12 Sammlung Eybl (Slg.Nr. 1284) I vy občané - 1917, A. Erhardt


A. Erhardt

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Österreich-Ungarn: A. Erhardt. I vy občané… (You too, citizens, on to the fight! Draw 7th War Loan). 123 x 90 cm 1917.. (Slg.Nr. 1284)

The invitation to subscribe for war bonds, turned to the citizens in the back lands, whose sons were often at the front as soldiers. In such cases, parents should make money available for support. Here the father is in the same resolute pose behind the uniformed son. When the old man is no longer physically able to move with the son in the war, so he can support by subscribing war bonds that he holds in his hand. The eyes of father and son are almost identical, ready to fight everyone on his way to the victory.

The various localities in the background symbolize the span of the Austrian population - of Central European villages to Mediterranean settlements. All are part of a large family - the Empire of Austria-Hungary.
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Sammlung Eybl, Plakatmuseum Wien
Public domain
Sammlung Eybl, Plakatmuseum Wien
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