05C243 roman hair pin

(c) The Portable Antiquities Scheme/ The Trustees of the British Museum, CC BY-SA 2.0

The Portable Antiquities Scheme, Wendy Scott, 2005-09-09 11:53:39
1704 x 2272 Pixel (635944 Bytes)
Roman copper alloy hair pin, 84mm long and 8mm wide. The object is in good condition with a brown patina and weighs 8.57 grams. It consists of a circular shaft, 4mm in diameter, which is centrally decorated with three incised loops, 15mm apart. The pin head is in the form of a bird, either a chicken or a dove? The bird is perched on the end of the pin and has a solid kinked leg. It has a rectangular body and fanned tail. The body has one cup and ring mark at the front of each side and the tail has a central one in its upper surface. It has a curving neck and large round head with a pointy beak and a further cup and ring for its eye. The shaft of the pin has snapped cleanly off at the point of a fourth incised loop.
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