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Lenz's law: When electromagnet is switched on, magnetic flux around the ring increases, which causes induction of electric current in the ring. This current creates magnetic field, which opposes to the reason for its existence and that is the rise of the flux. That is the reason why the ring tries to "escape" from that place. When the electromagnet is switched off the process is reversed, but still the ring opposes to the reason for induction of current in itself. Prepared, performed and explained by Prof. Oliver Zajkov at the Physics Institute at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia.
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Lenzův zákon

Lenzův zákon je fyzikální zákon popisující vztah mezi elektrickým proudem a změnou magnetického indukčního toku. Zákon formuloval německý fyzik Heinrich Lenz. .. pokračovat ve čtení