpg
Wilhelm von Plüschow (1852-1930), n. 1335. Vincenzo Galdi (1871-1961), at Mergellina, located on the hill of Posillipo (Naples), behind the church of Piedigrotta, whose belltower can be noticed behind the model (1890 ca.). Galdi become a photographer of the male and female nude himself, until 1907.
Plüschow, Wilhelm von (1852-1930) - n. 0340 - Pompéï , Rue des tombeaux.jpg
Wilhelm von Plueschow (1852-1930), "Pompéï, Rue des tombeaux" (Pompeii, road of the graves"). Catalogue # 340. Stamped on back: "Guglielmo Pluschow, Napoli".
Plüschow, Wilhelm von - n. 345 - Pompéï, Tombeau.jpg
Wilhelm von Plüschow (1852-1930). "Pompéï, Tombeau" ("Pompei, a grave"). Catalogue # 345.
Plüschow, Wilhelm von (1852-1930) - n. 847 - Frascati, route de Tusculum.jpg
Wilhelm von Pluschow (1852-1930) - "Frascati, Route de Tusculum" ("Frascati, road to Tusculum"). Catalogue # 847. Stamped on back: "Guglielmo Pluschow, Napoli".
Gloeden, Wilhelm von (1856-1931) - n. 0263 - Caino, ca. 1902.jpg
Wilhelm von Gloeden (1856–1931), Cain. Larger size catalogue # 0263 (30 x 40 cm). After a painting by Hippolyte Flandrin (1805-1864) at the Louvre Museum. This is one of the most famous pictures by Gloeden. It sold by thousands of copies worldwide, and was advertised in the first homosexual periodicals. This is the same model and settings as in the pictures n. 2742 (see below) and n. 2837.
Plüschow, Wilhelm von (1852-1930) - n. 1170 recto.jpg
Wilhelm von Plüschow (1852-1930), Edoardo before a mock-door on an Ancient Roman grave, in Pompeii. Catalogue #, 1170.
Plüschow, Wilhelm von (1852-1930) - n. 0352 - Pompéï.jpg
Wilhelm von Plueschow (1852-1930), "Pompéï". House of Marcus Epidius Rufus. Catalogue # 352. Stamped on back: "Guglielmo Pluschow, Napoli".
Pluschow, Wilhelm von (1852-1930) - n. 7838 - Villa Falconeri ca 1890.jpg
Wilhelm von Plüschow (1852-1930), Draped boy or woman at Villa Falconieri in Frascati, Italy. Catalogue # 7838.
Gloeden, Wilhelm von (1856-1931) - n. 2417 - Domenico Lo Giudice.jpg
Wilhelm von Gloeden (1856-1931), Portrait of a gentleman playing a mandolin on the staircase of Gloeden's villa in Taormina. Catalogue number: 2417. A portrait of the same sitter was first recognised as showing Gloeden's cousin, the photographer Wilhelm von Plüschow (1852-1930) in 1997, in the antiquarian catalogue # 5 by Serge Planteux, item # 193, and since accepted. However, The Metropolitan Museum in New York published online another portrait of the same sitter playing a mandolin, inscribed on the reverse with a dedication calling him "Mico Lo Giudice-Berbiredolu, the magician of mandolin. (From the director of Milan's Conservatory)". ("Barbiredolu" clearly comes from a misreading of an handwritten "du" as "olu"). Mario Bolognari, who wrote I ragazzi di von Gloeden. Poetiche omosessuali e rappresentazioni dell'erotismo siciliano tra Ottocento e Novecento (Reggio Calabria, 2012) recognized him as Domenico (called "Mico") Lo Giudice (1871-1942), dubbed "Barbareddu" ("The little barbarian") or "Barbireddu" ("the little barber"), a nickname his grand-grand-children in Taormina still bear today. Since this is a really existing person, this identification should be considered the most likely one, since no-one would mis-give a picture of a famous sitter for the one of an unkwnown one, whereas the reverse is easier.