Överenhörna kyrka
Oscar Halldin
808 x 600 Pixel (40592 Bytes)
Notera Av dokumentationsskäl har originalbeskrivningen från Riksantikvarieämbetet behållits. Tillrättalägganden och alternativa beskrivningar bör införas separat från nedanstående information.
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Kyrkan och dess omgivning mot nordöst.Felaktigheter kan även anmälas till denna sida.
Kategori: (01) Exteriörer
Komentář k Licence:
This Swedish photograph is in the public domain in Sweden because one of the following applies:
- The photograph does not reach the Swedish threshold of originality (common for snapshots and journalistic photos) and was created before 1 January 1974 (SFS 1960:729, § 49a).
- The photograph was published anonymously before 1 January 1954 and the author did not reveal their identity during the following 70 years (SFS 1960:729, § 44).
For photos in the first category created before 1969, also {{PD-1996}} usually applies. For photos in the second category published before 1929, also {{PD-US-expired}} usually applies.
If the photographer died before 1954, {{PD-old-70}} should be used instead of this tag. If the author died before 1926, also {{PD-1996}} usually applies.
Public domain
Oscar Halldin / Kulturmiljöbild, Riksantikvarieämbetet
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This file was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the Swedish National Heritage Board as part of the cooperation project Connected Open Heritage with Wikimedia Sverige. | ![]() |
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This file was made available by Riksantikvarieämbetet as part of the Connected Open Heritage project. The project is led by Wikimedia Sverige in cooperation with UNESCO, Wikimedia Italia and Cultural Heritage without Borders and is financed by a project grant from the Culture Foundation of the Swedish Postcode Lottery. | ![]() |
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Relevantní články
Oscar HalldinCarl Oscar Halldin byl švédský dokumentární a dvorní fotograf. Je považován za jednoho z prvních švédských novinářských fotografů a je známý svými fotografiemi ze vzduchu, leteckými snímky pořízenými z balónu. .. pokračovat ve čtení