Willem van de Velde mladší
Willem van de Velde ml. | |
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Narození | 18. prosince 1633 Leiden |
Úmrtí | 6. dubna 1707 (ve věku 73 let) Greenwich |
Místo pohřbení | St James’s Church, Piccadilly |
Povolání | malíř a kreslíř |
Rodiče | Willem van de Velde |
Příbuzní | Adriaen van de Velde[1] (sourozenec) |
Významná díla | Ships on a Calm Sea Ships in the Roads Ships in a calm |
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Willem van de Velde mladší (prosinec 1633 – 6. dubna 1707) byl nizozemský malíř, syn Willema van de Velde staršího, stejně jako jeho otec se specializující na mariny. Jeho bratr Adriaen van de Velde byl také umělec.
Willem van de Velde byl pokřtěn 18. prosince 1633 v Leidenu. Učil se od svého otce a poté Simona de Vliegera, tehdy známého malíře marin. Sám byl známý již v době, kdy odešel Londýna.[2] Byl také ovlivněn dílem nizozemského umělce Jana van de Cappelle, který vynikal v malování zatažené oblohy, přičemž mraky se často odrážely v klidných vodách. Van de Velde mladší spolupracoval se svým otcem, zkušeným kreslířem, který připravoval studie bitev, událostí a moře, zatímco syn maloval obrazy. Otce a syna vyhnali z Nizozemska politické a ekonomické následky války s Francouzi, a roku 1673 se přestěhovali do Anglie.[3] Zde byli angažováni Karlem II. s platem 100 liber. Sponzoroval je také vévoda z Yorku a různí šlechtici.[2]
Willem van de Velde mladší zemřel 6. dubna 1707 v Londýně[2] a byl pohřben v kostele sv. Jakuba v Piccadilly. V kostele je i pamětní deska věnovaná jemu a jeho otci.


Většina z nejlepších děl Van de Veldeho jsou pohledy z pobřeží Holandska s nizozemskými loděmi. Jeho nejlepší díla jsou delikátní, temperamentní, dopracovaná a korektně zobrazují plavidla a jejich vybavení. Četné lidské postavy jsou přesvědčivé a umělec je úspěšný v malbě moře, ať už v klidu nebo při bouři.[2] Lodě jsou zobrazovány s téměř fotografickou přesností a jsou nejpřesnějšími dostupnými ilustracemi vzhledu lodí v 17. století.
Významné sbírky obrazů a kreseb Van de Veldeho jsou uloženy v Londýně v Národní galerii,[5] Národním námořním muzeu[6] a ve Wallaceově sbírce;[7] dále v Rijksmuseu[8] v Amsterdamu a v Národní galerii[9] ve Washingtonu.
- Bitva u Texelu, malováno 1687
- Holandská zápalná loď napadá britskou vlajkovou loď Royal James v bitvě u Solebay
- HMS St Andrew na moři v mírném vánku, kol. 1673
- Kotvící lodě, snad 70. léta 16. století
- Anglická loď Hampton Court v bouři, asi 80. léta 16. století
- Rybářské lodě za bezvětří, asi 1655-60
- Vstup do nizozemského přístavu, asi 1665, Metropolitní muzeum umění
V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Willem van de Velde the Younger na anglické Wikipedii.
- ↑ Union List of Artist Names. 20. listopadu 2017. Dostupné online. [cit. 2021-05-21]
- ↑ a b c d Chisholm 1911.
- ↑ [s.l.]: [s.n.] Dostupné online. ISBN 978-1-55595-257-0.
- ↑ Dostupné online.
- ↑ Dostupné online.
- ↑ Dostupné online.
- ↑ Dostupné online.
- ↑ www.rijksmuseum.nl. Dostupné online.
- ↑ Dostupné online.
- Jeroen Giltaij, Jan Kelch (Hrsg.): Herren der Meere, Meister der Kunst. Das holländische Seebild im 17. Jahrhundert. Berlin, Rotterdam 1996, ISBN 90-6918-174-6.
- Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Vandevelde, William". Encyclopædia Britannica. 27 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 887.
- Margareta Russell: Willem van de Velde de Jonge. Het IJ voor Amsterdam met de Gouden Leeuw (Palet Serie 2). Bloemendaal 1992, ISBN 90-230-0768-9.
- M. S. Robinson: Van de Velde Drawings. A catalogue of Drawings in the National Maritime Museum [Greenwich] made by the elder and the younger Willem van de Velde, Cambridge 1958.
- M. S. Robinson: The Willem van de Velde Drawings in the Boymans-van Beunigen Museum Rotterdam, 3 Bände, Rotterdam 1979.
- M. S. Robinson: Van de Velde Drawings in the National Maritime Museum, 2 Bände, Greenwich 1973–1974.
- H. P. Baard: Willem van de Velde de oude, Willem van de Velde de jonge, Amsterdam 1942.
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Média použitá na této stránce
The Gouden Leeuw at the Battle of Texel. It was a naval battle near Den Helder between a Dutch and a Franco-English fleet on August 11, 1673. It was the last major battle of the Third Anglo-Dutch War. The Gouden Leeuw (Golden Lion) was the flagship of Lieutenant Admiral Cornelis Tromp. Painting made by Willem van de Velde (II), 1687.
(c) Ghowells na projektu Wikipedie v jazyce angličtina, CC BY-SA 3.0
A picture of the painting "An English Man-o-War in a Gale" by Willem van de Velde the younger taken in Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery on March 3rd 2012.
The Burning of the Royal James at the Battle of Solebay, 28 May 1672
The Battle of Solebay was the opening battle of the Third Anglo-Dutch War, 1672-74. On the evening before, Admiral Edward Montagu, 1st Earl of Sandwich, urged the Duke of York to take the fleet to sea to avoid the risk of being surprised by the Dutch while at anchor on a lee shore in Solebay (Southwold Bay, Suffolk) on the English east coast. The advice was not taken and the Dutch fleet, commanded by Lieutenant-Admiral Michiel de Ruyter, did appear and attacked Sandwich's unsupported squadron in the bay. Sandwich, in the 'Royal James', 100 guns, was heavily engaged with the squadron of Admiral Van Ghent, who sent in two fireships. The 'Royal James' sank them both but a third fireship, commanded by Jan van de Rijn, grappled the English flagship and set her ablaze. When she was engulfed by the flames Sandwich tried to escape by boat, but it was swamped by people who jumped into her with him and he was drowned.
In the left foreground is a Dutch ship sinking, viewed from off the port bow, with only the fore part above the water but with bowsprit and foremast still standing. This is presumably a fireship expended in an attempt to burn the 'Royal James'. In the left background is the de Ruyter's 'Zeven Provincien', 80 guns, in starboard-quarter view with a pendant at the main. She is engaged to port with the English vice-admiral of the blue, Sir Joseph Jordan in the 'Royal Sovereign'. Her blue flag at the fore is shown above the smoke as she stands back towards the 'Royal James' after a vain attempt to weather the Dutch. Ahead of de Ruyter is the rear-admiral of his squadron, J. van Nes in the 'Ridderschap'. The 'Royal James dominates the right side of the painting. She is shown in port-broadside view with Jan van Rijn's fireship, the 'Vrede', in flames and about to run aboard her by the fore chains. The 'Royal James' has her torn topsails set and her fore and main courses have the clews hauled up. Sandwich's blue flag at the main is blowing out in the light wind. Men are shown jumping overboard and hanging to the rigging to avoid the fire both fore and aft.
On the right, sailing past the 'Royal James's' port quarter, is a Dutch vice-admiral, viewed from the port bow, with a flag at the fore and pendant at the main. She is under a fore course, a clewed main course, main and mizzen topsails and with her fore topsail much torn and half lowered. In the right foreground is the ship's boat in which the fireship's crew is escaping after setting light to their vessel.
The artist was the younger son of Willem van de Velde the Elder. Born in Leiden, he studied under Simon de Vlieger in Weesp and in 1652 moved back to Amsterdam. There he worked in his father's studio and developed the skill of carefully drawing and painting ships in tranquil settings. He changed his subject matter, however, when he came with his father to England in 1672, by working on views of royal yachts, men-of-war and on storm scenes. From 1672 the depiction of sea battles from the English side became a priority but unlike his father's they were not usually eyewitness accounts. However, from early 1674 both the van de Veldes were expressly patronized by Charles II for this purpose, the father to draw sea fights and the son - who was by far the more accomplished painter - 'for putting the said Draughts into Colours'. After his father's death in 1693 he was officially engaged to be present at and record significant maritime events. He continued to run a substantial and influential studio until his own death and with his father, especially as a painter, he is regarded as founder of the English school of marine painting. The painting is signed 'W.V.Velde J' on the back of the canvas and 'W.V.Velde' on a spar on the left.
The ship was rebuilt and renamed HMS Royal Anne in 1703
An oil painting by Dutch Golden Age artist Willem Van De Velde, in the Wallace Collection, c. 1655-1660, entitled "Calm: Fishing Boats Under Sail"
Autor: Tedster007, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
A memorial to Willem van de Velde the Older and the Younger in St James's Church, Piccadilly.